Riddle Me This - - How does it make any sense that US citizens with photo ID-drivers licenses are still Physically Molested, yes - Thoroughly Groped, even grannies in wheelchairs, before they get on an airplane, while at the same time we have hundreds of thousands of illegals with no identification whatsoever, crossing the border - welcomed with open arms. Without so much as a "How do vou do?"

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I agree totally. But, what does this have to do with mental illness?

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Nothing really, it was just on my mind. I won’t do the scanners and am so incensed at being groped.

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Scanners? What you said is really true. What's going on in this Country is a joke.

Go to: Michael Yon's substack. He will explain in detail what is going on at the

Southern Border. I just read this week that our Federal Government is paying

landowners in Texas to build illegal alien camps on their property. It just keeps

getting worse.

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No riddle. You're just a nasty ignorant racist.

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Not at all, when I was a kid I was absolutely dumbfounded by the fact that 'Racism' even existed at all. I genuinely believed that within one generation, if every white person married a black person, that within one generation, there'd be no more problem. You see I had plans to fix the world even way back then! 😁🙃

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So what happened to you?

FYI ... Americans, as in the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, are not the illegals.

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Have you ever taken a math class? Did you learn anything? Do you know how to balance a budget? Do you know that a huge number of American citizens that live in my town don't make enough money to feed those kids lunch, so they all get free lunch at school even during the summer when they're not going to school? do you know there's a local mother on Facebook looking for housing, has a job and can't afford to even rent an apartment? Do you really believe that the United States can absorb the masses of all of the poor from south and central America? Don't you dare tell us that we racist and not compassionate. That is assuming you're human, and not a bot.

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USA only exists due to genocide of millions of tribal peoples and theft of the land.

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Don’t forget that a lot of those coming across the border are Latinos, i.e. descendants of Spaniards who were also colonists. It’s not just a white thang.

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The Chinese discovered America and the Native American is a genetic descendant of the Chinese and more specifically Southeast Asia . Mainland Southeast Asia is divided into the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, and the small city-state of Singapore at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula; Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

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One can only conclude they must be intent to destroy us from every angle possible.

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Pierre Kory’s statement on The Dark Horse podcast, episode, “ The war on ivermectin”. Dr. Kory commented to Bret Weinstein, “ I fight with my fists, Dr. Paul Marik fights with his heart.” Pierre you nailed it. And between Kory’s fists and Marik‘s heart, evil doesn’t stand a chance. ☺️

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 17, 2023

Is this one reason that after so many school shootings , the medical/psychiatric records are sealed? Going back to Columbine, at least one of those 2 shooters was self-withdrawing from some heavy psych meds! I remember reading about others over the decades. And how many suicides are related to psych meds??

Modern Pharma-Psychology is an industry of death

Great article! Thank you

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Feather journey - absolutely! If you get a chance, please check out Substack entitled, “ the forgotten side of medicine” by ‘A Midwestern Doctor” he does an amazing job chronicling the incidence of mass shootings and suicides after use of psych drugs.

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Thank you, Elizabeth ❤️

I restacked that stack article you mentioned! An excellent article…though disturbing and heartbreaking.

Years ago, I drove a school bus (a job I loved!) and I had a 6th grade male student on. He had recently been put on Ritalin. There were days when he skipped it…those days, he would sit behind me and talk my ear off but he was happy and a smart kid. I could tell when he hadn’t been able to “escape” his house without taking it (he didn’t like taking it) as he would sit quietly and to himself, staring out the window. Before the end of the school year, he committed suicide…11 yrs old.

Vaccines, psychotropic drugs, sexual deviancy being pushed in schools…our kids are under attack…for profit!

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Agree with all you said.

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Before going to a psycho-trist go first to a wholisitic medicine physician. The science is on his/her side.

Always do your own research first. No one will take care of your health with more determination than yourself!

Never google/bing/yahoo, better uncensored mojeek.com, gigablast.com, yandex.com(?), etc.

Never trust main journals (they are already co-opted by Big Pharmafia).

Remember how important gut microbiome is. My saying (based on many papers): "a yogurt a day, keeps the psychiatrist away"

Some examples I found (expand the comment to see all cases):

Anti-depressants “worsening depression and increased risk of suicidality” (1) or increasing “the risk of events that can lead to suicide and violence in adults with no sign of a mental disorder” (2):

(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6493906/

“Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors [SSRIs] may cause worsening of suicidal ideas in vulnerable patients “


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires "black box warnings" on all SSRIs, which state that they double suicidal ideation rates (from 2 in 1,000 to 4 in 1,000) in children and adolescents.

Lenzer J. "Antidepressants double suicidality in children, says FDA". 2006 BMJ. 332 (7542): 626. PMC 1403224. PMID 16543316 https://doi.org/10.1136%2Fbmj.332.7542.626-c

(2) https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/antidepressants-associated-with-increased-risk-of-suicidal-thoughts-in-healthy-adults

Some mental disorders are linked to gut microbiome:


It is VERY IMPORTANT to have in mind the unbelievably dangerous context we are living in:


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


2035 You'll go nowhere and you'll be happy =(


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc says: oops! I'm a complete IDIOT


Prof. Fred A. Nazar

PS some few cases of "mental" illnesses are just demonic possession. It's easy to test them: try if there's a reaction to a drop of Catholic or Orthodox holy water, without the person noticing it. Only those types of Priests can heal that type of spiritual problem.

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Dr. Tummala is correct. The resource links and citations are as well.

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Warrior - Learning the reality of what is communicated here, makes me very sad. I had an older sister, who was brilliant and beautiful. She was in Med school and had a mental breakdown back in the seventies. She was in and out of institutions all her life and died recently. It saddens me to know that there may have been a cure for her. She was always such a kind soul.

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A significant number of students had mental breakdowns in medical school due to the stress to succeed and perform. Some quit some committed suicide others went different routes. I am sorry that your sister went through that and I am sure that it occurred in her first or second year when the stress to perform is enormous.

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For years, I have personally called psychiatry and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs, the single biggest fraud of all medical sciences .

What is even more egregious, nefarious and worse, - is that WHEN a truly unique and different approach to healing disease comes along, and yes, - even curing many forms of mental illness, including, even the worst -schizophrenia , is quickly underminded, attacked, slandered and suppressed FOR DECADES, - by big corrupt pharma, whom has no end to their killing and harm for profit . AZT, VIOX , and now the more recent mRNA poison jab are sad examples of evil men at work, that will think nothing of killing or harm if they advance their own profit and power.

My lifetime super heroes at FLCCC such as Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Beth, et al. FLCCC alliance, well know the oppression and even slander doctors take if their healing therapy (hello Ivermectin) or even CURE, isn't fully embraced by ugly big pharma corruption which now has Hey even captured the CDC, BIG, FDA and more.

The Fox is guarding the hen house!

But - Don't take my word for it.

Ask TWO of the greatest and giants, of career psychiatrists that ever LIVED.

1. Canadian giant Dr. Abram Hoffer, whom released THOUSANDS of torture in asylums and CURED MANY (yes that is the CURE word) with a VITAMIN THERAPY ((hint B3 as flush Niacin aka Nicotinic Acid, and Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid).

Dr. Abram Hoffer, with his USA friend, the ultra famous Dr. Linus Pauling (two Nobel prizes and made Vitamin C a household name), were literally SMEARED and suppressed by big pharma "for decades" for even suggesting that vitamins could cure anything.

But , Hoffer and Pauling, had made other super important discoveries and would not go away! They like FLCCC were super heros. .

One discovery, was related to what is still not fully understoood .

It is not just "how much" of vitamin, mineral ot amino acid (the building blocks of nuitrition) you take, BUT also how much you "absorb."

Some people , have to take massive higher doses to obtain same resuits of their neighbor, or patient in the next bed. .

Consider that a super famous doctor, Brazilian Neurologist, - Dr. Coimbra (the Coimbra Protocol), uses up to 300,000 IU of Vitamin D3 "every day" to treat auto-immune on patients .

Anyone that tells you vitamin D3 is toxic at higher doses is a liar. Dr. Coulimbra proved this . PS That does not mean you shouid too. Buy certainly 5,000 to even 50,000 iu is fine and safe WITH no side effects, and all benifits per a recent Dr

Mercola article.

Some have written books about the Coimbra protocol when he literally cured (or almost) from perhaps the most dreaded disease of all , - MS (and ALS) .

This POWERFUL discovery of different levels of absortion in patients is LIFE CHANGING when a practitioner recognizes it AND TRIES A HIGHER DOSE.

For a LOT more read the book Niacin -The Real Story by Dr. Abram Hoffer.

After practicing psychiatry for a very long career (50 years plus) Hotter was sharply critical of big pharma drugs that did nothing to cure and everything to harm.

His advice -"stay away from psychiatrist and stay FURTHER away from the drugs they prescribe like candy ".

2. Today decades after Hoffer's industry criticism, another super hero and true giant of patient care and awareness, - Dr. Peter Breggin, (psychiatrist) now retired, but super active with his web site tells a very similar story to Hoffer.

The facts are clear, the evidence is overwhelming of harm, suicide, addictive nature, forced sterility of naming just one effect , and big pharma has lied for decades, and gotten legions of psychiatrists and doctors globally, to drink their purple kool-aid lies, brainwashing them to HARM as opposed to their oath.

It's time the world of science and medicine awakens and realizes that a far more rational approach to medicine and disease, is looking for "deficiencies in the exact biomolecules" your body uses daily .

They, for the most part are vitamins, minerals, and amino acids .

This of course is the FOUNDING principal of Orthomolecular Medicine, which the giant doctors like Pauling and Hoffer knew decades ago.

When your doctor tells you to take Vitamin C or B1 (hello Dr. Paul Marik) you have found a most exceptional doctor . This is a doctor that went above and beyond as nutrition and supplements are generally NOT taught at med school. In fact they are frowned upon in.favor of drugs for profit .

Keep these doctors - for life , and realize they will not be tolerated by some perrs , but rather are attacked by evil men whom put money over health..

A good link of a story, of how one man was saved by hearing two words -"Abram Hoffer".

PS yes , I take B3 , B1 , C daily because I like a fully functioning brain and avoidance of mental health challenges



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I enjoyed your reply and it's passion. A point of interest for me was your mention of absorption of said vitamins and minerals. After taking very expensive liposomal vitamins for a considerable time my bloods still showed a deficiency!! (I also have a 10 yr history of spiralling health issues including auto immune problems and cancer🙄😬😅) Extensive testing with my wonderful functional MD discovered a SIBO. Since treating that and changing from a pretty slack (if I am honest) attempt at Keto diet to a pretty solid attempt at a strict Keto/carnivore diet I have literally never felt better in my whole life, and at the moment not taking supplements. I am very well and don't feel any need for them but will, if my bloods show any major deficiency, take them again and see if absorption has improved. My body is telling me there has been major changes. Our body is always communicating. We just have to learn to listen.😉 😊

So to take your point a little further I would encourage people to ask WHY absorption is poor for some people.

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You are astute and curious (ask questions) and that is good .

The old saying LISTEN TO YOUR BODY is important .

Your diet change and feeling better as a,resuit is screaming at you that you were indeed lacking in key biomolecules before and now improving .

So here I will speak to your good question on ABSORTION and why humans are NOT EQUAL.

I would be remiss, if I did not again suggest that this basic life changing tooic was brought forward by many great giants of doctors and scientists.

Dr. Hoffer was studying the dreaded Pellagra disease (a huge symptom is mental health and cognitive decline ) which found out to be B3 deficiency .

Yet he wondered if perhaps bigger mental challenges , or certain people needed higher doses, and thus had absortion issues.?

Hoffer did all of the pioneering science studied and indeed made a huge discovery . Some people need a LOT more .

Famous Dr. Pauling was doing similar questioning in vitamin C.

He noted that FDA recommending ultra low doses of such an important vitamin (Ascorbic Acid) .

He made fun of senior Health administrators at the FDA, saying - " my fellow colleagues at the FDA have a RDA (recommended dietary allowance) .

The daily dose is simply wrong. It might be enough to just to prevent death by scurvy,. But I guess they forgot to ask , - how much more humans nerd to be healthy?

Worse , Dr. Pauling was extremely smart and had Nobel prizes.

He the made regulators- look like the idiots they are.

But corrupt pharma was flat out - against any suggestion of using any of the NATIVE biomolecules that are indeed neccessary for health and native to the human body.

In essence, the pharma aristocrats wanted PROFIT , and there was zero money in health or vitamins.

In short a WAR ensured and savvy doctors and scientists that dared to use vitamins, minerals and amino acids to heal (the exact CORRECT hypothesis of food is medicine) were attacked, slandered and in some rare cases even murdered . That's a story in itself .

So FAST FORWARD to today and the topic of ABSORTION .

The reasons WHY people are vastly different in levels of absortion is not simple.

The theories that are valid are also multi fauceted .

Including .

1. Genes and SNPs (polymorphism or gene mutation) from our parents

2. The microbiome being damaged or poor , including aspects of diverse nutrition, parasites and probiotics and enzymes (think diet) .

3. Aging where the body is less effficient and thus needs more .

4. Damaged cellular uptake receptors or also called channels or receptors..

For instance the famous Dr. Derick Lonsdale who did all the pioneeing work and study on B1 thiamine found that the longer you are deficient in B1 (leads to death by Beri Beri) the more your B1 cellular receptor for B1 becomes damaged AND thus the patient will need both HIGHER DOSES and take longer to fully recover.

Why I highlight this aspect is because Dr. Abtam Hoffer found the exact same to be true in Niacian deficient patients with mental health challenges.

Although most patients saw improvement or fully recovered at 3 grams of Niacian daily, some of the most challenging patients needed 12 grams of Niaciin a day .

In short ABSORTION issues is a hugely imporrtant topic for both nutritional medicine and big pharma.

Getting the DOSE right or wrong is one the basic challenges and a foundation of the science of pharmacokinetics.

Today we ate making progress. We still have much to learn .

Absortion discoveries have advanced to scientifically prove at least FOUR CATEGORIES , with vast diffeences between them

They are

1. Norma healthy people and thus normal expected absortiion.

2. Deficient absortion .

This means people must supplement of eat a lot of what they are deficient in to achieve similar resuits .

3. Dependant absortion.

These people are extremely dependant on a key nutrients . They likely have permanent damage or a built in genetic issue . They will need a LOT MORE and will likely need it for life or at least two years.


This is the latest discovery and very hard to yet understand.

I attribute this last area of ultra problematic absortion again to the famous Dr. Cicero Coimbra (the Coimbra Protocol) .

Here serious diseases and death can occur as a result of a key nutritional biomolecule(s).

Dr. Coimbra now treats many autoimmune patients and even MS patients with doses as much as 500 to 1000 times higher using primarily D3 .

As he stated , he had to STOP LISTENING to big pharma and throw out the books on medicine and the ultra .low doses .

I hope this helps.

Best in health .


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Warrior - if you already have a Substack, please tell me the name and I’ll subscribe. If you do not have one, please consider opening a Substack. Your depth of knowledge and your willingness to share is so appreciated.!!!

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That's is the plan ,but summer is busy . Hoping in September.

To subscribe simply hit my pseudo name WARRIOR and hit subscribe. I have several in the list.

All the best .

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Thanks so much. Fascinating info. Look forward to your stack!

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I believe modern psychiatry is about where surgery was before anesthetics and antibiotics.

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Great post. I hope the FLCCC will soon change its name to reflect its relevance post-COVID.

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Hearsay. Perhaps political propaganda.

Maybe the Americans, the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas invited them to come visit. Maybe they invited them to come help protect the earth from more settler-colonizer extraction and exploitation.

Seriously, how many countries have the Chinese invaded, attacked, carpet-bombed, or assassinated their leaders in the last 75 years?

We have some serious mental issues going on in this complex world for sure.

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Biden Discovered a “Vaccine” Against BS (11 minutes)!

“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to die”.


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Dr Aruna

As I am sure you are aware your audience for this type of dialogue will be quite narrow. There have been at least 2 persons who appear to have some medical training who have commented with some alacrity. Dr. Green’s opinions are echoed by many.

Scientific Progress has suggested that a non physician do his or her research first. That author rightly points out that the major journals have already been co-opted. By Big Pharma. The advice to eat yogurt is sound. The brain gut connection is fundamentally true and has value that was not known or promoted for years and I myself did not realize the depth of it until my daughter was vaccinated into autism.

Most telling was the admission of demonic possession. This is also true and documented in the bible and discussed in numerous scientific journals both pro and con. In one case study the authors noted that a person believed that she was possessed and during the previous 5 years she received high does of risperidone and risperidone depot as well as clozapine without a complete positive response in her symptoms.

So do we throw psychiatry out because of this failure? NO we do not.

SO WHAT DO WE DO? We stop the knee jerk response of the alleged “chemical imbalance without scientific evidence of imbalance” and stop EMPIRICALLY giving out drugs that do not work. We reinstitute psychotherapy and do a complete work up that includes the possibility, no matter how remote, of possession.

Despite economic pressures not to perform we become real doctors again because these are real patients with real problems.

That includes looking at childhood vaccination which IMHO is the foundation of the pandemic of autism, ADD, ADHD, Childhood Schizophrenia and a myriad of autoimmune diseases.

When I practiced I used to tell patients who went to pediatricians that forced them to take vaccines under threat of loss of children through child services, to give them my card with my cell and tell them that “this doctor says that you are going to go to hell for what you are doing to these children”.

Moreover that if “they want to discuss it to call me”.


Finally the Chinese discovered America and the Native American is a genetic descendant of the Chinese and more specifically Southeast Asia . Mainland Southeast Asia is divided into the countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, and the small city-state of Singapore at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula; Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. This is proved by genetics and DNA.

The way we are going now with Joe Biden, they will have America back soon.

Happy Father's Day

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Excellent writeup

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Psychiatry Redefined initiated by psychiatrist James Greenblatt MD at https://psychiatryredefined.org is a beautiful exception to Big Pharma influence and recommends data-backed (but Pharma-censored) testing which should be part of the flccc.net program! I think Peter Breggin MD and Aaron Kheriarty MD would approve if they study. Focuses on important root causes with inexpensive solutions ~ like early treatment of COVID!

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I’m not sure of the numbers, but of every college student I know, two majors seem to be at the top of the list: Environmental and Psychology. Would be curious if there is a source with actual stats.

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 Discrete Care for Medical Coincidences


Finally there is a hospital treating the plague of new unexplained diseases, without making any waves! (2 minutes)


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