I love this newsletter -- for its information, for its infographics, for its wit, and for its humanity. Thank you 🙏 FLCCC! You save lives, health, and sanity non-stop.

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Can anyone here any advice on how to rid our bodies of the spike protein? I get it’s the worst thing ever but some REAL Researched and factual solutions for people who were forced to take the vaccine who be extremely helpful.

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Sloppiness, and laziness, topped by a massive infestation of entitlement, is the diagnosis of the majority of the population- those not on Substack but getting their info from independent platforms and corrupted mass media agencies supported by brainwashed Covidiots.

For ex, in my household, we don’t need a nutritionist to tell us what to eat, or a wellness director to say to us about the benefits of exercise & healthy lifestyles.

We also don’t need a psychologist to mitigate our differences or how raise our children.

This, we don’t need the ‘experts’ to help us see what we can see and interpret within our minds and intellectual capacity.

We can read studies ourselves (and put lots of time into them), and we always question everything!

We may trust some things, but we always verify.

For ex., the work done in FL and managed by Dr. Ladapo’s team sits perfectly with us, and we entirely dismiss the noise from the Covidiots.

Nonetheless, we are very observant of whether those around us are taking the shots or not are doing well or not.

It is a big difference between the two groups, and we are definitely in the healthy, no medical issues group.

Why? Because we said NO, from age4 - 84! Was it easy? No - but it’ll be worth it to us.

Those that said “yes” are either not with us anymore or have an unfortunate outcome.

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Does anyone have an antidote for graphene oxide from the vaccine. I am hearing that humic acid may detox metals from the body.

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What about the graphene oxide? No one is talking about that.

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Is there any genuine hope to reverse all the effects of the vax for those who were mandated by government to keep their jobs?

I admit this was stupid especially after I fought with people the entire year during 2021. I was in a moral dilemma as my wife needed my employment’s drug plan to continue acquiring medication for her MS condition.

I didn’t do it for the money. I didn’t do it to keep “my stuff”. At this point I don’t care about money or stuff anymore. We’re all about to lose everything trying to not starve to death anyways.

If I can come out of this stupid mRNA bull crap with my full health intact pre jab. I’d be one grateful dude.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Adam Rowland Interview - Those Injured By COVID-19 Jabs Are Being Ignored, Ridiculed & Suppressed


TLAV = https://tlavagabond.substack.com/archive

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Pretty funny horse jokes y'all, lol.

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I remember reading the 'CoronaVirus' was patented as a 'Living Organism' many years ago, and the patentees were unknown individuals (Possibly 'stooges' for big pharma or Gates or Fauci or possibly the whole WEF cabal?). Historically, it was not an ethically approved practice to try and Patent a Living Organism, but money talks so disciplines can be lowered, manipulated or financially compromised. The only reason such a Patent was invested in was financial = Big Pharma and other saw the profitability in modifying a virus (Gain of Function) in order to pretend they have a cure. Especially when they'd already bought a 'concession' to TEMPORARILLY avoid LIABILITY (Swine Flu = 1976) for which they had developed an equally devastatingly useless, deadly vaccine. LIABILITY must be reintroduced IMMEDIATELY in order to stop Big Pharma assuming they have an incontestable 'LICENCE to KILL'. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight.

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Thank you for everything all of you have suffered for three years. The public is here for you.

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GATES: "In this peak [shows part of model that looks like a spike] on its outside, is called the spike protein. It grabs onto the cells in your body, that have a particular receptor [mRNA] to get that cell to make millions of copies of this virus. The first time you're exposed to this virus it takes merely days for your immune system to realize that it's a bad thing. So how do we get the immune system to go faster? The idea of a vaccine is to give you an exposure to something that looks like this [shows pic], so you're getting your body to make a lot of antibodies that can take these viruses & actually kill them. There's over hundred different efforts making many different types of coronavirus vaccines. Usually you're injecting at least a part of the shape of the virus [the spike protein]. Sometimes you take a virus & you kill it. You won't get sick because they're not duplicating. What's typically done is you just take either a piece of the virus or just the spike, that thing on the surface, and you put it on something else, so there's no risk at all of causing a disease. One final way that's new & promising is called the RNA vaccine with RNA & DNA & instead of putting that shape in it [shows strand of DNA], the instructions in the code can make that shape. So this is urgent & it's going to require incredible collaboration. It's going to have to go to 7 billion people. So I'm optimistic that one of the vaccine efforts will give us vaccines in the next 18 months, and we'll make sure that it's produced in volume & that it's accessible to everyone in the world. That's how we're going to end this pandemic this pandemic" - VIDEO - Bill Gates erklärt Covid-19 und das Rennen um einen Impfstof - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb2zRCCVhyY

Translation: We’ll make sure pandemics don’t go away until we force the entire world of 7 billion people, less hundreds of thousands of us globalists, to buy and inject my vaccines.

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Reiner Fuelmich of the ICIC has just produced a very long (2.5 hours) video conference with 5 experts examining the effect of the jab inside and outside the body:


Now the unjabbed are at risk from what they initially refused!

Steve Friedman, West Kelowna.

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so, how can we know if the excess deaths are from the jabby jab or covid. I would assume both? And I'm asking because the jab is being blamed for all these sudden deaths but it could be from people who had and recovered from covid. I haven't gotten the jab nor do I every intend to. As a matter of fact, I may lose job because I refuse to get the jab. I'm asking because I have blamed the jab but it may not be only the jab and since so many have contracted covid, this is painting a bleak future.

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