This discussion is superlatively important. It is the most important discussion we can have in America short of secession. We need to build an entire alternative economy and credentialing system. Patriots must build new, parallel systems for education, wellness, communication, media, and finance. "Too big to fail" is now too big to be compatible with freedom.

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Fascism, per the definitive 1932 eponymous work, The Doctrine of Fascism, by Benito Mussolini, is here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf. It's a dozen or so pages, i.e., short. In a wored, fascism is the merger of the *socialist* state with crony big biz (can you say "Blackrock?). That IS the dictionary definition of fascism, per its founders. Nazi, for the ignorant left, stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party, which adopted explicitly socialist planks Feb. 20, 1920 at its first convention, Munich. Just do a web search to verify yourself. But PLEASE! Stop using Google. Why feed the crocodile that only plans to eat you later that same afternoon. Use Brave.com browser, or search engines Yandex, SwissCows, Presearch of Free spoke

We live in a fascist state, and of course Klaus Schwab's Swiss father worked with the Nazis a Escher Wyss (sp?)

But this is where it gets interesting. We actually live in a fasco-Marxist state, where they are blending both socialist un-visions. Yes, they ARE both socialist. That is why "Socialist" is in National Socialism (Nazi) and USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Rep.). But they blend in Gramsci's cultural Marxism as well, with a slug also of technocracy

So, why did Hitler invade the USSR I always get ignorant leftist whine. First, fascism is nationalist/racist, Marxism is internationalist. They are NOT identical twins, but cousins. Think the Hatfields and McCoys, who intermarried. But the standard utterly ignorant leftist has NO idea that in the Ussuri River war, starting late 1960s, Brezhnev went to Nixon and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved. Nixon said yes, so it didn't happen. BUT, here you have two communist nations who had a shooting war on the Ussuri River, hundreds dead, that almost went nuclear. WHY? They were both COMMUNIST. Similarly, in the late 1970s, communist China TWICE invaded communist Vietnam. Why? Why did later communist Vietnam invade communist Pol Pot Cambodia.

And of a truth, Anfifa is identical to Hitler's brownshirts (Mussolini's blackshirts), doing identical things - burning, breaking windows, etc. Even the Antifa flag evokes the Nazi brownshirt flag (should change their name to Protifa)

The utter and abject studied ignorance of the fasco-Marxist left is staggering. See https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism for more

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Stop thinking along the lines of single states and you might be on the right track. Why do you think the Western governments are working together so closely? For them the idea of borders is just something they tell the populations they control in a giant Divide-and-Conquer scheme. That is why they fear the internet and why they try and censor so much. They do not want the plebs to realize the power they have when they understand that they are spanning the globe in the billions. Educate each other, wherever you are.

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Need to push the alt cert board---as it is, I don’t trust most “board certified” docs...it seems to mean either you are owned or you haven’t spoken truth to government shenanigans wrt Covid and “vaccines”.

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It can’t just be these Doctors paying the price. Citizens must have the courage to say “no”. We absolutely will not comply! This has to be the message.

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🙏🏼🔥🙏🏼 Much Gratitude to ALL the Physicians, Pharmacists & Researchers who’ve Risked THEIR VERY LIVELIHOODS For TRUE Public Health Security and to preserve democratic JUSTICE 🙏🏼🔥🙏🏼

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“ and then the people said NO. The End” ...my current favorite meme.

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Do. NOT. Comply

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Just signed up for direct primary care for my family, actively sought a specialist that questions the narrative.

Very much agree with an alternate credentialing association that pledges to NOT accept funds & sponsorships from conflicting interests

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The medical establishment organizations - AMA, medical and surgical societies, credentialing boards, the medical schools, have all been captured by the corrupted medical-industrial- healthcare bureaucracy complex.

These entities are no longer representative of the best interests of patients and doctors.

Thank you for all you do in the name of preserving life and representing our profession honorably. The last few years have been shocking and shameful for me as an MD as we have seen callous disregard for ethics and patient lives from the medical establishment, which in my mind rises to the level of criminality.

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I would like to see some serious repercussions for the psychos, like Mengele Fauci receive jail time and severe financial loss. Many more to follow.

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Can’t Wait to have FREEDOM To CHOOSE to Trust my Health CARE to Independent Physician CoOp, over BigPhRMA-Owned, CorporateProfit DEATH BOARDS Doctors

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I was at a party yesterday and a doctor was telling people that people should get the quackine and even pushing the flu shots ! When I told there are serious side effects she did not want to hear anything. She would rather continue to drive her Mercedes , live in her mansion, be the limelight of the parties. I am not saying she is evil necessarily and she is convinced she is helping society . Her friend stated “thank God we have paxlovid “... I had to leave that conversation and came home and prayed for God to give them common sense and wisdom. The only way out is parallel systems!!! On a positive note I talked to a worker at McDonald’s at the airport and I mentioned the jabs to him ... and he said he had none and was fully awake . I told him he should spread this information to all of his friends and family and he said he will . So there is some awakening going on too .

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Not complying is not good enough, we must fight them on every field and many times we must turn their weapons against them

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It’s not just the medical boards, which are horrific as possible. We know that med schools have been captured financially and ideologically by Big Pharma and the American Medical Association. So even basic medical school licenses and exams are suspect. Mainstream medicine is no longer about health, it’s about political agendas.

Look at some examples from AMA’s website below and tell me it’s not a race to the ideological sick-care bottom.

* Health Equity: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/health-equity.

* Search for “transgender”: https://www.ama-assn.org/search?search=Transgender

* Search for “biological sex”: https://www.ama-assn.org/search?search=Biological+sex

Physicians, surgeons, and patients do have an alternative: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943). Their motto “omnia pro aegroto” means “all for the patient.” Check them out at https://aapsonline.org

And, some good news for one doctor in the fight: Florida Doctor John Littell Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines. With money raised for legal fees — including many readers of Coffee & Covid Substack (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com) whose author Jeff Childers argued his case - Dr. Littell plans to help medical students under pressure to submit to 'woke' ideology. Read: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/florida-doctor-reinstated-after-losing-board-certification-for-criticizing-covid-19-vaccines-5480957?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy

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The healthcare boards are like a metastatic cancer...let’s find a way to excise them permanently!

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Please do keep up the good fight. I have personally left the corporate hospital systems and will never return, hopefully.

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I am a former nurse and could never go back. Having a 16 yr old that was interested in possibly becoming a nurse, it’s hard for me to be excited about it. I guess one ends up having to think outside the box for a nursing career but just getting through a college program would make me cringe. It’s quite sad.

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It is quite sad, especially how they are pushing these ‘warp speed’ gene therapies on these young ladies, with no long term fertility studies, and with much evidence that these shots are frying ovaries and testes. I stood up for my ladies at the hospital. Our DON had quit just a few weeks prior to all this going down. So I wonder what she knew?

But what amazes me most is the crickets we get from legal, our representatives, committees, courts, etc. Is it the fluoride in the water? Are we demonically possessed? I told my Jewish at attorney the other day, ‘that our grand parents were better people than we are.’ When I went through Nursing School these would all be considered ‘crimes against humanity.’ And for Netanyahu to admit that Israel was Pfizer’s laboratory? WTF?

What F’n planet am I on? I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

My sister is a Nurse. She says ‘she’d rather clean toilets than go back bedside.’ When the Churches let the Corporations take over hospitals, that was the end.

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Integrity. That says it all.

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