I am a 65 year old retired nurse who contracted COVID last January. I was told by the PA who saw me via e-exam to “take DayQuil during the day and NyQuil at night”. Luckily, I had been following the literature and knew of Dr. Marek’s work with Vitamin C and sepsis, and had been taking my supplements. I upped my supplements, added Quercetin, Pepcid, and melatonin and aspirin. I was asymptomatic in two days and bored for the rest of my quarantine.

Censorship is killing people. I emailed copies of the iMask protocol to everyone I love. Thank you FLCCC for standing up to the machine and for everything you do to save lives.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. Always encouraging. The founding doctor of the FLCCC Alliance whom you referred to, who also developed a treatment for sepsis, is Paul E. Marik, M.D., FCCM, FCCP. I am thankful every day for these physicians. Early on, I learned so much from Dr. Marik's lectures on COVID, also on his treatment for hospitalized sepsis patients.

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The declaration is a step in the right direction, but not far enough. Nobody should be mandated to take experimental medical treatments, regardless of their age or immune status. Nobody should ever be mandated to take medical treatments which are known to be both ineffective and dangerous. "FDA Approval" is a scam, and cannot change the fact that these so-called "vaccines" are experimental, ineffective and dangerous.

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So grateful for all the work you are doing! Please keep it up. We need you! I have so much anxiety and concern re the vax and potentially having to give to my child who has natural immunity, I can’t sleep and am dealing with numerous other side effects from worrying. We need to stop this irrational approach to dealing with the pandemic…a pandemic that is 99.97% survivable. I can’t even fathom what life would be like if Covid had a higher mortality rate. Please keep up the good work!!!

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You are Not alone!! I live in B stare and see it coming. Schools do not have ' Religious Exemptions Anymore'! This is tge Constitution State! May have to move. In a Hurry if need be! Leave it all behind but where to go???

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Please correct your statement that 700 children have died of covid. That is not true or accurate and semantics matter. 700 children died with covid, many admitted for reasons other than covid such as terminal illness.

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Absolutely agreed. Children who died of other conditions in hospital and tested positive for COVID are wrongly being counted as COVID deaths.

Additionally, there's the problem of false positives and negatives with the COVID test. Our local hospital moves patients who aren't seriously ill out of the ER/hospital as quickly as possible. I believe all patients are tested for COVID. My friend's mother, fully vaccinated, who had mild illness, tested positive using a test that her doctor ordered for her. She continued to feel ill so later went to the hospital, and tested tested positive at the hospital again. What did they do? They kept testing her that day until they got a negative result. Only took two more tests. She went home, took a B-complex, lots of vitamin C and D3, and slowly recovered. Did she have COVID? Unless she gets a positive antibody or T cell test, we have no way of knowing. This happened in early September 2021.

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It says fewer than 700 children died...

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You missed my point. The word “of” should be “with” as those fewer than 700 did not die FROM covid, they died WITH.

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I didn’t miss your point. I just think they worded it correctly. Fewer than 700 could be as few as one child. Are you saying not one child has died of covid? The numbers are definitely small, but some children have certainly died from covid.

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Okay, I can see that.

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When I went to my Infectious disease MD with several scholarly articles from the NIH about the use of ivermectin, he refused to even look. My PC wont write and walgreens will not fill an Rx which I did find a APRN that did.

I am so glad to see these MDs standing up. BTW, my infectious disease doctor practices in Ocala!

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I got an on line Telehealth md to send a rx for Ivermectin to my local Kroger Pharmacy. They were going to charge me $157. I showed them a coupon from Good Rx and paid $57. That's too high but I get it . No questions asked.

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I know from personal experience that "a virus doesn't have to kill you to destroy your life." As a member of a VERY vulnerable and sick population, people with ME/CFS, a predominantly post vral illness, I would like nothing more than to be able to take a vaccine and be protected against Covid-19. Unfortunately, the vaccines have adversely affected 20-30% of my patient population (Source: HealthRising.com) making us even more sick and disabled than we already are. This is not an acceptable vaccine outcome.

Given I fight like hell everyday to maintain what little function I have (20% of my pre-illness level), I am not willling to "roll the dice" and have one of the "experimental" mRNA vaccines. I've done my own research and weighed the risks and the risks are simply too great. So.... until such time a NON mRNA vaccine is available and has been proven to be safe for people with ME/CFS, upwards of 2.5 million people in the US and growing fast, thanks to Long Covid, I will continue to isolate (which I've been doing anyway the last five years since becoming ill) and take all the other necessary precautions, like masking and social distancing, as well as, the FLCCC prevention protocols to keep me as safe as I can possibly be.

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Here is a question that no one has answered: If the "vaccines" are an artificial stimulus to get your immune system to program itself to respond to the CCP/Fauci Virus - meaning create immunity - how can the artificial stimulus work if the actual stimulus - the virus itself - does not create immunity?

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Which antibody tests are best for seeing if we've had it several months after the fact?

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I got antibody titers done at LabCorp for $10. You sign up at LabCorp.com, pick a local site for the blood draw. They email you the results in 24 hours. No doctor prescription needed. I was still with a very high titer 5 months after my PCR + infection.

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As a federal employee, how does one obtain medical exemption? My PCP won't do it. My FLCCC doctor thst was found through Text2MD says he can't do it out of fear of risking his license.

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My understanding (please confirm on your own) is the vaccines were developed using aborted embryonic stem cells. Let me be clear. The vaccines do NOT have aborted embryonic stem cells but were developed using them. Can't you request a religious exemption on those grounds? For many religions, this would be objectionable and in violation of their beliefs. It may be easier to obtain (wishful thinking) than a medical exemption.

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Project Veritas had a whistle blower from Pfizer on a few months ago with leaked administrative emails admitting there are embryonic cells in vax.


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Thanks for the link. I saw this video subsequent to my post.

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This guy has information on that topic. He's a lawyer. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com

So does the Rutherford Institute. Good luck.

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where does the 13,000 figure come from?

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Three weeks later, no answer.

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Would be great if you could start a data collection of the unvaxed that tested pos for covid, have them follow up with an antibody test. Even those who tested negative, but have symptoms. This is the type of thing the CDC. or health agencies should have been doing all along because even the FDA admits there are problems with the PCR test.

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I love your protocal.. I saw many breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated people. I believe these vaccines are useful only for elderly people with comorbidities and immuno compromised people. I'm compleatly agaigenest the masking of children's. Even people getting infected and spread same way of non jobed people, what is the meaning of vaccine passports. People need to realize.. and i believing natural immunity is more effective than vaccine immunity.. and I always supported you..

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Constructive question for Drs. Marik and Kory: There are approximately 13,000 signatories to the Global Covid Summit Declaration II but less than 100 are listed at https://doctorsandscientistsdeclaration.org/original/. It would be impressive/powerful to have the full list on display. Is it withheld for technical reasons?

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There are a lot of issues with formatting of spaces in your article. A nitpick, but it would help if you fixed those issues.

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Recently I came down with symptomatic covid. I just happened to have my a wellness check with my doc following illness. My White Blood Cell counts were low like 3.5. My Nephew also was low shortly after recovering around the same value.

I’m a nurse in the medical field & have also noticed patients having the low WBC’s upon having covid. The ones I observed were unvaxxed. Currently there are not a lot of covid patients were I work, so not able to get a big picture of unvax labs versus vax post infection.

Normally when you have an infection your WBC’s are elevated, I find it odd that they are diminished.

I can’t help but wonder with 5G roll out there maybe some correlation with any type of radiation emitting from the towers inhibiting our White Blood Cell production resulting in decrease immune system.

Cancer patients that receive radiation are always at risk for neutropenia (low WBC).

I’m wondering if other medical professionals are seeing this with their covid patients or post covid patients? Is it common to have low WBC’s post covid or during covid?

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I need help understanding something with the study deal. Is there some sort of gold standard that is set by some org. or another that determines what tests are considered legitimate? I mean, if there have been tests done, then... there have been tests done. I understand having a control and such, but why are the studies you all keep citing not being paid attention to?

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