As a pharmacist stuck in corporate retail who nevertheless does her best to teach the general public about better health thru nutrition and functional medicine it warms my heart to read about others doing the same (or even more if they have been able to keep their independent pharmacies going in spite of the ever growing federal restrictions on compounding via USP 797 et al.). I am in awe of those still out there doing it and jealous that I was unable to find the right balance (e.g. like minded pharmacist to share the burden). Keep going ladies! I applaud your temerity and grit. I’ll keep doing my little part too!

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It seems to me that we must stop the so called “elites” from stealing the upcoming presidential election here in America. If those currently directing our government/corporate activities get another four years they will be terribly emboldened. They will almost certainly move to eliminate voices such as FLCCC, Robert Malone and the many other brave souls speaking out and standing against them. Am I overreacting?

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Thank you for mentioning Idaho’s effort to stop the jabs in Washington County. Two more counties joined in non-binding resolutions — Boise County and Adams County — though several others turned us down. We’re still hoping to get hearings with health boards and other state entities, but the effort has been an uphill slog. For details about these efforts and some tools you can use in other counties and states, see https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise

Unfortunately, the now-ended 2024 Idaho Legislative session was a health freedom disappointment. ALL health freedom bills were held to die in committee (details for each bill number available here: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/minidata/)

* H493 - Stop mask mandates by government. Held in Senate State Affairs Committee

* H525 - Limit the powers and duties of the district boards of health to administer and enforce only necessary and reasonable health laws and regulations, eliminating the broader mandate to do "all things." Held in Senate Health & Welfare Committee

* HJM007 - Joint memorial, united nations, world economic forum. Expresses concern over the influence of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum in Idaho. Held in House State Affairs Committee

* S1287 - Prohibit jurisdiction of the world health organization in the State of Idaho and adds other provisions. Held in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.

* Also, several people created a bill that would have PROHIBITED VACCINE OR MEDICAL PROCEDURE MANDATES. The committee chair killed it before could even receive a print hearing.

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I was able to awaken my cousin to the truth about IVM and to the harms of the shots. His son (in his early 30s) got myocarditis after the shots. I sent him your protocol along with a supply of IVM and included Ed Dowd’s book, Cause Unknown. He and his family will not be getting any more shots. But sadly, he no longer contacts me. We used to be so close. 😢. This is the chance we take when trying to awaken someone. We can only keep moving forward and loudly speaking the truth. I’ve had to question many of my relationships- what actually held them together. Clearly, not what I thought. 😢. Perhaps only because they had been lifelong.

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"what have we done?"

The doctor asks and our hearts, on the verge of breaking, physically and emotionally, cry out, "save us, Lord Jesus, from ourselves"

And our Lord, full of mercy and grace, declares, "I Am saving you, wake up, o sleeper, rise from the dead and (I) Christ will shine in you. Ephesians 5:14

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Thank You FLCCC for bringing awareness to the tyranny that is unfolding in Canada with our access to vitamins and supplements. So many rely on the herbs, vitamins and supplements for health whether it’s recovery or maintenance. What will happen to our health when these life saving supplements are no longer available.

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Thank you FLCCC, for all of this.

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