This last message of Dr. Zelenko's has me weeping. In some indescribable, inarticulable way I feel the dead remain with us. I had an aunt by marriage who was a teenager in Germany just before WWII. She ran away, found a way to get across the Atlantic by herself to escape having to join the Hitler Youth. My mother, whose cognition was tanked by lockdown and whose death was lonely, if not partly caused by the vaccine, was a secular humanist who snuck bibles into Russia (along with banned Russian literature) and tangled with the KGB. So I welcome Dr. Zelenko into the heaven of my revered inspirational dead. Blessings to his grieving family. (And the FLCCC substack writers have a restful vacation. If anyone deserves that, you do!)

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Wow. One word in one line about continues jabs “may” be effective. Unbelievable. Non of the will end well. Ever!

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That whole "Hill to die on" sounds pretty bad. I've always preferred "Hill to kill on" :) LOL

Killing sounds more fun than dying, at least from my perspective. Besides I can only die once but I can do a lot more than one killing. Just saying there are other ways to view this situation.

PS. Dr Zelenko == LEGEND

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My deepest condolences to Dr. Zelenkos near & dear ones 😢🙏🏼❣️

In Sweden people are BEGGING for more shots 😭‼️ Since this “pandemic” started I’ve been doing my own research & I’ve been listening to doctors that stand up for our freedom & our rights to ALL information & to let doctors be doctors! I’ll mention Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Shankara Chetty & there are SO many more! We cannot stop! We have to expose all the lies to save humanity, to save our kids! There are no words to express how grateful I am for every doctor, every nurse, scientist etc, that have risked their jobs - even their lives to stand up against Big Pharma & all others that are lying to us & killing us with these so called “vaccines”Follow the money!

We need to pray 🙏🏼

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You were steadfast among a sea of intellectual cowards. Nullius in verba, Doctor Z. Hundreds of people I knew took Ivermectin and your protocols and all of them beat Covid. Thank you for your intellectual bravery. This one’s for you:


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We must keep going. Condolences to family and friends. We will see him again. ONWARD---->

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Dear Humanity and observers of conspiracy and organized criminals behaviors...

I am sorry so many are dying at the hidden hands of corruption. Now and in the past the best of the best are rendered in the rendering plants of war for power and money.

Some will always say: "If your fighting to live then it is OK to die"

I am no soldier, I am just an old Harper harping on about Nature Earth and Human Sovereignty.

What is a Harper without music?

MEGADETH - ASHES IN YOUR MOUTH LYRICS — https://www.songlyrics.com/megadeth/ashes-in-your-mouth-lyrics/

Sativarg hears this when reading the title of this page...

``We agree... He and me``

""People have round shoulders from fairing heavy loads

And the soldiers liberate them, laying mines along their roads

Sorrow paid for valor is too much to recall

Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall

Melting down all metals, turning plows and shears to swords

Shun words of the bible, we need implements of war

Chalk lines and red puddles of those who have been slain

Destiny, that crooked a schemer, says the dead shall rise again

Where do we go from here?

And should we really care?

The end is finally here

Gods have mercy

Now we've`` rewritten history

``The one thing we've found out

``Sweet taste of vindication

``It turns to ashes in your mouth""

Please reach for Grace in this ending... please consider the value of Life and how little one can achieve from the grave?

Yes stand our ground and refuse to do evil...

But vindictive vindication will never stop the darkness... only Light can ever do that.

or "...

If you're fighting to live

It's ok to die

The answer to your question is

``Welcome to tomorrow


I celebrate the legacy of Lovers and Leaders in our struggle towards Civilization and true Human Sovereignty

Thank you Doctor Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko for your contributions to Earth and Humanity.

Thank you brave one for all your Light!


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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I have so much respect and love for this man. He has a heart of gold and he will be missed. Thank you for sharing. I will fight on in his honor. 🙏🏻

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I agree with Cynthia, I was in tears reading what he wrote. I feel for his family and applaud his efforts along with all the other Dr's. Sadly the world has become what it is now due to left, these people are out of their mind. I fear what they trying to do to all of us is going to create a civil war, I wish we could get them to stop trying to change our country, the one we love. Not everything is perfect but we can change them for the good. The thought of being ruled by these people has kept me up so many nights, it needs to stop.

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