Independent research IS our only hope... From now on, all "trials" need to show all financial connections at the top of the research.

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After Dr. Marcia Angell came out with her book - The Truth About Drug Companies, How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It, we've know about the regulatory capture of our public health agencies. Well respected journals felt that by asking, at the bottom of the research paper, what conflicts of interest the authors might have, that would provide the needed transparency. Next time you're at your doctor's office, ask him or her if she reads that section, looking for conflicts of interest. I suspect most simply read the title and abstract unless it's something of immediate interest.

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Who makes sure the "conflicts of interest" section is complete?

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Good point. Many fail to list all likely conflicts of interest.

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It worked for our family. Husband started off feeling poorly with fever, headache and day 3 symptoms gone. For me milder symptoms but never got any worse. My manager at work boasted to me she’s had all the jabs but is feeling pretty ill with covid. I’ve been listening to your podcasts since I saw Pierre’s testimony. Please never give up, the truth won’t be pleasant. I love you guys!

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Same for me. Used as preventative for the husband. He never got sick. 🙂

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Dr Pierre Kory is a powerful voice for everything good in medicine. Hippocrates is proud.

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I wish I could've seen him this time. I had 2 "NEGATIVE" PCR tests and therefore didnt go to the guy that has treated over 1500 covid patients successfully right away. Started getting sick and then breathing problems beginning of Jan. Started having MORE breathing problems and finally went to him beginning of Feb...but probably too late. He said he strongly beleived I DID have "the virus" and tested me for antibodies...I had them. And he alsi said they coukd not be from the first time I had the virus" (Dec 2020).

STILL have major breathing problems (can't get full breath and have to continuously forcefully clear my throat and dry cough to MAYBE get a full breath and difficulty swallowing.

We did Ivermectin for 5 days, 10 day round of doxy, budesonide 5x @ twice a day until 2 of those 5 vials made me have a coughing reaction and added to breathing difficulties, anti-inflammatory supplements, 2 HBOT treatments, 2 strong Vit C infusions, etc. To no avail.

Separately a Pulmonologist did breathing tests to check for COPD that was fine. On 3RD visit to ER (1st & 2nd to ER and 2 visits to UC showed nothing, including the "negative" virus tests...and I am NOT one to frequent either!)...other labs were done and a heart marker was elevated. The ER doc never even mentioned it (or ignored it). It was the pulmonologist NP that found it at my f/u visit the day after my ER visit! So shared with doc that I'm working with and he believes I have myocarditis from the virus. For everything that we have tried so far has not helped.

The only thing that gives me a small 4-hour window of a little bit of a break is something I discovered on my own, it is a Myer cocktail IV infusion. It is a B-Complex with Vit B5 and Vit B6 added as well as magnesium, calcium & Vit C. We know that Vit B strengthens the heart but unfortunately it's not lasting. I'm even taking a B-complex capsule in between with creatine.

I really like my doctor that I'm working with and I do believe he has helped a LOT of people and he is VERY VERY nice.

But I'm exhausted from this breathing trying to just sit and wait, wait, wait and do everything that I possibly can in between. It's VERY discouraging. Another practitioner that I was working with prior to all this but I contacted, thinks that I should do ozone therapy. She thought there's a possibility that I could have Micro blood clots but that ozone therapy will help other infections too and inflammation as well. All of this is costing our family a LOT of money. This is on top of the Lyme disease I was already diagnosed with back in 2011.

But even the symptomatic part of THIS seems almost worse than the daily struggle I had with Lyme symptoms.

If this doesn't clear up soon I am convinced but this will be the death of me. No one can breathe like this and live for long.

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You are in our prayers. Don’t ever give up.

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Feel for all you're going through - hang in there!

Were you able to see the breathing test results from the pulminologist? Asking because I know someone who has hyper lung inflation from cv, which is, can be, a precursor to copd.

Have you also thought about getting the labs done to see wher other cytokine storms may be happening? Believe this is Dr Patterson's work (?).

Re the lymes, have you investigated mold toxicity? Sometimes this can be an underlying issue that mucks up a lot of things - you can order at real time laboratory.

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The DOD vaccine injury and death report and Edward Dowd of Wall Street are both driving motivators for life insurance companies (loss of money due to the 2021 spike in vaccine related deaths in 18-45 years olds + 45-60 year olds) to uncover the fraud. It takes large insurance companies losing substantial money to fight this. No one in power cared about the deaths and vaccine injury. How sad when only deep pockets can challenge opposing deep pockets.

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Hoorah!, let’s go insurance!!!

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Yes. The trials need to show affiliation with the money. I am sick of the lengths they are going to to discredit ivermectin. It’s positively sinful. What about all the people who got sick and died? They could have been helped but the vaccine manufacturers are just ruthless!! Like completely without Ruth and the misinformation that comes from that direction is criminal. It’s very disenheartening.

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Fraudulent drug safety studies have destroyed medicine; "Safety" researchers ignore lot-to-lot variation but in reality 100X difference in contaminant level, adverse events, is common


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It's sad because even our medical training, our board exams, everything is based off of big pharma's agenda. I'm not against progress in technology and treatment but I am against hiding the truth, I'm against greed, I'm against putting profits above human life. You guys are brave! The only physicians who had the "balls" to stand up! I respect what you have done. Thank you.

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ForceVax cannot allow competition because an effective product would render inert their unethical ineffective experimental solution. They cannot allow ChoiceVax any option for active treatment, for preventative care, or for natural immunity or herd immunity. “They” are high functioning dark-triad types, they seek only profit, power, and control in all things. There is no proof they would accept, as they care not for truth.

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From table 2:

All-cause in-hospital mortality: IVM: 3 (1.2%) Control: 10 (4.0%)

Ivermectin saved 7 people?

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WSJ news side has proven itself to be fully on board with the leftist narrative for several years. Which is why sometimes the editorial side is more credible and does the deep dive on stories.

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If, by "leftist", you mean NeoCon and NeoLiberal Corporatist agenda(s), then correct... But Ruppert Murdoch owns that paper, and they've never been known for their leftist perspectives, even before he bought it.

When the WSJ starts pushing for Single Payer Healthcare, free education through Graduate School, and housing for all, regardless of ability to pay - THEN we could start considering them as being even a tiny bit "leftist". But I think that they've always been a paper in favor of War, the CIA and the Pentagon.

They have nothing nice to say about a nominally leftist politician, like Bernie Sanders. One of the Editors, John Ellis (a Bush cousin) actually called Florida for Bush in 2001, early - in an election that was dubious... So not real friends of the Left.

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"... Single Payer Healthcare, free education through Graduate School, and housing for all, regardless of ability to pay - THEN we could start considering them as being even a tiny bit "leftist" .... a nominally leftist politician, like Bernie Sanders" ummm...What on earth is your definition of a leftist position?

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Are you familiar with Eugene V. Debs?



How about Upton Sinclair?

Generally I would say it's a position that prioritizes having those who benefit the most from our society paying the most, to ensure the well being of those who don't benefit as greatly. Of course, in the rigged game that we have now - plutocracy/oligarchy, we often find that those at the top of pyramid, are essentially dead weight, being borne by those below them. The taxes paid by Donald Trump and Bezos and Amazon (none, or a rebate), would be good examples of this. Sadly, we live in a system that largely penalizes and criminalizes the poor - while assisting big criminals, like the Sacklers, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Monsanto - to literally get away with murder.

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Mar 23, 2022
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I don’t think the papers pick a side, they pick whatever way their owner’s agenda winds need to blow at that moment in order to sow the most discord.

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While the left tends to embrace questions of racism and racial injustice far more than the right - it's a fairly pervasive concern, and Corporatist America has taken note.

In reality, framing things based upon race - rather than class - is a tactic used to pit working class and poor people against each other, rather than the system exploiting them all - though some more than others, a statistically provable fact.

The movement against unaccountable murders, and unjustifed violence by police, long predates BLM's emergence as even a #hashtag. That began with the unjustified stalking and killing of a minor named Trayvon Martin, by the politically-connnected son, of a notoriously racist, retired Federal Judge, in Florida. The refusal of local police and prosecutors to even properly investigate the matter, spurred activists to take to twitter and start using that hashtag.

October22.org and StolenLives.org were both old enough to vote, before BLM was founded as an organization, or developed its far too cozy relationship with Center-Right NeoLiberal Corporatists, in the Democratic Party; or began receiving cash infusions from Corporate America and Billionaires. While BLM received copious coverage in media, often divisive, and used as a wedge issue - for decades those two groups (and their race-conscious but class based analysis) couldn't get more than a few column inches - even when brutally attacked by the Police, lawlessly, while peacefully demonstrating.

Oprah Winfrey, Shaquille O'Neal, and Charles Barkley will never suffer from unaccountable police violence - racially motivated or otherwise. Poor and unHoused whites and people of other races are statistically far more likely to encounter the issue. Dividing the country on the issue, based upon race and political ideology, actually serves a rightwing agenda - regardless of the professed politics of the BLM organization's four founders and leadership. And they're often rightly criticized, and even publicly disowned, even by activists who agree with them broadly on the issue, more broadly.

On a personal level I suspected that something was amiss, when the group made its first visible political move, by coming after Bernie Sanders, at a political rally - rather than $hillary Clinton. Sanders had always been a known activist, for Civil Rights and causes that they should support. Candidate Clinton, by contrast has a notorious history, going back to comments about "super predators" and support for Joe Biden's infamous 1996 Crime Bill. But rather than disrupting at one of her events - they chose to hijack the stage and the microphone at a Sanders event...and to his credit, he just let them have the floor, and say their piece. When they later tried to show some false balance by going to a Clinton event - they were stopped by security. While the former "GOLDWATER GIRL" did meet with them after the event - it was far less conciliatory than how they were empowered by Candidate Sanders. But for some reason they didn't make any public statements reflecting the differences in treatment, by the two campaigns, or any endorsements in the primary campaign. Which showed who they really are, as an organization.

The attitudes that you see reflected in the WSJ are fairly common in the country. And they are hardly conducive to actual Marxist goals, like uniting the working class, across racial lines - where the other two organizations I mentioned, could be.

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I have not read the comments section, so pardon if someone else made this suggestion.

Please consider writing to the Journal's Editorial Board with a more detailed critique of this Journal article. You could expand on the "designed to fail", the disease used, and the conflicts of interest. I believe you might find a receptive audience.

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Disease should be dosage. Sorry.

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I would like to thank the FLCC for their great work, for your fight for our health and freedom, and for your treatment protocol and your great website. Thanks to the wealth of info I was able to prepare for a possible COVID infection, and knew how much Ivermectin to take and if it was interfering with other drugs. Exactly 4 weeks ago I caught Omicron, and I took 5 pills of 3mg Ivermectin on the first day with slight symptoms, one day before my PCR test came back positive. 2 days later I also took 4 pills Molunpiravir per day. I only had a low fever for 2 days, didnt experience any other sympstoms, and had been virus free 7 days later. I am sure that it had been due to taking Ivermectin early, that I had such a mild case.

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Need to check in on the massive lawsuit filed at The Hague by attorney Hannah Rose against all these madmen.

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If we can expose the corruption of these pharmaceutical companies and put them in jail where they belong, then maybe we will be able to get the media to report the truth, since their financier’s will be exposed as having perpetrated crimes against humanity!

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The pharmaceutical compsanies have slready been exposed , time and time again. They wil not see jail time. The media is complicit in this and not at all ignorant of what their financiers are doing. There is widespread and deep collusion through all aspects of our system, But, I do like your optimistic outlook.

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Yes, I know it is a bit optimistic, but we can only hope. I am just so sick of the greater population being duped. I can’t help but believe that if people knew the truth, that they wouldn’t be furious. So many are so ignorant. I guess it is up to those of us who know the truth to try to inform others. I pray that more people will wake up. 🙏

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How about just looking at a track record of successfully treating Covid-19.

Imperial County CA, border with Mexico, when book written, treated 7,000 Covid cases and no one went to the hospital. Now 10,000. Use a somewhat different protocol than flccc.net, but there are many protocols that treat early - in the example above for Imperial County, treated in the first 7 days.

If treatment in first 72 hours even more successful. We have witnessed murder from the recommendations of go home and wait until really sick, go the hospital. And when you end up in the hospital, they won't use the appropriate flccc.net protocols - they follow the CDC to be free of liability and get a bonus.

These doctors in Imperial valley practice medicine. They are technicians of the practice of medicine. They work with the patients.


In contrast, most doctors follow what has been thrown over the wall and backed up by propaganda in the medical literature reinforced by hospitals, medical boards and media.

What doctor doesn't treat an infection? What doctor would not treat cancer early? Why in he world would doctors not treat a virus early? Unless the powers that be told them not to. To not be doctors.

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Doc, NOBODY with a brain will ever believe anything from CDC NIH, When I see my "vaccine pushing cardiologist" First question will be is he still pushing this crap? If its a yes, I am walking out. He is either willfully ignorant, compromised or just plain stupid.

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Not that easy. It is maybe half of the population. With a steady diet from the agencies, media, and too many politicians, how are they going to figure it out. Especially when it is put into a political frame which leads to discounting anything said.

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