I think we need to get back, as patients, into independent practices. Otherwise, "system" docs are just puppets of the system. They're not allowed to go "off-protocol."

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3 cheers for private practice! It’s actually better from the standpoint of the “ no doctor on staff “ patients, that come through the ER …… let the employed physicians take them and YOU ( self employed) have more peace .

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Signed up last year for this type of primary care provider program.

Grateful for it

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The fast-food disease care system does a very good job.

You spend $Trillion per year for a life expectancy of 76 years!

Spending less should significantly increase life expectancy.

Therefore, the disease care system is designed to destroy life.

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Glad more docs are going this way. I opened my DPC in New Jersey back in 2008 and have never looked back. I probably took some lumps for everyone as in 2008 there were maybe a dozen or more DPC style practices and none in New Jersey.

My practice has further morphed by adding in Functional Wellness which helps people get off of the Big Pharma rollercoaster.

My practice and others like you mentioned in this post are the wave of the future, if Big Govt leaves us alone.

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After Covid crisis, Independant medical is vital. Always grateful, for the FLCCC info. They have shown our family, never lose hope. Much respect, God Bless.

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If providers out there want to make the switch from Allopathic Mainstream Insurance based medicine to the better alternative, I have been helping them do so for the past five years via the Priority Health Academy (PHHM) non-profit. For more information visit https://www.Priority-Health.us

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Healthcare or should I say Disease Care will not survive the economic crash that is coming, and most physicians (who work for institutions and corporations - which is most of them) will find them selves out of the street. 2025 will be a very difficult year for many, but in the USA - we are the only first world country where the more we spend the worse the outcomes... the only country where this happens and we are at the bottom for health and infant mortality in the first world.

Without going into detail with how we got here, the point is... what is today will not be tomorrow... that is not a quote from Kamala.... everything is about to change, be we need independt physicians when this goes down because they may be thhe only ones in practice for a very long time

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