Why can't I find one doctor on your site anywhere near Los Angeles that is covered by my New LACARE MEDICARE PLUS? They all want to inject me with a BIO-WEAPON JEWJABFRANKESHOT and poison me with their Allopathic KhazarianjewmafiaRockefellermedicine! Bull shit!
The growth of FLCCC is absolutely something to behold. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Sybil, Thank you for the encouragement and the support.
Why can't I find one doctor on your site anywhere near Los Angeles that is covered by my New LACARE MEDICARE PLUS? They all want to inject me with a BIO-WEAPON JEWJABFRANKESHOT and poison me with their Allopathic KhazarianjewmafiaRockefellermedicine! Bull shit!
This is great!!!👍
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you and Thank you to the Alliance.
Out with the old owned Alliances.
In with the new honest Alliances.
FLCCC is leading the charge for honest & ethical medicine! THANK YOU!
Don't forget Japan. Doctors in Japan file a petition to halt vaccinations due to concerns about the vaccine safety
Fantastic news!!! 🙌