I got mine from a compounding pharmacy, prescribed for parasites by my naturopath . They let me buy extra for “emergencies”

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I ordered 300 tab of 12 mg ivermectin and it was CONFISCSTED by the customs agents in NewYork when it was shipped from India. I have a $250.00 empty box and a stern letter from customs.

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Can you post a picture of the letter? I am wondering if you posted this in order to discourage others from ordering it.

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When did you order? My order arrived in 3 weeks about 2 weeks ago.

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Ivermectin can be purchased through Silverline Medicare Private Limited(IndiaMart). Played $74.00 total for 300 tabs of 6mg Ivermectin,takes about 3 wks to US and comes buy mail so no sitting on a boat in the harbor. Hope this helps some. Also in 3mg & 12mg

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May want to beware,I ordered more in Dec and it's been in NY customs for 2 months.

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New York got mine too nasty letter from customs. Heard they are cracking down on anything from India.

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You ignore those who were killed by Ivermectin pre-2018. I guess their adverse events are easy to brush aside for you to profit from their manufacturer's. People like you are a disgrace. I'm anti-Pharma incidentally, and I took Vitamin C. Natural medicine works better than your semi-synthetic and synthetic pharmaceutical garbage.

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Obviously no research was done OR you did not fly to India or Norway or France to interview doctors and nurses there about ivermectin curing the so called made up name covid. I have never seen in all my years on earth such stupidity of people believing and following the evilness that walks upon the earth.

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I am a health care provider and I believe in the science that overwhelmingly agrees with your statements. There is an obvious agenda to keep it out of people's hands and one can only speculate that this dovetails with a broader agenda to reduce our freedoms. Very scary and sad. My question is what can we do as concerned citizens to band together and stand up to this administration. A wise man once said that it only "takes good men to do nothing" and we will lose our freedom.

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Just wanted to let somebody know that insurance companies have jumped on the anti- ivermectin bandwagon. They have started sending letters to hospital and physician's offices stating there is an increase in ivermectin prescriptions and the FDA and CDC do not approve instead recommending vaccines. At the end this is the last sentence: "Providers that exhibit a high level of ivermectin prescribing will be subject to quality review by the health plan."(in this case Blue Cross/Blue Shield but there have also been others including Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna) You probably already are aware but just in case you weren't I thought I'd let you know. I have a screen shot of part of the letter. Thank you for doing all you do. Keep up the good fight!

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Crimes against humanity! 30 years I spend in healthcare I be always despise big Pharma and insurance companies. Just read Robert Kennedy Jr. book: “The Real Anthony Fauci.” Highly informative!!!!

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People need to be willing to pay full price for the ivermectin and not submit to insurance. This is what I did. I'm not sure how all pharmacies process prescriptions, but I know I had to got to an independent pharmacy to get it filled and never provided my insurance information. They do not need to know as far as I'm concerned.

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I just tested positive Friday and was prescribed ivermectin it was back ordered at my pharmacy thankfully got a call from them Saturday just before they closed and my wife went and picked it up and I took my first dose Saturday night. I had been very sick for the 2 previous days. Sunday morning I woke up and felt so much better, just hours after my second dose my symptoms are almost entirely gone. It may not work for everyone but it sure is working for me.

I am so grateful my doctors have the courage to adopt the FLCCC protocols

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Was it really necessary to take the Lord’s name in vain? I think you can prove your point far more effectively without doing so. While I agree with this article, I had a hard time concentrating past that point and I can not share it.

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No progress has been made in getting Ivermectin to the people. Still banned.

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What do you do when your doctor "does not prescribe Ivermectin"?

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Change doctor

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I would find a doctor who is more interested in using an effective treatment for his patients than in avoiding one at all costs. FLCC has a list of online doctors who can help you. I would pick one after researching them. How do you possibly treat a patient with a potentially serious or fatal illness by avoiding a proven effective treatment.

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Thank you

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I have been learning & listening to the evidence for Ivermectin for months-it’s wonderful news, let’s keep telling people about it.

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Thank you!

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Great article, I'm sharing on Telegram now

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excellent article. Thank you.

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