My twin sister and I had not your usual post vaccine symptoms like fever achy sore arm but a frightening , strange feeling that has since mitigated after major testing.
Please feel free to share.
This was taken off of FB all social media in less than 5 minutes.
Thank you so much for sharing, and incredible video. Your message is important - the world needs more people like you standing up and sharing their own experiences! Thank you, Team FLCCC
28 minute video below tells the powerful story of Canadian distance-runner Shaun Muldoon, an innocent, previously healthy young victim of the not uncommon, but commonly mis-diagnosed, vaccine-induced autoimmune disorder called “VITT” (Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytyopenia). The VITT syndrome is known to be caused by AstraZeneca’s Covid -19 vaccine (which vaccine, in Muldoon’s case, was injected 2 weeks before his emergency small bowel resection that was followed by two additional major abdominal surgeries, which has left him to deal with the life-long serious consequences of a “short bowel syndrome”. The Covid vaccine-caused autoimmune disorder resulted in the formation of antibodies to his own platelets (the phenomenon of “molecular mimicry”) that caused the platelets to clump and thus cause blood clots in the blood vessels leading to his bowel, lung, spleen, and who know what other organs). The abnormal platelets (now being recognized as a foreign substance to Muldoon’s immune system) clumped excessively and clotted both small and large blood vessels anywhere in the body – including possibly the circulation to the brain (causing TIA’s [transient ischemic attacks/stroke warnings] and completed strokes; impaired circulation to the heart (angina pectoris, heart attacks, and even cardiac arrest). (Makes one wonder about the real, over-looked cause of Buffalo Bills cornerback, Damar Hamlin’s near-SADS [Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) cardiac arrest episode on Monday Night Football a couple of weeks ago.) ~ Pls listen:
Thank you for sharing Heidi. There are so many people that share these adverse effects from all these COVID Vaccines. I will never trust our US government or Health Care system. Who ever is in charge of this world insanity
you are correct. although you should feel free to point out to them "here is info from FLCCC, whose doctors have ALWAYS tried to determine and pass along truthful information. but if you prefer, go ahead and stick with all the gov't agencies and big pharma companies who have been exposed as repeated and deliberate liars"
Indeed, though they will just ignore me even further then, as they go about the bizarre ritual of going for another booster while making sure to stop off at Whole Foods on the way home to buy some "organic" milk and "keto-friendly" self-raising flour.
i retired 2019 from ag industry. in later years of career was approached re: supplying organic grains / feedstuffs to poultry farms. researched USDA standards (which are absurd) for "organic". quickly understood that supply was NOT available for demand BUT somehow plenty of "organic" stuff was hitting the grocery shelves. eventually heard several stories about "organic" grain imported from corrupt foreign countries with 'certificates' attesting to their 'organic' origins...
I hope Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik will start a new medical system, a system of honor and sound medical advise.
What I have seen on the Outer Banks of NC and our major hospital Norfolk Sentara is not based on the Hippocratic oath and many doctors will not say anything about adverse events from these COVID vaccines.
No you are not safe after a year. 1-2 years out is when you get cancer. I have seen it WAAAAY too much now. I tried to talk my X-wife out of it, and not she has pancreatic cancer, and a friend of hers did the same thing, and she has terminal brain cancer. I know so many people with cancer now, and knew no one before.
I actually don't know how someone can feel safe before at least 5 years after taking these poisons (mRNA or Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector (J&J/Astrazeneca))..
1. Nobody knows the ingredients and their purpose. Not even the FDA because the manufacturer can change up to 49% of their ingredients without notifying the FDA when the product is still in EUA. That's why 3rd party labs have found totally different poisons in the jabs depending on the batch tested, including radio-active Cesium-137!!!
2. Health regulatory agencies that "authorized" these poisons never tested them before approval (EU, UK, Canada, Japan, etc...)...
3. When people die or get injured, governments run for cover by creating new words like "Long Covid", "Sudden Adult Death", "Cause Unknown", etc....
The known deadly batches are derived from VAERS injury reports and specific batches target specific states/provinces or countries. If injuries are not reported using the VAERS system, you may think that your batch was not "bad" which is not true.
You can also verify the below website if you know your batch #.
This is like using your finger to verify if there is electric power in a plug!!!!!!
There are just so many dead being reported on the internet despite Google censorship that I wonder how bad things are: Kids who die after getting injected with Pfizer and then getting "Flu" quackcines 2 weeks later, etc....
I don't know how people can still trust the Big Pharma for any medication - not just Covid.
Very, very surprised that NAC isn't on your list of protective supplements. These vaxxed up people need to be clearing as many spikes out of their systems as possible. Your protocol doesn't seem to have that component in it, unless you are considering that Resveratrol will fill that role...
And what are your thoughts on Rutin as a protective supplement? A recent bulletin from states that: "Rutin, specifically quercetin-3-rutinoside, is another natural substance of importance for the prevention of thrombosis (blood clots). It is one of the few substances known (synthetic or natural) that can both help prevent clots and help break down unwanted clots." See:
And also this one: advises that everyone who has been vaxxed should have blood tests run for elevated troponin and / or D-dimer levels. Do you consider this worthwhile in both assuaging the fears of the vaxxed and helping them determine if there's a problem growing in their circulatory system that they just haven't felt yet?
@Free Human the section in the pdf starting on page 16 covers spike clearance and page 19 points out that ivermectin binds spike, aiding elimination. I just skimmed it so you'll find more good points there.
@FLCCC Alliance Do you know offhand if the Alliance has commented or referenced the study regarding ivm inhibiting spike-induced hemagglutination?
same reason i am here because of john linking this article in his video, as he has to self censor, as he is afraid of losing his channel he has worked so long and hard to make successful, its an awful situation
My family of oncology clinical researchers who left vaccine research will be celebrating Paul Marik Day tomorrow, January 24th (also Kory-Cole-Johnson-et-al-Heros Day) in honor to brave heartfelt testimony on the same day last year that has been watched multiple times in its five hour entity.
In the Pfizer and Moderna “gold standard” randomized clinical trials (the highest quality evidence available, period), the excess deaths with vaccination showed up ONLY by the 6-month follow-up. But at the 1-month follow-up there were no excess deaths in either trial, clearly indicating delayed deaths. At 6 months, the separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.
So while it's very encouraging that the FLCCC experts think that vaccine dangers are unlikely to persist much beyond 6 months, it might be too early to declare people completely in the clear by 6 months, based on the fact that it took about 6 months for excess vaccine deaths to show up in the "gold standard" clinical trials for both Pfizer and Moderna (it seems unlikely that that risk would vanish right afterwards). For instance, if we continue to see excess non-COVID deaths and serious medical issues at a population level even >6 months after most people have stopped vaccinating, long-term effects of the vaccine should be very strongly considered as a likely culprit (perhaps the most likely culprit).
Considering she was on the fence to begin with in taking the original shot, and her not posting on twitter a follow up shot, I doubt it. But perhaps she got covid after? I think each re-exposure to toxic spike makes it all worse.
Another consideration is use of birth control pills which may increase the chance of clots. Fit people are not immune. The thinner you are, the smaller the blood vessels.
This is such encouraging news! My son and son-in-law are both in healthcare and were the first ones required to get the jab. Other family members, against my advice, have also received the jab. Fortunately, all are way past 6 months from last dose.
I am curious, though -- does the spike protein ever leave the body??
Wrong. If you have just the 1st & 2nd jab before you got covid, a highigh % of your Ig3 abs have been imprinted to Ig4.
If you don't have a severe case of myocarditis resulting from the Spike Protein in the 1st 48hrs post Vax, your still susceptible to the coming Turbo Cancers.
I would like to know if the spike protein ever leaves the body too? Can it? Also if you have the COVID virus and not been vaccinated vaccinated do you still have the spike protein?
If you go to the FLCCC videos page or Dr. Been's youtube lectures, Dr. Marik describes an intermittent fasting protocol for stimulating autophagy which does clear the spike protein from the body. Dr. Marik cured his own type two diabetes through the lifestyle change of intermittent fasting, restricting one's eating to only certain hours. They recommend a few other nutraceuticals and ivermectin as also clearing the spike protein.
James I have read the spike protein does stay in the body. I would like to know if you haven’t been vaccinated and get the COVID virus does the COVID virus and spike protein cause the same effects like the vaccine?
"MIOCARDITIS" is now in every day vocabulary - provided FREE by our super wealthy friends at Pfizer!
'Do NO Harm' and 'Informed Consent' were both removed from the Doctors Hippocratic Oath when Covid was invented. The medical profession nosedived into deceit and dishonesty by allowing Big Brother to dictate their medical actions and moral decisions.
A bit like altering the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' changing twice in a decade to suit the DEADLY but USELESS Covid injection.
World Health Organisation is now redundant , CORRUPT and cannot be trusted since Bill Gates became their biggest benefactor (influencer). They are now being encouraged to take over the whole planets Health systems. Starting with obtaining the Authority to proclaim the next artificial Scamdemic, and then impose all the worst Controls and Disciplines that we experienced during the Covid Scamdemic.
With their Newly obtained powers they will be able to MANDATE INJECTIONS (called 'Vaccines') that will have little to do with human health - more like Total Control and Slavery!
What are we going to watch when all sportsmen & women have died from the Covid Injections? Apparently, there were 5 with heart issues in one University on the same day?
Some of us sceptics believed from the unbelievably speedy 'invention' of the DEADY COVID VAX they were at best 'SUSPECT'. ("Speed of Science" = My arse!) Now we all know they can be DEADLY!
The 'System' has allowed Flu back into the English language and are trying to justify even more profit from injections (called vaccines). I now suspect that all injections might now be 'doctored' with unwanted dangerous additives!
More 'boosters' that don't work? Just to sell more injectable crap into our already devastated bodies.
If we continue to refuse the DEADLY COVID INJECTION, can Doctors still prescribe 'Sudden Early Death Syndrome (SADS) for us?
Do any Doctors still remember "Do no harm" as part of their oath to provide professional conduct?
Heart DAMAGE from Covid Vax is permanent!
What about 'Informed Consent'? That was formally terminated as a Patient courtesy or requirement the same Date Covid Vax cheated it's way into the market with an unjustified (EUA) Emergency Use Authorisation - because they got the FDA to agree that IVERMECTIN & several other proven pre-existing Safe & Effective anti-viral medicines did not exist, or, if they did, "They're only for animals."!
Big Pharma Covid injections (called "vaccines"???) = NO 'LIABILITY' = LICENCE TO KILL with impunity!
Why do the CDC refer to DEADLY VAX 'DANGER SIGNALS' as "Safety Signals"? This Poison is made with NO GUARANTEE of SAFETY or EFFICACY by unethical and massively profitable organisations that accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any/all ADVERSE REACTIONS or/and DEATHS that follow their supposed DEPOPULATING 'cures'. The word 'MIOCARDITIS' is now part of our daily vocabulary!
The crap is so unreliable, that now NEW AILMENTS are being (invented) discovered like SUDDEN EARLY DEATH SYNDROME (SADS)! High functioning athletes are dropping like flies!
Why would anybody play RUSSIAN ROULETTE with their otherwise healthy bodies, and those of their innocent children! Apparently there are now 770 different adverse reactions recorded that relate to Covid injections (ridiculously referred to as "VACCINES").
LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for these Bio-weapons designed for depopulation of the planet!
You have stated very passionately some clear warnings, which is commendable. I have to comment, though, on this one idea that occasionally keeps getting thrown around on substack, and is here in your post: that is, that there is some sort of "law' that was passed that allows medical professionals to not disclose pertinent information about medical interventions. That is not true that medical professionals can neglect from giving information to their patients about ANY sort of medical procedure or intervention that will affect the patient. A person always, Always, ALWAYS has the RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT, and ESPECIALLY when there is an EUA going on, but really ANY time whenever someone is contemplating a course of action that affects them, even if it's just taking an aspirin or something minor!
So, even if there was some "law" that was passed, then it was illegal, because the Nuremburg Code of Medical Ethics is superior to any other "law" that was supposedly passed (illegally) by nefarious perps who are trying to trump that code of medical ethics. THERE ARE PATIENT RIGHTS THAT CANNOT BE DISCARDED, and these are BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS! All doctors (who are worth their salt) can also become patients sometimes, and they should know this principle and want to abide by it for themselves, too.
What rock have you been hiding under? What you say is as it should be. I am a retired Critical Care RN and have spent time on a hospital Institutional Review Board, so I know about informed consent ( and the Nuremberg Trials). All of this has gone out the window with Covid. Doctors are being threatened with revocation of their medical licenses if they don’t adhere to the political narrative.
“Federation of State Medical Boards recently felt compelled to issue a stark warning to medical professionals:
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
Have you heard of Drs. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Simone Gold? Just a few who were fired from their hospitals for successfully treating Covid patients with IVM and HCQ.
In order to have an EUA there can’t be a drug available to successfully treat Covid. And thus many people could not have made billions of dollars from the Covid jab ( it is not a vaccine).
Yes, I understand all of that. And yes, I have been keeping up with the doctors who are protesting, and hallelujah that they are doing so. I probably wasn't clear in the post that I'd written. I just was wanting to state that I've seen several places on different substack articles where someone has brought up some sort of "law" about how individuals no longer have the right to informed consent. This is not true (that people don't have the right to informed consent under the EUA).
It seems that many people are not being educated about their rights, so I was just stating that it would be nice if posters on substack would consider being a bit more proactive in talking about our rights under the Nuremburg Code. If patients would bring this up from now on (if they know about their consitutional freedoms and human rights) consistently and constantly whenever they are faced with these EUA choices, then I think that things would change rapidly.
Haven't you ever heard of "DO NOT COMPLY"??! I don't mean to be rude, but people DO have choices and if they would protest en masse, then things would change in the medical system. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part, though. And perhaps it IS occurring, but I just don't hear about it.
Most doctors and nurses do seem to be oblivious to educating themselves and their patients about these basic freedoms and rights. FLCCC medical personnel are different in that regard, thankfully. I appreciate them!
Has anyone here thought to ask what the HALF-LIFE is for these pseudouridine based synthetic mRNA molecules? Because it is NOT a "short time". It is NOT "10hours". It is at least detectable after 8weeks and producing spike up to 110days later.
FDA does NOT know the half-life. Let me repeat that: The FDA does NOT know the half-life for Comirnaty or Modernal vaccine synthetic mRNA.
I had two series of Pfizer shots
last shot was May 2021.
Dr Korey and Dr. Marik I follow your protocol.
Dr. Korey and Dr. Marik are the Doctors I trust.
Thank you.
Thank you for calming my heart. ( no pun intended)
You both are leaders!
Sue Goodrich
I wanted to also
share our post vaccine (two shots)with Pfizer.
My twin sister and I had not your usual post vaccine symptoms like fever achy sore arm but a frightening , strange feeling that has since mitigated after major testing.
Please feel free to share.
This was taken off of FB all social media in less than 5 minutes.
It is the truth.
Thank you so much for sharing, and incredible video. Your message is important - the world needs more people like you standing up and sharing their own experiences! Thank you, Team FLCCC
Thank you FLCCCA.
My beloved Father, Col.Leonard Lee Lewane US Army used to say in the midst of War & Challenge to us and his comrades,
“ Stand Steady”
& forge ahead!
This has become my Mantra.
The FLCCCA and anyone else has
our permission ( me & my twin sister)
to share our video
so that others will not feel alone.
PS our symptoms have since been mitigated through medical testing.
No COVID boosters for us.
Sue Goodrich & Victoria Peters
Thank you FLCCCA.
My beloved Father, Col.Leonard Lee Lewane US Army used to say in the midst of War & Challenge to us and his comrades,
“ Stand Steady”
& forge ahead!
This has become my Mantra.
The FLCCCA and anyone else has
our permission ( me & my twin sister)
to share our video
so that others will not feel alone.
PS our symptoms have since been mitigated through medical testing.
No COVID boosters for us.
Sue Goodrich & Victoria Peters
Thank you for sharing AGAIN, and getting your message out!
28 minute video below tells the powerful story of Canadian distance-runner Shaun Muldoon, an innocent, previously healthy young victim of the not uncommon, but commonly mis-diagnosed, vaccine-induced autoimmune disorder called “VITT” (Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytyopenia). The VITT syndrome is known to be caused by AstraZeneca’s Covid -19 vaccine (which vaccine, in Muldoon’s case, was injected 2 weeks before his emergency small bowel resection that was followed by two additional major abdominal surgeries, which has left him to deal with the life-long serious consequences of a “short bowel syndrome”. The Covid vaccine-caused autoimmune disorder resulted in the formation of antibodies to his own platelets (the phenomenon of “molecular mimicry”) that caused the platelets to clump and thus cause blood clots in the blood vessels leading to his bowel, lung, spleen, and who know what other organs). The abnormal platelets (now being recognized as a foreign substance to Muldoon’s immune system) clumped excessively and clotted both small and large blood vessels anywhere in the body – including possibly the circulation to the brain (causing TIA’s [transient ischemic attacks/stroke warnings] and completed strokes; impaired circulation to the heart (angina pectoris, heart attacks, and even cardiac arrest). (Makes one wonder about the real, over-looked cause of Buffalo Bills cornerback, Damar Hamlin’s near-SADS [Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) cardiac arrest episode on Monday Night Football a couple of weeks ago.) ~ Pls listen:
Thank you for sharing Heidi. There are so many people that share these adverse effects from all these COVID Vaccines. I will never trust our US government or Health Care system. Who ever is in charge of this world insanity
should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Thank you Pierre. I advise jab patients to follow your protocols.
I've passed this along to the vaxed people I know who are definitely open to receiving good advice. The others won't listen anyway. Thank you.
you are correct. although you should feel free to point out to them "here is info from FLCCC, whose doctors have ALWAYS tried to determine and pass along truthful information. but if you prefer, go ahead and stick with all the gov't agencies and big pharma companies who have been exposed as repeated and deliberate liars"
Indeed, though they will just ignore me even further then, as they go about the bizarre ritual of going for another booster while making sure to stop off at Whole Foods on the way home to buy some "organic" milk and "keto-friendly" self-raising flour.
i retired 2019 from ag industry. in later years of career was approached re: supplying organic grains / feedstuffs to poultry farms. researched USDA standards (which are absurd) for "organic". quickly understood that supply was NOT available for demand BUT somehow plenty of "organic" stuff was hitting the grocery shelves. eventually heard several stories about "organic" grain imported from corrupt foreign countries with 'certificates' attesting to their 'organic' origins...
Watch from about 14:20 on. Weinstein and his wife do a deep dive on PRECISELY this topic here:
I hope Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik will start a new medical system, a system of honor and sound medical advise.
What I have seen on the Outer Banks of NC and our major hospital Norfolk Sentara is not based on the Hippocratic oath and many doctors will not say anything about adverse events from these COVID vaccines.
No doctor will say anything it’s unbelievable!
Thank you again!
No you are not safe after a year. 1-2 years out is when you get cancer. I have seen it WAAAAY too much now. I tried to talk my X-wife out of it, and not she has pancreatic cancer, and a friend of hers did the same thing, and she has terminal brain cancer. I know so many people with cancer now, and knew no one before.
I actually don't know how someone can feel safe before at least 5 years after taking these poisons (mRNA or Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector (J&J/Astrazeneca))..
1. Nobody knows the ingredients and their purpose. Not even the FDA because the manufacturer can change up to 49% of their ingredients without notifying the FDA when the product is still in EUA. That's why 3rd party labs have found totally different poisons in the jabs depending on the batch tested, including radio-active Cesium-137!!!
2. Health regulatory agencies that "authorized" these poisons never tested them before approval (EU, UK, Canada, Japan, etc...)...
3. When people die or get injured, governments run for cover by creating new words like "Long Covid", "Sudden Adult Death", "Cause Unknown", etc....
This is a global war against the people.
Do you know what lot numbers of Pfizer vaccines are potentially more harmful?
You cannot guess.
The known deadly batches are derived from VAERS injury reports and specific batches target specific states/provinces or countries. If injuries are not reported using the VAERS system, you may think that your batch was not "bad" which is not true.
You can also verify the below website if you know your batch #.
o How Bad is my Batch? (US and other countries)
This is like using your finger to verify if there is electric power in a plug!!!!!!
There are just so many dead being reported on the internet despite Google censorship that I wonder how bad things are: Kids who die after getting injected with Pfizer and then getting "Flu" quackcines 2 weeks later, etc....
I don't know how people can still trust the Big Pharma for any medication - not just Covid.
Unvaccinated pilots wanted for 2023 WEF attendees.
I interpreted "safe" to be likely safe from sudden cardiac events.
Very, very surprised that NAC isn't on your list of protective supplements. These vaxxed up people need to be clearing as many spikes out of their systems as possible. Your protocol doesn't seem to have that component in it, unless you are considering that Resveratrol will fill that role...
And what are your thoughts on Rutin as a protective supplement? A recent bulletin from states that: "Rutin, specifically quercetin-3-rutinoside, is another natural substance of importance for the prevention of thrombosis (blood clots). It is one of the few substances known (synthetic or natural) that can both help prevent clots and help break down unwanted clots." See:
And also this one: advises that everyone who has been vaxxed should have blood tests run for elevated troponin and / or D-dimer levels. Do you consider this worthwhile in both assuaging the fears of the vaxxed and helping them determine if there's a problem growing in their circulatory system that they just haven't felt yet?
NAC is absolutely part of our I-RECOVER post-vax strategy: (see page 24)
With regard to testing, the doctors report that "Serial cardiac risk biomarker
analysis may be helpful; however, this test is expensive and not widely available"
So what is a covid death worth then ??
These tests can be easily run by any clinic or Accredited Lab. But YOU will have to pay for them if you can get a Doctor to approve them.
C-Reactive Protein
CD 4
CD 8
Everyone Vaxxed or if they have been shed upon (UnVaxxed) will know their risk & fate.
Been putting this out to all the key Substack players for 2 years now.
All they want to do is count the dead and injured.
Test in real-time. It's a blood disease. Read the blood markers !!
Covid vaccines will come FULL-STOP Pronto !!
@Free Human the section in the pdf starting on page 16 covers spike clearance and page 19 points out that ivermectin binds spike, aiding elimination. I just skimmed it so you'll find more good points there.
@FLCCC Alliance Do you know offhand if the Alliance has commented or referenced the study regarding ivm inhibiting spike-induced hemagglutination?
OK, good to know - I just didn't see any mention of NAC in the article above and was wondering why not :)
Dr. John Campbell just referenced this Substack article on his YouTube channel. The truth is getting out!
same reason i am here because of john linking this article in his video, as he has to self censor, as he is afraid of losing his channel he has worked so long and hard to make successful, its an awful situation
welcome - please visit to learn more about us and our treatment protocols
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
My family of oncology clinical researchers who left vaccine research will be celebrating Paul Marik Day tomorrow, January 24th (also Kory-Cole-Johnson-et-al-Heros Day) in honor to brave heartfelt testimony on the same day last year that has been watched multiple times in its five hour entity.
Thank you so much for this note and Happy Paul Marik day! I passed this note along to him.
Many thanks for doing so. He and all of our “heroes of sanity” need to be recognized in an active positive way.
In the Pfizer and Moderna “gold standard” randomized clinical trials (the highest quality evidence available, period), the excess deaths with vaccination showed up ONLY by the 6-month follow-up. But at the 1-month follow-up there were no excess deaths in either trial, clearly indicating delayed deaths. At 6 months, the separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both had a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.
Pfizer: – Table S4
Moderna: – Table S26
So while it's very encouraging that the FLCCC experts think that vaccine dangers are unlikely to persist much beyond 6 months, it might be too early to declare people completely in the clear by 6 months, based on the fact that it took about 6 months for excess vaccine deaths to show up in the "gold standard" clinical trials for both Pfizer and Moderna (it seems unlikely that that risk would vanish right afterwards). For instance, if we continue to see excess non-COVID deaths and serious medical issues at a population level even >6 months after most people have stopped vaccinating, long-term effects of the vaccine should be very strongly considered as a likely culprit (perhaps the most likely culprit).
I had a J&J. I am assuming it is not like the MRNA vaccines. At any rate, it has been well over a year.
I think that I am in the clear, but will pass your advice to others who may need this. Thank you for all that you do.
Yeah I’m in the same boat.
After 4-5 months you are in the clear? Just 1 nullifying example (unless it's a case of coinciditus)
Link does not exist
You're correct, it is no longer there. It was basically a screenshot from almost a year ago of Lisa Marie Presley indicating she got her vaccine.
Thanks. My question answered.
But maybe she got more after that?
Considering she was on the fence to begin with in taking the original shot, and her not posting on twitter a follow up shot, I doubt it. But perhaps she got covid after? I think each re-exposure to toxic spike makes it all worse.
Maybe most are clear after five months but some after two years?
To every sickness in the world there is a solution in nature, so I would venture that this is possible.
In addition, antioxidants (e.g., green tea) and avoiding oxidative stress, for example, limiting fried foods and alcohol.
Another consideration is use of birth control pills which may increase the chance of clots. Fit people are not immune. The thinner you are, the smaller the blood vessels.
Limiting wine????
up to each person to decide what works for them :-)
Yeah, that's my joy in life. ;)
This is such encouraging news! My son and son-in-law are both in healthcare and were the first ones required to get the jab. Other family members, against my advice, have also received the jab. Fortunately, all are way past 6 months from last dose.
I am curious, though -- does the spike protein ever leave the body??
Wrong. If you have just the 1st & 2nd jab before you got covid, a highigh % of your Ig3 abs have been imprinted to Ig4.
If you don't have a severe case of myocarditis resulting from the Spike Protein in the 1st 48hrs post Vax, your still susceptible to the coming Turbo Cancers.
Because I didn’t understand your answer, I went to this site:
I still don’t know the answer to my question “does the spike protein ever leave the body”?
I would like to know if the spike protein ever leaves the body too? Can it? Also if you have the COVID virus and not been vaccinated vaccinated do you still have the spike protein?
If you go to the FLCCC videos page or Dr. Been's youtube lectures, Dr. Marik describes an intermittent fasting protocol for stimulating autophagy which does clear the spike protein from the body. Dr. Marik cured his own type two diabetes through the lifestyle change of intermittent fasting, restricting one's eating to only certain hours. They recommend a few other nutraceuticals and ivermectin as also clearing the spike protein.
James I have read the spike protein does stay in the body. I would like to know if you haven’t been vaccinated and get the COVID virus does the COVID virus and spike protein cause the same effects like the vaccine?
I wouldn’t doubt anything😞
"MIOCARDITIS" is now in every day vocabulary - provided FREE by our super wealthy friends at Pfizer!
'Do NO Harm' and 'Informed Consent' were both removed from the Doctors Hippocratic Oath when Covid was invented. The medical profession nosedived into deceit and dishonesty by allowing Big Brother to dictate their medical actions and moral decisions.
A bit like altering the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' changing twice in a decade to suit the DEADLY but USELESS Covid injection.
World Health Organisation is now redundant , CORRUPT and cannot be trusted since Bill Gates became their biggest benefactor (influencer). They are now being encouraged to take over the whole planets Health systems. Starting with obtaining the Authority to proclaim the next artificial Scamdemic, and then impose all the worst Controls and Disciplines that we experienced during the Covid Scamdemic.
With their Newly obtained powers they will be able to MANDATE INJECTIONS (called 'Vaccines') that will have little to do with human health - more like Total Control and Slavery!
What are we going to watch when all sportsmen & women have died from the Covid Injections? Apparently, there were 5 with heart issues in one University on the same day?
Some of us sceptics believed from the unbelievably speedy 'invention' of the DEADY COVID VAX they were at best 'SUSPECT'. ("Speed of Science" = My arse!) Now we all know they can be DEADLY!
The 'System' has allowed Flu back into the English language and are trying to justify even more profit from injections (called vaccines). I now suspect that all injections might now be 'doctored' with unwanted dangerous additives!
More 'boosters' that don't work? Just to sell more injectable crap into our already devastated bodies.
If we continue to refuse the DEADLY COVID INJECTION, can Doctors still prescribe 'Sudden Early Death Syndrome (SADS) for us?
Do any Doctors still remember "Do no harm" as part of their oath to provide professional conduct?
Heart DAMAGE from Covid Vax is permanent!
What about 'Informed Consent'? That was formally terminated as a Patient courtesy or requirement the same Date Covid Vax cheated it's way into the market with an unjustified (EUA) Emergency Use Authorisation - because they got the FDA to agree that IVERMECTIN & several other proven pre-existing Safe & Effective anti-viral medicines did not exist, or, if they did, "They're only for animals."!
Big Pharma Covid injections (called "vaccines"???) = NO 'LIABILITY' = LICENCE TO KILL with impunity!
Why do the CDC refer to DEADLY VAX 'DANGER SIGNALS' as "Safety Signals"? This Poison is made with NO GUARANTEE of SAFETY or EFFICACY by unethical and massively profitable organisations that accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any/all ADVERSE REACTIONS or/and DEATHS that follow their supposed DEPOPULATING 'cures'. The word 'MIOCARDITIS' is now part of our daily vocabulary!
The crap is so unreliable, that now NEW AILMENTS are being (invented) discovered like SUDDEN EARLY DEATH SYNDROME (SADS)! High functioning athletes are dropping like flies!
Why would anybody play RUSSIAN ROULETTE with their otherwise healthy bodies, and those of their innocent children! Apparently there are now 770 different adverse reactions recorded that relate to Covid injections (ridiculously referred to as "VACCINES").
LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for these Bio-weapons designed for depopulation of the planet!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
You have stated very passionately some clear warnings, which is commendable. I have to comment, though, on this one idea that occasionally keeps getting thrown around on substack, and is here in your post: that is, that there is some sort of "law' that was passed that allows medical professionals to not disclose pertinent information about medical interventions. That is not true that medical professionals can neglect from giving information to their patients about ANY sort of medical procedure or intervention that will affect the patient. A person always, Always, ALWAYS has the RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT, and ESPECIALLY when there is an EUA going on, but really ANY time whenever someone is contemplating a course of action that affects them, even if it's just taking an aspirin or something minor!
So, even if there was some "law" that was passed, then it was illegal, because the Nuremburg Code of Medical Ethics is superior to any other "law" that was supposedly passed (illegally) by nefarious perps who are trying to trump that code of medical ethics. THERE ARE PATIENT RIGHTS THAT CANNOT BE DISCARDED, and these are BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS! All doctors (who are worth their salt) can also become patients sometimes, and they should know this principle and want to abide by it for themselves, too.
What rock have you been hiding under? What you say is as it should be. I am a retired Critical Care RN and have spent time on a hospital Institutional Review Board, so I know about informed consent ( and the Nuremberg Trials). All of this has gone out the window with Covid. Doctors are being threatened with revocation of their medical licenses if they don’t adhere to the political narrative.
“Federation of State Medical Boards recently felt compelled to issue a stark warning to medical professionals:
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
Have you heard of Drs. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Simone Gold? Just a few who were fired from their hospitals for successfully treating Covid patients with IVM and HCQ.
In order to have an EUA there can’t be a drug available to successfully treat Covid. And thus many people could not have made billions of dollars from the Covid jab ( it is not a vaccine).
Yes, I understand all of that. And yes, I have been keeping up with the doctors who are protesting, and hallelujah that they are doing so. I probably wasn't clear in the post that I'd written. I just was wanting to state that I've seen several places on different substack articles where someone has brought up some sort of "law" about how individuals no longer have the right to informed consent. This is not true (that people don't have the right to informed consent under the EUA).
It seems that many people are not being educated about their rights, so I was just stating that it would be nice if posters on substack would consider being a bit more proactive in talking about our rights under the Nuremburg Code. If patients would bring this up from now on (if they know about their consitutional freedoms and human rights) consistently and constantly whenever they are faced with these EUA choices, then I think that things would change rapidly.
Haven't you ever heard of "DO NOT COMPLY"??! I don't mean to be rude, but people DO have choices and if they would protest en masse, then things would change in the medical system. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part, though. And perhaps it IS occurring, but I just don't hear about it.
Most doctors and nurses do seem to be oblivious to educating themselves and their patients about these basic freedoms and rights. FLCCC medical personnel are different in that regard, thankfully. I appreciate them!
Has anyone here thought to ask what the HALF-LIFE is for these pseudouridine based synthetic mRNA molecules? Because it is NOT a "short time". It is NOT "10hours". It is at least detectable after 8weeks and producing spike up to 110days later.
FDA does NOT know the half-life. Let me repeat that: The FDA does NOT know the half-life for Comirnaty or Modernal vaccine synthetic mRNA.