Thank you all for standing up for the truth. I’ve shared your protocol with many and have used it myself when I came down with the “virus”. You have relieved the stress and anxiety that many of us have felt over these last two years and will always be in my heart and prayers for your safety and health as well.🙏💕

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Thank you for all you do. Shared immediately.

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Is there a Telemed Service available for London, England?

Thanks , need help

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Please hear what I am begging right now. I need to get some idea of what to do with my kid because at this point in time, my family will have to call the crazy house to get me to let the poor child around any other human being on the planet unless he's in a bubble or a space suit. People are acting like just because the news quit driving hysteria by "reporting" on things that blew out of proportion that this virus is gone and the vaccine really IS the answer to all the trouble. (Pardon my French) I say that is absolute bullshit. I KNOW that there was/is a real virus and that it is deadly. I also know that our government is as dumb as a bag of hammers along with the health agencies that have been "guiding" this mess (to prove my point look around at the train wreck those morons just walked away from to help Ukraine!). What are people with children doing about the kids having contact with other kids. My son is an only child so all the exposure he had to kids weas OUTSIDE home when the virus hit here. I snatched him out of the public anything as soon as the news reported the first case of it in this country. He has had super limited contact with kids since and he was 5 at the time. I do not want him to grow up and be some mal adjusted individual who is half crazy just because I was fully crazy and anxious and all that when he was little! I'm basically hearing that people are sending their kids out and hoping they don't get sick. I don't HOPE anything anymore. I've lost most of my sanity, about 80% of the grace I used to have for people and I know my Daddy would be disappointed in me but if I checked on my faith in God in a real way? I believe I'd be lacking in that area too. I know that there is nothing to consider medical advice, but since I told my Pediatrician where to stick a needle with a certain bunch of murder juice in it... it's safe to say we are between doctors at the moment. Anyone who has advice that could help, PLEASE share. (I'm on meds for all my issues, but either they don't work, I need doses up in the thousands of MGs range or they gave me candy instead of medicine.) So, I'm just trying to find what others are doing to not become basket cases or turn their children crazy. I'm miserable and he's picking up on that. I've followed these docs and gone into verbal war with people who had nasty remarks for them on twitter and Facebook because I trust what they say, but I'm finding nothing about what I can give him to keep him from catching it or treating it if he does catch it. Help me, please.

**I don't understand how other people 'hear' things, but I beg like this and nothing for months? Are there people with kids who are freaking out or is it just me? This edit is 5 months after the original post and I know nothing else. Not even where to go to get some idea of dosages for natural treatments.**

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I'm not on social media, but I saw that great kid picture of Dr. Kory, and it occurred to me that it would be really cool to have a shirt or a shopping bag with all of the doctors' and nurses' and creative director's and staff's kid pictures on it. Especially in these times when PfSauron is vaccinating kids for whom the risk/benefit is beyond unconscionable. Just a thought. Thank you again and again and again for all that you do.

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QUESTION FOR THE Q AND A: (I couldn't find how or where to submit questions, so I thought I'd try here, not that that's a criticism, I am challenged lol) Although all of us know that laser focus needs to be on healing the victims with horrendous vaccine injuries, I wonder if at some point the doctors could speak to how those of us who took the first round of shots and even those who boosted, might clear their bodies of the effects of the spike protein. Many people are experiencing a downward shift in health that might be attributable to vaccine or subtler forms of long covid from hardly symptomatic Omicron. So much is of whole cloth these days that I'm not even sure the Monkeypox case data is trustworthy, but should these case counts and proliferations be actual, it would be good to know how we can all protect ourselves from "emerging" diseases if we have smouldering inflammation or quieter spike protein problems. Should the doctors have time only.

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The stack of proverbial “Cards” is coming down & their downfall will be self inflicted because much of what they represented was smoke & mirrors based!

What’s so sad is what they leave behind that’s irreparable in so many ways, to so many people all over the world.

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I know several young women post vax peri menopausal - can you help?

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Thank you so much to all these brave doctors, nurses that have stood for truth and freedom! Thank you for honoring your oath to do no harm! I don’t know what we would do without you all and the protocol you’ve used ! I also want to thank Dr. Denise Sibley in Johnson City, TN for her courage in standing for the truth when other physicians would not and even spoke against her- She has successfully treated well over 3000 patients with this protocol, keeping them out of the hospital where they would have received harmful treatment. All of these great physicians will be rewarded!

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Thank you for all the protocols and work that you do. I contacted the NEJM about ivermectin study.

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God bless you all.

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Thank you, many thanks. Be blessed.

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