The FLCCC has been shouting from the roof tops how these drugs could save millions of people from getting seriously sick and dying and were blasted as traitors to human society and lost there jobs in hospitals as a result of it, those responsible for this should never see daylight for the suffering and pain they have caused around the world, god bless all yous great doctors who had the courage to stand up for humanity

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Hello FLCCC Community,

I really like the new news capsule format.

I have sent this page to some friends. I do not use face book or twitter etc as they are using their users to manipulate and exploit. But I can send a link in an email... very nice.


I have noticed that each image in this page is associated with a long number.

Even the email is populated with these...




eJxVUsuu4yAM_ZqyS8QrgSxYXF1pfi… etc... ...

Most people would not be bothered by these and I should not either but my screen reader will not stop reading these. Each character in these is a word for the screen reader... each image is then a paragraph. Each page is then filled with useless, needless annoying paragraphs for the blind to navigate. I wonder... is there a way to reduce the size of the paragraphs attached to each image?


Some sites put descriptions on images that are useful...examples and related:

💖 accessibility image descriptions for the internet at DuckDuckGo — https://duckduckgo.com/?q=accessibility+image+descriptions+for+the+internet&k1=-1&kak=-1&kao=-1&kap=-1&kaq=-1&kau=-1&kax=-1&kc=-1&kk=-1&kl=us-en&kp=-2&ks=s&ku=1&kv=-1&kw=s&kz=-1&kzrCookie=810755857&t=h_&ia=web

💖 Images | Usability & Web Accessibility — https://usability.yale.edu/web-accessibility/articles/images

💖 Best Practices for Accessible Images | California State ... — https://www.csun.edu/universal-design-center/best-practices-accessible-images

I must apologize yet again... ... I am trying to move into a place with running water and a toilet that is not shared with the whole apartment building. I am saving up... and when I get settled in I will donate again as I can...

thank you and blessings

chuck 🔥💖🔥

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Wow. The video of the appeal to Andrew Hill made me cry. To think of all the unnecessary deaths because of one person's bad decision is unfathomable. What a world we are living in...so bloody sad. :(

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I just read the ABC attack on the FLCCC and Dr. Kory https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/meet-icu-doctor-viral-embracing-covid-19-patient/story?id=74460238 Remember how Rachel Walensky was chortling over how the psyop pharma stooges managed to spam everyone with the horse dewormer story? My money would be on pharma setting up fraudulent telemedicine themselves in order to get the MSM to do "investigative journalism" outing the fraudsters. On the side of the angels, along with the FLCCC, is Dr. John Campbell going over a strong study on ivermectin and remdesivir today. Years of profits keeping people "up to date" are threatened. We're living in a sort of pharma version of Margaret Atwood's Gilead in The Handmaid's Tale. So: Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum!!!

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I remember sitting slack jawed in silence after first reading the Laurie-Hill exchange in RFK Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Now seeing and hearing it in the participants’ own voices, I just couldn’t finish. Watching what I did as Laurie the very capable prosecutor pressed the ugly truth from Hill the craven scientist turned propagandist left me both angry and grief stricken for the many who suffered and died unnecessarily for lack of early treatment by a safe, effective and inexpensive drug with Nobel Prize credentials. Hill represents only one voice in a complicated web including captured regulators, corrupt government officials, media and fact checker hacks, WEF resetters and others who are complicit in this great crime against humanity. And still, the evidence in support of ivermectin continues to mount, https://youtu.be/rfyOihhAD4A.

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Gov Desantis said on public tv aka Forbes and you tube, that Fauci is in the Witness Protection Program.

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The FLCCC is an amazing organisation doing what so called Government "health agencies" around the world should have been... putting the public health and wellbeing at the forefront of medicine. Keep brave and strong. Truth will prevail.

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While in grad school for public health, I spent many hours pouring over countless published scientific studies for my research. Many of the author's names began to repeat between studies, and I found some of the best research I was reading were from 2 sources: Dr. Marik, and Andrew Hill. My reverence for these two men was very high when the pandemic hit, and my admiration for Dr Marik has only grown since that time. I am beyond stunned at Mr. Hill's admissions in this video. To see a scientific hero of mine admit he compromised his integrity like this is so disappointing. I hope and pray he has a change of heart and does the right thing. It is NEVER too late to do the right thing. Thank you so much to the FLCCC for all that you have done. You are all true heros.

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I have difficulty having any mercy for a Physician who Sold His Soul to the DEVIL. Sorry will never be enough, no matter how much money”HE” received… it will never be enough. I only hope each day “HE” looks in the mirror he sees the tears of millions who lost their family member, or friend to what could have been treated with IVERMECTIN.

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