Law suits mean open, public, transparent, legal platforms upon which truthtelling - re: data and evidence - of covidscam and vaxxjabs injuries appears dramatically for all to see and hear. Thank God for all you warriors! Who knew the ultimate war tween good and evil, light and dark, would look like this? I am so grateful to be on your team! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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In 2022 Ralph Baric and his friends Weaponized Dengue Virus by inserting the Furin Cleavage Site. The first author was funded by Pfizer. They called it "Directed Evolution".

Reference in https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/directed-evolution-gain-of-function

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Diabolically ironic that the California “law” describes what the medical/media/corporate/government cabal is doing!

The law declares that “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

A LEOPARD does NOT change its spots:


Interesting Pfizer injury case from insider (molecular biologist) who was awarded $1.3 million in damages against Pfizer in 2010…from gene modification product….

She was also attacked for raising safety signals.

interesting symptoms she had - paralysis…and tremors - symptoms so many have experienced from the shots.

After denying her the right to know what her colleagues alongside her were experimenting with so she could receive effective treatment - turns out it was lentivirus….



PS:never use google to search for evidence of a crime when it comes to politics and big pharma or big business.

Google is colluding to HIDE THE CRIMINAL EVIDENCE when it is not useful to current narrative scheme. Out of their own mouth - https://thepostmillennial.com/we-own-the-science-un-rep-announces-google-partnership-during-world-economic-forum-disinformation-panel

Rather Use the Waybackmachine www.archive.org


which retains all previous websites for years gone by. Or use www.DuckDuckGo.com or www.Brave.com

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I’m next on the mock vax injured list. They’re messing with the wrong one over here though💪🏻😀👊

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Ugh. You need a comma in the headline after the word industry. Without it, it means nearly the opposite of what's intended.

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Horrifying confirmation of the diseased pharmaceutical mafia cesspool!

It made me nauseous watching the whole vile video.

Thank God for truth warriors like Project Veritas.

We wouldn’t know the half of the evil schemes going on without these brave people.

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Its funny that your "source" for his actual existent as a licensed doctor... only shows a New York license.. but the compilation of his work history never shows him working as a Doctor in NY, but instead as a doctor in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts has no record of a Jordon Walker as a licensed Doctor, but his work history posted on the article you provided shows his most recent work history in Massachusetts and Texas.

By the way, there is no licensed doctor, Jordon Walker in Texas either.

Funny how the article shows his work in New York as June 2013 through June 2014, which is later than his most recent work in Boston and Texas.

The question is WHY??? would he have a CURRENT NEW YORK STATE PHYSICIAN LICENSE and not a CURRENT Massachusetts or Texas License? Furthermore, it is claimed he attended UT Southwestern Medical Center which is located in Dallas Texas. It would naturally be assumed that he obtained his Texas State Physician license....right?? Why wouldn't he keep it???

The credentials in my opinion.. seemed stretched to fit a narrative... and my question is WHO'S NARRATIVE IS THIS BENEFITTING???

I expect the FLCCC to hold themselves to a high standard.. especially now.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

It seems that, since Walker hasn't been a practicing urologist for some time (likely 'graduated' at the bottom of his med school class), the question about which state he's licensed in is moot.

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Since our standards are high, Whose narrative...🙃

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