This nonsense is giving me a Long headache.

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the government already knows

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you bet they do!

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I feel the term ' Long Vax' is ridiculous! It dimishes people who are severely injured! Call it what it is! Vaccine Injury!!

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Long vax.

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Hawaii colleges still requiring vax or boosters to enroll. Roommate today is struggling with his dilemma. He absolutely does not want the C19 “vax” shot.

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Please tell him no college is worth losing his life, health, and even his future fertility. Truly, college has become a worthless place to spend 4 or more years. Be kind, but help him make a good decision. Ironically, people have been BRAINWASHED into thinking college is the only path to success in life. It’s not. Good character, hard work, ethics, and a desire to think independently and learn on your own are far better predictors of success.

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"Long covid" was a cover dreamt up by those who created the vaccine and the virus for that matter, to cover for the inevitable vaccine side effects. When they started talking about "long covid" it was already into the time frame where they were testing the vaccine and it was only among those who had been deathly ill from covid which is perfectly normal for any infectious disease that brings you into critical condition. 27 years ago I had pneumonia really bad, in the hospital for weeks bad. I felt like hell for about a year after that, coughing up the garbage that had filled my lungs.

But somewhere along the way, "long covid" went from affecting only the deathly ill to those who simply had an infection that made them not sick enough to actually go to the hospital and not coincidentally had also been jabbed. All a mind game.

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I have tracked "long COVID" back to June 2020 in the timeline at ToE


The lab-engineered spike protein has left a massive trail of destruction.

Rewind back to June 2020 when the COVID-19 symptoms began to linger longer than expected, and it was blamed on the virus. This should have given the public health agency (Fauci et al) reason to look at what it was about this virus that caused these problems. The lab leak cover up (Fauci/Collins/Farrar et al) motivated them all to not look at the obvious - the likely part of the virus that was triggering such pathogenesis. The infectious section of the virus was engineered, it was chimeria, it was not natural, and possibly nothing "nature" would have ever produced. The section that was completely foreign to the human body... just as injected aluminium* that is traditionally bound to silica, is so foreign to the body that it is confused and unable to strategically detoxify.

What would happen if the very toxic part of the virus was the target protein for a countermeasure? What would happen if public health decided to inject the blueprint code of that very toxic protein (wrapped in a nice blanket of positively charged synthetic buttery fat, together with a veil of PEGylated stabiliser) into the bodies of the very people they are supposed to protect. Most of which were not even at risk of the genetically engineered, already mutated pathogen? Do you think there would be an increase in the incidence of those prolonged array of long covid symptoms?

But I know you all know that....we can wake up now, this is such a stupid dream!

* RE aluminium, the body can respond to cadmium (a toxic and non-essential metal) but it has no evolutionary basis for how to deal with aluminium, a metal that until man learnt to extract it, was always bound safely to silica. These few sentences in Prof Chris Exley's paper was a revelation for me, please take the time to read his papers and sign up to his stack @drchristopherexley.


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Is there any help or information out there for the small minority of people like me who chose not to get vaxxed but unfortunately ended up with some sort of long Covid illness? I feel like there isn’t a category for people like me anymore, because apparently your either unvaxxed and absolutely fine or vaxxed and chronically ill. What’s happening to my body, how come I am still poorly 2 and a half years later but I didn’t get the shot!

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Shedding compounded the infection, maybe? I know I’ve had shedding responses.

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Me too. Utterly abandoned by our own side as well as theirs! I presume you have seen the work of Ana Maria Mihalcea who is showing that unvaxxed blood is as contaminated as vaxxed blood now. So in the end, our resistance to the jab counts for nothing.

Out of interest, did you have one of the incurable syndromes such as FMS, Lyme, Morgellons etc before you went down the long covid?

I am currently experimenting with various strong anti-parasitic protocols to see if any of them address the symptoms I am experiencing that I am calling long covid. So far, no joy, but maybe feeling a tiny bit better on the artemisinin protocol. I think what we have, has a parasitic component but is not restricted to that.


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Should first line read "at both long COVID and long VAX"?

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The paper linked on rheumatic autoimmune disease states in the Introduction that . 6 Billion Long Covid cases caused 6.7 Billion deaths !!! 🤨

Ummmm …….. does Peer Review require reading and checking any numbers stated ?

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VA still giving covid shots to US veterans.

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And they require jabs for employees. And a mask if no flu jab. At least on their web site (not sure about reality of that policy).

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VA employees were forced to take the covid shot because of the federal government worker mandate.

Here's the kicker. VA's safety signals were triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

VA employee by the name of Fran Cunningham emailed the CDC to report.

VA and CDC remained silent.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

Here is a link to the details:


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And yet… The CDC and FDA have the ability to opt out. Make it make sense.

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Congress was exempt from taking the covid death shot.

That...should have sparked questions in peoples' minds.

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It's not either/or. It is both. I am unvaxxed but have a variant of long-covid. OF course, mine could be long-vax if the toxins in the vax can be shed to the unvaxxed and replicate in a different body.

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