Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Pinned

I remember! I sent you messages on FB, offering help on social media! I had loved the EVMS protocols and was promoting it in HeathCare Worker Groups/Long Hauler Groups and more.

I remember when you were just 5, then 10 docs.

You were the ONLY GROUP constantly UPDATING Your protocol, as shared information came in from hospitals and doctors across the United States.

I thought at first people just needed to learn about you and then of course they would embrace it.

AND then I realized... They were actively suppressing antivirals, strong timely steroids and more.

The United States Government was not on America Team Get Better.

But you guys were... (dang that made me cry writing that).

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Exactly Robin, Dr Kory's senate testimony was the pinnacle for me, the way they mocked him with contempt was disgusting. That was the point I knew the fix was in. The corrupt corporate medical system and the cowardly doctors that went along with it. Don't know how they look in the mirror or sleep at night.

I've followed FLCCC from the start and shared their info with whoever was receptive. I believe they saved my life also when I became sick. Thank you to all at the FLCCC.

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Thank you, for your tireless efforts despite a global opposition!

May God bless you and strengthen you as you continue to share the truth!

I was able to use your protocols to help myself and my family, as well as keep two people from my neighborhood from going to the hospital.

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And keeping them from the hospital alone probably saved their lives. Let alone having the therapeutics themselves.

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Agreed! One of them was well aware of the "roach motel" model of hospitalizations. You check in, but don't check out. His wife is the one who reached out to me knowing I had Ivermectin (horse paste) and that I had been trying to warn people on nextdoor (and was booted off for a year because of it (I was a repeat offender. LOL))

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i weep, out of sadness these brave doctors suffered so horribly as they/you tried to save lives, but also out of deep gratitude for the expert guidance they/ you provided.

my profound thanks.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Liked by FLCCC Alliance

We all must do as our inner nature commands.

For the folks at the CDC/FDA/NIH, their "inner nature" demanded that a million lives be sacrificed so that the Event-201-mandated-vaccine rollout proceeded uneventfully, and that hospitalized patients be sacrificed to increase hospital-administrator earnings.

For the FLCCC doctors, their "inner nature" demanded that normal people's lives be saved.

Dr. Marik, as a direct result of this whole mess, cured his own T2D. Is he the only one to have this happen? Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you get to make lemonade.

Thanks to the FLCCC for showing us the way. Seriously, thanks. You guys were a critical part of my own awakening process.

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David - the FLCCC is what led me to the truth as well. I am profoundly grateful.

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Likewise here as well. FLCCC - and each individual within, was and is part of what helped rub the sleep from my eyes.

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Heros, every single one of you!!

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You all done good ❤️ I am ready to switch to a local FLCCC doctor...my regular doctor has one chance to read my CD8/CD4 test with its slightly out of whack ratios and not poo poo it. I am very grateful to you all to have this option. Happy Easter and congratulations on your third year anniversary!

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Thank you for the origin story. Blown away by the background about Dr. Kory backing the effort on his credit card. He is still my number one hero in all this mess. Please let us know what 2023-2024 plans are for FLCCC and what new contributions will mean for the alliance. Travel? Conferences? Advocacy? Publications? I am happy to contribute to paying off Dr. Kory's credit card, BTW.

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This also made me cry. One day when this battle is won, the ring melting in the flames of Mt. Doom, perhaps all the people whose lives were saved by these protocols, and those whose vaccine suffering was alleviated, could all come to a huge park, and all the medical professionals who fought this death machine could get to see what their sacrifice has meant for humanity, like the Holocaust rescuers who meet the descendants of those they sheltered or saved.

In a film or a book, whichever, a chapter or a segment should absolutely be entitled "Pierre Kory's credit card".

Such a moving piece.

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what a great story! So glad to know the history of FLCCC. Has changed our lives for the better in so many ways...and hopefully our friends and family and acquaintances who could listen.

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One America News touted your doctors and protocol early on and were removed from DirectV to my horror. I am so thankful to God for you guys. You all are heroes along with all the docs and high profile people who promoted your methods. They worked for my loved ones and I am grateful.

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You were NEVER alone - our Creator God wept along with your valiant doctors and medical professionals. The GREED and POWER that run our world should NEVER run those who took the Hippocratic Oath to 'DO NO HARM'! God bless you, protect you, strengthen and guide you all.

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We knew much of this, yet it always strokes me as WOW! If only doctors had been allowed to be doctors and the scientific methodology had been officially followed for purposes other than mugging it in a dark corner before anyone noticed it was there... none of this destructive lunacy could have occurred.

That being the point of the censorship and propaganda, of course, the appearance of these invariably being evidence of something VERY nasty being hidden.

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Beautifully written, Joyce. Thank you and thank you FLCCC doctors, nurse practitioners, PAs, and nurses and all support staff. You are loved.

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These critical care doctors were on point from the beginning! It’s great to see their astute observations and wisdom from the start of this crisis. The world has been blessed by their courage, compassion and expertise. They were raised up for such a time as this. So grateful for each one of them.

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Beautifully written, eloquent account of the bravery, compassion, skill, and humanity of the FLCCC doctors and staff. Others in this movement also contributed so much, as did readers and patients who spread the word about successful treatments for this man-made scourge and the freedom-stealing global reaction to it.

History will be kind to the FLCCC and other heroes who fought for health and freedom! By contrast, Fauci, Gates, Collins, Wallensky, Birx, Biden, Jha, Gottlieb, Baric, Bancel, and countless other villains on the "other side" will lumped in with evil-doers such as Mengele, Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mao, Xi Xi Ping, Goebbels and the rest of the horde who pushed human suffering and tyranny beyond our imagination.

Thank you 🙏 FLCCC for being the best of humanity! May you have -- but not need -- many more anniversaries!

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FYI, long thread at below link:

Infectious Disease Tracker


A mystery disease is wrecking havoc at a gold panning site 90km southwest of Gao, Mali 🇲🇱

17 miners are said to have died by high fever, diarrhea and angina. The infected generally die after 24 hours.


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Look up "symptoms of Marburg Virus".

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These people died within 24 hours of symptoms. However, only 2 days ago the CDC was warning to be on the lookout for Marburg outbreaks in Africa. No coincidences.

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"No coincidences."

None at all. 😉 Nothing to see here.

Move along folks...

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Is there an emoji for a jedi hand wave?

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