Apr 12, 2022Liked by FLCCC Alliance

Wonderful compilation of a great event for freedom and truth.

When I talk to people about your never ending quest for humanity… I refer to each as my friend, even though we have never met in person, because all of you understand the insanity and keep me from feeling totally alone.

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Bravo once again. You guys were all inspiring. Keep on keeping on!

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This was an amazing event, FLCCC! You truly are heroes. And I love your summary and photos. Well, done! I hope this event video goes absolutely viral (in a good way) and that we get some real change.

Co-incidentally, the WHO is about to take over all of our healthcare. We must stop it -- or if that's impossible -- do everything we can to withdraw the United States of America from this devastating organization. Details in Steve Kirsch's substack at https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/urgent-comment-on-the-who-treaty?r=14nzxn&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I would have signed the official comment form, but the WHO Terms of Participation were incredibly intrusive. See https://inb.who.int/home/terms-of-participation

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by FLCCC Alliance

I have been informed through sources as well… as if things couldn’t get worse!

Thanks for bringing this up.🧐

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Yeah, every time I think we're winning, well.... We must keep on plugging though.

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Oh, I so wanted to meet some of you! I watched the livestream wearing my "Medical censorship kills" Tshirt, but by the time I got there , I couldn't find anyone or even a booth! People kept arriving all day, so there were probably more people than estimated. It was a wonderful day! Well-organized, safe and friendly. I couldn't believe that some people stayed until way after dark! It was soooo nice to be with people who think like I do. In my everyday life there are so few...

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I really want to remind everyone that "we are on the right side of history!". All these events are proving that truth and the FLCCC alliance can weather the storm to win this corporate war!

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What an awesome event, with wonderful speakers and inspiring speeches. Thank you all for fighting for our freedom and health for the truth.

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I applaud all you warriors who continue to fight for we the people! Thank you!

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What a great event it was. Dr. Kory has turned into a Rock Star like Bono : D. Really grateful for all he has done, to explain how well Ivermectin works to kill Covid. There are several videos with him (and highlighted transcripts of what he said) on this page. https://realcovidresearch.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-truth-about-ivermectin.html Thanks for all you do!

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Yuck, Bono is a disgusting, big mouthed pig

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Hm. Am I missing something? Always loved Bono.

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I thought he had an aura like Bowie--wild, fierce, vaguely androgynous, and so effing determined and impassioned. I've been thinking how I can paint "early treatment works" on my fence!

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So happy to see this. All the power to you.

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I live on the East Coast and could not attend but, I WAS W YOU IN SPIRIT!!! And I watched the whole event!!!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Excellent doctor's hero

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Awesome, every word is totally awesome.

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While I am ambivalent about vaccine mandates (it's inescapable that they are rather new with less time to see if there are longer term side effects), I don't get your opposition to mask mandates in public places whenever cases are up, even moderately. Even imperfect protection will decrease the initial "dose" of covid infection and give one a better chance. The *must* work according to this anecdote (size =1 (me) :) I historically have gotten several colds each year and 1 or 2 of these proceed to a somewhat longer cough and/or flu like. In the past 2+ years, I've had only 1 period of just a couple days with fever ~99.8-100.2 and not other cold/flus, even minor (and as far as I know, no covid) This despite working throughout the pandemic (lab supporting manufacturing plant). Masks (and maybe the initial shutdowns that limited eating out, etc) certainly seem to have made a difference. And there's no credible risk to masks for adults. I've worn them for 5 hours stretches on many a 10-13 hr day (good N95s with rather good seal). Your site talks about masks but the speaches above seem to be against them (maybe speakers aren't all from FLCCC?

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Apr 17, 2022·edited Apr 17, 2022

Agree. If the above quotes by Dr. Marik are correct and not out of context, I fear he has lost credibility. Masks DO work, if of high quality and worn correctly. Vaccines DO work, although not for everybody, they come with their own risks, and to rely only on them is a political and medical blunder, and social distancing does work, but it’s hard to do it consistently. I’m convinced that Ivermectin works as well, in certain circumstances.

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I try to explain in lay terms why centralizing a rapid, mandated health response is bad news: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/no-we-should-not-all-get-vaccinated

We have some very bright, knowledgeable writers in substack. Please do your part and use your talents to act now to contact Congress about the ten billion dollar+ proposed Cures 2.0 Act and not wait till November. The flu season will already be upon us and mRNA technology is already underway for Influenza. Call out lawmakers that passed laws and got us into all of this, and ask them to right the wrongs: rightingthewrongs.org

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