These heroes will be remembered when we eventually overturn the NWO (WEF) and those that have bad intent for humanity.

Many of us already know the evil intent of the once trusted but now corrupt World Health Organisation. They must be terminated. They serve no purpose in human health practice. They are now focussed on WEF agenda (The New World Order), which include Planet De-population and Slavery for those of us that resisted the Safe & Effective 'vax' CULL!

World Health Organisation is now 'owned by' Bill Gates (as their biggest benefactor = Influencer). The WHO now obsolete as it is being illegally influenced for the personal gain of those with a financial interest in World Depopulation, Domination and CONTROL, under the pretence of 'Health and wellbeing of Humanity'? The WHO is now obsolete and contrary to our planet's needs.

Gates own more US FARMLAND than anyone else and is now investing heavily in DRINKING WATER and creating the false need for more MANDATED 'vaccines' for his 'soon to be released' next Scamdemic = BEWARE!

People like me will automatically suspect the DEADLY COVID VAX as being the cause for most 'SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DEATHS' that seem to be becoming RIFE! We're just stupid Conspiracy Theorists!

Simple solutions to the Covid issue = Realise it was/is a man enhanced virus that was created for profit and the justification of a new and expensive profit making treatment.

Consider the manufacturers of this useless ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE") rubbish bare no 'LIABILITY' for any injuries or deaths that follow the injected POISON!

Realise that pre-proven WHO approved meds (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc, were historically SAFE anti-viral treatments that existed successfully for decades, until Big Pharma had to 'RUBBISH' them in order to obtain an Emergency Use Authorisation from their 'friends' at the FDA!

I'm (Covid) unvaxxed and 77 years of age, generally fit and healthy! Whilst I doubted the serious nature of Covid in the early days, but realised it could have been 'modified' by Fauci & friends to be as dangerous as possible for humans, I became more suspicious every time I read more details that seemed to be unrealistic in the 'real world'! One minor cold (= 2 days) since the "deadly" farce began.

Why, for example, would all Big Pharma manufacturers of 'cures' (called vaccines), require total immunity from LIABILITY for their "wonderful" speedy injections that were originally claimed to have been SAFE & EFECTIVE? It made no sense and still, 18 months later, makes even less sense, unless you realise the manufacturers know they can get away with such a nonsense.

Everyone with half a brain, by now knows by now that Covid was created for the purpose of taking the (World Economic Forum's 'New World Order' Control Program to the next level of dominance, which includes impregnating humanity with deadly chemicals that will complete the WEF's (NWO) plans for those that survive the ("SAFE & EFFECTIVE" - BUT in reality DEADLY!) injections - called VACCINES.

We must totally refute any threatened alterations to WHO guidelines and intended authority because the WHO has been 'sold' to the highest bidder' = Bill Gates is the WHO's biggest donator = benefactor = influencer.

The WHO is now the commercial arm of Gates vax sales interests and therefore obsolete to it's original Mission = Human health and Well-being! The WHO are now also fulfilling Gates's other need = to considerably depopulate the planet.

Bill Gates's new WHO stooge = Jeremy Farrar (Ex Wellcome Research) has been chosen by Gates to front the illegal activities of the World Health Organisation. Specifically, to prepare the organisation to take over the universal Sovereignty of every Nation - worldwide. To prepare the world population for world dominance of humanity under the guise of Human Health and Wellbeing.

Jeremy Farrar will continue the Covid tactics planned years in advance of the Coronavirus release, and announce the next FICTITIOUS PANDEMIC, along with intensified 'Control' tactics that will make the ridiculous Covid lock-downs and ineffective Mask Mandates even more urgently required and MANDATED.

In addition, the WHO believes it has the cooperation of ALL NATIONS to declare the next false Pandemic when another injection will, supposedly, be invented in 'miracle time' to counteract the next man-enhanced virus. We, the people deny the authority of the WHO to act in our best interests and therefore demand the WHO be terminated.

This time, the injection, (again called a 'vaccine') will be MANDATORY for the PLANET - with onerous consequences for any that dare to argue the Depopulation injection's necessity, safety and purpose.

His title = 'World Population Reduction Director'.

'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced for the makers of these unsafe, useless 'vaccines' as they are now just another means of Vax marketing and will inevitably reduce the world population, leaving the remaining 'injected humanoids' as SLAVES for the super-wealthy 'Elites'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and fight tyranny.

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FLCCC truly has been shining a light for medical freedom. I’ve taken most of your suggestions:

How you can help...

1. Make a gift today - check

2. Sign up for our newsletter - check

3. Download and share our protocols - check (MANY times)

4. Browse our library - check

5. Make a purchase in our store - not yet, but soon.

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GOD bless 'The FLCCC Alliance Community' for being true TRUTH Warriors. GOD is the wind beneath your wings. We can't lose with GOD on our side . . .

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I really wish you were up here in Canada we have turned into a communist country under Trudeau he really needs to go

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The Amazon prime free music shuffles one's playlist now, and as I was reading this, it threw up Enya, May It Be, which is from the Lord of the Rings movies "when the night is overcome, you may rise to find the sun..." which naturally makes me burst into tears. I'm off to make a contribution that will be doubled. Thank the cosmos for all of you! Enya, May It Be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8u4VLk0iTI&list=RD_8u4VLk0iTI&index=1

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Thank you and shared.

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Thank the creators we have people like those we know about who have not been corrupted or bought to turn a blind eye to crimes against humanity happening a t this very moment. When the immoral are exposed we will be able to show the worlds population just how far back they have been poisoned and used at the cost of health, life and wealth, from the beginning of big pharma and the Rockefeller and government collusion from about the 1900's. Once those who created the 5G tech, those in the medical system only caring about money instead of health and healing, the police system in hand with the judicial system and the corrupt in government are exposed, the moral people trying to warn the world will be asked to take over and correct the the missive harm done to us by an uncaring, immoral, thieving, genocidal system. The creators must see that humans are not brain dead sheep and that we are deserving of life, not slavery by a very few of the most despicable evil on the planet. Good things will happen so fast for the human race without these demented evil minds behind all that happens to the entire world population that many humans will wonder if they are on a new planet, not the hell they have been forced to suffer for in many cases most of their lives. Thank you all doing your best to bring the truth to the people. May we yet see sanity in our governments and institutions once more if it ever was.

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