Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

This charmingly naive essay would have made a lot of sense in 2020, some sense in 2021, and a little sense in 2022. Now there are over 37 thousand jab deaths according to VAERS, which by my 17-to-1 calculation implies over 600 thousand real life jab deaths. That includes my father, a jab victim after a stroke and 2 years of paralysis. Still my sister swears by the jabs, which damaged her own son's heart. She would literally rather watch her family die rather than think for herself. They hate us for thinking for ourselves. My sister once told me, "I would rather be told everything is going to be alright, even if it's not really true!" There is no reasoning with such people.

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I'm sorry for the pain you have suffered. I am well aware of the death toll, which is why I write and fight daily. As for "charmingly naive," I respectfully disagree. I see people freshly wakening EVERY DAY, and I refuse to give up on all of them. (Some of them, sure. Like the ones who wished death on me for not getting vaxxed, for example. ;) Remember the pool scene in Erin Brockovich? I've seen that in real life. It keeps me going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN85swq288U

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Thanks Jenna for fighting with humor involved. 😘

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Jul 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Great movie reference. Thank you for what you do. My younger sister and I were awake early, we’re both sci fi fans and saw some parallels to the x-files, and are just conspiracy theory minded. My middle sister vaxxed her kids and won’t talk about it. Same family upbringing and experiences, different brains. So strange.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I wouldn't have described what Jenna wrote as "charmingly naive," but I hear you. I really do. And this despair with the incuriousity of most of the people closest to me, it's one reason I transcribe censored videos-- I'm helping get the word out for those who do have some questions, probably 99.99% of them people I don't know and will never meet in this lifetime.

Most people in my family don't have questions, nope, not even one. They take just what their doctor recommends. They do what Pope Francis urges them to do "for love." The results of all this jabbing have been painful and ugly. But maybe my transcripts can help inform someone else out there, someone who does have questions. I also leave informative books to be found in public places. I haven't given up on humanity. I have given up on a number of individuals close to me, however. They chose to close their minds. It's summer 2024. They have had many, many reasons and many, many opportunities to question, and even with the heavy censorship, it isn't all that tough to find alternative information— for heavenssakes, one of the presidential candidates, RFK Jr, has a platform with articles and interviews galore that make the case that the jabs are poison. That isn't terribly hard to find on online. So sticking their head in the sand, and leaving it in there, that was their choice. It breaks my heart, but it was their choice.

Finally, there is also the political process, the shreds of it left to us. I am active there, too. Basically, I back candidates who stand for medical freedom. In my local elections, glad to say, one of the candidates I voted for won.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for the important work you do. For whatever reason, I personally prefer reading articles rather than watching videos or listening to podcasts. A friend of mine sends me these podcasts that are really important! (in his opinion). I don't have the heart to tell him I just can't bear to sit around and listen to a long podcast. I prefer your format.

Question, from one Substacker to another: why don't your posts include comment sections? It seems from my experience that this is a valuable way to build reader interest and loyalty. Many people are drawn by the opportunity to participate in a discussion.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 13Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Thank you for your kind words, Surak. In answer to your question, I'm not actually all that interested in building up a following on Substack, though it does please me to see it, because I'm doing this more for the historical record. This is not trivial, though it might seem so at times.

My focus is counter-narrative censored video from 2021-2023, so I'll be tapering off after I get the transcripts still in the pipeline uploaded this year. I only got onto Substack because the platform I use for the archive is a bit clunky when it comes to inserting images, and I wanted to show a screenshot from each video to accompany each transcript.

Another reason, and the most important one, why I do not have a comments section is that many of the testimonies are extremely personal and painful for those sharing them, and I felt that they deserved the dignity of their testimony standing alone, as is. No spam, no political this or that, no etc & etc, just their testimony.

If someone feels the need to communicate with me about any given transcript, they can, my contact information is not hidden. I also always provide the link to the source video, and more often than not, a reader who feels so moved can easily go and offer comment there.

I hear you about all the podcasts and videos. It's simply impossible to listen to them all.

My aim is to offer not just the transcripts per se, but a good selection of them. At present the archive is not as balanced as I would like to see it, which is one reason why I'm still transcribing. For example, last month I realized that my archive was weak on Irish videos, and, it turns out, there are some very important ones that few people have seen. I'll be working on these transcripts, and others, into the fall.

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Thank you for what you do. Making a post about the reasons for closing comments, it is not obvious. I will go and look at your substack. While there have not been that many in Finnish I have seen some. Most of the time the language barrier is the other way and much of the exposes are in English and translation to Finnish is needed to reach many older folk who do not have a command of English. I too prefer written text and audio podcasts are at the bottom as facial expressions are lost, subtitles are lost and words can be missed or misheard and without the extra cues the value drops.

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Hi Kalle Pihlajasaari, Thank you for your comment. I hope you might consider transcribing and or translating some from the Finnish-- and perhaps also some already transcribed in English into Finnish. I do not doubt that there is some very important and interesting material in Finnish. And certainly you can find many in English that might interest you on my site.

(This comment is also for anyone interested in translating. Yes, I am aware that Google will spew out whatever language you want, but it tends to make a lot of peculiar mistakes when it comes to anything covid. A good translation really needs a native speaker's eye and care. I do speak other languages myself and for years I have been appalled at some of the AI-generated stuff that people thoughtlessly pass on as "accurate.")

If you are looking for material to translate into Finnish, I might suggest taking a look at the 2023 expert testimonies before US state senates and state legislatures. You will find those mainly listed under "experts"


and also, there are many under "injured and bereaved"


Most vitally, I would suggest looking at the US Senator Ron Johnson roundtables. There is an abundance of outstanding material from those. In my personal opinion, the most important early and damning testimony is that of attorney Aaron Siri, November 2, 2021


A final thought. In my opinion the one thing that is most likely to wake people up about the "vaccines" so-called are the photographs of and testimonies about the unprecedented fibrinaloid or "white" clots being removed from cadavers and also living people. More has come out in 2024, but I do have a good selection of transcripts from 2022-2023 with links to source videos, here:


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First an edit error on my comment.

Making a post about >> I recommend making a post about

I went and looked at your transcripts. It was very good. I have seen a selection of similar videos over the years and am well and truly convinced. What gets me is how many retired professionals who were not at risk of losing their house just sat back and said nothing when they could see something was wrong. I mean lawyers, nurses, doctors, accountants, politicians, teachers, actuaries, pharmacists, JOURNALISTS and rank and file bureaucrats. They could have emboldened others. We need to mobilise the retired and the students, those who are not trapped to student loans and house payments yet. Greta and extinction rebellion has done so to evil ends but I believe as adults we need to trust our children more with the truth and urge them to spread the word.

I will dig around for some Finnish videos of interest. I have a friend who has captioned a number of English videos in Finnish and will reach out to her to see if she has a list and the text. There may be some way that she can share the data through your channels if it is suitable. Translating is always easier if there is already a transcript so she may be able to use some of your work as a start, granted her focus is breaking news but some of the stories are timeless.

There was a Finnish undertaker who spoke out, I think just the one but the observations meshed with the UK one at the time. I will see if that video is still floating around somewhere. I may be able to tackle the translation into English but the other way is a bit beyond me as I never went to school in Finland (well 6 months does not count for much).

Thank you again for the work you have done, it is more than most but we each try our best.

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I've said it before Transcriber B, your efforts over these past years are historically crucial...you are are a true hero!

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Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for reading.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

We are all different and each handle the 'strain' of life in as many different ways. You be you and let your light shine. Remember to love one another. That's all that is required for you to rest.

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My sister is exactly the same. Babbling about cow farts and telling me I don’t understand science. Time to move on. Sigh.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Yup. I have a STEM Ph.D., a master's in another STEM field, I teach both in college, and I have even published peer-reviewed papers about... COVID! But the problem with trusting me is - you see - I've never been on TV, so I guess I'm not an "expert", or something...

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Big Bird is the expert- please stay in your lane :)

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I know a married couple of retired MDs, who were both fellowship trained, who refused the jabs and tell many folks about how corrupt Big Pharma is yet, like you, they are not on teevee, so what do they know? And another thing that burns them is the statin racket.

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The nievete is most probably by design. She’s trying to reach “woke” people who are easily triggered as well as the super sober people who’ve been through the wringer and lived (like yourself).

BTW wisdom is king. But how do you get it? Basically you go through something that will kill you. But instead of completely dying, the part of you that will hold on to God through anything lives. It’s a very purified part of you.

God bless.

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Certainly not a healthy coping mechanism. If she is thoroughly jabbed, it’s probably easier to keep telling herself it’s ok…but the truth is probably trying to break through In Her mind.

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True story today … New patient, 78 yr old profuse yeast dermatitis everywhere for one year she tells me …. In all girl parts and including belly roll( pannus ) , groin …. Any crack or roll you can imagine with fissures . Diabetes last 2 yrs . I asked her how many Covid vaccination… SIX 6 yes 6!!! I explained immunosuppression blah blah … “ I get another in the fall , my doctor loves them for the elderly. “ I gave her scripts and a piece of my polite mind . I will see her back in 3 weeks I hope or the feds will come knocking. I’m so sick of the side effects . Cancer , dermatologic stuff and miscarriages was the theme this week… if I didn’t have my faith 🙏 , I would drink 🍹 . I am also grateful for the ability to vent to like minded folks and friends here . Jenna thanks for your humor on such a dark topic .

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This actually brought tears to my eyes. I suppose you cannot come right out and say MAYBE ITS THE SHOTS?!?!?! I couldn't do it. (Bite my tongue. I just could not.

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Some days , I can’t hold my tongue . I had already told someone they had uterine cancer and another had a 7 week fetal demise . The rates of problems have increased dramatically… I’m so jaded , it’s the jab till proven otherwise.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Oh Bro 😢


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Jenna is a treasure.

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She sure is 💞😖💥

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I have relatives like this. Different issues, but 6+ jabs and... ghastly consequences.

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The patient’s response to me was “ I never got Covid “ … mine was and “now look at your new health conditions and consequences!! “

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However late, she was lucky to have found you!

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That’s kind but her internist is right next door , I think he will come a knocking 😫

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Then she was ESPECIALLY lucky.

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Thanks for your kind words . 🤗

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Thanks for this. Sadly, I can relate. In the operating room the gynecological surgeries weekly have been tragic and to numerous to count. Late cancers in ages 17-80. Ultrasound showed polyp. Week later uterus completely filled with cancers. Daily I see this. For 16 months

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Yes it’s overwhelming. If I was new in practice, I’d have no idea but I started in late 80’s and never this much of a mess … so depressing

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Started in the 90's. Unrecognizable now. I speak up but coworkers and docs can't Hear me

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Nobody .. like yelling into a void

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I grew up around docs. Heard some of the scariest things just being a kid or fly on the wall in our living room. And this was in the pre covid days. Like when cancer hit and they were scared for themselves and their patients. But in talking to each other for ten minutes and with no more scientific data, they were going to be heroes and save their lives.

So unbelievably scary how dumb smart people can be.

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You do wonder what it will take for the American People to rise up. Cost of food up 25% since Biden. Cost of energy up 40% since Biden. And all of this because he spent trillions to impoverish us while pushing forward the UN's Agenda21/2030, Net Zero "Green New Deal." And somehow a recent ABC poll shows Trump and Biden are neck and neck. Meanwhile the Democrats (e.g., the Globalist Party) won't sign the SAVE act to stop illegal aliens from voting. They've shown us their true colors. I wish I had a cold bucket of ice water I could throw over the heads of the American People. There is no doubt we are in the midst of an Awakening in both the US and EU. But time is of the essence and there is not much more time for our complacency.

In the first week of June (2024) the EU elections resulted in huge wins for what they call the "right" and what I more accurately call the Anti-Globalists. It is well summarized by this commentator in the video below where he says the following. "Europe's populists have emerged from different political Traditions. They disagree with one another over the war in Ukraine, on questions of tax and public spending on welfare, abortion, and other social policies. Some are more unsavory and liberal than others. But what unites pretty much all of them is a fierce opposition to the Ironclad consensus of the Brussels bureaucracy particularly on sovereignty, migration and Net Zero."

The Anti-Globalist Revolution is gaining traction in the US, EU and around the world

Why Globalist Corporate Media refuses to adopt the Anti-Globalist Paradigm

BRUCE CAIN, JUN 23, 2024


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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I suspect that poll is about as accurate as the 2020 election results ;-)

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I think the idea is to lie about Biden's popularity so when they stuff the ballot boxes with votes, from Illegal Aliens, a Biden win will seem plausible. Sadly too many Americans remain asleep at the wheel. I mean why else would all the democrats vote against the SAVE Act the other day . . . unless their intent is to throw the 2024 election to Biden.

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I can't figure the Dems out, except that it's clear that most of them are serving their own interests as opposed to those of their constituents. The corruption is next level.

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It all makes sense if you believe that you are a special person and have better genetics than others. And that after you elites get everyone into debt and crash every market and currency, you bring in your world bank digital gulag currency and you take your superior position and can and will dictate to the new slave class everything they can do and where their money is good and for what (can’t spend it eleven walking minutes from your shared dwelling) (for the planet!).

So if you see the goal is slavery and control and you are on top or just simply undeniably superior. And if you understand that’s classic psychotic behaviour. Then look around at how many psychotic tendencied people are all around you, and that the dictionary describes facisim as the merging of state with corporations. And that’s the goal with this technological slavery. And that Hitler did the same thing and thought that he was doing something better than a normal person can. And knew he was making the world better for a thousand years. For God in fact. Well it all just seems to make sense.

But don’t disparage. God always keeps a place for His people. And I believe he is making the world better than it ever has been. And it started in the darkest days of covid. (Everyone except the mentally broken know when it was). So in our darkness we collectively realized we were getting what we people made and it wasn’t of God. So we regretted and preferred God. And God is very big and very merciful to us when we are in that condition. And so He started increasing Himself here. (All good is God)(know the darkness in unielightened people? You prefer light?(Jesus is the inventor of this light).

So i believe that God will increase Himself (the good increases and more people will stand in it) and he has us sue every tech company right out of existence. And has us sue every pharmaceutical company right out of existence. And never again make a systemic molecule.

(Biblical- In those days they will DECEIVE the world with THEIR phaurmacaia..) Written thousands of years ago.

So please rest in Our Lord (he is described and this happens many times in the Bible, as a peace beyond human understanding). And if you’re experiencing some form of amazement from their words and effects, God is described and experienced as an amazement when us children experience or think of His works..

Amazing huh?

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Censorship is alive and well"

Children's Health Defense, headed by Robert F Kennedy jr., banned me permanently from their site for pointing out the hypocrisy of advocating for the agonizing and gruesome deaths of abortion, but wringing his hands about the 'damage to the fetus' caused by vaccines given to the mother. He has even gone so far as to call prenatal vaccine injury the " greatest violation of medical ethics inflicted on women across the globe"

But 70 million dismembered, decapitated and burned alive babies from 2 weeks gestation up to their delivery day is 'reproductive care.'

If Kennedy is so proud of his pro-choice position. let him defend it. In stead, he disappears me for asking the question.

Yet all the 'truthers' follow; convinced of the imminent awakening. A man just as dishonest, cowardly and corrupt as the others that you hate.


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He lives & breathes a contradiction. It does NOT make sense no matter how you choose to spin it.

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Amen Sissy.

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So true! I didn’t know they’re all for abortion. So sad.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

''They" may not all be, but the hypocrisy should be duly noted. If you support/promote any practice or point of view, it follows that you believe [ in your own mind ] that the practice and point of view is better than someone else's. If when asked to answer for your views you silence the questioner, cut them off from the community in which they were receiving support, refuse to answer multiple emails concerning the gross censorship all the while building your platform on the evils of censorship, then all credibility is lost. The problem is we want someone to save us and we will engage in the most glaring and delusional behavior in order to avoid taking on the responsibility for the state of things ourselves. RFK jr. is somehow avoiding this question on the intentional killing of unborn babies because he doesn't want to lose the spillover from the right who are nervous about supporting Trump any longer. You know PETA can post the most horrifying videos of graphic animal abuse, show up naked to street protests and everyone is on board, but if anyone even tries to say anything about the same crimes against tiny humans, poof! you're gone. Any way, I am posting this information only once on any Substack that will allow me to comment without paying for a subscription. I already have too many as it is.

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Those of us who are aware to what's been going on since 2019 (and before) had better not think it's all over. We now predict the next virus (Bird Flu) is nearly ready to be let loose on the unsuspecting public. 'Hey Presto' they will have another deadly mRNA poisonous injection ready to maim you all.

Next time, they'll expect to MANDATE the 'poisonous depopulation injections', so you got no choice. The FDA will automatically 'Grandfather' Approval - this time with no reason for another 'EMERGENCY USE AUTHORISATION', even though the FDA have rediscovered and re-introduced IVERMECTIN after pretending it never existed - and "if it does - it's for horses"???

They know the lemmings are ready to capitulate without question this time.

Pfizer et al, will not have to falsify. adjust stats or simply create fictious Safety Trials this time. No altered 'in house' modified data. No need even to cover up Vax injuries and jab related deaths. The public are too stupid to realise that these 'pretend disciplines' go unnoticed by the masses. 'NO LIABILITY' will be assumed, with the US Gov't taking back-handers to ensure no waves are made!

No need to record Vax injuries because they've got rid of VAERS which was vastly understated anyway. The new V-SAFE seems to be a non-starter - so no investigating of EXCESS DEATHS like last time!

Beware it ain't over 'til they are executed for crimes against humanity = Mass pre-meditated murder.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

No, it is most definitely not over. And I’m so here for it when it finally happens.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I agree about having responsibility. But I agree with your husband about your daughter needing to face the consequences of sleeping in, quite possibly many times, in order to prioritize going to bed earlier (or getting tested for sleep apnea). Instead you're just postponing the lesson, and it will be all the harsher.

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I get that, I do. And I tried a few times--but the anxiety and fallout was too severe. Thankfully, she's now a grown-ass responsible adult living in NYC and she *does* manage to get herself up--often very early--for work every day, so my coddling didn't cripple her, thankfully. ;)

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I'm so glad to hear it! I'm sure she misses on the days its harder than usual for her to leave her comfy bed.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

I’ll tell you again dear Jenna.

Your attitude gives me such hope. You are a treasure. 😘❤️

I think the fact that I’ve heard nothing from the two people I’ve recently tried to awaken tells me something. And that is, I’ve given them something to seriously think about.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"something about COVID was just plain off from the beginning." That describes me to a T. It just felt very wrong from the get-go! I've had my share of vaxes, so that was not it. I just deeply felt it was way over-hyped and forced, and that made me suspicious and careful. I was once told by a doctor I respected, to never be the first or the last to accept something new and untried. Be patient and see what happens. I'm so glad I listened to my intuition!

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Observing the situation last couple days… is the flailing POTUS health situation going to start the greater awakening of the still asleep masses? He did the shots and boosters right on TV and shouted to my ear: “My patience is running out… Go and get the shot!” I am so sorry and saddened.

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You can beat a dead horse but you can't make it drink.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

It is true and I try to remember how clueless I was about so many things that I trusted were true before I began digging. Even before covid I was well into researching several things I'd believed but found by my own experience were lies. Along with patience comes the need to look for solutions for the things we can see coming. I'm no longer actively trying to open people's eyes. But I am working towards moving to a place where, hopefully, I can withstand a few years of 'the next thing.' My plan at this point is to be available to others when/if they finally wake up but no longer can plan ahead for themselves. The Bird Flu Summit coming in October is all I need to know that this is far from over.

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Jul 12Liked by FLCCC Alliance, Jenna McCarthy

Ah, so well-considered and well-written. Kudos. This was a comforting (and enjoyable) reminder, and it's written in a way that will be easy to share widely.

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Thanks kindly. That was the point. :)

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Super article!

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Don't give up your guns. You might need to defend yourselves against those plotting to enslave us that dodged depopulation by poisonous injection. Mick.

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Jul 12Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Some people are awake and some people are refusing to wake up. It’s as simple as which side you’re on politically.

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I've had MANY liberal friends "wake up" (after they got at least a single shot, but still--better than nothing)!

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Trump won't accept responsibility for the biggest mistake of his administration.

Warped speed.

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How did this come to be a political issue? I refused the shot but no one shunned me, I live in Chile. There was 80% vaccination rate over here but they never made a huge deal about those that refused the shots.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by FLCCC Alliance, Jenna McCarthy

As people wake, the line for the clot shots get shorter, unfortunately the line for the mortuary is getting longer.

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