similar things are happening in the veterinary world where pet parents and veterinarians are not being informed of side effects. I have several articles on my Substack on pharma repurposing drugs to vet med.

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22 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Science followed is propaganda created. Science is raw and never static. It has no owner. A forever incomplete discipline of human invention that must be infinitely pliable, malleable, challengeable and even rejectable. It must be led. It can never be tamed. To attempt otherwise is a fools errand that always leads to scientific corruption, bastardization and ultimately the creation of the antithesis of true science....that is propagandized political "science".

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"It must be lead," you mean led? Aside from my confusion on that point I thank you for your very beautifully written and wise comment. Such writing is unusual because these existential matters mostly defy expression in words.

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typo fixed. Led it is.

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Abolishing the AMA and the FDA would be a good start to a reform program, and crooked medical boards need to go first.

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Big Pharma nurture those who will, one day, help them increase their fortunes. At the expense of humanity! The start from an early age during medical student's education process.

Merck write the rules around which illnesses they can benefit from most, which medicines they make most profit from and they hide ill effects from the students.

They probably also enjoy the liberty of 'ZERO LIABILITY' for injuries and DEATHS that are caused by their medicines. That's how corrupt the medical industry and system really is. Aided and abetted by those supposed to be policing their actions.

These corrupt scumbags, like the FDSA, CDC, NIH, etc, take a slice of the profits for assisting (aiding and abetting) in teaching 'murder by medicine' - particularly the mRNA Death Shots!

Unjabbed mick (UK) Ready to fight dirty against those that mean to harm or Cull us by medicine!

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People don’t realize that they are evil, or deceived, usually. The most ridiculous lies AND truths are being trumpeted about and few seem to notice. One ridiculous truth: a while back Boston Medical College (I believe, I may be misremembering) proudly announce in the news that they had created in the lab a version of Covid that is 80% fatal! What??!! And this was just reported offhand in the news with no outrage, after so many had supposedly died and suffered from a Covid that was 1% fatal. Maybe it was a test to see if anyone was paying attention? Or to show that no one can do anything against it?

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Evolution and energies. We are creating new realities. Love and gratitude to all.

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And I’m still called a conspiracy whacko.

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