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Best of all, the FDA has just announced that doctors are approved to prescribe Ivermectin!

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now we must consider combo of both IVM and HCQ; as IVM may not be as effective ALONE this new variant.

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Is there any way to get Ivermectin without a doctor’s prescription?

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Omg... this article has beautifully summarized everything I have been telling my friends and family to stay sane !!! God bless you all Flccc. So many times , what I think shows up in written document on your website a few days later . It is truly very mystical .

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I thought the new variant was called XBS -247 😉🤣

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I had dizzy spell very bad. Congestion of sinuses. No drainage. I took IVM JIC. Within 8 hrs my dizzy spells passed, I felt better. I took the supplements some of them anyway, NAC, D3, K1/2, Curcumin, Black Seed Oil, some Magnesium and yes some EDTA and some Iodine. A touch of nicotine. Feeling right as rain. My elderly parents went down with full symptoms - nasal, congestion, nausea, etc etc. My Dad's recovering my Mom needs the meds. I'm going to sneak them in her tea, LOL. Or at the least the IVM and the Quercetin...

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I love you guys!! Been with flccc.net before it was an organization. Great article!! One question will Medicare & private insurance now pay for Ivermectin when prescribed for Covid? Thanks!!

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Thank you!!! I have it now.. my eyes are hurting, my pressure is up... and I have headache. I was just wondering if I should take both IVM and HCQ. So this message solves the problem.. Thanks again

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Noted: “Early treatment is critical”

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Remember when people got colds and flu and just got on with it, now governments behave like it’s a major crisis.

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I had covid for 1st time Dec 22 and my symptoms were awful but I took ivm and hql. Ran out of ivm. Continued with hql but it made me feel jittery. Ordered more ivm but had to wait to get it from overseas. Took it for 3 weeks until I started feeling normal. I'm unvaxxed over 65. Must have extra for next time

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Do not comply with NONSENSE. Watch this inspirational video from attorney Krisanne Hall:

Noncompliant (video 1hr 24 min): https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/

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Great advice as always! Especially the part about not panicking. Fear makes us stoopid. 😱🛑💭

Two points:

1. The jabbed and multi-jabbed (even flu shots) most likely will have lower immunity and be more susceptible to infections, not just Covid.

2. Use oral / nasal washes immediately after you've around a lot of people. If you're not allergic to iodine, try this (it works well for us):

- Povidone Iodine rinse (add a bit of salt to the diluted iodine to keep the iodine from stinging): https://www.americaoutloud.news/dilute-povidone-iodine-nasal-oral-washes-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-covid-19/

- Alternate approaches for the iodine allergic/averse: https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-science-of-nasal-oral-sanitation-with-stan-lech/

The nasal rinse/wash may nip just about any respiratory infection -- not just Covid -- before it settles in to make your life miserable. We use it morning and evening for a few days after possible exposure (after brushing our teeth). So far, so good!

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Where do we get invermectin and hydroc?

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Another scare tactic so that people will take the Covid-19 Jab.

Disappointed in this substack for not stating the truth.

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