Yup! We've learned an incredible amount about what motivates medicine! Money - Not honesty, scruples, dedication to helping humanity but GREED!

Those like me, with the ability to join the dots, started to suspect the incredible worldwide coinciding collaboration that had to be by planning and design.

We proud Conspiracy Theorists bow accept the derogatory term as a congratulatory compliment although it was 'awarded' as a criticism of a few shady, stupid and uneducated fools. They now know 'the shoe is on the other foot'! we are winning the battle of TRUTH over deceit, and profit over humanity's health.

We've learned that the medical 'calling' is about profit over health.

Big Pharma's slogan = There's NO PROFIT in healthy people - how can we prolong their misery to our financial benefit?

Big Pharma ad those that modified bat viruses to maximise the impact upon Huma Health did so in order to pretend they had a cure. The miraculous speedy production of a 'vaccine' was a big giveaway as to their credibility. Vaccines normally take in excess of 10 years, unless the 'inventors' are working in the adjacent lab to where the Bat Virus is being tweaked for destruction.

And then, a few weeks after the miraculous (but frequently DEADLY) injection was created, we learned that the makers had negotiated massive worldwide deals to ship the crap with conditions that include TO THIS DAY = NO LIABILITY! Can you believe that? It still continues, even though thousands die from the DEADLY INJECTIONS!

Then they tried to justify that kids, babies that had no susceptibility to Covid, and pregnant women should take the deadly jab, with disastrous consequences.

Then these greedy murdering mercenaries decided to double up on their profits by pretending the first one needed topping up. This con worked numerous times and there are still some unsuspecting people that accept the poison put into their systems on a regular basis!

Then, after supposedly getting away with the highly profitable covid Farce for nearly THREE years, they admitted that their "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" poison had never proven either suggestion to be true. NO thorough independent TESTS were ever COMPLETED!

Apparently, there are still a few people that trust Doctors that forgot to warn patients of Adverse Reactions and DEATHS that could follow the Death Shot. These are mercenary accomplices! These so-called 'doctors' failed abysmally on THREE COUNTS = Their Hippocratic Oath commits them to "DO NO HARM" and they are obliged to warn all recipients of EXPERIMENTAL medicines of the potential consequences. It's called 'INFORMED CONSENT - but it went out the window when the Covid injection became available.

The 3rd count was SILENCE about the inherent dangers within their enormously profitable involvement in world DEPOPULATION by VAX.

Finally, in order to obtain an EMERGENCY LICENCE to market this injected POISON, the makers had to persuade their CLOSE FRIENDS at national health Agencies (FDA< etc,) that no other SAFGE and EFFECTIVE MEDICINES existed. they hid, defamed, criticised and pretended that decades-old tested and SAFE formulas like IVERMECTIN were ONLY for ANIMALS!

Bring back hanging because there are thousands that have all been accessories to MASS Pre-Meditated MURDER by injection they try to call VACCINE! They must all pay for their crimes!

I will never accept an injection from a doctor or someone posing as such.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Here we go. The Broken ones. Ivermectin is Big Pharma. It is literally poison. Why push a different poison. Wake up and smell the coffee. Germ Theory is BS.

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Suppression of steroids by the w.h.o. - despite the w.h.o.'s own acknowledgement "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".

The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop "their" "countermeasure" Mrna "vaccine" program. Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to get the fda required "eua" to enable the mass shootings with Mrna. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED!

Please remember this about the "who" participation in the beginning of the implementation of "their" plan to KILL HCQ AND STEROIDS etc, to kill early covid treatment and effective emergency room and hospital covid treatment, to push remdesivir and the vaccine only path is documented here https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/330680/WHO-HEO-RDBlueprint%28nCoV%29-2020.1-eng.pdf?sequence=1 WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020 They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness". The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was fauci stand in Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.

Dr. Zelenko figured the reasons out and explained, early on, why there was such active suppression, sabotage and refusal to acknowledge effective preventions and treatments for covid including that There could be "no adequate, approved, and available alternatives." to the Mrna platform "vaccine" bioweapon countermeasure they had long planned to use. No effective covid prevention or treatment would be allowed - to insure the FDA would grant the required "EUA"

from the us fda "An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives."


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When a doctor is scared to talk about the lives he saved or use repurposed drugs or document side effects of those shots due to fear of losing his or her license that says it all. Never again should this happen in medicine... never again . Innocent people died and were lied to.

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from wickedpedia - "Depraved-heart murder" on a mass scale

"In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a "depraved indifference" to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a "depraved indifference" to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with "wanton murder",[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder.

If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as "culpable negligence") and possibly other crimes, such as assault."

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Where does Fauci live? I'd love to see him prosecuted.

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What on Earth does that BS possibly do beyond pushing your EGO up. Your statement is nonsense and BS.

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I deleted my reply to Peggy, which is now no longer visible, to which DAC replied to above, so as that now deleted reply of mine would not detract from the truth about the evil "w.h.o." at the start this thread

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It is still happening while the TV is one.

Turn off the TV. Stop all Screens for Children. Home School. Otherwise you are not helping. EGO is in control. They planned this well.

It is running as planned. TV on ever you are supporting them.

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God bless him

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Everyone - please watch this! Start listening at the 1 hour and 8 minute mark, to get to the important story more quickly.

Umberto Meduri & Paul Marik on DarkHorse


Bottom line, Umberto Meduri studied 20 years ago, a cheap, safe, effective, out of patent drug that based upon previous experience, could have saved the lives of 50% of the COVID victims that went into a cytokine storm (I.e. the reason folks were put on the ventilators). His research was BRUTALLY DISCREDITED BY A BIG PHARMA HATCHET JOB 20 years ago, To keep his inexpensive treatment out of hospital’s usage.

In other words, these Big Pharma hit jobs, go way back. THIS INTERVIEW IS WELL WORTH LISTENING TO. With usage of his drugs, there would have been NO NEED FOR THE LOCKDOWNS!!!!!!!


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There was never any need nor justification for the lockdowns.

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Yes, I think that you are absolutely correct.

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Ok now what. The same story does not change the TV blasting mind control.

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Spread the word. Sadly, in this country, no institution has been less trusted the medicine. A few decades ago, I would’ve thought the clergy, but after the scandals in so many of the churches, I would think doctors ranked higher than the clergy at this point. I think what we can do is spread awareness amongst our friends and Piers of how far back this corruption goes and that whenever we go to the doctor, we need to be our own advocate, and not expect the doctors to be around because. We need to ask critical questions about the recommendations received and study alternative approaches and demand answers. Finally, as for me, I have moved to a general practitioner that doesn’t take insurance. He charges a monthly flat bill of $80 a month every month (I am 60 and have several medical issues) he never charges for an office visit, and he always has availability. There are websites where you can find such doctors across the country. If you’re interested, I’ll look it up again and post the website for you. These out of network doctors ARE NOT SLAVES TO THE INSURANCE COMPANIES.

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Thank you and -- who will best do to investigate and resolve?

Any action plan suggested?

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What these vile filthy animals did, and continue to do, was always intentional. Profit motive was a big part of it, but not all of it. The government hates us, just face it and continue on, knowing that they hate us and want everything we have and they want us dead. Only scum that hates you does what they are doing. Convince me that I’m wrong?

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"Convince me that I’m wrong?"

Not gonna do that but always love a fun long shot challenge. It's mostly correct with a bit more nuance. The opposite of love is not hate it is indifference. Hate requires some emotional investment & individuals hate based on individual profiles.

My loathe, despise & detest list reflects a moral measure other folks have their own social bias but we hate some "kind" of character.

The ruling class dgaf about the bulk of humanity & feel no worse about our deaths than the fish in their sushi. It's the A list that matters & we peons part of species potentially facing extinction.. pfft... humans are part of the natural resources elites see fit to exploit in accordance w rules they make for themselves & follow when it's convenient.

Hate is a social a weapon deployed to keep 99% from uniting against common enemy w class war. Way more of us then them & we do all the work so many are needed. Occupy scared the daylights out of global ruling class & that's when social media bot wars & shadow bans & censorship began more based around contractors like Palintir deploying attacks and complaints against their own targets.. fun history trivia!

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thanks... helluva long shot.

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Except I really do believe that the opposite of love is hate. I agree that indifference is primarily what they feel for humanity in general, but that is something else entirely.

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Charles, Regarding - “The gov hates us’” I think most of the time they really don’t HATE us. Instead, I think that they just don’t care about us, pretty much at all. Indeed, I think their annoyance with the populace, only arises when the public starts thinking for themselves, and as a consequence begins to get a bit Uppidy. 😁

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Libertarians have understood regulatory capture, where the regulated always end up controlling the regulators, for decades. But I doubt more than a handful realized how deep the rot was and, perhaps, never dreamed it would manifest in the area of health in such a big way.

This is the reason the regulators must be privatized and competitive if there is to be any regulation at all. And compared with what has happened, we'd be better off with none.

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I agree with your point about regulatory capture but I don't think privatisation is the answer. It would be all too easy for the powerful and rich to take a financial stake in a privatised regulator. This sort of thing already happens when 'charitable' foundations grant funds to regulators for 'altruistic reasons' of course! The regulator is made dependent on their new paymasters and we all know what happens then.

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So you want the same government that regulates and therefore, allows the capture, to control everything. Got it.

With due respect, there should be no government regulation. Problem solved.

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No, I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. For the reason I gave I don't think privatisation is the answer but that doesn't imply that I think government is.

However, I do believe that regulation is necessary. Thalidomide is a clear example from history of the failure of control over a drug company. The result was thousands of deformities and deaths. Governments and regulators failed appallingly on that one and yet the system stayed the same.

Everyone looks for an easy answer to questions like these and there isn't one.

The problem as I see it is the immediate or eventual corruption of the regulator by political, commercial or ideological interests. Getting regulators (and other functions currently in the realm of government) out of political control would be a step in the right direction but there has to be more to avoid corruption creeping back in over time.

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An excellent podcast. One of the small ways we’ve been combatting the capture of medicine by pharma is through careful and considerate discussions with our physicians - specifically an internist and hematologist. We’ve been treated with kindness and our wishes for treatment respected.

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honoring integrity

a beam of light end of darkness

oh courageous truth tellers keep lighting the way

we stand behind you calling for the recognition of truth demanding FREEDOM for Julian Assange

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I listened yesterday. It’s definitely worth the listen. Prepare to be angry though.

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"Only an investigation can lead to reforming the responsible institutions and prevent anything like this from occurring again." - What's your plan B? Cause sadly, that ain't happening.

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ID: 5447693

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Until people stop watching TV nothing will change. 95% of the blockheads reading this took the jab and hide under their desk.

IMF owns the USA.inc.

There is NO REPUBLIC ANYMORE. Not facing reality and along as if this fake government is real is nonsense.

FDR ended the US. FDR is dog shit. Most people truly do not have a choice in their own minds. Brainwashing is deep, dark and relentless. I blame none of the people that truly do think everything is fine.

It is sad but fighting between citizens is 100% the desired effect. Hence Love Thy Neighbor.

Do unto him as you would want done to you or the world you create will give you what you give it. It's work. It's hard as fuck.

Stop fighting Red vs Blue because unless you are blind, deaf and dumb Red plus Blue = Green. Green New Deal. Just like FDRs gold confiscation and revaluation.

They cheated every citizen out of the price change and no one talks even today. God Help us.

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Great story from the unbroken history of Rx drug kingpins war on human health. Everyone should watch it but seriously overblown misuse of the term "whistleblower" which is not for every new primary source but those who sound the alarm at the time the fraud is found. That's not to say courage and ethics aren't still required but decades old details post Covid is noble not a whistleblower act.

It irks me as longtime supporter of whistleblowers & hactivists to see the term slapped on to boost views like editorial hook is primary consideration.. It undermines the value of sacrifice so many important leakers endure & as tacky as when Congress trots out a lying operative & pretends they support whistleblowers.. ask Julian Assange how much Washington loves truth.

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The foundations of science and medicine are sitting on fraudulent grounds. The schooled daze facts were the be remembered not scrutinised

This is the folly and why it is so easy to fool the trusting, the gullible, the swallow everything folk in authority throw at them.

If we instead, learn to ask questions that challenge the claim/s with wiser adult eyes. Perhaps truth will grace us.

For example

I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

My article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen

Air is measured by its humidity

Oxygen is measured by its dryness for example medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination

Oxygen toxicity is directly related to its dryness and ability to dehydrate.

Lungs at the alveoli requires the air to reach 100% humidity. Can you see the mismatch?

The RBCs are carrying salt water, they are salt water sponges.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration

Dark RBCs are dehydrated

Light RBCs are hydrated

The lungs rehydrate the RBCs

Just as the ubiquitous saline drip rehydrates RBCs.

I hope you take the time to read my article and ponder.

Medicine and science have been retarded intentionally with fraudulent facts to our detriment.

Scrutiny is the way back to truth.


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Do your homework!

ivermectin has been used safely and effectively since the 1970s

ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for medicine!

The WHO, before they were corrupted by evil influences, the World Health Organisation ranked IVERMECTIN "one of FIFTY 'must have' anti-viral medicines for every country!

Obviously, you must have shares in Pfizer and need to spread such lies that might keep you in profit?

Pfizer sells meds and enjoys 'NO LIABILITY' for any injuries & DEATHS they cause - Please explain?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer (with a stash of IVERMECTIN just in case my natural immunity should fail.)

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