So sad he was pressured into the jab in order to see his mom. When will there be accountability for these death jabs?

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I’m guessing never.

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I have to believe Justice will be served - if not in this life the next. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...

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I do believe they will receive justice from our Creator. But there will probably be no justice here on earth.

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Looking that way 😡

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My wife was being bullied by co- workers and management. They will bring the vaccine van right to the facility where they work. She still said no and eventually quit.

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And the upshot of all that is that they're about to do it again with THREE new jabs coming out plus expected, new plandemics. Have people awakened to this nightmare? Most are not taking the boosters. I hope that most won't succumb to the coming onslaught.

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It’s funny how that upshot comes on the heels of a horrific cold & flu season. At this time hospitals are overburdened and people are losing their mind with fear. I no longer believe the vaccine is the poison. I now believe social media is the poison and the vaccines are the tools. Your mind has to be poisoned way before your body in order for this plan to play out as planned.

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They’re both poisonous for sure

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Differences of opinion make the World go 'round. Best of luck with your jabs, bro.

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Thank You - I had go back and read what I wrote. What I meant to say was this vaccine is evil all on its own. The vaccine isn’t safe and anyone who moderately pays attention will attest to that. However, we live in a free world and people have choices so I don’t think anyone should have had it forced upon them. What I was getting was that without the social media component being fueled by hysteria, I believe more people would have opted out. Sorry, I’m dealing with a wretched fever today and probably the next week from COVID once again.

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Ah, thanks for the clarification. I think we're in 100% agreement...except for one point.

TPTB knew about the serious side effects of the jabs and forced it upon many people who simply couldn't say no anyway. They even cajoled the media to ignore the issues brought up by competent doctors around the World. Many of those people are now suffering and dying. That's a very serious crime.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Start that Ivermectin, Vit. C, Vit. D, Zinc and Hydrogen Peroxide/Lugol's Solution inhalation therapy asap.

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Update - Started on the protocol on 12/15. I’m almost back to 100%. Ivermectic, vit C, D, zinc and tons of water.

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Excellent! That's a quick recovery. Glad it helped...another positive result, shame the government squashed it when it could have done so much good.

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I’m not thinking clearly. Please remind me of the Hydrogen Peroxide therapy. I wasn’t expecting to get sick as I was just sick last month with what I come to believe was Covid. My wife gets Covid so I’m convinced that since I just had it then there’s no way to contract it so soon.That assumption was disastrous. To get back on topic of therapies. Doctors stay away from me like the plague and I’m sure I’ve made it to a list of some sort. That being said, I was forced to consult aisle 9 at the feed store for ivermectin yesterday. This the fourth time and I’m out of pills. I’ve downloaded the new protocol but have to read up for any changes to it.

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No problem: https://drjockers.com/nebulizing/

You can get and spread CV19 no matter the imminuzations or previous illnesses. Many variations like many common cold variations (209 I think).

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It sounds like you're immune system isn't up to par. If you're eating the "Standard American Diet" plus snacks, deserts, beer, etc., you should look into the Carnivore Diet. It's easier than it seems and the results are amazing!

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I lost all faith in humans when I watched perfectly healthy people in California suffocate themselves with face diapers and offer up their arms like obedient lab rats. I truly believe they will fall for the next Panic Porn that is foisted upon them....

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Perfectly healthy people everywhere see the use of 'face diapers' in hospital settings and believe in their efficacy to prevent disease transmission. How can you blame them? We were deep into CV19 before that efficacy became suspect.

Nobody wants to mistrust either their government or the healthcare system. They are bedrocks of our society. CV19 (and the '911 Truthers' information') have been body blows to our societal foundations. How can we tell the difference between good medical science and 'Panic Porn'?

Only by changing the nature of those organizations on whom we depend will we regain trust. Given that most people haven't 'seen the light', that's a tall order.

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My friends wonder why I still refuse to go out to a restaurant or movie theater with them. These places don't get to comply with government mandates and then expect me to come out and play again like nothing happened when they say that "tHe $CieNCe" changed. I'm not going back to normal until we've had some justice, and if that means I never go back to normal so be it.

How do I go back to normal when I have family who were coerced into getting the jabs to visit sick friends in the hospital?

How do I go back to normal when a fully vaccinated and boosted friend of mine was not allowed to see her brother on his deathbed in the hospital because she forgot her vaccine card at home? Her memory hasn't been the same since that stroke...

How do I go back to normal after in 2021 I had to tell to family members that I take care of that if they went to the hospital, I would be unable to visit or advocate because I wouldn't be getting the shots. How do I go back to normal when one of those relatives refused to go to the hospital when her kidneys started to decline? How do I go back to normal when a relative of mine had a mild heart attack, but the symptoms were so vague that we decided against going to the hospital. The relative is actually doing quite well now, incredibly lucky and strong person. But the trust has been destroyed and no one seems to be interested in rebuilding it.

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Well said. With a college reunion coming in early June, I’ll be having my say with the fundraising folks there and greatly reducing my previous commitment to leave 10% of my estate to them. I will be heard then, don’t you think?

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I hope you’re reducing it to $0!

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$0. Will say it best

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The vaccine bullying was profit driven by big pharma and their criminal cohorts. It may be only a small measure of justice given the damage caused, but is only fitting that the response costs the perpetrators money.

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I am reminded of a time when American friends & colleagues would leave a tip of one cent to indicate poor service received. That would be a great figure to leave your alma mater. I'm going to change my will in the same vein. "To the University of Utter Uselessness I leave ONE PENNY in recognition of their contribution to true science, properly informed public consent and the imposition of tyranny".

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Based upon future discussion, that could be in play. Thanks for the “tip”.

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I have been very (kindly) vocal about WHY I no longer support various organizations, etc ... they keep calling, wanting my patronage, and I re-explain my position and that coercion is never okay. I retain the right to govern my own body.

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Me too. Normally at this time of year I used to make fair sized contributions to a number of charities. Those days ended 3 years ago when I started crossing off organisations that sided with tyranny. It turns out that a large number of, often, small local outfits have benefited significantly from the big boys' loss. So that's nice.

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Where do you live? Did the restaurants and theaters do vax passports?

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Mine sure did!! It was complete BS I left!! Hate CA with a passion I have never witnessed such brainwashed sheep in my life!!!

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And now they are reinstituting masks.

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A duet between a mask-wearing zealot and a medical freedom fighter. Listen to IT’S JUST A MASK. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/its-just-a-mask

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Well done! Thanks for sharing

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LA City did that. And there was a Denny's on the Los Angeles side across from Western and the city of Torrance that wouldn't let unvaxxed people eat inside with a note on the door my son read to me. I would never go back there.

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The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

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British Columbia, Canada...needed a vax passport for restaurants and other venues...and they had digital passports here...

Some friends from the US showed me their hand written CDC cards & they were accepted here, I improvised...🙈ohh well, we were being lied to from everywhere, so I thought, they lie, I guess I can lie too, I wasn’t going to forgo a restaurant for 4 months and then they extended it for another 2-3 months...🤯

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San Francisco Bay Area. Several counties and cities required proof of vax and photo ID to enter bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, keep your job, etc. And the entire state of Commiefornia required a vax or a negative covid test in the last 48 hours (a pcr test that takes 72 hours and cranks up the cycle threshold to increase your odds of a false positive because you're unvaxxed) for hospital visitors. I hear that hospitals in Florida did the same.

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Biden's millions Illegals don't have to be vaxxed.

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No more “pandemic” if we just stop testing. Watch Turfseer’s new music video THE TESTING TRAP. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-testing-trap

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Well, that's a tough place to live for freedom loving patriot types. Must have been incredibly frustrating. It was here and this is Texas! Maybe do the ultimate boycott and move?

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I wish I could. My significant other and I both own businesses and property here. We were both born here and grew up here. My parents were also born here and spent their whole lives here. Both our parents are still alive and they own businesses and property here. My elderly relatives have all of their doctors here. I figure at some point our parents will die and we can sell everything and retire in another state. Sucks to have roots here, we knew it wasn't good before 2020 but we thought we could live with it until the mandates came.

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That's a dilemma. With any luck there won't be another "emergency" before you retire and at least the weather is nice and when the time comes you can make a good profit selling your home (assuming CA doesn't completely collapse before then)

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THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s new music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nw-music-video-release-the-emergency

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I moved!! Hated it!! I’ll never forget it!!!

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Yes, some are still trying to push Vax passports! Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/passport-to-hell

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to the song PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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My uncle took the bio weapon masquerading as a vaxxxine to see his granddaughter and within 3-4 months he was in hospital for convid getting rundeathisnear. He was put on dialysis and died shortly after.

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So very sorry for your completely unnecessary and monstrous loss.

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Murdered but there will be no justice for him. Sad.

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Maybe not justice here on earth, but …. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord - “Lord” Fauci and his minions will be in for a rude awakening.

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So many murdered by the BS protocols. What do they have up their sleeve next?

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Our family had a sudden death in February 2023. I'm just waiting for the others to drop. It's just a matter of time. My heart is broken at all the loss. This MUST stop. I'm unvaccinated and it's heartbreaking to be so right.

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Understand exactly what you are saying. Two months ago I lost two first cousins on the exact same day. It was the first shoe to drop.

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is unbearable.

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"Todd would never have been put in that impossible position if more of us had refused to comply in the first place. "

This is the crux of the situation. Americans, especially, should have been much more resistant. They softened us up with lockdowns and masks. By the time of the jabs, authoritaries knew the majority would do whatever they were told.

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Granted Americans should have been more resistant. That said, the deliberate withholding of more effective alternate treatments was nothing short of criminal. I sincerely hope the people who did that will burn in hell.

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I was surprised Americans were as compliant as they were...

In Canada they boasted that over 90% complied. That is boasted, not to be confused with boosted!🤣🤣

When the truckers protested, I felt such a solidarity with them, I was proud to be a part of that in Vancouver...

I only know of 5 people that didn’t take any jabs, we were a minority for sure...but after the truckers protested, I realized that there were at least 6M of us Canadians that didn’t comply...✅✅✅

Canada has a population of 40M.

Trudeau labeled us as ‘the fringe minority’ 😳 I can’t stand him, what an arrogant prick (and a WEF puppet)!

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Very sorry about your friend.

My first thought: Not everyone knew at the time of the jabs roll out what they know now. For some who are "awake" to the con it was obvious right away, 2020, while for others it was a dawning realization over many months, through 2021 and 2022 and even 2023. And of course, some still haven't grokked it.

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I didn’t know how bad they were until around June of 2021. Unfortunately I got jabbed in April 21. I did so for reasons that seem foolish now: I was so sick of being isolated (I live alone) and most people I know were fearful about being around an unvaccinated person. And, I was afraid of unwittingly passing the virus to someone who already had serious health problems. This was before we learned that the shots prevented neither getting nor spreading the Covid.

I never get flu shots or any of the other ones they constantly push so I got the Covid shots with misgivings. I just wish I’d found certain Substacks before I let them inject me.

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Same. I was a hard no but the delta variant and my daughter nagging me every day wore me down and I took the JNJ vaccine in August of 2021. But I will NEVER be fooled again!

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Like many others, you were aware enough to be concerned about the integrity of the vax but were pressured or coerced into getting it. It did not help that the majority of the medical community are big pharma stooges who perpetrated the "safe and effective" lie. My 92 YO mother got the Pfizer vax and the initial 2 boosters on her doctor's advice. Thankfully she has been lucky and suffered no adverse effects. I think it could be that she has been on blood thinners for years due to a chronic heart valve problem. I often wonder if a blood thinner or at least a daily aspirin would be an effective prophylaxis for anyone who has been vaxxed. Prayers that you will not suffer any side effects.

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She may have received a shot from a poorly stored lot (not kept cold enough) or maybe one of the poorly manufactured lots. Some batches were much more dangerous than others. You may have lucked out. Overall a sad situation for the nation.

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Nattokinase is an herbal supplement that is supposed to be effective in removing spike proteins from the body, Also bromelian and nano curcumin. These are recommended by one of the doctors, McCullough or Kory, so think.

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WOW, blood thinner and Aspirin. Wonderful suggestions !

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Maybe Ivermectin may help ?

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My son and daughter-in-law are scientists living in California. They believe without question in the info received from the CDC, college, gov't. It's so frustrating. After my DIL got the shot, she developed tingling, numbness in her extremities. They confirmed it was small cell damage. It's still there. They vaxxed their two children, 5 and 2. My grandson, 5, came down with vitiligo. Coincidence? No way. Then, my DIL's best friend's husband passed away in his sleep. At 38 years old. Unheard of. These shots should be outlawed. Instead, Bill Gates is trying to think up new ways to vax our cattle, chickens, pigs, etc. with RNA type "vax" so that we all will be exposed to this disaster. I pray that all of this TRUTH finally comes out into the light of day, but with the overwhelming corrupt in our gov't, I'm afraid it never will. Oh, and my son and DIL, still deny the truth of this vax.

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I only pray that your grandchildren live long healthy lives in despite of their early years! 🤞🙏

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Thank you, Donna. Me, too.

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A lot of autoimmune new and reactivated autoimmune issues in healthcare workers after the booster. I saw the progression of vitiligo in a discharge planner every time I saw her which wasn't often. Eczema in some, some strange other cases.

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These stories just never will end. Your too kind in not wanting to connect the dots. But we are way beyond needing to prove it was the clot shot. It’s the cot shot unless proven otherwise. This has been a crime against all of humanity by evil wand vile people. And we sit here and do nothing to eradicate the evil doers.

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Totally agree. All of these relatively similar anecdotes PUT TOGETHER (which are far more common in 2021-2023 than 2018-2020), PLUS the cardiovascular death increase in the gold-standard randomized clinical trials from Pfizer and Moderna themselves, DO ESTABLISH beyond a reasonable doubt that the "clot shot" IS indeed the culprit. And not pointing this out due to the lack of "certainty" (which is simply impossible to have) does far more harm than good.




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I think you mean "far more common in 2021-2023."

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Thank you!

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Yes, exact same scenario here. A very fit and healthy cousin, 50 years old, worked as a carpenter, went to work one day, and just keeled over. He began having symptoms shortly after the jab, fainting, lightheadedness, and then… i’m not exactly sure how long ... He was dead. I’m too afraid to say anything to the grieving family, but in time I will.

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If you were to ask if the dead person took the vaccine, you would seem to be "blaming them" for taking care of themselves. It would be considered vile. However, how are we to know the extent of the damage to otherwise healthy people if we don't ask? Unless they activity promoted the vaccine. I'm not sure if the bad doses were intermixed with the safer versions so that the public wouldn't be able to be certain of the sudden deaths' cause. The deaths seem to be random and not all family members died right after receiving them which would have been obvious.

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The murderers made sure to change up the ingredients in every vial so that the deaths would be staggered. They planned this to have plausible deniability. Every recipient is a walking time bomb. This is evil beyond belief.

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Feb 26
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Yep 👍

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Thank you for sharing this personal anecdote. The depths of rage and sadness are truly indescribable.

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There will be no accountability. There is no critical mass that will be reached. This is too much for most people to accept. That they may be a ticking time bomb because they put (insert excuse here) ahead of reason & logic. Many had their children jabbed, encouraged their parents who trusted them, etc. They don’t want to think about it. They just want to move on. You are a better person than me. Refusing a new medication via a failed delivery platform under a EUA doesn’t seem that difficult of a decision. Job or your health/life? Allowing a private institution to hold your parents hostage or do what needs to be done, even you end up in jail for a few days? Few were willing to pay any price at all for their freedoms & bodily autonomy. This is especially true for those who claim(ed) to be fellow “Christians.” Fear enables events like the Holocaust, this scamdemic & the mass genocide our response & failure to critically think caused. These jabs & lockdowns will be claiming lives for years to come. Every new “vaccine” will be delivered by mRNA platform. All vaccines should be refused. If you think this is the first time Big Pharma has mislead the public you probably believe masks protect against aerosolized respiratory viruses. People played Russian roulette with their lives & the lives of their children & loved ones for various reasons, none of them good. The truth was out from the beginning IF you were willing to seek it. Most outsourced that due diligence to the government & media. If I were a parent in one of those “skilled nursing facilities” I wouldn’t want my children, my wife to risk their lives for mine which is near its end. No. The choice was do what’s right or easy. Mist chose easy.

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I am writing in 12/23. I accompanied my husband to an internist (hosp.) Dr. visit. I had to bite my tongue to ask WHY this young man , WHY are you wearing a useless mask? Sooo tired of all this BS, deceit, illnesses, and the horrible deaths. Still hoping this nightmare ends soon.

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There was an entire year before the jabs rolled out. In that time I read all about immunology, coronaviruses. Enough to be very wary.

That only increased with time.

So glad I didn't get the shot.

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Last month, I served as a pall bearer at the funeral of one of my closest friends. He too was only 60, died suddenly, and had been forced to take the jab in order to keep his job. His wife, son and daughter are left to put together the pieces of their shattered lives. Fuck the vaccinators, may they all burn in hell.

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My wife & I had Covid in Oct of 2020, before the jabs were available.

A dozen or more doctors that I know insisted that we get the jab & my wife and I, in a nice way, told them all to F off.

I asked several, “weren’t you the same docs that said that Camel cigarettes were good for us back in the 60s?”


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Promoting this false idea of an emergency is how they get so many to take their clot shots. It is imperative that we continually dispel their notion of an “emergency.” We must recognize at the outset there was a tremendous amount of over exaggeration by the media. Here in NY the Javits Center for example was empty. I met people who went down there and spoke to EMS drivers who said so. As for the hospitals many were not overflowing as many would LIKE to believe. If some were crowded that's because of the panic instilled by these exaggerated news reports. Most of the deaths were typically of the elderly due to pre-existing conditions. In China and Northern Italy atypical pneumonia due to longstanding air pollution. Many deaths were caused by iatrogenic treatment--giving people Remdesivir which caused kidney failure and then putting them on ventilators. The PCR tests cannot diagnose infection. It does not measure viral load. All it does is declare that you have a "case" of Covid, the vast majority being asymptomatic. But the CDC falsely uses these "case" numbers to make people believe there is a "pandemic." The problem is that so-called "science" today is nothing more than a religion. It's because too many people trust the "experts" and believe whatever they’re told without investigating viewpoints outside the mainstream.

There's a new church in town. Watch the hit music video CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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So sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Will keep you in my prayers.

I will go so far as to say that I "made up" vax cards for my family. None of us ever got the clot shot, & we never "needed" to show them, but we were prepared if the need ever arose. I also got kicked out of stores for not wearing/improperly wearing the useless masks. Mandates are NOT laws, & I was prepared to "break the law" for my family - especially BAD "laws". If that makes me a horrible person, so be it. At least my kids & I will not die from forced experimental poison.

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I too was a “nut job” who refused to submit to The Science. I repeatedly showed people the MATH of masks; only 3 nanosomethings are stopped by masks and a virus is 1.....therefore stopping virus with mask is akin to transporting sand in a grocery cart. No one listened to me.....the Television was their Expert 😡

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The masks are effective to some degree on people who are emitting droplets bearing virus, but those quickly become aerosols. Within five or ten minutes in a closed room, the viral particles are well-distributed, so masks have no effect.

But the particle size is a weird one. I looked on the NIOSH website and found a place where they explain why the particle size a P-100 mask must filter out is 0.3 microns -- it's because at that scale, that's the size that's hardest to filter, and smaller particles are actually *easier*.

it's not an easy paragraph to find, but it can be done, and it's not a political site, these are the regulators that set standards for masks that are used for sandblasting and other industrial purposes.

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Smaller particles “easier” to filter?! That makes NO SENSE AT ALL. MASKS DO NOT WORK for respiratory viruses, and the CDC KNOWS IT! Do NOT wear a mask, it just makes you look ignorant

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You're not arguing with me, you're arguing with NIOSH.

If you look into how small objects interact with air, even objects as large as a fruit fly, you'll discover that scale makes a big difference. Fruit-fly wings are not like bird wings, they are more like scoops, and the flight of those little critters is more like swimming than the flying of birds.

Also, an N95 mask is different from the kind of P-100 I'm talking about, with a tight seal around the face, which really does filter out the very harmful PM2.5 particles that would otherwise go deep into the lungs.

It's hard to find the exact passage I found a couple years ago, possibly a side-effect of the NIOSH website's apparently having been subsumed into CDC's. But while N95s don't do a full face seal, they do seem to filter out particles in the size-range of viruses.


There's more info in the other comments and in the article.

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I applaud you! I am in the same camp. Never believed the nonsensical info spewing out of MSM.

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