I am so tired of the nonsensical double-forked tounges. Schools are STILL trying ro tell parents to covid vaccinate our youngsters. I watched a close friend die because of that stupid vaccine, It is irrelevant who makes it; they are creating whole generation's of medically genetically changed people. This was and still is intentional, gmo foods have altered as well; the science of it all is irrefutable.

Yet science experts (fauci...) keep pushing the lie a trickling stream of financial beurocratic gain (pelosi...).

The UN can go choke on the words they spew; America should kick'em out and should not be paying them, or The W.H.O they are not for the betterment of anything. They are helping the top 1% the 99% leftovers are dispensable to them. Listen actually listen to them its no good.

No U.N ....... No W.H.O .......

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Good work, as always, FLCCC. You are diagnosing and treating the problem and sharing the info, but you are missing the central disease: it is the UN. The entire nightmare that caused your creation, the Propagandemic (there were no excess deaths before the jabs, so there was, in fact, no pandemic) is a well-laid UN scheme.

All the flap doodle about the WHO is secondary since WHO is a creature of, and serving only, the UN, that country club of Unelected Nobodies. And that is all that they are. We are in a club but have no treaty obligation to do anything they say because treaties can only exist between nations and the UN, despite its rapidly growing attempts to take over the world (see Pact for the Future, slated to be signed on September 24, 2024) is not a sovereign nation.

The action that must be taken is to excise the locus of infection or, if you like, to excise the primary tumor, to literally exit the UN. And the US can do that right now.

There is a bill before the US Congress called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3438). You can read it and then take action to get your Members of Congress to Co-sponsor and pass it with the necessary super majority required to override the inevitable veto from the Oval Office SPiC (Sock Puppet in Charge) here: https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

Do it now and spread that link far and wide.

We have very, very little time left and we are in serious danger the longer we remain part of this destructive entity.

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Thank you!! I just emailed my representative with this easy to follow link. I had only emailed my two Senators. It is important to share as we need to flood them with this topic for them to take notice!!

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Thank you, Elizabeth.

There is, by the way, nothing stopping anyone from communicating more than once with his/her elected representatives.

This is critically important and we need the swell to make it happen: PreventGenocide2030.org

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Fantastic information!

I generally don't use one-click scripts, because customized scripts often receive more attention and I don't share my contact info with third parties. But it's easy enough to fill in the address, copy/paste the one-click letter that appears on the next screen, then back out of completing the one-click. Much more work, of course.

I'm working on sharing a script for my Substack based on the one-click script. Thank you so much for offering this information.

Of course, I didn't know about this bill, though I've encouraged people to contact their representatives about other bills here (short URL): https://tinyurl.com/y8yep68s.

I'll add the new script for HR 6645/S 3428 to this section.

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Here's the Short URL for the completed suggested script for those who want to call and write (and customize as desired): https://tinyurl.com/bdcs78tf

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Drs. Marik and Kory look so trim and healthy in recent videos. I hope you can get them together soon with Dr. Varon for a new “built back better” photo of the "Three Humaniteers”.

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“Dr. Ranj “ - he might not have been paid directly by AstraZeneca, but his network was and I am sure he was well compensated for his opinions and salesmanship. Paid to him by his network and not directly by AstraZeneca - same thing in my opinion.

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I’d love to receive emails with recorded webinars.

Also I wonder if you might educate women on mammograms. They cause a lot of harm to a number of women, to supposedly save one life. And all cause death is higher in women getting them. Women should be given informed consent at a minimum.

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Hi Melissa:

Thank you for the suggestion for email webinars. FLCCC's weekly webinar multicasts live each Wednesday 7:00 PM EST. You can sign up for the live Zoom cast at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2CY5VGh7Rk6NeDPZOpzKyQ#/registration.

Or catch the live stream at https://rumble.com/c/FLCCCALLIANCE

On Thursday FLCCC publishes an email newsletter recapping the webinar with a link to the video. You can always find all FLCCC webinars, protocols and guides at FLCCC.net

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🔥 197. Can Mammograms Cause Cancer? The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast (09/28/23). The hard truth about mammograms, radiation, cancer, dense breast tissue, and why more women aren't being screened with ultrasound and thermography. With Megan Smith (podcast 31 min): Listen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sharyl-attkisson-podcast/id1478351211?i=1000629524231

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You have to wonder how any on MSM is taken seriously anymore, full of gaslighting, smoke and mirrors and projection and self congratulations.

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Someone please tell Chris Martenson I like his term but these people are not "trickle truthers" , they are "revisionist historians", the lowest of the low. Don't worry, I won't let them get away with it. especially the woke, Narrative-supporting doctors who are now claiming they were on the right side the whole time when there is video showing them say the opposite a few years ago.

Their dirty deeds including what I've termed "stochastic murder" are ALL documented in detail (along with their positions in the ultimate Covid timeline) in my new, soon-to-be-released book, "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders". It has taken me three years to write. It's 1500+ page-equivalents at 750+ double-sized pages (to make the graphs easier to read) and will be broken into 3-5 Parts to make it . It is my grand opus. Please keep an eye out for Part I, coming soon.

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For those of you that haven’t seen photos of the white fibrous clots embalmers have been finding since the shots rolled out, take a look:


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Hi Laura: Thank you the link. Two recent FLCCC weekly webinars also focused on these "mystery" clots.



The visuals in the presentations are stark.

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Yes! Excellent webinars. I plan on linking them in my future stack.

Tom Haviland (who conducted the embalmer blood clot survey - I work with him) got in touch with Dr. Triantos. We need him speaking out on more podcasts.

Finding these clots in the living is a much bigger issue than finding them in the deceased.

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I love FLCCC as you always give needed information and keep the lay people up to date.

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Thank you Dr. Tringali. The FLCCC Tools and Guides section on FLCCC.net is a great starting point for health and wellness information. One recent guide: https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/over-the-counter-otc-long-vax-treatment/

takes on the issue of reducing inflammation.

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