Can we turn in fact checkers who said the vaccine didn't travel around the body? Surely that was the worst of the misinformation.


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Absolutely 💯

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The multinational pharma companies have corrupted the United States government and regulatory authorities in multiple ways.

The most straightforward is regulatory capture of the FDA et al. to approve the profitable drugs and not approve those which are unprofitable. (Transcript of Christopher Cole's dinner date mini-masterclass: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/regulatory-capture-of-the-fda .) See the results - the expensive treatments are the only ones approved, circled in red, in the last graphic at

https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-disinformation-campaign-against and https://twitter.com/RobinWhittle3/status/1497069266650431488.

Level 2: US regulatory authorities also prohibit companies from advertising their products as being helpful for COVID-19, if they are unapproved. They likewise deregister doctors or support or use such treatments.

Level 3: The FDA also goes to some trouble to denigrate the unprofitable treatments, despite them being well researched, safe, effective and inexpensive: (FDA "You are not a horse . . ." https://twitter.com/US_FDA/status/1429050070243192839).

Level 4: Taxpayer funded direct promotion of vaccines by mainstream media advertising, which had the further effect of encouraging those companies on the receiving end of this USD$1 billion dollar project to alter their editorial policies to be unreasonably pro-vaccine: https://www.theblaze.com/news/review-the-federal-government-paid-media-companies-to-advertise-for-the-vaccines and https://twitter.com/RobinWhittle3/status/1501238779771699201 .

Level 5: Have the president and other government figures stridently urge everyone to get vaccinated, with no proper discussion of nutrition, early treatment, vaccine dangers or benefit/risk ratios according to age and co-morbidities.

Level 6: The government urges and/or requires social and mainstream media companies to censor discussion of information which is contrary to what the FDA et al. recommend.

Level 7: Have the Surgeon General set up and promote a system for anyone to report "medical misinformation" to the government, including supposed "COVID-19 misinformation which "played in patient decisions not to vaccinate": https://rescue.substack.com/p/rat-out-your-doctor-bidens-surgeon .

Level 8: The pharma companies are not content with the following flow of money for FDA approved, government promoted, treatments which are highly profitable, but less safe and less effective than better tested treatments, including especially calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D repletion in 4 hours) now recommended in the FLCCC's MATH+ protocol https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/math-plus-protocol/ - see also: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin: Doctor prescribes drug to person, who pays the insurer. Insurer and probably the person as well pay the hospital or pharmacy, who pay the pharma company.

The new scheme bypasses the need for convincing doctors of the value of the treatments in general, and for them to decide that the treatment would be helpful for their particular patient: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/biden-s-test-to-treat-covid-plan-draws-praise-and-questions/ar-AAUCo0v The flow of money is much more directly into the pharma companies' veins than in the former model. The _government_ (using taxpayer's money or freshly created money which steals from everyone by way of inflation) buys the expensive, likely harmful and ineffective drugs from the companies (or directly reimburses the pharmacies who buy them), instructs the pharmacists to give the drugs away for free (according to a PCR or similar test) and then encourages everyone to get tested at their nearest pharmacy or medical clinic. Test positive: drugs dispensed and cash flows to the pharma companies. There's no need for doctors or fussing around with insurance companies. Who is liable when the drugs harm or kill - or fail to improve health? The pharmacists should think more than twice about this, though I guess the government will cover this too.

This is all far beyond ordinary - or even stellar - levels of regulatory and government incompetence. Every one of these 8 levels can only be explained by the word Dr Pierre Kory has been saying and shouting for months, with righteous anger and bitter frustration: CORRUPTION!!!!

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So disgusting. Did you see Biden is by passing Drs , going to handout the Pfizer and Moderna pills, that are dangerous.

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A cynical comment posted on the substack bad cattitude

"AllenMar 11·edited Mar 11

The mRNA injections are working quite well, as intended- most lucrative pharma products in history.

Also creating a new cavalcade of diseases that will ensure future pharma "business opportunities."

Furthermore the rationale for eliminating pesky AND COSTLY, long term studies and trials for future "vaccines" has been established and normalized. This is ONE OF THE biggest "obstacles" that the Pharma ghouls have been wanting to eliminate for decades- they have now done so.

A lot of people aren't getting yet that the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow is going to be much bigger than the Covid con itself. They plan to use a similar mechanism against any and all concocted viral pathogens and now that they've gotten the tech to market, they'll start going down the list.

Governments will look to mandate the shots in a myriad of ways (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations.

Everyone on the planet to be an endless source of revenue for Pharma and their investors. Everyone to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

This is the plan for the next epoch of medicine, a subscription model for endless mRNA injections."


bad cattitude

come for the cat. stay for the toxoplasmosis.

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I stopped watching Dr Been and Dr Campbell back when they were advocating for the use of the clot shots. Also, they never edited or trimmed the fat from their vids, and it just got so exhausting and time consuming to hear them ramble on. Can you at least write a synopsis on why Dr Been was included on FLCCC substack? Feeling lazy today. Maybe it's the premature solar flare today.

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Both changed their tune with the drop of Pfizer adverse events a few days ago.

Probably Dr Been changed his views earlier but I do recall him recommending vax some time in the past

Wow! Look at the number of views. 200K for Dr Been and 1.7M for Dr Campbel

"Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects of Special Interest From the Court Ordered Documents

201,350 viewsStreamed live on Mar 8, 2022"


"The bigger change was Dr Campbell. He is shocked. He goes by studies and statistics and he and we were lied to about the early trials.

The Pfizer documents

1,727,035 viewsMar 9, 2022"


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I just dealt with a jury duty summons a few minutes ago that made me ask what the hell is it that is blinding the rest of society to the government's behavior? I mean, I'm being summoned to sit in a small room full of other people, (I haven't been in a room with strangers for about a year and a half), to let some person decide whether I need to come back repeatedly for a trial because everyone deserves a fair trial. Uh, yeah, they do but I'm not a fool. One, there's nothing fair or even just about the circus that the justice system has turned into. Two, assuming the government isn't full of crap and lies, there's an active PHE in place. So No, I'm not going to be in a courtroom right now. And I pity the fool who tries to make me. On to he OTHER HAND, the government IS full of it, and everyone knows this. So, I'm still not doing it because I don't like being TOLD I'm going to do something by any person or agency that does nothing but lie and break the law. And if the people who made the laws can't obey them, they can kiss my as...bestos! Drop the PHE or STOP with the usual bullcrap. 🤬

People should be much angrier than they seem to be.

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Before I found flccc.net I found an internal medicine doctor wrote short posts on Naked Capitalism about his practice and how things were done in the past.

I believe the same person wrote this substack on adverse events from the vax

"Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across

I have spent the last year working to document this. It is a lot to take in but I feel it needs to be said.

A Midwestern Doctor March 5, 2022"


Steve Kirsch posed a substack on the one above and said just this first hand information would be enough to stop the vax.

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Hey, could you post the exact addresses for people to write to the medical boards of Maine, Wisconsin and W. Virginia, for Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik and Dr. Nas? And any other doctors and states that are persecuting their doctors? I know Dr. Been, the medical educator, is being harassed with audits. I know lots of people would share that information widely, particularly if there were a suggested form for those who don't have much time.

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I would absolutely love to get in on that! It may be that Google may help finding that. My idea was similar but I wanted to get a HUGE amoint ofpeople together and turn in the complaint/notice/etc. all at once so they could go apoplectic first.🤣

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Narrative pivot to "just because it was originally developed for horses doesn't mean it's horse medicine", from the same murderous gaslighters who brought us "you're not a horse, you're not a cow, seriously y'all, stop it". Check this out - "How antiviral pill molnupiravir shot ahead in the COVID drug ... Molnupiravir began as a possible therapy for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus at Emory University’s non-profit company DRIVE (Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory) in Atlanta. But in 2015, DRIVE’s chief executive George Painter offered it to a collaborator, virologist Mark Denison at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, to test against coronaviruses...." https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02783-1

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Damn stasi

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Does this include the thousands who didn't have to die if early treatments weren't blocked.

"anyone who feels they have been impacted in any manner by “misinformation” regarding the pandemic to report it in detail to the authorities"

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So, does that mean I can report in detail the names I've been called for supporting the SMART doctors in this crap?

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Love y'all to the moon and back!! <3

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Hello FLCCC Alliance Community,

I have been lead a merry chase trying to set a password for substack. It seems in order to sign in one must go to a page that the Firefox browser blocks by default. First it wanted a "magic token" to be part of my new password? LOL that is a trick to get rid of any one who is blocking some of their scripts as far as I can tell. When I finally found out that firefox was blocking something and disabled that.then I was asked to do a capcha by picking out the palm trees... LOL NO I am blind?


I still do not have a password... but I was logged in finally by an email some how.

Now for a real rant...

I receive many news letters and such but only substack. puts in so many "figures" that are not even graphical as far as I can tell. They each have a huge code attached. I am blind and I can not read the newsletter without reading each of these...
















etc... and each character is a whole word. One Two three and each letter and on and on for what seems like hours for each of these figures.

Now most pages and news letters even have captions for images that actually have a reason. Some images are descriptive for the blind... but
















is just a pain in the rectum.

I can not contact substack without doing a capcha so please help?



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