FIRST: Thanks to the FLCCC Lawyer esteemed legal counsel, Alan Dumoff. We readers, patients and followers of the FLCCC (yes I'm grouping us together) salute and support YOU.

Thank you for your transparency and bravery in this mega-fight.

SECOND: This NY AG is using theater to intimidate all doctors and even patients, and to whip up the flames of antagonism of those of us wanting to keep our doctor-patient privileged as a human right.

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Yeah, but has the NY AG ceased her conduct? What did the letter actually accomplish? A number of doctors asked to be removed from FLCCC because of her threats? So her misconduct worked, didn't it? These democrat leftists abuse their office like no others.

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For me, when an attorney has swallowed all the bait and will not look under the astroturf, it is 100x more agregious of an error. I have an explanation, besides her likely addiction to the TNI. Since she is likely had 3 doses of the whack scene, it is possible her health may be declining quickly; I do not say this lightly. We are looking at mass death encroaching, and one sign of this will be people who are so physically comprimised now they do not physically have the energy to literally think anymore, or engage in logical dialogue.

I am quite serious. You cannot convince a dying person of anything regardless of truth.

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This is so distressing. NY has gone from a progressive state to an oppressive one. I realize that NYC was traumatized by Covid but for this letter to be written now in the midst of the abject failure of the vaccines defies logic.

Can this person be sued?

The AG of Nebraska has a completely different stance. He decreed that doctors there may prescribe Ivermectin at their discretion with no fear of retribution from medical boards and pharmacies must cooperate. This occurred after meeting with doctors who provided information/data about the efficacy of Ivermectin.

Our beloved Dr. Kory is from NYC. What a slap in the face this is but what else is new?

Us New Yorkers should protest in front of her office in Albany. If anyone is interested, I’m in!

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Has that tremendous idiot of an AG responded yet? I would just LOVE to know if she provided any links to FACTUAL evidence of her research. People in the government are showing exactly how stupid they can be and still oversee some part of the lives of Americans. If I lived in New York, that stupid woman would get tired of seeing my face at her office. How dare she take it upon herself to make medical decisions like that for others.

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Maybe she hangs out with Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor??

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Would be a great sequel to that movie "Dumb & Dumber".

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Every single physician that Leticia James is trying to intimidate should ban together and counter sue the evil witch immediately.

Steve kirsch will help!!!

WE must rise up against this tyranny!!!!

We must do it together!!!!

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What you say is true.

A “tipping point” must be reached where if just one case like this is won people will wake up. A national domino effect will occur.

Project Veritas has received a tranche of supposed official government documents I believe dealing with DARPA where they admit that all top medical bureaucrats knew from March 2020 that both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were safe and effective in treating early Covid.

I believe these documents are now being validated for authenticity by Veritas.

If they are authenticated, Senators Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Ted Cruz will corner the proper rats in Congressional hearings and that will also be another tipping point.

It’s funny. Mellenials and others talk about certain videos “going viral”.

Making these types of truth-exposing events “go viral” will be a huge tipping point we need to help bring Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Fluvoxamine and other cheap, generic drugs into the good graces of medicine again for the treatment of Covid and the other variants.

Plus this would also help in the indictment of the FDA for suppressing them if it can be proven that they knew all along that thousands of lives could have been saved and needless pain, suffering and emotional distress alleviated had FLCCC treatment protocols been adopted early nation-wide. In a sane country that tells the truth and actually CARES about excellent patient care and the best outcomes, this should have been the standard of care.

Their entire approval of the EUA for the jabs was predicated on “no known effective and safe therapeutic protocols” against Covid 19.

They should all be busted and indicted over this scandalous behavior.

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And Fenbendazole (and anti-biotic Doxycycline):

Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer:


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Maybe she watches Rachel Maddow, here's my attempt to reach her - Open Letter and Challenge for Rachel Maddow

IVERMECTIN: Truth or Consequences


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Not only should Leticia James be sued for illegally practicing medicine but she is totally evil for doing this. Her action will result in the death of many people by restricting access to life-saving early treatment. She does not have a medical license. She does not have the right or the authority to restrict patients access to medical care granted by their personal doctor-patient relationship.

Who the hell does this woman think she is!!!!!???????!!!!!!!! This is the type of person who helped Hitler kill millions of people in WW2. You wonder how people could have committed such terrible horrific crimes against one another in WW2? Leticia James is a modern day Nazi. And she is not alone. New York City is filled with disgusting people just like her - Cuomo, De Blasio, Hochul and Leticia James. They like are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. It’s almost like they simply don’t care who they kill if it gets them re-elected. Their actions are so utterly unbelievable- it makes me wonder - are they actually trying to kill citizens in New York in Order to scare people into giving up their freedoms? Is that possible?

Alan Dumoff, you are wonderful!!! Kick her ass in court!!!! It will be easy - she is breaking every law in the book!

Thank you to the FLCCC!!!! America owes you it’s life. Your group is a god-send! It is your hard work and tireless effort that will pull our country out of this! You message is getting through! People are listening! We are winning! Slowly but surely - we will overcome!

DO NOT COMPLY with this tyranny!!!

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But that is what she wants. More deaths. Deaths don't count, what counts is "following the narrative, the prescribed action by 'authorities' like her and her cabal members." Now, if SHE gets something, she'll take the Ivermectin for sure... just not tell you about it. Like dr. Kory said, 200 members of Congress got Ivermectin while it was banned for most. They know, knew and continue with the 'towing of the narrative line' because? Money money money...

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Thank you for all you do

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Glad you folks are there and putting up a fight. Keep it up!

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Letitia James is owned by George Soros

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Maybe we could use the arrogance of the folks that are against ivermectin against them in a court of law. For example this article: https://flccc.substack.com/p/flccc-lawyer-to-ny-attorney-general . They are so sure of themselves in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary. If we can take folks like the NY AG to a court of law but only to courts that are sympathetic to our cause. For example those courts that recently ruled against vaccine mandates and the court that today ruled in favor of our special forces against vaccine mandates. If we can fight our case in courts like that and win WOW what a step forward for America that would be. It would also be a huge blow to the likes of mr fauci and the cdc and the fda and big pharma. I hope I made sense here and I hope you understand what I was trying to say here. If you have questions about what I said here today please e-mail me and I will try to explain better. patrickpt10@hotmail.com

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Thank you all for standing against the corruption of medicine and justice in our country.

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The letter is too plaintive and too kind. You need to fight fire with fire. She has no business abusing the powers of her office to threaten doctors for non-existent violations of laws or regulation. She is an unabashed political hack. The letter is fine, but filing a grievance against her with the state bar authorities should be among the fight-back measures. Just like these sobs have used medical board complaints to harass doctors, they too should get a taste of their own dirty medicine.

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I was one of the NY patients whose provider was issued a cease and desist letter and has therefore stopped prescribing IVM. It is incredibly frustrating and disheartening to not be able to make health decisions with your own medical provider without the government stepping in. Ignore the drug and virus name and just think about the greater implications for this. Every single American should be fighting like crazy against medical tyranny.

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How ironic that a decision to use RU486 ( the abortion drug) is blessed as a fundamental right based on the decision of a patient and her doctor, but a decision of doctor and patient to use ivermectin is demonized and made illegal. Something is really wrong here! What is the motivation for demonizing this drug? Follow the money. See if the AG and others like Fauci are invested in the drug companies that are producing the vaccines or remdesivir or other drugs coming out that can be patented. There's big money to be made there! They get nothing for little old ivermectin.

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PetMectin: Pharmaceutical Grade Pure Ivermectin


This is where I get my IVM without a prescription! I support this local substack truther with his paid affiliate. They ship anywhere and are based in the US. No issues whatsoever. And I will never be without IVM again!

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Free NY: Unelected Governor Hochul & Her Department of Health Made An Illegal Regulation Granting Themselves Power To Detain Anyone Without Due Process on Mere Suspicion of a Communicable Disease!

NY's Supreme Court Struck It Down As Unconstitutional.

Governor Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James Want to Appeal.

They Want the Power to Put You into a Quarantine Camp!


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Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts


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Has anyone filed a bar complaint against her?

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SAdly, she doesn't have to do anything more. Her letter was enough to scare physicians in NY in refusing to treat us. That what her intention, just like biden scaring businesses into forcing jabs.

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Another know-nothing opportunist.

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