Paul is right—EVERYTHING they told us is a lie, as I outlined in this poem:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Pierre for showing and talking about Tess Lawrie’s heartrending reading of my poem during his Jimmy Dore interview:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

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Your group continues to be very informative and I’m grateful. One thing I don’t see being mentioned, yet, but suspect will become an issue in the near future is the inundation by medical facilities of new patients seeking help with new health issues that docs don’t quite know what to do about or don’t respond to traditional protocols. I have a concussion with lingering issues so not at all COVID or jab related. I’m pretty good at managing things on my own as I’m a retired alternative practitioner (not so retired, these days). But some things still require conventional medical help. This appears to be one of them and it also looks like I’m out of luck. I finally got a referral to see a neurology department doc to try to get some new brain and neck scans. The referral kept getting lost in what turns out to be a huge backlog in the system. We have been told they currently have 800 new patients with up to 60 new calls coming in per day. Montana only has a population of 1.1 million with about 5 moderately-sized cities/towns so medical facilities are limited. We were also told that out of all of the hospitals in the state that have neurologists, all but two - the one an hour from us and Billings (8 hours away) have closed their doors to anymore new patients as they are all overwhelmed. And these two will be turning folks away in the not-too-distant future. Leaving patients either in the lurch or needing to drive to Spokane or other out-of-state facilities. Which may also be filling up. I got an appointment for July and put on a cancellation list which they ignore in favor of people who just call in every day and ask. We were told that outright.

Will be looking at other alternatives in the meantime and hope to give over that spot to someone else. I hear from some other friends that our cardio units are also filling up. But my heart hurts for these folks who, even if they get in front of a doc, may not be helped because the symptoms don’t fall into a dutiful checklist on the computer which causes inadequate help or referrals to psychiatrists or “sorry, we don’t know what is wrong so we can’t help you.” Because they cannot or will not look at the causative agent and cannot or will not knock on the doors of folks like you to get help in treating these folks, so many people are going to be suffering. I’m less worried for myself as I will find my own way but my heart hurts for the others who will feel trapped and unable to get help.

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God Bless you all and the work you do! I tune in just about every week and have kept my family safe while they tried to purge the pure bloods with coercion tactics straight out of Nazi Germany! Shockingly, even after 3 years, you have the masses who still look at you as a "nut" if you're not vaccinated or a tin-foil hat person if you mention Covid was a planned-demic!

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Thank you Dr. Marik, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCollough, Dr. Cole, and others at FLCCC for standing up and seeking Truth ! Thank you for all you do!

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Hello community,

It is not easy to protect ones privacy and still make sites like this work. It is really hard work. It takes time to weed out the bad actors from the list of scripts that run in rumble, here and many of the alternative news sites where members present their content. Rumble is just weird for me to navigate as a blind person. Even with all protection off... standing naked in the middle of the World Wide data highway, so to speak, and still rumble is weird... their video player is not accessible. But there is a useful button called embed. If you are blind like me you can click that button and then navigate to the end of the page and find a link to a simple player... then I use Video Download Helper addon for Firefox to grab the presentation so I can use my MPC-HC player to really enjoy/digest the content with pause, rewind and all the necessaries working.

Hope this is a help for any one who is finding rumble a pain.


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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It is not a "spike protein" and it is not "MRNA." This is a distraction and a switcharoo to get people off the real scent.


It is CRISPr technology, which is what Maxwell, Epstein, certain scientists at MIT, and the head of Chinese Rocketry were working on. Maxwell's family created NASA with Jack Parsons. Your yearly billions did not go to space travel.

CRISP is snake venom

"r" is the mechanism to get it to replicate when presented with certain bacteria, EColi, Fungus, or frequency.

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This isn’t propaganda. This vax powder is shipped from China and reconstituted and packaged in the USA. This is softening us up before an invasion and China has its fingers in all our stuff.

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Do not comply with the anti-human globalists

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Thank you for seeking the truth.

Can anyone direct me to studies comparing the safety of the mRNA vaccines vs the viral vector?

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Every time I see the term “pregnant persons” I cringe. I work at a government job and see it used in literature there, and now I see the CDC is using that language as well. There is a sick, evil agenda at play and it is coming from the top down and enclosing in on us more and more every day. #Resist

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Covid Shots: 26.6 million people injured, 1.36 million people disabled, and 300,000 people dead.

Economic loss : $150 billion.


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What to do about mRNA Tainted Food ?

Jan. 2023 news, Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated.


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What they didn't tell us was actually the truth:

 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015) - 1 minute


 US Vaccine Damages for Working Age Only (18-64: 148 million people) : 2022



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