Dearest Dr. Marik - I am beyond appalled at what has been done to you and your impactful and impressive medical career. You are a true hero and it is my dying wish to thank you in person for your tireless efforts in fighting this fight. I look forward to the FLCCC's weekly webinars and I will "see" you tomorrow night. They are the highlight of my entire week. God bless all of you at the FLCCC.

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This man, Dr. Paul Marik, is a blessing to all who will receive it. I thank God for people like him.

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I went through something similar in academia. I didn’t realize there was a name for it. I feel extreme empathy for Dr. Marik, knowing what he went through. This kind of proceeding can be very very painful because the absurdity of it is apparent and yet people whom you thought, prior to that event, as being rational people are suddenly exposed to be corrupt. The only word I can remotely find useful is “absurdist”.

In my case, about a year later several high ups ended up losing their jobs, but it doesn’t seem like that will happen in this hospital as a result of what they did to the accomplished and innocent Dr. Marik.

Thank you for speaking out and exposing this corruption and for blasting the name of Sentara. They deserve all of the negative recognition and more. In my opinion Sentara has blockaded effective medical care and operated like a Soviet junta. I pity the patients and families who have lost their lives or lost a loved one because of some corporate bureaucrat blinded by government kickbacks.

Thank you to the heroes at the FLCCC who literally risk their livelihoods to speak truth, taking on the heat that so readily came for them the minute they didn’t support bloody kickbacks the government was offering and that bolstered the hospitals’ bottom line to the point that hospitals abandon the Hippocratic oath in favor of extra coins in their pocket.

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I have been terminated from employment in health care facilities as a nurse based on false allegations for which there was no support or could be proven false and for conduct that could not be deemed to be misconduct. These firings were associated with filing workers compensation claims on 3 occasions, insisting that verbal orders which conflicted with written policy in the area of med administration be put in writing (on multiple occasions) and refusal carry out an unwritten order allegedly from a nurse manager to administer morphine which violated the care plan and promise made to the patient and the patient's power of attorney, according to social service notes.

In the latter case I documented why I did not give the morphine, citing social service notes, a telephone call with the POA, and a statement by the patient in front of witnesses that she wanted the nurses to stop administering morphine. I put the POA in an excellent position to sue the facility. My documentation including informing the POA of written communications directed at management and other charge nurses about the situation. The POA was interested in filing civil and criminal complaints. Morphine administration was resumed by nurses on subsequent shifts. The director of nursing at another facility where I worked told me that there was a financial incentive to hasten the death of patients via morphine administration as soon as patients are enrolled in a hospice program because of reimbursement rules that make it more profitable to do so.

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I am sorry but I can believe the hospital earn money with admin drugs to sick patients.

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Dr. Marik, I hope you are still pursuing legal action against Sentara and the other entities involved. Please, we can not let this stand! The public needs you. We are awake and we see it. Our health care system is broken. What can the general public do to help? Please know that the FLCCC has been a godsend. It has given us hope and a plan. God bless you all.

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Kafka’s The Trial comes to mind.

The peer- review process ironically now protects the negligent from the competent with no concern for the sacrosanct doctor/patient relationship.

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Staggeringly depressing that this is how our health care works in some hospitals, although it explains a lot about why Doctors are not coming forward to expose the frauds and failures and dangers in this pandemic. How low and corrupt our society has become , evil is amongst us.

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It appears to be a case of defamation of character and should be taken to court to cause review of this injustice by a jury of peers. When the truth be known the perpetrators should be charged to the fullest of the law and should not be allowed to ever hold a position of judgment of any kind ever again. The pain inflected must be met with accountability. There should also be financial compensation for defamation of character and lost wages.

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That is worth consideration. The hospital has some ability to rely on the law which promotes peer review to shield itself. A sham review process. No records of the proceeding. No evidence to support unspecified allegations. Yet they come up with a disciplinary action as the result of it.

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With all these things, patients lose, and the Administrators (and shareholders) win. It has become a zero-sum game. COVID has exposed the institutionalized corruption in the US healthcare system. We all hope to have a doctor like Dr. Marik if we get in trouble. The reality is, the "corporate sickcare" system optimizes in the other direction - to kick out doctors who care, and retain the doctors who "follow orders", are "good Germans", and harvests the most money possible from the patient/customer/victim.

How else does healthcare become 20% of GDP?

Which is why many patients just don't trust this system at all. The more they do this, the more trust they will lose.

What's the solution?

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You doctors are real heros to me. I know I will never reach the level of your courage. Most of all, I can't imagine the number of lives you have directly and indirectly saved. Moreover, you have prevented much unnecessary suffering.

I am not in medicine, but I have been following and learning for over a year. I am amazed that a rather small group of caring people have outperformed the entire massive medical association of Universities and Governments.

I write this for anyone reading this message: Please reflect on this inspiring work. Such courage and genius is very rare. We all should consider increasing our donations to the cause.

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This is absolutely hideous, an unethical & underhanded occurrence that should be protested by other peer physicians, calling out this bullying! I am so terribly sorry this happened to you, Dr. Marik, you are such a blessing & inspiration & I am praying that the politics behind this attack will be exposed & brought out with appropriate consequences. The tragic thing is, this deception apparently has a global monster behind it.

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God Bless you. The truth always win. We are in this together FLCCC

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Wow, this tactic more or less mimics the one-sided, impossible-to-argue-with moralistic meetings that in my childhood were associated with Soviet "community values." Which proves that when "community members" are corrupt, or ignorant, or both, "community values" mean nothing. And of course, it is any corrupt leader's dream to weaponize the mediocrity against the courage. Thank you for standing your ground and standing strong!!!!

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Thank you for the article. God bless you!

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What you described reminds me too much of my 2007 bid for mayor of s f against Gavin.

They mad false claims and took away my business. I tried to defend myself and was thrown off my own counsel by Carole Yaggy for saying "oh my God,"

So much for 1$t ammendment in her court.

Then I went to jail. Solitary. Just like our current IsoLa. Whole thing was giant scam. Complete with ScKamala bringing back charges she'd initially dropped

Then I parked in Ed Jew's driveway,

Then the nakba

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