“If more physicians stood up against bad guidance based on a corrupt system, we could reclaim some of our autonomy and marshal the freedoms we once enjoyed, treating patients as we deem appropriate. That’s how physicians practiced for centuries before we were sold out to the highest bidder.”

This is a concept I think we all need to support. It’s past time to let doctors be doctors and let them practice medicine.

A huge thank you to everyone at FLCCC for their support of ethical medical professionals and their patients across the world. Know you make a difference in our lives. I stand with you in thanksgiving and gratitude.

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Doctors that don’t play ball are losing their medical licenses. Tough pill to swallow. Most docs are part of a system and the system is corrupt. Their attorneys tell them how to proceed. If they don’t go along, they’ll need to find a new profession. That’s what it boils down too. They are too powerful and have more money than God. Not sure how much that is but it’s a lot.

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Thank you for all your hard work and tireless efforts to educate us.

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I am 83 my wife is 76. I started both of us on your prodicol about a year ago. We are untaxed and don't plan on getting one. We both caught covid from my son in law that was fully faxed. We added nebulizing 20 ppm nano colloidal silver after we tested pos. We both came thru great, it was like a mild flu, no fun but a long way from the hospital. Thank you very much for what I have learnt from you. Probably saved our lives. Jim and Linda Dunn

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The corruption from the mega oligarchy of Pharma-Insurance-Governement (PIG) (AKA the ACA or ObamaCare) has destroyed health care as we knew it. And that was most likely the plan and why so many of the so very rich and powerful backed it so strongly.

Unless our corrupted government can be brought to heal, or we and the truly Hippocratic Doctors create our own health care economy, millions will continue to suffer from WEF psychosis.

The FLCCC has been the vanguard for our understanding of the failures of the past several years. Let's do our part to keep that flow of information and care moving forward.

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Thank you for your integrity.

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Just before Dr. Kory shared this excellent piece, I published my own deep dive into hospicide via remdesivir, ventilation, and malnutrition in my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis”:


The original intent of my letter was to persuade him to veto HB 7021, which extends the liability protection for hospitals that follow the prosperous COVID kill protocols.

While I was disappointed that DeSantis did not veto this bill, I was encouraged by his introduction of his “Buck the CDC!” plan (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-friday-february-c03).

As I commented in that post, however, the plan does not go far enough:

“Emphasizing early treatment and patient choice are vital, but this does not appear to explicitly address the greatest cause of hospicide—namely, incentivizing murderous protocols such as remdesivir and ventilation.

“What’s to stop hospitals from continuing to treat their COVID patients to death for profit? Patients also need to be educated about the dangers of these treatments so they aren’t coerced into submitting to them, even when they do have choice.”

So the question is, how do we halt the incentivization of medical murder and make this and other inherently corrupt practices like regulatory capture illegal? You would think existing conflict of interest laws would prevent such psychopathic arrangements, but obviously, they have failed.

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It was part of their wealth-transfer plans.

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I believe you're right

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Some personal accounts of hospital COVID horror stories can be found on


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Very Good.. nothing gets more attention than money

... and since medical bills are one of the biggest bankruptcy reasons.... having to pay money or go bankrupt for worthless medication and deadly treatment in hospitals will get peoples attention.

Follow the money.

For this reason, after getting a harmful drug that damages a person body, therefore possibly preventing them from continuing to work in the future to pay for their portion of hospital bills... people will begin to notice.( long-haulers)...

also, after the needless death of a loved one (especially a breadwinner of the family).. people will have a target to direct their grief/anger on- ineffective medical care from hospitals that were only seeking additional money from the government, regardless of the patients outcome..... bam

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Thank you Doctors Kory and Marik and your group for being real, and saving us the terror of being sick and getting treatments that don't work, or are even harnful. So glad for your true intent to save peoples lives, health and well being. My husband and I have successfully followed your protocols to avoid covid., including using Ivermectin, We would for sure follow your protocols for treatment if we need to.

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Thank you Doctors Kory and Marik and your group for being real, and saving us the terror of being sick and getting treatments that don't work, or are even harnful. So glad for your true intent to save peoples lives, health and well being. My husband and I have successfully followed your protocols to avoid covid., including using Ivermectin, We would for sure follow your protocols for treatment if we need to.

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Destroying the truth by Disinformation. If you want to learn how the mass media manipulates the truth for special interests, see my article that discusses Dr. William Grants analysis at www.substack.com Plug in: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/destroying-the-truth-by-disinformation?s=w Mass Media has been the gate keeper of not allowing the facts to be known about the detrimental side effects of Remdesivir.

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I think this was already proven last year. My ex didn't heed my advice to stay away from hospitals. This is a pre-planned murder for money by the hospitals and wether or not they are bribed or threatened, the docs went along with this knowingly. The hospitals get bonuses for dead covid patients. This article came out 2 days after he died. You're a little behind the times. They've been doing this since fake fauci made remdesivir the only treatment hospitals could use.

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A retired RN, 75, beating cancer for 7 yrs.

I have had 2 chemos, (& about 11 different sorts) every 3 weeks for 7 yrs, in the same 1 arm, but Ido all to help myself. Exercise, keto diet, O2 sometimes, intermittent fasting , naturopathy after checking body blood tests, no sugar, infar- red light therapy, v few carbs, can't get hyperbaric O2 in Perth W Aust. No one guesses I have stage 4 terminal, metastases in spine. as I look v. fit.

We all have to keep learning.

What's wrong with so many people, that they just accept the basic treatment that Drs. order? Like sheep.

Your work, & that of other non vaxxers, will soon open up the eyes of the majority, & you will be Honoured, as Heroes .

Thank you so much for being what the real meaning of a Dr. should be. Ever searching for Health answers, & standing up to bullies, & corruption, in this Century.


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Remdesivir IS damaging to your kidneys. My healthy kidneys have been damaged by remdesivir. I don’t believe the doctors are aware of this harmful affect. The pharmaceutical companies have proven themselves to be corrupt by providing misinformation along with huge amounts of money to doctors and hospitals for using harmful drugs. They are hiding behind bad laws of protection against law suits they bought and paid for, showing the forethought of pushing drugs they know are harmful. They should be jailed for murder, otherwise known as genocide.

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