My New Year's resolution is, to continue to avoid corrupt medics with poison mRNA in syringes.

Not only do Pfizer/Moderna, etc, DEADLY injections of mRNA poisonous materials guarantee increased ill health, but often serious irreversible reduced resistance to most illnesses known to man. With each extra injection, the human body's natural resistance to illnesses is further compromised. At best, each extra jab destroys natural resistance and shortens Life Expectancy!

We can't find any honest politicians who speak the truth and are prepared to stop the deadly carnage called Covid mRNA VAX?

Pfizer/Moderna are trying to wring out the last few million injections of deadly mRNA before their bubble bursts and the truth has to be revealed. Fauci-modified Covid and mRNA Vax have been the Plan for decades!

Premeditated mass murder by the Establishment! Are they being rewarded for their complicity or are they insane? These can be the only two rational reasons for this depopulation program.

Apparently, the DEADLY mRNA vax makers CAN BE SUED for 'Fraud' and 'Murder' if the appellant can convince a judge the events we have witnessed since late 2019 can be proven as deliberate.

But still, these monsters (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) continue to hide behind their ZERO LIABILITY shield which is finally being realistically questioned as to its relevance and justification.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Working to save lives by removing the insane ZERO LIABILITY nonsense!

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I appreciate some of the advice, but advising grains and warning about saturated fat?

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Thank you for the sound advice. Happy New Year!

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