Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by FLCCC Alliance

How 'bout I pull out my letters to Redfield and his various CDC and FDA colleagues asking them not to approve the jabs for kids and then not to approve them for babies? Mine were part of a massive letter writing campaign via Toby Rogers on his Substack. *We* were the ones telling Redfield about the harms of the jabs. The jabs got authorized anyway.

Somebody remind me how to spell "gaslighting" please.

As for pre-pandemic jabs... well, if they work as well as the prior go 'round, they will create their own pandemic once administered. No thanks. And hopefully the EU citizens have gained enough chutzpah to firmly reject these new jabs as well as any lockdowns.

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Jun 23Liked by FLCCC Alliance

Thank you for keeping all of us up-to-date!

Have you considered to form your own medical group? FLCCC Medical Group?

The options these days are horrible for most people, and the majority of doctors doesn't think for themselves, only repeats the narrative after and pushes drugs on people. We need a real alternative, with real doctors and real health care.

I think this would be a good next step after announcing the FLCCC Medical Journal ;-)

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I've tuned out the whole thing.

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Jun 24Liked by FLCCC Alliance

Thank you. A great laugh.

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How do they already KNOW that bird flu, as Robert Redfield has stated, has a “25 to 50% mortality rate in humans”?? Is it simply extrapolation from testing this on humanized mice? I shudder to think how they really KNOW the mortality rate for us human beings. Fear mongering? Something else? Who knows with these psychos. As the damnable Bill Gates once said, “The next pandemic will get their attention.” Smirk-smirk. I loathe that man.

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Ahahah the middle-chicken!

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Here we go again.......

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Hello Fred: Many of us share the "here we go again" feeling regarding Bird Flu. However, this time people SHOULD be more skeptical of blindly accepting whatever the government's experts tell us. Eventually, 90%+ gave up on getting "boosted."

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