That sounds wonderful! Thank you to Dr. Been who has been on the frontline of this crisis from the beginning. What a warrior for truth and hero for humanity!

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I watched a lot of Dr. Been's videos early in COVID, but then was put off when the "vaccines" came out and he took a pro-shot position. Later, of course, he "wised up", but it took him a while, just like the British nurse-educator Dr. John Campbell started off "drinking the Kool-aid" about the shots. Better late than never! It is just insane, however, that SO MANY thousands of other medical professionals are either still abysmally ignorant/deluded, or what? Bought-off? Blackmailed? Cowardly? Hypnotized? Stockholm Syndromed? Or really, really stupid, or insane? Only a tiny handful of United States doctors were awake enough and brave enough to stand up for what is right and buck the evil system with its Big Pharma-captured agencies. Some place I heard that they numbered something like only 400, out of about a million doctors in the U.S., who actually tried to proactively help COVID patients, and then the "vaccine" injured! God Bless the smart ones with courage!

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Here's another weakness in those responsible: inability to apply logic to medicine. When they first saw that, with the jab, they were asking the body to do two opposite things at once . . . produce spike proteins and produce antibodies against spike proteins, which the body had never done in its history on the planet . . . they should have said "hold the presses, not me or mine."

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I think the root cause of so many people falling for it is simply that they are way too trusting of authority, including the MSM. Nobody can "know everything about everything", so we each have to decide who we're going to trust. Our current culture, with massive amounts of information available, and constant pressure to "Do More!" and "Be More Successful!", sets people up to be duped. I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said; "Do Less". :-)

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Our school system trains kids to be followers, to be useful "cogs in the wheel" of society, and to not question authority or think for themselves. They spend their time memorizing "facts", but not how to think critically about that information.

They are bombarded with messages designed to make them good little "consumers", to buy the useless junk from China to increase corporate profits. So they are brainwashed to buy "the lastest" whatever so they will be impressive —part of the "in crowd" — with the latest shoe style or clothes fashion trend.

And then they grow up and want the newest, fanciest car and electronic devices, etc., to make them "Be Somebody". It is because people are not experiencing their core intrinsic value as human beings. They need to impress, to gain "acceptance", to be "cool", and all that superficial nonsense. They are trained like animals, to be "performing seals", puppets all! And so human "beings" become human "doings" who have to EARN their sense of value in order to fill the emptiness they feel inside. Tragic!

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Thanks FLCCC & Dr. Been.

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Thank you, Dr. Benn!

I very much appreciate knowing that the next time I need to access all the information on this site, it will be there.

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Sorry, I meant, "Dr. Been."

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This is an incredible resource. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. We are forever grateful.

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Spoiler Alert:

This Movie Doesn't End

Until After They Get The Young People

To Kill Their Own Parents.

Or At Least Turn Them In.


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Long COVID is something that occurs in patients who have Functional Disease, which is the most difficult thing to treat in all of Medicine. They also have Atypical Chest Pain, Spastic colon/Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Panic Disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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 MEP Anderson Commends the ‘Small Fringe Minority’: We Will Not Have to Justify Our Silence to Our Grandchildren (2 minutes)



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