Question everything. Doctors, please recognize the inherent biases in our training and make every effort to practice independently. While many of my physician friends lost licenses, jobs, etc. for speaking out, I was protected somewhat by being an independent direct care physician. Patients, consider paying directly for your care whenever possible. Refuse to participate in the dysfunctional system.

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Same here. Most Physicians operated like cowards, refusing to come tog and stand up together. Many who knew the wrong they were committing, stayed silent for a paycheck.

How do we get unity amongst physicians? What is the first step?

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Speaking to each other in person is important. I also believe we critical thinkers must try to be on the state medical boards. In the past, I was asked to apply, but my impulse was “ew no.” The communists are taking over the boards.

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How do we pay directly? How do we find an independent primary care doc? What if you need a specialist, a test, or god forbid, hospital care. I’ve searched for integrative doctors in my state and the services are limited.

I’d really appreciate whatever resources you or others may share on how to get out from under the traditional and broken system.

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Physicians are going to have to openly abdicate from Flexner's corruption and return to a strict adherence to the Hippocratic Oath before we can begin rebuilding our trust of them. Reliance upon the patient's vetting of pharmaceutical advertising is the wrong road.

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thats important and necessary ... would they do it???

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It will never happen until the AMA's lock on medical education by way of medical school approval is broken, because they teach that pharmaceutical drugs and medical procedures are the only healing modalities that are efficacious, and medical doctors never learn about any other options, being taught they are quackery.

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Doctors need to earn my trust, which has deteriorated over many years beginning with the Ornish-Atkins spat over fat.

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"We must assure that the mistakes of the past three years are never repeated..." These were NOT "mistakes". These were LIES and DECEPTIONS done ON PURPOSE by those in authority. These are CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and heads need to roll!

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I do not think they can. It would take a doctor to say I was wrong. The process of making a doctor makes most of them arrogant. Most have no concept of humility. They could easily saved millions in liability if they had just learned to say they are sorry when they are wrong. Most people realize that they are human. They themselves however do not have the capacity to admit their mistakes and then make it right.

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If you are lucky enough to find and get in with a physician you can have an honest, respectful conversation with you are fortunate indeed. Even though I am, I limit my visits to 1 annually because I need my thyroid Rx and to maintain the relationship for emergencies. Tomorrow I have to see my orthopedist for an impact injury. Part of me dreads this as he is one of many who denied my 2 adverse reactions to flu, then later pneumonia shots just before covid. The neuromuscular pain and weakness took 28 months to resolve.I still have joint pain. He can treat my probable tendonitis, but I remain very wary about even bringing up anything else. And that is a shame.

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15 years ago my wife lost her trust in doctors when she was prescribed 4 medications for severe allergies and told she would be on them for life. Through nutritional changes to her diet she ditched all of her meds and still today has not needed any medicine. She stopped going to the doctor and had never been healthier. It took me until Covid to see the light. Now I am right there with her. And never been healthier!

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Great - way to take charge of your health!

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I have tremendous respect for the 500 out of 1,000,000 doctors, as Dr. McCullough says, who stood against hospital policies and government mandates. I also accept and appreciate Dr. Malhotra's awakening. He is a tremendous asset to patients and to the truth. I do not, however, respect doctors who went along to get along, or who put their heads in the sand and enacted hospital policies they knew or should have known would result in death of their patients. I do not believe these health care workers should be given a pass, "She was just starting her career or she had bills to pay." As a person who has worked my entire life and paid my bills, I believe it unethical, and yes, a killing, when a doctor or nurse chooses his or her salary or full employment status over lives of humans who have turned themselves over to their care, believing the healthcare worker has their best interests in mind. When they choose to keep their jobs and inject poison into people, or administer Remdesivir, in order to pay their bills, they choose self interest over the helpless person in their care. That is a glaring conflict of interest and a violation of the Hippocratic Oath. That decision, as nurses learned at Nuremberg, constitutes an intentional killing. Yes, the decision to quit your job is difficult and requires stepping completely into your decision and all of its consequences. The decision to inject someone or deny them treatment resulting in their death is obscured by platitudes, euphemisms and lies, and that is why so many get away with it and avoid criticism as well. The fact remains, "but for the doctor's decision to inject the patient, the patient would have lived." We should never again lose sight of that fact, for if we do, then each of us must ask, again, "Is this doctor adhering to his Hippocratic Oath, or is he paying his mortgage and his child's tuition with my life?"

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Not likely to happen. Doctors simply refuse to respect much less trust their patients. If a patient insists that they "trust in and know their body"to ANY degree (much less GOD FORBID did any research on their own and ask questions or have formed an opinion they are comfortable sharing) a doctor is immediately on the ego-defensive and the dance begins...one where the patient almost always will have his feet stepped on, toes broken.

Doctors' engagement (w patient) approach needs to be corrected at the systemic level- first with removing all the reimbursement and payment structures (ICD codes anyone?) and restoring a landscape where a doctor can spend AS MUCH TIME AS NECESSARY with the patient, listening and honoring their wishes when it comes to treatment they will or will not accept. Know firsthand the patients history. Be open to a mind body approach and to LEARNING outside your med school out dated indoctrination.

HMO s-gone. Corporate medicine- gone. Insurance selected/limited/networked practitioners gone.

Hourly market rates for docs compensation for time spent with patient much like any other service contractor/ provider (construction, auto, legal, etc)

No.kickbacks for diagnosing drugs. Pharma must be hands off! (See? Never gonna happen...why? Cuz patients have no power.)

Third party reimbursement structure contributed heavily to the dysfunction and breakdown between patient and practitioner. Make them just like non-AMA healers with rates for office visits and treatments.

The entire thing is a racket, likely to further injure or kill you. Good for business...

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I can’t imagine trusting any of them again, unless they took a stand against the establishment and the atrocities committed by allopathic medicine for longer than any of us realized. Most of the local doctors are woke, cowards, or simply corrupt. Done with them. Trusting my body’s ability to stay healthy, and the occasional visit to a homeopath as needed. It’s actually quite freeing.

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The “corporatation” of medicine has ruined the physician/patient relationship. Medicine has become all about the money and bottom line. “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils.”

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Never ever vaccinate pregnant women. Unfortunately, it is still recommended by ob/ gyn physicians . Shame on the captured agencies like the ACOG. Find an ob/ gyn that respects patients opinions and isn’t brainwashed by the government agencies. Run out of that office if they do and never look back .

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This almost always means an older doc. I needed a ob/gyn for a VBAC. Took some calling around, but the doctor I found said he used to do them all the time in the 70’s. He wasn’t afraid and I got my VBAC😊

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Wooo Hoooo Jackie J !!!👍🏼🌞🤗

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Sure, the corporate control of the medical-industrial establishment as it exists today is a huge part of the problem. But another huge part is the mindset of most people with the letters M.D. after their names. From what he says, I gather that Dr. Kory was right there in that same mindset at the start of 2020, believing without question everything he had been "taught" (deceived into believing) in a Big Pharma-controlled medical school and read in the Big Pharma-controlled professional journals like the NEJM and JAMA. Dr. Kory became a hero of our medical freedom movement precisely because he totally woke up and did a 180 degree turnaround. The question is, how many other doctors have yet had the same experience, even privately? The famous quote from Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) comes to mind: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Patients' faith in their M.D. doctors is never going to be restored until the vast majority of them have followed Dr. Kory's courageous example and awakened from their trance. I expect that is going to take many, many years.

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Where can one find a physician that did not buy in to the pandemic?

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They are even pulling veterinarians into the One Health agenda! and pushing drugs they can no longer ise in human medicine over into vet.med

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