I PRAISE and THANK ALMIGHTY GOD for raising up TRUE WARRIORS like these "for such a time as this":

Dr. Paul Marik

Dr. Pierre Kory


Dr. Ryan Cole

Drs. Robert & Jill Malone

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Simone Gold

Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Barke

Dr. Urso

Americas Frontline Doctors

Dr. Paul Thomas

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko 

Dr. Jessica Rose

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Dr. Ressler (our personal COVID-19 doctor)

Dr. Lee Vliet

Truth for Health Foundation

Dr. Martin Kulldorff

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

Dr. Harvey Risch

Dr. Knut Wittkowski

Dr. Paul Alexander

Dr. Tess Lawrie

World Council for Health

Professor Mattias Desmet  

Matt Staver

Liberty Counsel

Del Bigtree (The Highwire)

Aaron Siri

ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network)

Epoch Times

Jan Jekielek - America's Thought Leaders

Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Children's Health Defense 

Senator Ron Johnson

Governor DeSantis

Governor Stitt (Oklahoma's Governor)

My Free Doctor

Jeff Childers - Coffee & Covid

Dr. Naomi Wolf

Daily Clout

"This is the sign of true warriors. No matter what they take from us, they can never take the freedom out of our soul. They could not intimidate us into compliance. They could not scare us into silence. They could not extinguish our spirit. No matter what they tried to do, we continued to tell our truth. We did not go away.

In the most challenging moments, all we had to do was look at the quality of people standing with us on this quest to know that we could not be defeated. Standing united with us are the best and strongest warriors who live their life with the highest level of integrity and who would do it all again, no matter what it cost them. This grit and tireless pursuit for truth and freedom has now paid off."

Each of you provided and continue to provide life saving information at IMMENSE personal sacrifices. My family and I are ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!

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I love it that all of the original 10 are wonderfully brilliant and delightfully crazy! That combination earned my trust in your protocol and assurance you all would fight the stupidity til the end. That you did your lifesaving work so selflessly sealed the deal. Thank you, Original 10!!

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Thank you! From the bottom of our hearts thank you. This was so logically and thoughtfully put together TRUTH! I want to memorize this so I can regurgitate it whenever confronted. This is almost indisputable! I say almost, because there are those who will never believe the truth. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻. Pray for eyes and ears to be opened.

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It is hard to know how to properly thank you all who started FLCCC. I found you around March 2020 .... probably through my 15-20 year following of Dr. Mercola's emails. I think I heard of Dr. Paul Marik and his sepsis protocols from 2016/ 2017 slightly before that also probably through Dr. Mercola. I tried and tried and tried and tried to help spread the word through Facebook comments ..........sitting out there an hour at a time just trying to put it in front of anyone I could. Facebook did its censoring thing but I would try to get around it. When they didn't like links, I would just copy and paste parts of the article. In the end I wish I would have just went door to door to the 400-500 homes in my neighborhood with copies of the FLCCC protocols from the beginning. From March 5, 2020 when the 1st 3 cases of covid were confirmed in Maryland to today April 23, 2023 I have learned so much. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you all and ask for God's blessings and protection for you and yours ......... may He give you all the rewards you deserve for everything you have endured to get the truth to all of us. Dr. Paul Marik said at that Dec 5, 2020 Houston news conference "Please have compassion" ... I will never forget those words and I ask God to give me opportunities to help spread all of the truth that you all have so sacrificially provided to all of us.

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The Heavily Vaccinated

Are The First People

That I’ve Ever Known Of

To Send

Death Threats To Themselves.



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Fair enough but some scientists are finding doses with no MRNA ergo no spike protein but graphene forming structures, LNPs, PEG etc. Add in EMFs, trace HIV etc and there are multiple mechanisms of harm. Until the awake medical community are open minded to all this potential of pathogenicity there will be division. Ardis covered snake venom, Stew Peters sensationalised it. Therefore becomes tin foil hat conspiracy. I have seen many scientists and medical professionals incredulous at the sub theories abounding. But NOTHING is beyond consideration in this Psy Op. Even Merck IVM has been suspected of being a compound that affects fertility. I trust nothing 100%, nothing is absolute.

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Don’t forget the eColi included in the jabs!

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All sorts of nasties

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THANK YOU FLCCC - you have been my sanity through the last 3 years and my go to for information relating to health. I point everyone to you all the time. God Bless

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Bill Gates, Democrats, and the usual suspects know the soft targets for continued boosting, eg, blue cities with black mayors; blue states with white governors.

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Good Job and keep pushing Ivermectin and doxycycline.

Also be make sure that readers know to take aspirin for at least1 per day for 1 year post infection. I would take 325mg too not just a baby aspirin 81 mg. The higher dose is a more effective anti platelet and blood thinner. If you have GI issues then you will have to consult your PTP.

Every one should get a UA to rule out kidney injury and have an echo done of their heart.

Covid was a bioweapon and it did hurt and or kill a lot of Americans.

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Early in the fight I was at a protest in Tucson. I spoke truth. 1 month later, I received a letter threatening my nursing license.

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An actually funny story from a doctor being persecuted by the General Medical Counsel:

Nine of those investigations involved the same concerns over my recommendations to use vitamin B12 injections. These are widely used in naturopathic and orthomolecular medicine and have broad, clinical application - patients love them as a great treatment for fatigue and foggy brains. They are very safe - as a colleague commented, the only way you could kill yourself with vitamin B12 would be to drown in the stuff. The GMC disagreed. At an Interim Orders Panel hearing in April, 2010, it viewed B12 injections as a "potentially dangerous treatment" and placed sanctions on my practice, which meant that for six months I was unable to prescribe drugs. None at all. Not even an aspirin!

The GMC was and is prepared to accept any complaint from any person, from any organization, known or anonymous, regardless of its source and without making proper assessment of its authenticity, honesty, integrity or even prima facie validity.

A further example arose at my 23 December, 2010, hearing where the GMC picked up and ran with an anonymous internet report stating that I '...had assisted with the labor and birth of a pregnant family friend'. It had concerns that I was acting outside my area of expertise by working as a midwife. I am sure readers have found themselves in situations where there is something so funny that they nearly burst in their attempt to prevent themselves collapsing with laughter. So, it was for me at that hearing - I struggled to keep a straight face!

Had the GMC investigating officer been bothered to scroll down to the bottom of the page entitled, 'A Christmas Tail [sic]', concerning Mrs. Hogg living at Stable Cottage, he would have seen a picture of me with my pet pig Rosemary with eight piglets at the milk bar. A week later a Sun reporter came to my home and took pictures of me with the happy mother and babies. Yippee! Here at last was my only chance to become a 'page 3' girl. The Sun promised to publish, but never did. I have always wondered how much the GMC had paid it not to. There is even a Facebook Group named 'Rosemary Hogg' in honor of said sow! http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v19n21.shtml

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