Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’m a professional mediator. My career is finding common ground and I’m good at it. However, in the case of Covid, as hard as I try, I can find none with people who want to isolate, punish, and criminalize those who disagree with them. I can understand and tolerate (with grace and pity) those ensnared by fear, but I can’t find an inch of common ground with haters who hate me for my beliefs, and I’m tired of trying.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Can't trust those who lied and censored.

I followed the data posted every day and the numbers of deaths were low. Then doctors who were effectively treating patients were censored.

Forgiveness requires repentance. Those who lied and censored have not repented.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I was devastated with grief when one of my adult children told me I had poisoned their mind for most of their life with my cynicism about vaccines and government corruption, and they were DONE with me. I had begged them not to take the experimental shots (with independent scientific evidence and logic) and that was their response to me. A year and a half later I did try to find the common ground Jenna thinks exists, because my heart ached for restoration of the affection that I always thought was inviolable. Well, I learned there is no bridge possible when one person truly believes it's acceptable to punish other persons (like me, their own mother) by restricting their civil and human rights if those citizens refuse to submit to government-mandated invasive and irreversible health interventions. For the record, I was never 'confused', 'terrified', or trying to avoid a treatable viral infection. There was no properly done 'science' for anyone to 'trust'. But I did think we all should uphold the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration on informed consent. I don't think that qualifies as 'wanting others to see things my way'. I think it's pretty darn obvious that no one should see things Dr. Mengele's way.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for this Jenna. The one similarity that is seriously lacking is the one where we once would read each others stuff and have a civil discussion about it.

Now, the other side, flat out refuses to read or discuss anything 😢

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

A really good analysis. I’ve been finding being cheeky sometimes works in building bridges on this. I had a situation during the pandemic where my ultra left wing son (right wing hating) and my old school authoritarian Thatcherite Father ( left wing hating) both were berating my unvaccinated status in pretty much the same way, in the same language and from a shared narrative…and I subsequently took every opportunity to remind them of this 😊…it seems to give them a pause for thought and maybe lessened some distance, to me.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

There are a few things in common between sides but far more not in common. One side brutally mistreated the other, depriving them of their livlihood, the right to earn a living, and subjected others to inhumane forms of discrimination. One side wanted debate and discussion, the other side responded with silence, censorship, and closed minds which are still now only opening very slowly and reluctantly, one side looks at mounting evidence of medical horrors and continues denial with a charade of absurd causes, the other has known clearly all along why. What is not yet known is how all of this plays out in the future, whether illness and rates of death will continue to increase for the injected, how badly future generations will be affected, and to what extent the non-injected will be affected through the cumulative effects of shedding.

Can't we all just get along? Not now. If there comes a time when this is OVER, then there is the chance for reaching a full understanding and reconciling together, but for now a looming dark cloud hangs over humanity. Many out there still believe the non-injected are walking bags of lethal virus, and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are smiling.

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All of us were not actually scared of Covid. For those of us who actually take good care of our health, a strong immune system is first nature to us. My wife and I did the exact opposite of the CDC recommendations. We did not wear masks where it was not required, and we spent a lot of time outdoors getting lots of early morning sun and exercise. No way I submit to a shot prepared under an emergency use authorization, and with barely any control group. I knew I would get Covid, and did, and had an “immediate response” medical plan in place using two of the forbidden drugs. I started that plan the day before I actually tested positive (my wife had already tested positive), tested positive the next day, had three days of extreme fatigue, felt almost normal on the fourth day, and tested negative on the fifth day, all of this at age 64. It’s my educated guess that my system now recognizes that I’ve had Covid and is fully prepared when I’m exposed again, all due to mother nature.

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No, we can't all just get along. The "tolerant left" wanted to get us fired, socially isolated, forbidden entrance to food stores and health clinics, forbidden medical treatment and life-saving diagnosis and surgery, because we would not take an experimental injection with unlisted ingredients using a novel DNA-changing technology. They actually want us dead. We cannot live with them.

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We were not "all" terrified.

Those Chinese videos of people dropping in the streets should have been one of the first red flags. People who get a pneumonia like illness are not bebopping around town. They've been sick in a bed for the past week. It was to me, obviously fake.

It was also not a totally new virus. A bit of research and you'd know that we've 4 known corona viruses that make up 20-30 % of the common cold and that it was 80% similar to SARsCoV1. That is was a single strand RNA virus, not unfamiliar at all.

A bit more research and you would have found out that in Italy the average age of death was 82 and that 95% of those had 2 or more comorbidities.

You would have found Dr. Ionaniddis and his IFR.

You would have remembered the men who stormed the beaches at Normandy who had an almost 100% chance of death. But they charged anyway. For freedom. For our freedom.

Yes, I know; you're trying to build bridges, but we were not all afraid.

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Based upon how governments, businesses and media have embraced the lies about anthropogenic global warming, I'm not holding my breath they will repent their lies about COVID-19 and the experimental gene therapies.

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Sorry Jenna, you can try and build all the bridges you want, but if the people on the opposite shore are waiting to ostracize, incarcerate and (if they had their way) exterminate you...it becomes self sacrifice, to show we are the bigger people.

Would we have told the Jews in Nazi Germany...you need to build bridges, find common ground...and if they still persecute you, then show you are the bigger people and walk silently to the showers...knowing you are right.

Extending olive branches is fine, but when you are facing an enemy that is HAPPY to snatch it from your hand and grind it to dust under a jackboot, as they deprive you of a job, freedom of association, life saving healthcare and freedom to gather and worship your God...then building that bridge is a fool's errand.

For the indoctrinated sheeple, it is about finding control and importance in a orchestrated agenda...that was sold to them as a tribe forming message..."for the greater good...do this and you can be a hero...you can defeat the big mean unknown...you are part of the solution."

The orchestrators...as we see now...had a larger agenda and plan, that had NOTHING to do with a fake pandemic or the health of the global population.

Yet their sheeple foot soldiers (those friends and family members we are called to build bridges with), being blinded by the props of the movement...masks, mandates, jab stickers, memes, tweets, dancing nurses and doctors, designer masks, controlled opposition and more...are like the blm/antifa rioters, that ravaged our cities. With little to no understanding, that they were the distracting, destabilizing arm of the regime...they went merrily through towns and cities, wreaking havoc and chaos...and were funded and sent, by the liberal, globalists, who now send the pro jab/mask/mandate sheeple into our midst.

Some life lessons are hard. We have become a society, where EVERYTHING must be happy, joyous, rainbows and ferry farts. If it isn't then the sky is falling...if we all don't like one another, then we HAVE TO build a bridge...compromise...turn the other cheek, be the bigger person...at the peril of ourselves and our families...if that's what THEY say is required.

Here is one more aspect to this bridge building, that is never discussed...it's always the kumbaya part, the let's make nice, let's all just get along...part that is focused on.

When you build a bridge to the shores of Karen-stan, you're not just reaching out across a divide...you're building a direct path for the crazies, into the heart of your Normal-commonsense-ville.

Ever wonder how we got to the point of drag queen story hour, or groomers sitting on school boards, in class rooms, in the teacher's unions???

Bridges were built, to find common ground with the deviants of the past..."sure I don't agree with Mr. Johnson wearing a dress and make-up at the local playground...but we both agree taxes are too high, the war in Afghanistan should end and the Bears will go to the Superbowl this year...he really isn't so so different from me"

The day the sheeple in Karen-stan have their crazy ideas (mask/jabs/boosters)...WITHOUT the punitive cudgels attached to them (mandates/lockdowns, loss of liberties/freedoms/worship/jobs/medical access), that's the day I'll consider building a bridge.

Until then, they can keep dropping like flies, in a billowing cloud of pest spray.

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Biden and other officials went a long way in leading the charge to demonizing those who declined the vaccine, even promising a dark winter of illness and death as punishment.

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Whatever you use to forgive friends and family who wronged you can never apply to those who abused their authority or otherwise had a responsibility to act.

Lines were crossed that never should have been crossed.

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I'm not going to elaborate here but one problem I have with the embracing of "a bridge" is due to the reality they are often one-way. A one-way bridge is usually used to create compromise; and principle is diluted.

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The real issue is socialist governments lying (I know, it's redundant).

How long did it take for governments to acknowledge tobacco usage is hazardous to health? Who profitted?

Who's profiting from AGW and covid lies?

Hayek wrote an essay regarding how the 'intellectuals' are attracted to socialism because they can't find a way to earn a living as an 'intellectual' in the free market.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well written Jenna. thank you

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