I’m a female 82 years old and, as far as l know, healthy. On Thanksgiving evening in 2021 l came down with a sore throat, headache and a little fever. The next morning l developed a deep cough and assumed it was Covid. I had been taking ivermectin horse paste on a cracker at least once a month for several months as a preventative. I did the same that evening and again the next day. The third day l felt perfectly normal but l had a cough for another week. My PA gave her high school children shots! I will never ever understand how some in the medical profession, even with all the data now available, will tell you it’s voodoo medicine.

On my yearly bloodwork l was tested and told l am LOADED with antibodies. So, conclusive l had Covid. Thank you all for your wonderful work.

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Why not get ivermectin pills? The horse kind is b s.

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I seed my conversations with 1 or 2 comments. I don’t dwell on any one point. I don’t argue. I move quickly between conversation topics to stay casual. I don’t aim to convince at that moment. The idea is to place the seed and let the neighbor water it. But you do see it in their eyes when something lodges.

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This process is in full view in Australia where the people have overwhelmingly re-elected the governments, despite being subjected to both physical and psychological abuse.

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Election fraud is to blame I would think

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There isn’t fraud in Australian elections. No such thing as ballot harvesting here.

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Because there is no such thing as ballot harvesting you think there is no fraud? Ever heard of branch stacking? Or that ballot computers can be hacked. The Victorian electors were being told absolutely wrong information when they rang the Electoral Commission to ask about how to vote for independents. There absolutely is fraud but the MSM don't report it.

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Cheryl, talk to people on the street, they are okay with tyrants like McGowan and his policies. They think he saved lives, much like Trump with Operation Warp Speed “saving millions”.

It turns out that contrary to what I believed when I came to Australia 43 years ago, the people here are a compliant lot whether it’s climate change, jabs or lockdowns.

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I've been a vote watcher with the AEC and the machines have unsecured WiFi that I was able to access on my phone. Also the head counter is able to bundle the votes electronically and change them on the spot in the database once they are counted on paper. The passwords to the tally machines were unsecured and laying around the room and candidates were taking photographs of the room after being told not to. Not sure what to do with that information. AEC don't care. Also local councils ballot harvest mail-in ballots because there is no compulsory voting at the local level. People seem to think this is an ok way to do business.

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Why vote? I know it’s “compulsory”. I didn’t vote a few times, have never been fined.

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Mate you should see who counts the votes.

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One of the things that has bothered me the most is friends who indignantly tell me they've had all their shots and they are fine. This in response to me advising them that vaccines have injured and killed many. The impression they gave me is that anyone injured is collateral damage and they don't care as long as they are okay. I think one of my pastors is surely vaccine injured. He has autoimmune problems and has been unable to work for three months now.

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Instead of Survivors Guilt it’s Survivor’s Arrogance.

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100% true. But to be fair, it happens on both sides- "their side" minimizes vaccine deaths while "our side" tends to minimize COVID deaths.

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There were covid deaths alright. But there would have been a lot less if "their side" had not worked with all their power to stop treatment with easily available, cheap and well known medicines.

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And not reward the hospitals with so much money for each step of Covid including death by remdesivir and vent.

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Apr 4, 2023
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Yes, months ago I had a friend scold me, telling me that she worked in healthcare (in the past) and, basically, I didn't know what I was talking about. The vaccines were safe and effective and they had to be given EUA because of the emergency, she said. She laughed when I told her we were heading toward tyranny. I doubt she sees it now.

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I’m beyond clueless on how to get through to one of my sisters. The one with the graduate degree from Harvard! I thought for sure once the Pfizer data came out showing the 1223 deaths in their study it would be game over. And this was vaxxed twice & AFTER she’d had Delta. She still got at least one booster. She just mumbled something about how much worse it would be without her shots 🙄 Even though not ONE study proves this. Amazingly we still talk weekly and almost every time she relays a story of a friend or family member coming down with some new serious illness or even dying unexpectedly. I always say I’m sure the shots contributed! She’ll never get it until Antony Fouci himself tells her it was all a rouse.

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It’s ridiculously difficult to figure out how they can’t make the connection! First off, I’m twice vaxxed and made the connection a few months after 🤦‍♀️ but now a year and a half later am a very awakened person...to everything. I still never knew anybody vaccine injured or who died from it until yesterday when my friend’s sister collapsed and died with a ruptured aorta two days after her third booster. My whole crew is still asleep so will be informing them in hopes of stopping them from the next booster.

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I'm so glad you awakened! You can help awaken so many! Please, please please, share your message far and wide!

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What was it that finally made you awaken?

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There was a thought in my head one day: we know the pharma companies make a lot of money on these vaccines so let me check this out. I went on Instagram, found a community and they threw me down the rabbit whole within a few weeks😵‍💫 I mean after a few of those weeks I was learning about SRA and that the royal family were child traffickers, the deep state. I’ve been deeply entrenched since that day...multiple podcasts and I’m reading every spare minute.

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Have you been able to wake anyone else up?

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I have one liberal friend and my family is liberal, the family as of now remains asleep...they won’t let me get one syllable out about the vax and I’ve been threatened to be blocked; telling of my friend’s sister will be a second shot at it. Although she won’t admit it, my lib friend I believe is not asleep anymore...she used to argue with me and present her “evidence.” She doesn’t do that anymore...she’s run out of ammunition. I do think her way of deflecting is she does this fake yawn when I tell her something revealing. Sad for my friends sister who I knew, she has not died in vain. But 3 boosters???

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It’s so crazy. I knew something was up right away, and my kids—my OWN KIDS—who are 25 and 21 got the shots and a booster so they wouldn’t “kill grandpa” (my father). I begged them not to, but they think I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. So. Good for you for keeping at it. I have to believe that eventually people will start waking up. ❤️

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"she relays a story of a friend or family member coming down with some new serious illness or even dying unexpectedly" - But 2+2=5 (the cult is strong with those ones).

Always ask "How many shots did they take?"

They will reply with something like "It's not the vax" or "It would have been much worse without the vax" to which I reply in my snarkiest voice "Because it's NEVER the vax".

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I think show the normies the DOD and DARPA contracts to create a bioweapon. Maybe tie them down and make them listen to a few episodes of “Fall of the Cabal.”

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Hey which instagram bunch pushed u down the rabbit hole? I want to meet them!!!🎁🎁🪄🙏

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I've really just given up since nothing I have tried has worked. At this point I no longer care if people want to delude themselves.

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I think you may be glossing over the fact that may people loved Covid and all it entailed. For people who dream of Big Government this was ideal. They could work from home, be "taken care of", be superior to all of those dirty anti-vaxxers, etc. It gave their lives meaning. They're not going to give that up easily.

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Excellent (and depressing) point!

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Thank you

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I don’t think they can be helped.

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Biden just said that there will be another "pandemic"


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Forgot my apostrophe! I’ll skip the horse and jump to donkeys. He’s an ass.

Edited because of lack of proofreading skills, fat thumbs, and predictive text.

I really hate insulting donkeys by comparing Joe to them. They are cute and intelligent little creatures. My granddaughters have two minis and they are adorable. My apologies to Deck and Oreo!

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That was a given! He’s a horses backside.

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Use humor, sarcasm, and their own logic. And be gentle, kind, and sweet.

Do not use facts or logic.

Example 1) "Yeah, I know the ivermectin studies were proved false, but they came from mexico and we know to ignore poor brown people, they're not white and rich like us, so obviously they're pretty ignorant and their science should be ignored. I'm totally with you on that one."

Example 2) "I'm so glad you have your vaccines to make you feel better. I personally have my healing energy crystals and they really helped me heal from covid, back when I had it. They truly lessoned my symptoms. I'm so thankful we both have what we need." Be serious, do not come across as judgmental of their choices. Don't be sarcastic. Be compassionate and kind. If they say you're ridiculous, try to tear up. If you can't cry on command, say something like "Wow, that's so mean." Then just sort of look at the floor and be quiet. Create an awkward silence. Make your body smaller and look as pathetic as you can and just be quiet after their mean remark. You're less likely to get a mean reaction if you make your comment kindly, compassionately and with total seriousness.

Example 3) Compliment their face mask, especially if it's a mass-made medical one. Tell them it looks really good on them. Say this sincerely and with a gentle smile on your face and kindness in your eyes.

Other examples:

Say all of these things with a serious tone, a genuine smile, with utter kindness, soft eye contact and a compassionate disposition. Do not be sarcastic.

"I'm happy to know I live in a society where we can round up people who we disagree with and put them in a camp. I find that really comforting."

"As we move towards a digitized world, it was really good for kids to be home in front of a screen so they can get really used to isolation. I think that was really helpful for them."

"I really believe that if you stand on a sticker in a grocery store that you won't get the virus. So, those stickers really helped me."

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This comment for the win!

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I see the long COVID holdouts as the boy in a bubble. He is a boy born without an immune system. He is held captive in the ballon bubble for fear of the unknown outside the bubble that will kill him. This is the mindset of those vaxers clinging to their masks and waiting for the next available shot. They’ve become victims of their fears. Fears created by false notions from perceived trusted officials traping them in this bubble of fear. One last note. If they are at all worried about global warming and the rise of co2 levels, why on earth would they want to keep breathing in more spent co2 by wearing a mask? Are we all suppose to breath in O2 and out co2!!

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They are beyond help and some of it is because they are just plain dumb. They must be dumb.

Anyone with even 1/4 of a brain should be able to see that when they wear those masks that the air is getting into their noses through the sides of the mask. Anyone with 1/2 a brain would be able to recognize that the publicized symptoms of Covid, cough, sneeze, runny nose, loss of taste and smell are what you would have called "a cold" before December 2019. And it is actually less than the Common Cold because all you need is one of those to call it Covid.

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Tell them "You're not stupid because you fell for it". Point out that places with very bright, highly educated people who's culture values academic learning. Places like Israel, Japan & South Korea fell for it massively.

Show them this and explain it to them. They are the victim of the biggest societal experiment ever.


It has little to do with intelligence and everything to do with the ability to question authority.

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I have given up trying to awaken the sheep.

I do things anonymously. Like putting a flyer up in public restrooms with a pic of Ed Dowd’s book CAUSE UNKNOWN with a QR code that takes them to Tucker’s interview with him.

My friend and I have compiled a 3 inch binder with articles about the harms of the shots. We are presenting this tomorrow to at least one of our state senators - possibly two. One of them is on a health committee. Our goal being to get the shots stopped in our state. When I bring out the vial of the white fibrous clots that I was able to get, that might get their undivided attention!

If you believe in the power of prayer, please say a prayer for us. We would be deeply grateful.

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This is AMAZING! Prayers coming your way. XO

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Thank you Jenna 😘❤️

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Thanks for your continued efforts to waken the dead. Prayers for a spiritual awakening, too. 🙏🙏

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Let them know they’re not alone as we’re all under attack and are affected.

Transmission of the vials’ contents through shedding means no one is unscathed.

Establishing our shared exposure to harm and sympathy with their plight might make them see us in a new light. They might resent rescuers until they realize we too are in the same boat ultimately.

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Bridget, don’t fool yourself. Sympathy is the last thing we need. They have to see they were duped and learn there are consequences yet to be understood or we will be repeating this scenario again soon. Because they failed to stand against their “captors” we all have suffered and continue to do so!

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As the old saying goes: It’s easier to attract flies with honey than with vinegar.

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The old saying is wrong.

Flies prefer vinegar. Actually, really.

Honey isn't right for everything, no matter how very much you want to avoid confrontation.

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Humility is very uncomfortable for a lot of people, but necessary in learning. Figuring out that you are wrong involves discomfort and increases the likelihood of strong emotions, including anxiety, stress, and even anger and improves the memory.

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It’s interesting to me you used the hostage analogy because that has been my conclusion as well. I study and use hostage negotiation language in my daily work to teach people how to have better conversations with other people who are unwilling to give up much information. To me, this is the same situation. They have not admitted the real reason-potentially even to themselves-why they are doing what they’re doing. In hostage negotiation the tactics revolve around making them feel heard and their intentions understood-but not necessarily validated. If you can diffuse the negative reactivity in the amygdala it opens the brain to use of the prefrontal cortex where rational thinking occurs. I would modify your questions athe end to “It seems like believe very strongly in what the vaccine manufacturers say. What caused you to believe in them so strongly? [wait for answer] It sounds like you just want to be as safe as possible and the govt says this is the best way, so you do it. [pause] How does it make you feel when you see most people no longer wear masks? [pause] What would have to change for you to feel comfortable not wearing a mask?“ Anyway you likely see that the way the questions are worded that you avoid antagonizing but gently guide them through their own thought process and setting up mental milestones to look for.

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YES to all of this. Subtle tweaks make such a huge difference, and I believe letting people come to their own conclusions (with thoughtful guidance of course) is the most powerful way to effect change.

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Show them the Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" randomized clinical trials (below), in which the overall mortality impact of mRNA vaccines was "4 killed for every 3 saved", even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-2021. The separate Pfizer and Moderna randomized clinical trials BOTH had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo. I have had EXCELLENT success convincing people using this data.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

The RCT data proves two things: 1) that the vaccines are more likely to kill than save people, and 2) that the baseline risk of dying of COVID is very low even if unvaccinated (5 / ~37000 placebo subjects).

And to get them to wean off their obsessive mask wearing, simply convince them that masks are UNNECESSARY almost all of the time. As in, "see how COVID isn't nearly as contagious as you've been told, because all these droves of maskless people around you day after day don't catch it very easily at all- when they do catch it it's almost always in prolonged close contact". Give a "bargaining chip" that they can carry a mask around with them for the highest-risk situations but should stop wearing it all the time unnecessarily. But never tell them "masks don't work" because they won't believe you and will stop listening- they almost certainly credit their obsessive masking for their success in avoiding COVID while everyone else they know has caught it, and they will also question how health care workers treating COVID patients almost never caught COVID at work unless masks are quite effective. Similarly, don't waste time showing them the "Cochrane review" on masking because they will easily notice that the actual mask usage in the studies was low and will think you were trying to fool them. Instead, if you focus on "masks are unnecessary" instead of "masks don't work", you absolutely can get through to them to stop obsessively wearing masks.

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