Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks for reporting. My take on what the Big Pharma criminal shills have to say about VAERS: ah, well, just another dumpload of mindwar shale. I have spent the last 2 years transcribing testimonies that have been censored and shadow-banned-- many of these testimonies by people who have been grievously injured by the covid jabs, and by those who lost a child, a spouse, or a parent to the jabs or to the covid protocols. A lot, but a lot of people need to be in jail for fraud, violating peoples' human rights, malice aforethought, battery, and murder.

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Wow, that must be heartbreaking work. Grateful for what you do and I agree, there MUST be accountability.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you Transcriber B for the work/service you provide. Preserving the history of Truth & the Bioweapon injured & deaths. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil - I will never stop speaking Truth to tyranny & trust that the Light of Truth will prevail ...

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Thank you, dear Susan.

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Vids, no thanks

Pods, no thanks

Text, thank you TB

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thanks for your comment, dear David Cashion. I am glad to know that you find the transcripts of interest.

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Capital punishment for Pre-meditated MURDER? Mick.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Impressed that the BMJ is being such a good example of controlled opposition. I have not forgotten the blatant lies they told in supposedly peer reviewed studies a couple of years ago re hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin ..its going to be a while ..like 200 years before I trust them again. Also they are throwing rocks at vaers 3000 miles across the Atlantic where no body stateside will look . Hiding truth in plain sight. But, not asking any questions about the uk yellow card system which has failed equally as catastrophically as vaers. No doubt there'll be a reciprocal piece in the new england journal of medicine. Endless smoke and mirrors to prolong the genocide as long as possible. These rags are supposed to spread the best and latest in medicine to maximise public health but are aiding and abetting genocide. Do they honestly think they'll get away with it. And whether they do or not have they no conscience?

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Those journals are the best that money can buy, drug company money that is. Kinda like a Hunter Biden consultancy or seat on the board of a foreign government owned company with 10% for the Big Guy.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I don’t believe a single word from any federal agency.

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That is good... but I bet you would be shocked by the number of people who still do trust the centers for the disease control of people and the administration of bad foods and drugs.

I am glad that millions of people are questioning the criminals but I am sorry that so many who do are gaslighted back to sleep and also sad for the billions who have never questioned their officials and may not life to have a chance...

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Their only source of news is the NYTimes and NPR, so it’s expectable , but not forgivable.

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Please consider the extent of entrainment and indoctrination that holds most of Humanity in a state of enforced domestication and mercy, empathy and unconditional forgiveness? I hope the rest of Humanity can find it in their hearts to forgive me my passions and mistakes.

Just saying...

guilt and debt are tools of organized crime?



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You do have a point, but I have been a regular subscriber to the NEJM for 50 years, I was able to break free of the spell.

I would expect that they would be able & willing to confess their sins without weasel words of, but every body else was doing it. The Lord is gracious and freely forgives, BUT He expects free and full confession. The holocaust magnitude of these crimes demands nothing less (see the reading‘mistakes were not made’

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NEJM a preciously respectful journal has a very dark energy over the recent years . It is far from ethical .

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

During the Swine Flu 'Scamdemic' in 1976, a 'VACCINE' was created to address the potential 'tidal wave' of casualties. After around 54 post-vax deaths were reported the vax program was aborted.

I wonder why, when the DEADLY and frequently damaging Covid Vax had exceeded 100 POST VAX deaths, The FDA/CDC didn't pull the plug on the current DEPOPULATION Program?

Then we passed 1000 and the CDC/FDA did nothing.

then we passed 10,000 DEATHS and still they did nothing?

Then the POST VAX DEATHS surpassed 100,000 and they have done NOTHING!

Using the FDA's own admitted under-reporting equation, the number will soon reach 1,000,000 DEAD Americans - KILLED by PFIZER and the other Murderers. The FDA seem to have a complete disregard!

This is a clue that this might be the intended solution to Global Warming, as dictated by the WEF's New World Order. The Great Reset???

And still, big Pharma enjoys NO LIABILITY for pre-meditated MURDER!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I started joining the dots in 2020.

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The numbers are pure insanity. And yet still people (mostly jabbed ones) DEFEND THEM. It's lunacy.

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Back in 1976 the CDC still had some independence and shame. Now Fauci has seen to it that Big Pharma & the 3 letter agencies are a seamless vertically and horizontally integrated public--private criminal monopoly.

I don’t know if there is a way to get them criminally, civil liability may be more successful (no law degree here), Burgos will certainly get them in the end, & I don’t think our legal system packs the punch that God’s judgment does (read the Bible, it is great for the soul--Dante’s Inferno, while not scripture, does give a pretty graphic & reliable picture.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

They do not have time to go after bio weapons that are killing millions, they are showing everybody they are doing their job by going after more important items instead.. They are more worried about fruit pouches and cantaloupe, those two items are a global pandemic LOL and the ingredients in Stevia LOL... What an awesome job the Fraudulent Drug Approval organization along with the CDC is doing getting their DRUGS on the SCHOOL MENU, so they have to buy their DRUGS, awesome business decisions by the FDA, CDC, and the schools and the government, way to coordinate and work together against children, what an education wow and at the same time helping the Global Elite criminal syndicate, Gates and the pHARMACEUTICAL cartel make money and kill at the same time, their favorite type of investment, a twofer they would call it. The US is the only country that is allowed to do DRUG commercials on TV, for DRUGS that you need to get a prescription for, drugs that are not available at a store to buy without a DOCTOR(Drug Pusher) prescription(Sales Slip) the populace will ask the doctors about the DRUG, for diseases that do not exist, but they were told on TV it does LOL... Legal DRUG syndicate..

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New Zealand allows TV drug commercials. Only other country.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

Thanks Graham did not know that one, but would not be surprised since that country has went tyrannical nuts with cv-19 lockdowns with Ardern, and unleashing the bio weapon and laws, makes sense to have the pHARMACEUTICAL syndicate being allowed to advertise. Ardern their past leader from the WEF, hopefully will be locked up eventually, they probably will move her to a higher WEF position for the good work she did in NZ, they call EVIL work good work, backwards people.. The EVIL ELITE rewarded her with a cushy job at Harvard, what a joke... Guess she will teach the next group of EVIL YGL to join the WEF from harvard, sickening..

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I've been watching NZ in disbelief, as well as the other main anglophone countries, including my country of origin, the UK. The way they and the EU are, apparently suddenly, barrelling towards authoritarianism is hard to comprehend.

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That is because the people and group doing all this have more of a history and centuries of foothold in Europe.. They have taken over leadership in most of these countries through assassinations', murders, poisons and pay offs, so they own the leadership in all the high places..

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I've always been skeptical of large, multi-generational conspiracies. Convergence of interests is easier to get one's head round. But something is clearly going on, even if it's only recently become visible to those paying attention. I was talking to a close relative last night. Intelligent, well-educated, but zero awareness of vaccine deaths, IHR, CBDCs, any of it. I'm afraid that's typical of the majority.

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Part of the issue is people are in a dream state.. They are given nice jobs, money, nice homes and titles and status and belief in a dream, the American dream in our case.. Then after many generations of small and big lies that we never knew about in the past, because why would you question USA USA USA, lets kill them all, they do not like our freedoms LOL.. It was all a LIE, from the same people ,to take resources and make money and kill with certain people and groups getting the benefit.. Some of us knew, but we did not care because we were told not to like them for a number of lying reasons. You target a group who do not have the same color as the majority or religion, and it becomes tribal and nationalistic and USA USA USA, the rest is easy, then the LIES are finally turned on us.. If you allow injustices anywhere, eventually it will come back to injustices here.. We need to look backwards at some of the LIES WW1, WW2 and 9-11, Vietnam, JFK assassination and why? on and on and on, so many others, then you can come forward to now and see the LIES more clearly.. But the majority will not do that, because its always easier as I say to look out the window, in other words blame somebody else or the victim, rather then look in the mirror at ourselves, but that is whats required, but most will never do that, so no correction and no growth..

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Yup Canada's Castreau

And NZ's Ardern, both WEF and Big farma shills that want ONLY information from Their

Approved sources to be THE TRUTH and


Is fraudulent 🤬😿🙌🏻

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I cannot in good conscience vote for a presidential candidate who doesn’t demand full criminal prosecution of those responsible for the CDC, FDA, and NIH decisions related to the experimental nanoparticle gene therapy bioterrorism and treason these past four years.

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They may be want to stay alive until election ?

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Ha ha ha! The Almighty will protect the righteous candidate who has the guts to promise this prosecution.

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Something to keep in mind which I have written down for frequent review...

Due to the effects of shedding of the mRNA damage and harm compounded by the reality that 50-95% of all pharmaceutical drugs, in all forms (ingested, injected, patched, aerosolized) end up in the watershed and ecosystems ~

We have lost the comforting idea of 'the control group'. This concept (soothing utopia?) no longer exists. No one is immune to the influence of the (mRNA) disharmony which has been inflicted upon all aspects and members of the Earth's inhabitants and community. We humans are not alone in this ~ something so easily overlooked and disregarded. And it is so easy to get lost in the recent information and lose the larger perspective.

The Significance Awareness of every moment and detail.

Eat mindfully, act mindfully, support the immunity with natural local plant medicines, consider your thoughts, your activities, your actions with care, compassion, empathy and a broader and more inclusive view.

Authorities (entrenched, well-established, believed-in agencies) only still exist because modern societies place faith & belief in their integrity, honesty and authenticity.

The massive problems we are facing now will not be resolved with more (just more rigorous and adamant implementation) of the same type of thinking and belief systems that created these problems in the first place.

This is not my suggestion but rather that of Einstein.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I know you're super busy people (bless you 😘) ..... do you maybe have a moment to stop using the word side as in side effects? The outcomes are clearly effects, pretty awful ones, period. 🙏

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Point noted and taken!

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Good point.

The side effects are, they are effective on .09 percent of the population, maybe.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Nobody believes their crap now,, the majority of the people have lost trust in them, they are a farce, pharma puppets. Hopefully I will live long enough to see them all fired and replaced with people who actually give a damn about the people they serve and supposedly protect

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I literally think that every single day!!! I'd better live to see justice served. :)

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What would justice look like to you?

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The FDA has lost any semblance of credibility it ever had. They have become a paid mouthpiece of big pharma. Please do your own research.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Well done! I wish the CDC / FDA / etc. (HHS) would write their hilariously dishonest press releases on nice soft paper so I can find a practical use for them you-know-where.

Another thing our illustrious federal organization PR neglected to mention is that posting non-factual information (you know, lies) in a VAERS report is a federal offense. Per the Report an Adverse event page at https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html:

“Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.”

For those who wish to learn some of the many ways the HHS has messed with VAERS data — likely intentionally, not with the usual simple incompetence — check out the 1 hr Children’s Health Defense interview between Michael Nevradakis and Albert Benavides, who has studied VAERS in great depth and provides extensive data dashboards on his VAERSAware website. Here’s the link: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/vaers-uncomfortable-truths-disappearing-deaths-data-manipulation--more/

Also, for a quick overview of VAERS and additional links, check out Where’s VAERS?: https://open.substack.com/pub/eolson47/p/wheres-vaers

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Of COURSE they don't mention that! That little tidbit really ruffles the whole "oh you know, ANYONE can report" argument's feathers. They want people to think submitting to VAERS is as easy as writing a shitty Amazon review. "I'd give this vaccine ZERO STARS if I could!" [eyeroll]

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You are hilarious! They are nefarious!

Riffing on the Amazon review: I’d give this vaccine to everyone on VRBPAC and ACIP, the three- and four-letter agencies, Fauci, Gates, Walensky, Cohen, Collins, Austin, Becerra, Mayorkas, the administrative state, and all the rest who love them so much — FOR US.

Stand in line guys and gals for your 40 jabs. Take them and be happy. Plus, you’ll get a gold star, a lollipop, a Krispy Kreme donut, free weed, a roll in the hay, and more. So step right up! Get your lot while it’s hot!

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Are you trying to OUTFUNNY ME, Big E? Well congrats! That was an actual LOL. ;)

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Let's just say I'm aspiring to your very high bar -- shaken, not stirred. How cool that I made you laugh today. You make US laugh all the time, so I'm super happy to return the favor at least once.

Happy Sunday!

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Agreed Jenna! The more they've submitted to the depopulation con, the more adamant they are that we're all Conspiracy Theorists! Regards! Mick.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Hello Earthlings, Hello observers of conspiracy and organized criminal behaviors for power and money...

""official-sounding press release.  Stop being so conspiratorial or theoretical and trust The ""


Are they writing to Humanity?

People who observe conspiracy and investigate same are seldom conspiratorial. Most conspire at times in order to plan surprise parties or manage elders and or children but observing and investigating conspiracy is not being conspiratorial. Grammar... language is being abused when labels and symbols meanings blend and smudge our ability to communicate and understand each other. One of the most abused set of terms are all those rooted in conspiracy... no?

Lazy language is an indication of lazy thinking and lazy thinking allows the manipulators to manipulate... see?

People on all sides of conspiracy misuse the term. Be specific Humanity, say Union Pacific? In other words tighten up language because loose language results in fuzzy thinking and foggy vision of reality.

Just saying...


Thanks for this fine presentation and blessings

chuck 🔥💖🔥

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I couldn't agree with any of this more! In fact I wrote recently about the power of words/language (and what "they" are trying to do to it):


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thank you for the like under my comment and for the great article... There is a vast resource here in so many fine words well arranged.

I am ashamed to say I just can not or will not read most. I am selfish and lazy and pinching Pennies as well. I am pedantic and narcissistic and have trouble not hijacking the comments sections in articles that fire up my passions. But lately I am also jaded and overwhelmed with all the darkness coming to light now.

I actually thought that the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth would have made some tangible progress finding justice and holding organized global criminals accountable. Their story is too like that of the FLCCC Alliance and that does not fill me with hope or confidence. In fact their lack of progress is a despair sapping my passion and motivation; despair that serves the manipulators, deployed by them?

I am sorry teacher I ain't got no grammar today...

I got plenty of regrets and sadness though.

I just want to crawl back under the cloak of plausible deniability and binge on old TV shows until Sol's micro nova puts an end to our domesticated state or Jesus comes with the galactic Cavalry... real civilized people with enough wisdom and power and knowledge to enforce Universal Law and the Will of the Creator.

... or is it not their job? Is it up to Humanity to achieve civilized behavior?

The organized criminals who manipulate Humanity in Earth are very old and wise; their techniques and technologies well tested and ancient.

In my opinion Humanity needs wise counsel, righteous leadership and Universally trusted and recognized representation for Earth and Humanity to a greater community of civilizations able to enforce Galactic law. So I vote for the Human Being Jesus of Nazareth over business as usual and for Grace over pragmatism.

See... I wrote that I'd be hijacking again...

stopping with another thanks and blessings

chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Much of what you say applies to translations of the Bible from the original Hebrew ( Biblical Hebrew) and Classical Greek. Punctuation, ‘grammar’, incorrect choice of words, and added words were incorporated into English translations by master manipulators pushing obedience to their authority instead of the authority of the Almighty.

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Now how about the in your face road signs like

Vacation... as in Vacate? Not recreate or play but Vacate?

and or get out your house so we can change the batteries in the manipulation and surveillance devices?

We watch programs? Did you see your program? have you been programmed?

Doctor as In inDoctrination with doctrine and dogma?

The only ones permitted to indoctrinate in institutions of higher indoctrination/education are those with the Doctor degree or degree of adequate indoctrination?

Entertainment entrainment?

Word Irony slaps me in the face constantly now... ironic things for Eyes and ears?

There is Reason in treason? Each patriot has his riot?

and the list goes on...

and thank you for your contribution


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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How about UNIVERS ity, PAN DEMON ium / PAN Dem Ic, counter measures/ contra measures, ‘rollout’ being used for every new version of anything now including for things that don’t have wheels....

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Yese Universe City

PAN DEMON ium ... not as much...

but Santa Claws and Satanic Laws... yes...

and our current epic of lies and epoch of illusions collapsing and apocalypse?

In your face like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Field Of Fly Swatters?


A sort of plausible deniability built into the English language?

I wonder if this irony spans all languages?

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Hey starving people! The latest reports are that the grain harvest is six times larger than last year on our wonderful government collective farms!!"

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Isn’t the original/REAL name of VAERS. Voluntary adverse event reporting system ????? That’s what we called it while I was working for a biotech company.

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Not that I know of or have heard but that's interesting!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yep, if you check I’m sure you can see the records entered it for ibuprofen and other small molecule compounds. I’d be interested in what you find. You may be too 😊 take care.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Imagine what the meetings of the creative team that produced this must have been like... Could they come up with this, without being candid with each other about what they needed to communicate and what claims they needed to debunk? Or were all the discussions done with euphemisms and dissembling? This is where criminal intent to deceive actually resides.

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Written by Pharma marketing.

I hear they have a big budget.

They can afford the best.

It certainly wasn't done by the morons.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

You've skipped over the How and gone straight to the Who. The How is the interesting part...

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The who tells me the how.

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