I've kept my mouth shut in order to keep friends and my job but Dr. Blaylock's article might get shared far and wide. I'm tired of the ignorance out there. When did everyone stop QUESTIONING things?

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Thanks for a great rundown of the COVID news. Fauci, ‘The Science”, and Collins have some explaining to do.


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Dear FLCCC Alliance community or FLC³ common Unity?

I am hearing some very detailed investigations of symptoms of dysfunction. The digger digs a nice hole into the darkness full of high resolution information on the dysfunction of our system that exists inside a dead or several dead democracies... but this is a postmortem examination of a zombie system being animated by financial necromancy. I hold that no meaningful change will be achieved inside this corpse until or unless we recognize the status of the system as being dead and beyond recovery. I hold that focusing into the dead may help us understand the cause of the death of democracies but this will not help us to change that dead thing.

... Can we hope to resurrect democracies when all such beings need truth to Breathe? First we must provide an environment where democracies can thrive then we can try and give birth to new ones... but resurrecting the un-dead that are under the control of organized crime is an exercise in futility in my opinion.

We must work to overcome the core of the disease rather than dealing with a corpse that is beyond our help... we must deal with systemic dysfunction and the malignancy infecting and inflicting Earth and Humanity... no?

In any case thank you again for all the good investigation work Dear Digger and I will go and learn more... hear my screen reader read more here... Just saying time is short and the real enemy is outside this sand box we are playing in now... we must look up and beyond the dead system we are in for meaningful solutions?

I am Grave as Sativarg and do not apologize for such gravitaS. Still I am sorry for the darkness that I can not avoid bringing here with my passion...

The light is not far off and the only way to get there is through the darkness? So "Bless God, America. Stand beside Him and abide Him through the night in the Light from above?"


chuck 🔥💖🔥

this is a third attempt to comment if redundant then sorry?

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FLCCC - This report just might make the dam (damn) burst 💥 ! I stopped sending Covid news in January 2022, figuring those who believed what they were reading — or weren’t sick from or of it — would continue investigating on their own.

I even sent them a list of Covid Essential Links which, of course, included FLCCC. However, I now plan to send THIS report to friends, ex-friends, family, and ex-family. If this capsule doesn’t “blue pill” them, nothing will💊, especially the article by Dr. Blaylock: https://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/covid-update-what-is-the-truth/

Love your graphics, your information, AND your style. Thank you, FLCCC.

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Typical and disgusting that the U.S. News and World Report article about Dr. Varone mentioned NOTHING about him using IVM.

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That "doc-nurse conversation" cartoon from FLCCC (looks like the 1950s--docs in the hospital & esp. in ICU wear scrubs not suits, & nurses stopped wearing caps decades ago) is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's a fiction, nobody talks like that. Makes FLCCC look even more dishonest than they already are.

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"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.


“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



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Talk about an article rife with paranoia and a network of elaborate conspiracy theories. We have been treating COVID-19 very aggressively from the very beginning with the best treatments known to medicine for acute viral pneumonia. The notion that we have not is a lie being foisted on you by prickly snobs who have never actively treated an Intensive Care patient at that patient’s bedside. Linda, RN MN

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