As I sit here icing my right shoulder with my arm in a sling, I’m recalling I have a rollerball container of DMSO in my medicine cabinet which I bought to treat sciatic pain after reading Midwestern Doc’s column a few months ago. Like you, I did nothing to cause this phenomenon and now look forward to treating my shoulder at bedtime. Thing is: why didn’t I think of that immediately? Conditioning I expect. I think there is more to come as we open our minds in a culture where information is hopefully more and more “free”.

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The conditioning is REAL!!! Try it and LMK how it goes! :)

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Ditto! I have the roller ball DMSO and unfortunately doesn’t help a bit. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong? Someone has got to figure out this aggravating old lady disorder ;)

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Glenda, did it work for your sciatic pain? It's my understanding that, although sciatic pain is felt typically from the hip and on down the leg to varying degrees, it originates at the spine. So I was wondering where you applied it -- spine, hip, leg? Thanks!

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It’s helping to take the edge off. I place it on my mid lower spine and across everywhere I have pain and rub it in. I also have an inversion table that helps as well as some exercises and walking. The more I can manage the pain the more I can make myself move, and I think it’s all of one piece.

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Thanks for responding. I hope it gets better for you!

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I keep getting some kind of flu over and over again ever since I had COVID, this time it warped into what I think was pneumonia, cracking

/gurgling breathing sounds. I almost went to the sick clinic but couldn't get in. So I tried Chlorine Dioxide Solution (Robert Yoho MD Substack for info) It worked amazingly and now I'm using it for everything, along with DMSO. Also poo pooed by the medical/pharmaceutical cartel as it's very cheap and too effective. theuniversal antidote.com also has a ton of info and the books are free to download.

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Love it and thanks for the resource!

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How did you use it for your almost pneumonia? Thank u😊

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Thank you! I’ve never seen that website before! Straight forward and clear! Blessings!

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Well, dang.

Website currently not available.

How about that?

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It's working now :)

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81 years old. One shoulder surgicly reconstructed 10 yrs ago. I'm keeping the other one active with DMSO along with my knees. Appears to be reducing the prominence of varicose veins. Lower back also responding. I use 50% and apply as a spray. If it helps me remember names that will be good too.

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LOL this is amazing! Spray is genius. :)

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To help your memory, use a natural product called methylene blue and also Lion's Mane mushroom. Both available on eBay

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A number of years ago there was a rumor, for lack of a better word, that WD40 was good for bad knees. I always assumed it was a gag but these days I'm starting to wonder ..... 🤠

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NOT a good idea! It's basically a processed fish oil with other industrial lubricants and anti-rust chemicals. Probably not suitable for human use. WD stands for 'Water Dispersant'. 40 was the fortieth attempt that resulted in success creating the right formulation.

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lol, reminds me of SV40 (simian virus 40, the cancer promoting virus that contaminated some vaccines (polio, possibly others)) - also probably so named because it was the 40th monkey virus identified.

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My aunt in Oxford UK had varicose veins and she said the dr put WD40 into them??? I don’t know if he was likening what he did put in to WD40 or if it really was WD40!

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Go look up Dale Bredesen End of Alzheimer’s protocol. Apollohealth.com

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I have had varicose veins since high school and surgical procedures 3 times to no avail. Let this work please Lord.

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I got turbocancer from the vax, avoided chemo with many of the things MWD talks about (as well as Marik and Masik and Corey and others). UV blood ozone, photodynamic laser, mebendazole, ivermectin, high dose IV C, hyperbaric oxygen, lots of supplements. Then I got whiplash and was miserable for 9 months until another like minded NP said my Atlas was misaligned and suggested an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor. That was like magic and even cured my mast cell activation syndrome which had been bad for over 10 years, obviously due to a somewhat pinched vagus nerve which went undetected until the whiplash. I've been using DMSO to heal from 8 dental infections, to try to release adhesions from lymph node surgery, on my neck and shoulder occasionally when they misalign, and now for sinus infections.

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OMG Sue! YOU GO GIRL! I'm so glad you're finding some relief; I will pray for your full recovery.

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Sue, that's amazing. Can you tell us how you're feeling these days? I love that you shunned the conventional poisons in favor of mebendazole/ivm/supplements and the rest. Also, you mention DMSO for dental infections. How do you apply it? Directly to your gums? What's your protocol?

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How do you use dmso for sinus problem? Apply topical or spraying up the nose? Or drinking it?

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I apply 50/50 right on my sinus cavities. Works like a charm.

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You apply 50/50 DMSO mixed with ? For your sinus problems right “on” meaning the outside skin? Please clarify. I have polyps and do not want to go thru that surgery again. Any help sorely appreciated. Just now learning about DMSO. Trying to literally soak it all in! Thanks all.

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You apply 50/50 DMSO mixed with ? for your sinus problems right “on” meaning the outside skin? Please clarify. I have polyps and do not want to go thru that surgery again. Any help sorely appreciated. Just now learning about DMSO. Trying to literally soak it all in! Thanks all.

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distilled water. Sorry I didn’t clarify.

I also mix it with coconut oil sometimes.

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Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor? Wow. Need to look that up so my migraines will go away caused by gymnastics accident long ago and exacerbated by lifting grandkids. Also my sinuses n mast cells n eosinophil production r out of whack probably for same reason

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Do you use topical DMSO? Any particular brand?

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I use this and another brand. I use it topically. I actually bought it for my husband. He has Alzheimer’s and suffered a stroke. I put 50/50 DMSO/distilled water on his head. And I also put into a foot bath. About a tablespoon full with magnesium oil.

Look you up midwestern doctor here on Substack. It’s where I started. Also, search the net.

If you have a sore. This stuff will clear it up in a day or two. Pain? It takes it away better than any pain pill on the market.

8oz DMSO Liquid 99.99% Pure,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPB9QNQY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

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Much appreciated for the referral. Since it penetrates the skin it is truly important that it's pure and All brands claim such.

Blessings to you and your husband in the new year 🙏‼️

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Now my comment is cutoff. Substack? What’s happening?

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Has anyone else noticed that substack comments are regularly getting cut off? See “Beach Babe”’s comment above along with others.

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The FLCCC Alliance thanks you for your interest and support. Please remember information in this post and discussed on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional.

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Continue a conversation -- check out the FLCCC Forums. https://covid19criticalcare.com/forums/

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what is old is new again :) 60 Minutes had a full 60 minute program on DMSO around the early 1970's and I bought my first bottle soon after that in a service station in Washington state and have been using it and recommending it for all sorts of pain etc to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately people look at you as a certified "Nut job"

Anyway I will come to the point Having experience DMSO I recommend you follow up with a search for Jim Humble and MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution which has been subjected to the same Banishment as has dmso and has a similar effect on your health for only pennies per treatment and can be made at home SHARE your new knowledge FAR and WIDE

Norman Smith

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Hey Norman I am from Washington State, too. I had an uncle that always went to the horse races and was friendly with the jockeys, that's where my mom heard about it

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Hey Kathleen. I am from Vancouver Island let me guess your uncle knew of Dmso because it is extensively used in Veterinary Practice and some times referred to as Horse liniment so jockeys and Vets have been in the know for years. We would be better off in their care :)

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This is my second comment to you in about a week, and I NEVER comment on these things! But this one totally resonates with me, and I had the exact scenario happen to me in the beginning of covid. I went to everyone, and finally got some relief from an active release therapist but it took months and a lot of money. Mine went to the other shoulder while I was improving on the first one, and I told the therapist if he couldn't prevent it from getting bad I was going to go jump off a bridge. On Christmas that year I sat in a snowbank with both shoulders packed in snow crying in pain. I have learned since that it happens in many women due to the drop in estrogen levels and some say it's tied to hypothyroid conditions. I wish I had known about the DMSO back then - I love the idea of mixing it with castor oil (castor oil alone did not really make a difference for me). I've been mixing BPC157 with DMSO to help it penetrate the skin barrier rather than have to inject and it's amazing. A Midwestern Doctor has been an amazing resource for me as a clinician and personally. So many silver linings because of covid! Thank you!

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Bless your heart. It truly is hell. I'm not much of a crier but when I tell you the pain LITERALLY dropped me to my knees more than once, I'm not exaggerating. I was about to say I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, but there ARE a few globalist psychopaths I wouldn't mind seeing afflicted... ;) Thanks for commenting twice, I'm honored!

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I started using DMSO after AMD wrote his first article about it. I've taken care of long term knee and ankle swelling and pain (much cheaper than platelet rich plasma injection, and more effective), flaky dry scalp, rash on my hands and more. My wife is using it for Duypetrons and a skin anomaly with good results. Who knew?

Thanks to the pandemic, I learned to do my own research, discovered ivermectin (thanks FLCCC and Drs Kory and McCullough) a bunch of herbs for antivirals (thanks Steven Buhner, r.i.p. and others) and a community of like minded souls.

Life is good!

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AMEN to all of this! I've had Duypetrons contractions, too... a few times. NEXT TIME I know what to do! :)

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Oh, great to hear your wife is having good results for Duypetrons. I started developing this in my right hand in 2023.

My father had this also and had surgery on both hands. I was hoping to find something besides surgery or injections to help.

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As it turns out, my family recently came down with a severe respiratory infection affecting half of the family in an ongoing way. We employed a nebulizer with saline (distilled water and Celtic or Redmond salt), 0.05% hydrogen peroxide and iodine.

It worked AMAZINGLY well… I would characterize it as nearly miraculously knocking the infection out at the point of the mucous membranes and lung tissue.

When you consider it, this intervention basically removes the requirement for antibiotics, anti-virals and vaccinations.

No wonder the mainstream media must mock anyone discussing these MIRACLE treatments.

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This is my first line of defense for respiratory issues! It works. Every time. Dr David Brownstein is part of the resistance for decades! He’s a true advocate for health and healing, exactly what a doctor swears an oath to be. (For the record: always have ivermectin on hand and believe wholeheartedly in its miraculous healing benefits, too!)

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Can you explain where to buy it and how exactly to use it? I have a failed torn rotator cuff surgery and now the other shoulder has severe arthritis and know exactly how debilitating it is. I can’t even brush my hair or put on a bra.

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Ugh, I feel your pain!!! I bought this DMSO and this organic castor oil specifically:



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Thanks for the links Jenna. Note that it says DMSO can freeze at 64 degrees so may arrive looking solid this time of year. Just put in warm water for awhile.

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Please read the articles on Midwestern Doc's page. This solvent is safe if you follow directions. Your skin has to be clean and you have to apply it with something clean because it will draw substances through your skin. You need to let it dry before putting on clothing. There are some precautions for those on blood thinners and you have to test a small area first to make sure you aren't one of the very few with an allergy.

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Hi Mel, I found DMSO on Amazon. Got the organic castor oil there as well. The brand I purchased is DMSOStore. There is also a website by the same name if you prefer to purchase there versus through Amazon. Good luck.

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Good stuff and definitely with castor oil.

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Is there a source that doesn't help finance WaPo? We avoid Amazon, and try to get as local as possible. Today Dr Mercola posted some of MWD's piece so I called a local chain health store and they have DMSO in gel and a liquid. Obviously the gel is topical but what about the liquid? Can it be ingested? What does one look for if they want some consumable DMSO? Thanks!

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Really, read the substack of MWD. There are many uses for the gel and liquid (which can be ingested but requires dilution) He did a very deep dive on the topic and will inform readers of its uses.

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shop4well.com I buy mine. It is based in Germany so I’m not sure if it ships worldwide. They made great products. I buy 99% and apply topically plus take it internally. Good luck and feel better everyone!

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how do you take it internally? do you have a link to a specific product? thanks,

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Yes, MWD is the best source of info. But I am happy to tell you what I do:

I take internally 99.99 % about 1 tbs 1-3 x per day in a beverage.

I use 3% DSMO eye drops but I am looking to go to 10%. I used to get 10% from a USA supplier. It was amazing.

I apply topically on my lower spine in the morning undiluted.

At night I apply topically mixed with body lotion or sometimes carrier oils like jojoba everywhere.

I have just ordere castor oil and magnesium oil. I will experiment with these as well.

Fortunately, I do not suffer from any body odour that some people say they get.

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I won't buy off Amazon either so get my DMSO off bay. In YouTube, type in Dr Berg on DMSO. Plenty of print and ebooks an audio books on DMSO. Buy the 99% pure oil.

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I am still reading and learning about DMSO, but I found a book on Amazon, though I too try not to support them more than absolutely necessary.

Healing with DMSO: The Complete Guide to Safe and Natural Treatments for Managing Pain, Inflammation, and Other Chronic Ailments with Dimethyl Sulfoxide Paperback – October 29, 2021

by Amandha Dawn Vollmer (Author)

4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,373 ratings 4.5 on Goodreads 242 ratings

#1 Best Seller in Pain Management

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Excellent! Let us all know if it helps you!

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Thank you so much for the reference. I’ve read so much of the benefits but not how to use.

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That’s what I want to know

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Tractor Supply in horse section: it’s a gel, in white plastic bottle or jar with blue lettering

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It is wise to purchase DMSO in a glass container only as a plastic container has contaminants that you want to avoid.

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Same thing for castor oil, and be sure to get it organic.

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I remember in the late 1960s hearing about DSMO being talked about for arthritis. Yes it was a lineament used for horses, race horses in particular. My mom used it, I was only 20 didn't need it then

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Isn't it funny? My grandma was a total hippie, thought chicken soup could cure ANYTHING, had "weird" stuff like garlic drops and iodine in her medicine cabinet. We'd be like, "Gosh, Grandma, just take a Tylenol!" If could go back and shake some sense into myself and beg that woman for wisdom, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Dr Yoho compiled a pdf and generated a table of contents for all AMD's ,dmso articles, quite something given all that AMD has written. https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/337-dmso-dimethylsulfoxide-is-second

(and seeing your Tylenol comment ... fwiw Dr Robert Yoho recently wrote about the benefits of aspirin over tylenol, as did the Unbekoming substack..., ymmv but maybe of interest given your radical ways..-)

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Available on eBay and Amazon. Get the 99% pure oil. Make sure you have clean skin and just massage it in. I used for a back strain and it worked so well. Go on YouTube and type in 'How to use DMSO' of you can get a book from Amazon (or an audio book).

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Check out AMDs entire series on DMSO, which talks about sourcing, dosing, and more. This one is a good place to start


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I bought mine from e-bay. DMSO is one of the solvents that allows other medications to penetrate the skin. I have a provisional patent on 2 others.

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I've seen several brands available on Amazon

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I recently noticed a suspicious dark spot on the outside edge of my pinky finger. This is an area that's hard to see without twisting your hand so I don't know how long it had been there. Consulting Doctor Google, I was about 90% certain it was a melanoma. Pretty much a textbook example of all those awful pictures you can see on plenty of skin cancer sites.

There's a history of melanoma in my family so I figured I better have it looked at. Unfortunately, just getting an appointment to have it looked at takes about a month. Dermatologists seem booked solid all the time around here. I figured I'd try something while I waited.

Ivermectin has been touted as having some anti-cancer properties, and I had a bottle I got at Tractor Supply a year or two ago, for Covid. I never got any of the jabs, but my wife and daughter both got jabbed and both got Covid. Taking care of them I used the FLCCC prophylactic protocol, and avoided getting sick even though I took no particular precautions beyond washing my hands a lot. Never did get Covid, or if I did, it was asymptomatic.

Back to the story- I took a bandaid and saturated the gauze portion with some of the liquid Ivermectin, then applied it to the lesion. I went to bed, and the next morning, removed the band aid after going to the gym. I didn't expect to see much difference after about 10 hours, and it really didn't look much different to the naked eye. However, I looked at it under a 10X inspection microscope and noticed that the surface had a few somewhat dry looking scales scattered over it here and there, but all in all it was pretty subtle. After I got back from the gym I hopped in the shower. When I got out I noticed the lesion was gone! I mean no trace of it having ever been there. I was beginning to wonder I dreamed the whole thing. I took another look under the microscope and I could see a very faint discoloration where it had been, but otherwise no sign it ever existed. It's been several weeks now and there is no indication whatsoever that anything was ever there.

I didn't have this thing biopsied so there's always a chance that it was something other than a melanoma.

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WOW. That's crazy!

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I've been using a product called Curaderm--NOT CHEAP--but is based on an eggplant extract. It's been fantastic at removing skin problems like karatosis, basel cell carcinoma, etc.

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Interesting! Found it online; looks like about $200 for a small tube--which seems crazy until you realize that cancer surgery/chemo/radiation costs HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!!! Is it Rx???

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Thanks for sharing! I believe that this impairment used to be addressed by our ancestors in ways that we no longer remember. I got a frozen shoulder in 2019, and nothing helped, except that gentle swim exercises helped keep me a little more limber and learn to move my arms from under and behind, not my neck and shoulder. Then I found Dr Austin at the “trigenics” institute in Canada. I flew up there in November, just before the pandemic fortunately, and was taken care of with basically a few key chiropractic moves plus aftercare to prevent it from coming back. Immediately after the procedure I was able to raise my arms to my head again. Closing the bra strap took another three weeks, but it was a real miracle.

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Wow! I searched EVERYWHERE--I'd have flown to Canada, too! SO glad you found relief! :)

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At the time I was looking they referred me to a woman in Washington state who had done the same thing a year earlier, so I was able to call her up etc. She walked me through the whole procedure and had nothing but great things to recount. I think it’s hard to find online now, partly because there was subsequently one bad review by one American woman who chose to do this when she was pregnant and opted for no local (mild shoulder area numbing) anesthetic and no (single) calming pill. once you get there you see that the waiting and recovery room are full of movie star etc. inscriptions, so that spoke for itself on the breadth of popularity and the established efficacy.

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DMSO for flu. My wife and I had runny nose, sneezes and I know it always end up with a sore throat. So on Day 1, we started nebulizing with H2O2 and gargling with salt water every 4 hours. We also use 6 drops of 99.99% DMSO on the back of our hand and rub it on the other arm 3 times a day. Just the parts that we're unlikely to be touching anything or clothing. It takes about 1 to 2 hours for DMSO to fully absorbed into the skin and not feel tacky. Also, took 20k to 30k IU of vitamin D2 with K2. Day-2, we're both 80% recovered from our cold and all symptoms totally gone by Day-3. That was the fastest recovery from a flu we've ever experienced. We contracted it from our friends during a recent cruise. They were still coughing and sneezing after the trip. We've tried nebulizing alone previously and we don't get the same speed of recovery.

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LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!

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I posted this on AMD but will share here as well. In 2019 I suffered a vaccine injury to the Shingrix vaccine with the first shot. I never took the second one. Eight days after the shot I experienced excruciating pain in my arms and hands, legs and feet. Two drs told me it could not be the vaccine although I was sure it was. Finally the neurology team at a major health center examined me in the ER and diagnosed it as acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, AIDP, caused by the Shingrix vaccine. AIDP is on the spectrum of Guillame Barre. Fortunately, peripheral. I was treated with gabapentin for a few weeks and as the pain subsided I withdrew from the medicine. I was left with neuropathy in my feet and sometimes hands, although in my hands to a lesser degree. I experience severe pain and spasms in my feet when I try to go to sleep. Last year(2024)AMD started his series on DMSO which I immediately ordered on Amazon. I waited for the second Substack which explained how to use it. The first night I used it the pain and spasms never occurred. I’ve used it since, at first every night and now about every other night. For the most part, I have very little pain but still have the numbness. I am hoping that will disappear over time. I bless AMD every day for his “Forgotten Side of Medicine” Substack. He is a wealth of knowledge.

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Thank you for sharing--I am so happy for you I could cry! AMD is a treasure. :)

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Dear Free Radical, You are certainly entitled to your opinion. However, it appears you have not studied the matter, and it is just your opinion. Unlike you, i rely on empirical evidence for what I use as treatments. The side effects of using DMSO are a tingling at the site of application that lasts for a few minutes and a garlicky smell. The relief of pain was immediate. We have since used it for other injuries such as burns and arthritic pain with excellent results.

Mattias Desmet says that only about 10% of the people think critically. I like to think I am among those. My wake up call began when my CEUs (I’m an RN) began pushing supportive use of more opioids. Also, the rollout of the COVID policies were something we had never done before, even for polio. That hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were banned for treatment alerted me to ulterior motives, which turned out to be the EUA for the vaccines. We all have seen the horrible evidence of the vaccine injuries.

Big Pharma has captured the federal health agencies that are supposed to be working for us so that we are some of the most unhealthy in the western world. Allopathic medicine has become the prescribing body of big Pharma. Big Pharma is not altruistic; its business model is to make money for its shareholders. Now that Trump has won the election and hopes to place RFK in the position of head of HHS, there is hope for improved health in America. I wish you health and enlightenment in the new year.

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Be careful of buying into the rulers. Trump pushed Operation Warpspeed - millions died and were hopelessly injured. He's very proud that Operation Warpspeed "saved millions". I guess that depends on how you define "saved". RFK has done a little good work with CHD, but beware - he also supports abortion and has some nefarious stuff going on. Evenso, I do hope you're right, but I fear it's all smoke and mirrors to accomplish "buy in". Blessings to you and yours in 2025♥

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Leon Musk captured the whole federal government, you deliciously retarded rube.

The richest people in the world will save you from "the elites."

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Free Radical, I think you need a bigger dictionary. The one you have seems to have only a handful of words (retard, rube, grifter, dunce) and they're getting boringly repetitive.

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The dunce cap fits, so …

I can’t be bothered to expend the effort to figure out which comments are from parody accounts, which are from people playing around, and which are from mentally ill believers. Whatever … Have a nice day.

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I can only imagine how *incredibly busy* you must be, trolling God-knows-how-many substacks! You go get some rest, sweetie, and have a nice day yourself. :)

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Taking advice from some posing grifter, to buy industrial solvent on Amazon, to use as medication. What could possibly go wrong?

That brazen grifters GHB fairy tale shows he's (again) that he's a completely clueless, righteous rage farmer - milking gullible rubes like you.

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Hahahaha it's amazing to me when the Grifter Police show up and FIGURE IT ALL OUT. Yup, I bet AMD isn't a doctor at all--he's an Amazon affiliate! Oh, and also a Tractor Supply affiliate! And he probably works for that little mom-and-pop operation in Germany where a bunch of people get their DMSO, too! And he's getting R-I-C-H (somehow? details are sketch TBH) by sharing medical studies for free and anyway, the fact that the DMSO that he doesn't sell is so universally effective at treating so many things is CLEARLY PART OF THE GRIFT. Oh, Free Radical. What would the Internet and the Substack community do without super sleuths like you??? Thanks for the many (MANY) amusing comments this morning. You are a delight. Really.

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He’s ignorant of very basic facts and laws. Like the Controlled Substance Scheduling status of GHB/Xyrem. Nothing hidden or secret to reveal. Look it up. It's scheduled as it is scheduled. And his claims about what it costs (at the pharmacy) are fiction.

And touting it as some wonder drug is just bizarre. It acts in the brain very much like ethanol, but with a steeper dose-response curve, and a shorter duration of action. That's all. Nothing special. But believe it's some magic thing withheld from you.

You bunch are so aching to be taken advantage of that you’re stupid enough to pay some guy on substack ten times more for ivermectin that you could just be buying at Amazon .. or at some farm supply place - like I do - for my dogs, but still.

DuraMectin brand ivermectin, 1200-mg per $9 tube. Make a solution for simple volumetric dosing. Or pay your substack guy a whole lot more.

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He writes long-winded gibberish-strewn nonsense.

The physician quacks like Kory and McCullough can string the jargon together credibly..

You’re a bunch of conspiracy-obsessed morons aching to be fleeced. 15-months away from this site and same clowns at thus circle-jerk, gleefully gobbling up the same old shit.

Time to go shed on hilarious "purebloods. Enjoy your supps, rubes.

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I just sit back and laugh at people like you. The best you can do is make insulting comments because you have no countervailing facts. If you did, you'd share them. Your comments lack merit because they lack substance. As in, you literally said NOTHING but insults above. It's hilarious! That's why no one believes people like you. All hot air. However, I KNOW your ego got off on making these comments (as they do for all narcissists), so I hope you feel a lot better now, lol!

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You're impermeable to facts.

Bobby will save you!

Laugh .

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Awww there you go again! Insults and sarcasm but zero substance (and it is cute how you like your own comments). As a narcissist, you like having the last word, and that's fine -- keep going! However, do know that every time you make a comment, people are laughing at you because by not being able to actually articulate a cogent response, your lack of intelligence is showing. It IS ok; there are different levels of IQ for a reason. Someone has to hold the bottom rungs, and you're doing an admirable job!

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Also discovered DMSO through AMD’s Substack

Needing both knees replaced and last cortisone injections did nothing I tried DMSO.

I now have my life back…walk 4-5 miles each day… not hanging on with both hands climbing our front stairs… Big Pharma and medical system should be ashamed…this should be OTC

Love A Midwestern Doctor’s Substack !

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Fantastic! Cheers!

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Nobody writes like Jenna!! Though I’ve purchased both DMSO liquid & gel, from links Midwestern Doc previously provided, I guess nothing is hurting me so much that I have to, or care to apply regularly. Sometimes a little on a faintly sore shoulder, once or twice on my arthritic neck, tender left knee (former meniscectomy surgery) & some gel on my lower belly, when c.diff flares up, but maybe that speaks volumes. I’m keeping all ailments at bay & happily carrying on. So happy for your pain relief Jenna!! 🙌🥳❤️

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*blushes furiously and gratefully*

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