I still can’t believe how many people fell for their lies in the first place. I’m glad they are finally catching on! I have always known that vaccines have nothing to do with health. Just read the package insert. You will see how toxic they are. Of course the insert was “purposely blank” for the Covid shot. The reason for that is obvious.

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Who in their right mind would let a jab come within a mile of their body if the insert was blank?!?! Who?!?!?! (Let alone the scary crap in most inserts!!!!!)

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I would hold any person as a hostile enemy and direct threat to my life if someone tried to jab me with that poison.

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My husband and I got the jab in January when it first came out. My 73 year old husband has COPD and is high risk and we are raising twin granddaughters. We had no reason to distrust our doctors. By April adverse effects were starting to be acknowledged. I told my entire family to NOT get the jab. I have done a lot of research following people like Jessica Rose, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone and Front Line Doctors. Based on that research we will never get another vaccine. My own doctor now says no to the Covid jab. This whole thing has opened many eyes. I'm glad you were further down the line and were not allowed to get the vaccine when it was originally rationed.

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“Wow. Aren’t I smart and other people are stupid”. There. Fixed it for you.

Young people trust govt and the media because they lack experience. Old people trust same because govt used to be trustworthy. And there was a massive, coordinated and unprecidented fear porn campaign by govt/media.

I’m a senior. I didn’t get jabbed. But I’ve been an academic researcher for four decades. Most people do not have time to do research for ten hours a day. So back off princess.

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Not gonna lie, I find your comment incredibly ironic (not to mention sexist, impolite, and egomaniacal). I have two jobs and I managed to research for several hours a day (while writing a 90,000 word book, which was not one of my two jobs). It's about choices, priorities, and consequences. The same information I was able to find was out there for anyone else to find, but when I shared it, the majority of those same people told me to go to hell. I'd never be so rude as to tell someone to "back off," but I'll take the princess title all day long. ;)

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In January of that first year there was little research and much fear porn. Adverse effects didn't start April or May. I'm glad you didn't get the jab.

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Excellent comment!!

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Thank you!

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If taking adequate time to research a supposedly killer virus that was coming for us all per the government/media/industrial medical complex or the obviously thrown-together “remedy” was too much for people, then their priorities were screwed up. It most certainly did not require “ten hours a day” to do so, either.

Plenty of us have - you know - BUSY LIVES but still managed to prioritize our and our families’ health and well being. We worked our way through the lies to find the truth.

Does that make us smarter than other people? I’m gonna go with YES and make no apologies to people like you who are for some unimaginable reason offended by that.

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Amen to all of this! Funny what people get offended by these days, isn't it? ;)

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What's amazing to me is people that we thought were smart turned out to be incredibly stupid. And now they're embarrassed about it but won't admit it instead of being angry about trusting our government.

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For me it was simply the ‘new’ mRNA technology that was immediately questionable. I wisely thought I’d wait for a while as it had never been used on humans before. When the fear porn immediately got dialled up to 15 and then my employer came after me and was willing to bankrupt me, and family and friends treated me like a hideous, diseased leper, I realized with utmost certainty that these jabs were from the pit of Hell. Its ‘fruit’ was nothing but poison in how the unvaxxed were being treated. When I see these revolting video compilations of the commentaries about the dirty unvaxxed, my blood pressure shoots up and I feel the rage and hate directed towards me and my family all over again. It is SEARED into my heart and mind. I will never, ever forget what was done to me and my family!!!! These evil people behind this, from my work Team Leader up to my Prime Minister, will all stand before God Almighty one terrible day and give an account as to what they were part of. It will be a dark day of gnashing of teeth as they are sent kicking and screaming into the flames unless they repent. God help them to come to their senses before it’s too late. 🙏🏻

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Why on earth would you say "So back off princess" Linda?

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It’s not the “anti vaccine movement” we are promoting, it is the “safe” and “ethical” movement we are promoting. Explain to me how a virus that will have temporary symptoms in 99% of the population needs a vaccine, particularly when vaccines are not given at the height of any pandemic. Explain to me why safe drugs were suddenly banned. Explain to me why people were fired for exercising their Constitutional and Nuremberg rights. And if they can answer those questions appropriately, which I know they can’t, then we can move on to what they did to children and what they are currently doing to children.

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I think they have killed the goose that laid the Golden Egg once and for all. I wish I had been a better informed parent and Nurse. I have watched Morphine become Demerol, and Demerol become Dilaudid, and then onto OxyContin, then Fentanyl.

It’s a racket folks. Please stay healthy, as if your life depended on it. Clean water, organic, nutrient rich, Whole Foods, sunlight and plenty of daily exercise. Cut the cord. Never watch the Big 3 or Cable News again!

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I read that article, and there’s another point that they bring up: people now have less faith in their doctors and more people are declining to get their kids vaccinated. Of course they blame the crazy anti-vaxxers for it when, in reality, it’s their lies and the blatant acceptance of these lies by the medical community that has caused this problem. I used to accept anything my doctor told me at face value, but how can I do that anymore when he continued to tell me that the COVID shots were “safe and effective” long after it became apparent that they weren’t?

I haven’t gone completely anti-vaxx, but now I do give it some thought before getting one. For example, I did get a tetanus booster after I cut my hand on a rusty paint can, but I didn’t get a flu shot last year. I have no idea what to think about normal childhood vaccines anymore. The people who advise against them never talk about how terrible the underlying diseases are, and the vaccine advocates won’t even entertain the idea that maybe there’s a way to make them safer.

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Just so you know Peter, that Dtap shot did not keep you from getting tetanus. You would be dead from tetanus before the shot even kicked in, in several weeks. I get blood titers run, or did, and haven’t had a tetanus shot in 15 years. My antibodies are still going strong. I read a Forbes article years ago that said one tetanus shot after the age of 16 will last most a lifetime. So if you’re worried, titer instead of getting shot up with poisons. Now I won’t even titer as I believe it’s all BS.

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I got bit by a dog about four years ago. People said I should go to the hospital and get a tetanus shot. I didn't and guess what? I'm still alive. There is a reason ALL the countries have lost their faith in God (I'm 60 and have been atheist all my life....until this charade). Without God, you trust man. Big mistake. The only thing you should put your faith and trust in, is something outside of Man, whereby you can then take responsibility for ALL your decisions and choices yourself. No-one else to blame, but yourself.

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Have you read RFKJ’s book about The Real Anthony Fouchi? Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions (first few chapters are free on the Dissolving Illusions website) are other good places to start. Completely changed my stance from, maybe some are okay to hell no, never again. Except perhaps rabies or maybe, maybe tetanus in very specific situations of deep contaminated puncture wounds w dirt or horse manure (high association between horse manure and tetanus).

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His new book Vaxxed/Unvaxxed is pretty incredible as well. I will never put another vaccine in my body or allow anyone I love to do it either.

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We stopped vaxxing our kids 30+ years ago - so very grateful for a Naturopathic Physician who was a Godsend. Sadly our now adult children & grandchildren have all chosen to roll their sleeves to the EXPERIMENTAL bioweapon. I pray all day, every day for humankind for this is Spirtual warfare & a global genocide. Thank you Jenna - love & appeciate your work/article ...

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Damn, I wish we'd been friends back then!!! I was an obedient little sheep when my kids were little, sadly. Praying for your kids and grandkids. :(

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I just saw it is out. I bet it is very good. Probably need to add that to my library of dissident literature. And in hard copy too, so it is less easily disappeared.

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Jenna, my problem with a blanket statement against all vaccines, is that many of these vaccines protect against quite deadly diseases. And many of these diseases will come back if people completely stop vaccinating their kids. I’m old enough to remember seeing some kids in wheelchairs who were paralyzed from polio as a child. My mother used to tell the story of an infant with whooping cough who died in her arms when she was a student nurse in the 1940’s.

My point is that every medication comes with risks, and the question is how to balance that risk against the benefit of taking it. With respect to the COVID vaccines, it’s clear that there’s a great deal of risk and very little, if any, benefit from taking it.

As far as all of the other vaccines are concerned, it’s distressing that the medical profession hasn’t pushed to make them safer. But I’m also not prepared to say that they shouldn’t be given at all. And as the COVID debacle has made clear, we can’t rely on our doctor’s judgement to help us make decisions about this.

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But do they? I mean, that's what they SAY, sure... but the thing is, as soon as you start to dig even a little bit, you realize they've been lying about ALL of it all along. Listen to RFK jr., NONE of the vaccines has been appropriately tested for safety OR efficacy. And lots of folks have painstakingly researched how "polio" is in fact DDT poisoning--thanks to our thoughtful government literally spraying children with the toxin. But they drilled that "kids in wheelchairs who were paralyzed from polio" story into our heads so relentlessly that none of us ever questioned there could be another reason they were in those wheelchairs. Yes, every medication comes with risks, but in the case of vaccines--as I said in my article--they're going to have a hell of a time convincing me that "THIS one" is different... Candace Owens did a great series on polio in particular... you can probably find it on telegram or rumble...

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You should go to the governments own data sets for influenza for starters, then read up on polio and why we still have toxic adjuvants and e coli in supposedly sterile shots and even DNA plasmids, PEG, tumor inducing substrates. Ask and question everything.

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THIS!! THIS!!! ALL day every day THIS!!! I have been a physician for nearly 30 years. I used to trust what the FDA, CDC and NIH told me was the evidence based medicine. NEVER AGAIN!!! They have LIED to the public and to physicians for DECADES. It is absolutely shameful and should be CRIMINAL at this point.

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Your comments give me HOPE! Why is it so hard for so many people to admit they were duped? I lined up for ALL the stupid vaccines. I resisted Gardasil with my teenage daughters for years, and finally a "trusted [female!] doctor" talked me into it--a fact that's mortifying to admit (I'm not easily swayed, generally) and also something I deeply, deeply regret. (One daughter had two years of "unexplained" health issues immediately afterward, and it took Covid for me to connect the dots.) I have NO problem admitting that I was wrong/fooled/blind for many years! THANK YOU for speaking up and sharing. :)

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Smart people can realize their mistakes and learn from them. Dumb people never do.

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Really liked Dr. David Martin interviewed recently with Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond (TLAV). Totally awesome over an hour long. And, he will be back. ALSO, looking forward to his posting exclusive with Taylor Hudak's Covid interview.

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I have my doubts about the validity of the "79 percent of adults who received their initial series of vaccinations in 2021.” statement. Assuming it really was 79%, has anyone ever seen figures on what percent of that 79% received the vaccines under duress. What percent were forced to comply?

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Crimes against humanity.

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Count me among the coerced...and injured.

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"Liking" this comment seems so wrong. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Praying for your full recovery. XO

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Thank you! I’m happy to report that the I-recover protocol worked for me. FLCCC restored my physical health, and I can never repay what you all so freely gave.

But oh how I struggle spiritually with forgiveness. God will help me with that. And your article made me laugh and cheer and firmed my resolve to press for real accountability and to never blindly trust public health or, sadly, doctors, ever again.

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Lying is part of the Great Reset (the WEF's Plan for a New, depopulated World Order).

They've lied from day one when the 'man-enhanced' bat juice was Fauci modified to be as DEADLY to humans as possible through his Gain of Function (Frankenstein) program. All done to justify a new PROFITABLE, useless, but deadly depopulating injections they pretend are vaccines.

The FDA wrongfully and illegally accepted this false nonsense because they knew that various proven, anti-viral, EFFECTIVE meds existed (like IVERMECTIN, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, etc). If the FDA had admitted and acknowledged these safer solutions to Covid, the profitable new injections could not grant an 'EXPERIMENTAL' Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for the fantastically profitable marketing opportunity that followed in 2020.

The biggest and most dangerous Health con in human history.

By refusing all LIABILITY for INJURIES and DEATHS that continue to mount up POST-VAX, these murderers enjoy a Licence to Kill with impunity.

Surely some of you Muppets heard our rumours and realised this disease stunk to high heaven?

Too late now, most of you have now been Genetically Modified and have dangerous materials like Graphene Oxide in your systems. G.O. can, apparently, be 'activated' by radio signal and our opinion is that, when the NWO decide you are out of order for protesting the disappearance of meat, the destruction of MONEY, the withdrawal of conveniences like heating and air-con, you'll be 'dealt with with a jolt directed at your genetic identity details. If you decline Adolf Schwab's lovely bugs for food you'll be 'dealt with'.

Money talks! Join the dots! What have you done?

You're all getting Covid (or Flu) more than us unjabbed Conspiracy Theorists. Some of you perished soon after the DEADLY INJECTION. Others have long-term health issues - POST VAX!

From 'day one' Big Pharma assured you that these new injections were 100% SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Then the assurances started to wain and more jabs were sold as the 'answer'.

Those who took the bait now have compromised health, which increases with every shot. Most will probably have allowed their LIFE EXPECTANCY to be dramatically reduced (Only time will tell).

Even the "very, very, very, rare" symptoms of myocarditis are now regarded by realists as FREQUENT!

You can't expect to Pfuck with the human heart and believe "it will get better" You're Phucked!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and reasdy for their next Scamdemic launch!

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Wow! Bravo Jenna Mac Carthy!! First of all, you just described my philandering husband to a T... make that my long time EX husband. But as a result of having been there, done that....one develops sonar and radar to this kind of shameless dishonesty so consequently I have at times compared the Government s lies and scare tactics to my or any miserable marriage. I would only add the Final Act of “ okay, I misrepresented a few things but I swear I’ll never do it again”....but they do. It is a narcissistic arrogance on their part that actually believes that “ we” will continue to believe.... but here’s the deal.... once the trust has been destroyed, the betrayal empowers you and you 1000% will never believe or trust “ them” again. So, our government leaders and health officials only have themselves to blame. It’s not our stupidity, it’s theirs. They need to own that. Ceasing to insult us would be a good start.

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I recently watched someone I know post an "after divorce" video.

It was excruciating for her to leave their marriage, but?

"The trust was lost". Never to be found again...

That's how I feel about "them", and felt this way long before 1996, when a Canadian doctor, Ghislaine Lanctot published her book "The Medical Mafia.

By divine intervention? Her book landed in my hands.

I credit Ghis, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and my chiropractor for saving my life, and the life of my (future) son, born in early 1997.


For much more data: peruse the video description.

The Medical Mafia is even more powerful these days, but at least we have ways of exchanging information which were unavailable when I was first researching "childhood vaccines".

We had to Xerox articles, mail data to one another, and meet surreptitiously in "mother's groups", in person.

The internet isn't ALL bad... 😉

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They will never, ever, ever apologize, even as they enter the gates of Hell. Then they’ll curse everyone but themselves. Their self delusion will be complete and irreversible. A sad end.

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People still believe the BS they're peddling. Let that sink in.

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Americans are some of the dumbest people on the face of the Earth.

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Masterful tapestry of truth and satire Jenna, as you do so well.

I feel relieved of some pent up frustration and pressure just reading the truth...kinda like a good BM.

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Blushing *and* LOLing. :)

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I need some more conspiracy theories. All my old ones turned out to be true. Here’s a good one I just read this morning: mRNA jabs that aren’t jabs; they are inhaled. But the gubment would never just spray the air without our knowledge and consent. No, they’ll be used as a nasal spray (except in areas that are hard to reach with individual administration; in that case, maybe they’ll spray the air. Like counties with low jab rates?)

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"I need some more conspiracy theories. All my old ones turned out to be true." - beautifully put!

I'll be watching out for crop-dusting aircraft now.

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Sep 29, 2023
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That is super scary and sad.

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"I just read this morning: mRNA jabs that aren’t jabs; they are inhaled."

Link please. I need to forward it.


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It was on Dr Mercola's site this morning.

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Just watched and read this morning. Not just frustrating its infuriating and so much more i can not put into words.

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Horror! I guess the medical establishment is now an enemy to the people!

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They don't want, need, or value your (our) trust. THEIR agenda is from the days of old. THEY are desperately anxious for what's close. THEY have deceived the majority of the world on every pillar of societal common sense: Religions, Finance, media/news/entertainment, Education.

THEIR father comes as messiah. By him wonderful solutions (common sense) to heal the world's woes, and doing miracles so even atheists are deceived, confess he is the ONE. Warned! FAKE!

Get knowledge.

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Agree, they don’t really care about our trust. They just want our compliance,

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And, less of us.

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Wonderfully said. The arrogance and hubris of the establishment left unchecked knows no bounds. Perhaps we should treat them as we do suspects in the Mafia - offer the opportunity to come forward with a lesser prison sentence for a plea bargain to whistleblow on their colleagues. They fail to take it, when they are convicted in the rule of law, the get the book thrown at them with life sentences without parole. Remind them that eventually one of their spineless colleagues will come forward and throw them under the bus to save their own skin, might as well be them.

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Brilliant plan! Now we just need the execution (double entendre intended ;)...

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AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To eternity........

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But here's the thing about liars: you can't tell when they stop lying.

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1] because they don’t and 2) a recent revelation to me about pathological liars... they think that everyone lies! And I don’t mean “ those pants don’t make your ass look huge” ...I mean consequential lies.... they truly do think that lies are everyone’s currency.

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