Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Big government is the virus. The media is one of its various spike proteins.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"You can say that again. Why weren’t we listening 30 years ago? Would it have made any difference?

I *was* listening 30 years ago. And I think I--and other people who were also listening (or at least were intuiting)--have been able to make a difference. The piss-poor MSM ratings show it.

The problem is when the ratings go down the MSM megaphone volume goes up, making it seem like people are paying attention. I submit that they are not.

*On another note, I purchased every makeup item that Dorothy Hamill was purported to wear on her Seventeen cover all those years ago. I'm officially crushed by your behind-the-scenes revelation. I'll survive, though!

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The Media is the Virus. Yes, it is!

I have a shirt that says: Don't let mass media tell you what to think.

This one: https://urlis.net/a2dgykti

Perfect for these times!

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Why can’t they make cute ladies tshirts?!

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Ladies t-shirts are available too! 😉

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Wonderful post! As someone who worked for NYC magazines during that same golden age, I’ve experienced everything you’re describing. The experience of writing marketing content in the last 10 years or so has been similar. Perhaps even a bit more dishonest, if that is possible. At least these days AI is shouldering the burden of writing dishonest marketing content. I don’t believe that Chat GPT has developed a conscience just yet. If it ever did, that would certainly defeat its purpose!

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Is you jiving me?

The lamestream mainstream is telling us lies? Are you sure that's true?

I didn't get this from your read, but tis way worse than you depict.

You don't mention, or did I miss, that there is , was , and will be ....

A coordinated effort to kill maim and delete, I e, depopulate, with a lockstep coordinated bioweapon war against we the powerless.

I'm not saying I disagree with you at all, but I am saying that I enjoyed your read. But it was really well short of capturing the reality that has been exposed since the 3-11-2020 launch of thee scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda, a whole new level of disasterous deciet that had not yet been spellchecked for digestibility, that was shoved down our threats or shed even to the refusenikskies

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Grasshopper Kaplan: What a bunch of incoherent snark. You’re an illiterate Neanderthal. Sure, health care officials & other “guvmint” authorities didn’t exactly know what they were doing or tell it to us straight.. but ”a coordinated effort to kill, maim & depopulate” is a sentence cobbled together by a crazed, paranoid nitwit. Having spent 40 years treating critically ill & injured patients, I’m more & more amazed at what a large group of know-nothings mistakenly believe about the science of life-enhancing & life-saving medicine. You actually think you can learn everything there is to know on the World Wide Web...without ever setting foot next to the bed of a suffering, barely conscious, hospitalized human being.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

"Having spent 40 years treating critically ill & injured patients, I’m more & more amazed at what a large group of know-nothings mistakenly believe about the science of life-enhancing & life-saving medicine."

Coming from a family of Factor VIII hemophiliacs.. three generations killed w tainted blood & husband whose dad hauled PCBs w rare leukemia & 7 years w Fred Hutch w 11 rounds of chemo, full body & monoclonal radiation & three transplants my decades of primary care outnumber & outweigh yours w fleeting strangers.

We were blessed to have many brilliant & gifted doctors and researchers along the way but collectively there is no group who is as uninformed about health, nutrition and adverse effects of modern medicine. You have one heck of a nerve throwing a mantra of modern medicine as virtuous life saving science when America has the fattest sickest population in human history consuming drugs that heal nobody.

Check your attitude and your facts and do not use the suffering of the patients in your care as a weapon to justify nasty name calling a user who rightly notes iatrogenic deaths were always a top cause of mortality and mRNA transfection has Biblical mortality.

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I bet you are hard to like

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Author

That actually made me lol… Not sure why Linda is even here (except to name call and act superior/virtue signal I guess?). 🤷‍♀️

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I’m here because I believe in the real world, not myths & delusions (like 52 genders). Truths that people who think differently than me, & love cuddling up in an echo chamber, are unable to accept because they’re simply too dug in. You want to call me self-righteous because that makes YOU feel better. I just love people & I have a strong faith, which has been a great support for me in some of the horrific things I’ve had to see in my 40yrs of critical care work. My patients, sometimes in the process of dying, have given me so much more than I’ve given them.

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I am sorry for whatever it is you have seen or experienced that enables you to parade around on someone else's intellectual property, calling strangers "illiterate neanderthals" and "crazed, paranoid nitwits" and then TWO SENTENCES LATER claiming you just love people and are so incredibly godly. Um, okay. Whatever you say, Linda. Calling you self-righteous doesn't make me feel anything other than... right.

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Linda is very hard to


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Ah, I gave her a like.

She is probably sincere, and I actually rarely say so but I am peripheral in the medical field., without which I'd need another job....

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Haha, you know nothing about me.

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Funny, I can say the same thing. 😉

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This sort of reminds me of any dualistic dialectic, as if we didn't all breathe the same air and want peace and sanity and harmony...

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You've told us plenty about yourself starting with the assertion your views are superior and the limits of debate neatly limited by your superior perception..

"What a bunch of incoherent snark. You’re an illiterate Neanderthal. Sure, health care officials & other “guvmint” authorities didn’t exactly know what they were doing or tell it to us straight.. but "

Again your self proclaimed superiority w perhaps actual experience. Really rubs me wrong to hear smug certainty & ego attached from someone who should be in a position to accept the greatest level of uncertainty that is part of every medically involved dying process. Feels like Nurse Ratchet protocol when all the answers are nothing but best guesses.

"Having spent 40 years treating critically ill & injured patients, I’m more & more amazed at what a large group of know-nothings mistakenly believe about the science of life-enhancing & life-saving medicine."

We know you think a lot of yourself & those who disagree your inferiors. All that keeps going through my mind is a prayer that no dying patient be subjected to the harsh judgemental attitude you brought to us in spades.

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This. 💯👏

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Follow the money to the end, then turn around.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

Loved this article! Spot on

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The mainstream media will persist as long as they can sell advertising.

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We need to fix trust. Trust is the basis for all collaboration. And trust is fixable with new, decentralized and transparent systems. We can live in high trust societies if we choose to. We don't need anyone's permission (see new article tomorrow).

Government, medicine, academia, religion, food, voting, media, police, and even science are all systems overwhelmingly lacking trust.

How do we fix them? With swarms, aka human swarm intelligence:


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who we need to trust is each other, not these corrupted systems! the corrupted systems want to weaken us my division. We need to turn their plans to divide us on its head by trusting in each other, our friends and neighbors... that we are our own best advocates, that we are not the enemy... the global elite are.... we are many, they fear us.

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Nice idea...we will float further and further away from it as AI generated content takes over. It will be impossible to determine what's real and what's not. We are already almost there, last few years showed us that.

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In the UK we have to pay a TV licence fee but many, like me, refuse to watch BBC because it is so one sided and biased towards forcing FEAR PORN onto it's viewers regarding Covid and the DEADLY INJECTION they still call 'a vaccine'. I will never watch BBC again and will never pay a TV LICENCE FEE!

Andrew Bridgen for Prime Minister! He's the only one with balls in our pathetic WEF influenced UK parliament!

It seems there are more illnesses and Health Issues caused by injections (that are incorrectly called VACCINES) than occur with the UNVAXXED like me!

Why are our Governments insisting in killing their people by VAX and pretending to be unaware of the facts? Let's tell them we now know their dirty little secrets and we're not playing ball from now on!

As from today, the WHO and UN cease to exist, so stick your scam TREATY where it hurts!

It's widely accepted that the US (and many other countries) experimented with diseases as possible weapons of WAR. The US conducted these experiments as part of their military options. After it became known to US citizens that this dangerous technology was taking place in US Universities and other specific locations, it was determined the projects must cease on US soil! Hence Wuhan was one of the centres the US government sponsored with Fauci heading the project.

Fauci called the experiments that maximise the impact of viral diseases on humans - 'Gain of Function'.

It matters not as to whether Covid was leaked or deliberately released - it was predetermined by Fauci & friends, to occur in order to create a need for an incredibly 'PROFITABLE CURE', from which they could enjoy ongoing wealth sharing from enormous profits, while injected recipients were treated as guinea pigs - many dying or suffering lifelong injuries.

All the while, Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for this ingoing DEPOPULATION project! 'ZERO LIABILITY' (culpability) for the increasing number of injuries and DEATHS by injection - enjoyed by all those profiting from the Depopulating Cull of humanity.

Now Pfizer are now pretending to be having financial difficulties so they can declare bankruptcy, thereby avoiding legal action for Pre-meditated MASS-MURDER.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight for FREEDOM!

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$$$$$ MSM are paid to lie ? Like some politicians ?

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Jenna McCarthy

The truth is, as Charleton Heston wrote, “Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury, or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over.” But forget yesteryear. Tucker Carlson, after his ouster, observed exactly the same: “I have spent my life in the media, and that is a major part of my revelation that the media is part of the control apparatus. I spent my life in that, and I regret that. Not being skeptical and calling people names. Now I see it only matters what is true, what really happened. I participated in the culture and I regret that. I didn’t see it at all. I am ashamed. They are not here to inform you on things that really matter.”

But let’s look at specifics. Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?). And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. Less well known but equally egregious is The New York Times’ (same paper that turfed their science writer Alex Berenson for writing the truth about Covid shots) completely discredited stating Russia was paying Taliban-linked fighters to kill US in Afghanistan, or the Guardian’s discredited report that enemy of the state Paul Manafort paid visits to Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy. All done to advance a narrative. Then there is the classic Ghost of Kiev fighter pilot… later outed as a complete fabrication. But no matter! Each succeeding weeks and months found new lies for the Ukraine Deep State war, which was made up out of the violent overthrow of a duly elected president, led and funded by George Soros, Hilary, Victoria Nuland and other Deep State types – all to “defend democracy” – when, of course they overthrew what was voted in by democratic vote, and then kept in place by a dictator, Zelensky, who jailed opposition parties, banned the free press, banned elections and tortured dissidents like Gonzalo Lira, before sending him off to today’s gulag. Perhaps 20,000 were murdered by Zelensky’s regime, just because the democratically did not want to be an integral part of Ukraine. Of course, relative to Ukraine, the two national teachers’ union bosses came up with this gem with their idiot We Support Ukraine flag UPSIDE DOWN (hint: the sky above is blue and golden grain is below.)

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This is a fantastically insightful and witty description of lamestream media. This quote comes to mind:

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10757424-we-know-that-they-are-lying-they-know-that-they)

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Mainstream media can suck eggs. They are the true virus which has been rotting brains for years just like sugar and just as addictive.

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Here's another thing that happens: When the government allows public comment, the documents they ask you to review are voluminous and packed with government speak. Then you write. Then they tell you your comments aren't specific enough.

Isn't something to the effect of "DON'T DO THIS STUPID, POTENTIALLY HARMFUL THING WITH OUR MONEY!" specific enough? Then they proceed to do the stupid, potentially harmful thing anyway.

No wonder people have given up speaking truth to power!

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Hello Humanity and other Earthlings, Hello addicts of a clever cloak of plausible deniability and our security blanket of illusions... Hello also to the owners and manipulators of Earth and Humanity,

I endorse this article with all my🔥💖🔥...

Hearing: "In reality, the makeup artist would stroll in with a Fiat-sized rolling bin brimming with products " I hear a description of the FDA and EPA and DOE and a long list of makeup artists. who masquerade as servants of the people. They have each a bag of favorite tricks they use to white wash and spakle and bondo away the blenishes on the face of America. We all wear a security blanket made of all manner of illusions that filter our reality. It is more than just rose colored glasses for our eyes... it is part of our minds and even our brains. We are designed to weave the blanket from our own minds into our collective unreality. Even the most aware of Human Beings has a built in craving for the security and comfort of the blanket and for those who choose to see and hear and speak truth it is a struggle to keep from putting the blanket over our heads... No?

I know it is for me.

Agencies like the Department of Energy are made to sound like they exist to do their best to handle the consequences of a nuclear necessity when in actuality their main function is to make all the right noises and say all the right sayings to cover up the dark filthy and ugly truth that nothing real is being done... can be done to put Humbty back together again.

Plausible deniability is every where and has been for most of the multiple times, multiple cycles of Humanity in Earth. Words like devil and demon provide deniability to assets of galactic business as usual as they manage and manipulate Humanity... see?

Magic and witchcraft are labels to hide real techniques and technologies used to domesticate, manipulate and exploit Earth and Humanity.

constructs like communism and capitalism and religions are designed to use applied behavioral psychology for the same reason, managing and manipulating the herd.

Individually we are designed to construct masques that are automatic and slap into place preventing us from saying the important truths to one another, uncomfortable things, and showing our true selves. The movie the MASK was an exaggeration of this truth. We mostly do not even realize we are masquerading most of the time but we are, Humanity. It is not easy to take off the masques because they are very helpful and comfortable but also powerful tools of the domestication infrastructure. Such behavioral psychology filters keep us from having those very important conversations; keeping us from even asking the important questions or comparing notes openly? Remember the times when you wanted to say something important to another Human Being and all the sudden the conversation gets sidetracked by one or both of you and the opportunity is gone?

I do... and it is very frustrating!


Those who serve the owners of Earth at the highest levels know this but the majority of Human Beings live their whole lives and never know reality... the truth and whole truth... the meat of the truth as they say.

Media is just one of the technologies designed to deploy the behavioral psychology and techniques as old as Earth... see?

Just my opinion and passion Humanity.

Just my warning too; a warning that we are learning how to keep the cloak off our heads and the wool off our eyes and prevent the masks from silencing our voices... this warning from me to the Human and Non Human manipulators and owners of Earth and Humanity. Each cycle has an end to the cloak of lies and the revelation that comes with the epic collapse... our age will have our apocalypse and then we shall all see what we shall see.

Or as our crisp and illustrious presenter wrote: ""I, for one, can’t wait until someone finally pulls the plug once and for all. When that happens, ""

Some day Human Beings will not be hiding from themselves and you who exploit us will have no place to hide from Justice galactic and divine. But you already know this and have planned for this time while preventing Humanity from doing the same!

Just one of your crimes...

ranting again... sorry Earthlings and those who are not Earthlings.

Thanks for reading and considering

and blessings

chuck 🔥💖🔥

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