It probably won't be long before a statement that "My certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine has been revoked" will be proudly listed on a doctor's credentials as proof of their professional integrity. When people like me are looking for a new doctor, we won't even consider seeing one who can't say that.

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Absolutely spot on. I'll never go to another Cool-Aid Drinking doctor and will do my level best to discourage others from doing so as well.

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Great idea! Turn this into a win, and wave it like a flag!

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this is indeed a troubling development. healthcare in the US needs to be completely overhauled. they’re going too far in the service of pharmaceutical and healthcare mgmt interests. they’re deprioritizing patients in every single decision made in the last few years—it’s alarming, and we’re FLCCC supporters b/c of it.

love you guys. you’re fighting the most important fight right now.

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Go back in time to Old Man Rockefeller. Then follow the health care statutory (money) "baby steps" towards single source health care delivery. We are where we are at by design, not random chance.

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by design and by greed, if not just pure evil

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This is both terrifying and infuriating. Tell me again how we are NOT LIVING IN A DICTATORSHIP? As Dr, Kory said, when doctors can no longer practice medicine with their patients' (and not pHarma's) best interest at heart, we all lose. This is a devastating loss--albeit not a surprising one, sadly.

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Its not a dictatorship. Rather, its more akin to a professional brothel in which "educated" individuals are paid handsomely to fornicate with other people lives, so to speak, by their political souteneur. Alot of the same abuser-victim dynamics exist; simply disguised within a "professional" entity.

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Decades ago, I read a case study in school analyzing why hospital food was so bad. It was because the patient is not the customer. Taste or health was not a factor, ease of distribution was. The same is true for legacy healthcare; the patient is not the customer. It’s time to walk away from it. I suspect this is exactly what people are doing and it’s causing them to double down, moving into forced vaccinations, forced medical procedures and allowing only doctors who follow protocol to “practice". Oh, and did I mention patient privacy is long gone? Everything must be entered into a computer? They’re trying to turn us into the product. Do not comply.

"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"...

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Legacy = State ran.

Legacy media = State ran media

Legacy healthcare = State ran healcare.

Legacy is used to project legitimacy. There is nothing legitimate about anything State ran (legacy).

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The way I see it is we are dealing with cartels - people combining to dominate markets. I think it’s a combination of some very rich (like Gates) working with some key unelected persons (like Tedros and Schwab) and people in government (like Trump with Warp speed and Biden with mandates.) I don’t think seeing it merely as a state issue will fix it. We definitely need to decentralize - take this power from the hands of the few.

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I highly doubt that Gates is rich on his own merits, if any. He, like the rest who're in our faces 24/7, are undoubtedly front men for the mafia running the show from behind the curtain. Left to his own devices, he'd be lucky to be living in a cardboard box under some freeway.

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My primary care doctor is part of a large hospital system which utilizes an online portal to schedule appointments and keep a record of what procedures I've had. This method has some benefits, mainly that I can send my doctor a message when I have a question or a symptom, want a referral or need to see her sooner than later.

But the system intrudes in my decision-making process. I'll get a mammogram or a DEXA scan if and when I want one, not because they remind me that I'm "due."

Recently I got a message saying that my doctor wanted to schedule a follow-up visit. But I didn't need a follow-up and had no idea what they were referring to. I asked for clarification, but they didn't know.

I've had some serious health issues and the quality of care has been excellent, so I will stick with my doctor for now. However, I'm 72 and I'm not demented, so I don't need a mommy to manage my health care. It's intrusive and manipulative.

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Heros. These two both be entrusted with no just running medicine, but also public health & science. Fraudster clowns are in charge!

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Hear Hear!

Non carbarundum illegitimati

Don’t let the bastards grind you down, or Latin to that effect.

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Outrageous. Who are the individuals within ABIM pushing this?!

I suppose reviewing their federal filing Form 990 is a good place to start (link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G8U1QqBE2dxlvkHcK8pm9WA8VVkHRibT/view?usp=sharing). The top 14 employees make over $200k, with the director--Richard J. Baron--pulling in over $1M from all sources. $76M in revenue from license maintenance and certification exam fees.

Richard Baron's recent LinkedIn Post: "Really enjoyed our session at Aspen Ideas to discuss misinformation, building trust with patients, and how empowering patients can rekindle the trust that's so imperative to good health outcomes. Watch the recording here: https://lnkd.in/gYFAdanK"

He enjoyed discussing "misinformation"? Is he talking about the CDC or the good doctors who pharma is trying to subvert with this maligned title?

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Akin to Peter Hotez..Baron et al are mere whores for pharma.

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At minute 13:13 (https://www.aspenideas.org/sessions/new-prescription-for-trust), Baron talks about the way he sees the problem, that doctors need to stick with the herd. I think if he were in a discussion with Marek and Kory, he'd agree with them. When he says "science is not an I, it's a we" he implies that lone doctors are acting along, and they're not. They are basing decisions on science and groups of people who agree on data.

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At 25:14, Baron states that ABIM threatened to revoke licenses if patients were injured. I'd like to see which patients of Marek/Kory's complained...

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The Aspen Institute, which held this talk, is heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer. https://www.aspeninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2022-Transparency-Report-for-Website.pdf

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That is so freaking chilling, not an "I," Of course it is an "I," how utterly preposterous. But this is happening globally. In Britain, doctors get a physician's green toolkit, teaching them to be less diagnostic and talk more about climate change's impact on health, and how climate activism might be important to their health!!! If I listened to these brainwashed used car salesmen, I'd be out with some mass produced placard with some simplified crap about carbon on it, wasted and hunchbacked from taking biophosphonates, with thigh fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw! I also read that they are using critical race theory in medical schools, especially UCLA, by which they of course mean, not looking at diverse individuals of all races and finding unique cures for their possibly unique health issues, but how to pump the hesitant full of more vaxes and polypharmacy (aka empowerment) under the guise of "equity". Thank God and the cosmos for the dissident doctors!

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Nice research work, Vaidila. You nailed it!

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Akin to Peter Hotez..Baron et al are mere whores for pharma.

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Kory & Marik are brilliant, thoughtful, well-informed, caring doctors. That the ABIM considers that of no value and, instead, that compliance with administrative policy, no matter how ineffectual or dangerous, tells us that the ABIM licensure is worthless. They provide no service to patients, only to the captured governmental agencies and their BigPharm, financial backers.

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I am seeking out doctors of independent thought and principle like these two.

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As an FLCCC committed advocate and an impacted patient, I stand at the ready to oppose the ABIM decision. As a former SSDI evaluator, I have found medical assessments and treatment to be an art. Successful renderings are to be recognized and shared for the sake of progress. In terms of best practices, support for patients, the approach is vital! Treatment by checklists (including those from NIH) fails to avail of latest potential enhancements. Treatments by checklist (including such proferred via AI) can be delivered by pharmacists and minimally trained techs. Doctors will be (financially) run out of business, despite risks and shortcomings of checklist care!

IMO Medical Schools and Certifying Bodies need to reassess the merits of Medical (physician) interventions , individualized patient support and treatment and open sharing of successes. If their certifications are to offer impact for the Professions, they need to embody capacities well beyond adhering to checklists.

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It’s the same here in Australia; in fact worse.

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The most important word here is integrity. And we know the 2 who have it, and the group which doesn’t.

The best way to fight is ignore the ABIM, create your own recognition/certification plan, and take away their power.

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This world is getting scary! So troubling and so grateful the FLCCC is HERE, really here! Doctors need to be doctors - what has happened to true clinical thought! God help us! Sending this to all I can.

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Dr Fauci is a Diplomat of ABIM.

He promoted the "6 feet apart fabrication" during pandemic that destroyed innumerable small businesses due to the need to keep dining tables, patrons, etc. "six feet apart". In his own words he said the 6 foot rule was made up.

If the ABIM doesnt act in a similiar fashion towards Fauci as they have with other diplomats, then diplomat status is not worth the paper on which its printed. ABIM is simply a woke and obtuse medical body

Quick side bar: I utterly destroyed the "six feet" fabrication on LinkedIn immediately after it was proposed with multiple well referenced posts. Personally called out Fauci and the rest of the public health ignorami (Scarf girl, Dandy Mandy, etc) for their public health malpractice. Yes, the all have committed medical malpractice. All of them.

It cost me two weeks in LinkedIn jail; worth every day banned.

p.s. Does everyone understand that not all States require public health physicians to hold anactive medical license?

Plandemic silver lining for me is the quantity and rapidity of information I have acquired regarding all things public healh.

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"Plandemic silver lining for me is the quantity and rapidity of information I have acquired regarding all things public healh."

Same here. Until "covid" I had no idea of how corrupt the systen has been for at least a century, but then there have always been quacks. Looks like the ABIM may be quacking as we speak.

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As an RN I am appalled at this conclusion!

Take it to the courts Doctors!

You both can sleep well knowing what you have done is correct.

ABIM buzz off!

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They went after my FLCC Dr, Dr. Miguel Antonatos as well. It's hard to fight against despair. Why aren't all Medical Professionals fighting against this injustice? Those who stay silent are complicit.

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Travesty. Evil. Criminal. Heinous. Egomaniacal. Corrupt. Well…just plain evil. May God be with you, Doctors, as you work to overturn this!

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