No amnesty for DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDER (which was, in fact, premeditated)


ALL THE PROOF NEEDED for 1) the early outpatient treatment for covid, for 2) the asap covid treatment in the ER (or doctors. office outpatient "ER") which either stabilizes the the covid patient and sends them home with prescriptions or begins proper treatment prior to hospital admission and for 3) the best in hospital covid treatment, - all using combinations of safe and effective, low cost, available drugs etc HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED, from early in the pandemic, noised abroad to "people" in the cdc and niaid and all, and continually improved WITH THE PANDEMIC "GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE" – THE RESULTS FROM REAL DOCTORS WHO TREATED REAL COVID PATIENTS.

Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment, ER level treatment for the outpatient and long covid treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his outpatient "emergency room" 8th day protocol (teaching many Doctors and saving 10,000+ Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital then mis, dis and mal treated to either prolonged injury or death in most all US hospitals), Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Joseph Varon, Dr. Syed Haider and other doctors using the FLCCC protocols, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Richard Urso, to name a few and numbers of other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These Doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and with proper, asap, "ER" type treatment and these doctors demonstrated a great reduction of in hospital death with the best known practices.

These REAL DOCTORS TOLD THE TRUTHS, about covid treatments, with actually safe and effective, low cost generic drugs etc, TO THE POWERS THAT CHOOSE TO SUPPRESS AND SABOTAGE REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID. Powers that choose to push big pharma, not safe and not effective as used, high priced remdesivir etc and to push and compel a neither safe nor effective "vaccine" only path as a big pharma money maker and opportunity to force regulatory pre-approval status for the mRNA "platform" as a "vaccine" and genetic manipulation platform, not requiring further human testing. Which they accomplished with the mRNA bi-valent covid "vaccine" shots not tested in humans, based on the purportedly "safe and effective" mRNA platform use in the initial, forced mass covid "vaccinations".

EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “PANDEMIC”. 100% EASY for fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid and fauci et al. TO SEE AND KNOW the way to end the “pandemic”as THEY WERE INFORMED about working treatments, which they, et al, willfully, with treatment knowledge presented to them, CHOOSE NOT TO HEED while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and REAL DOCTORS using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from "wickedpedia" below)

From "wickedpedia" – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”

Common law background

It ["depraved heart" murder] is the form [of murder] that establishes that the wilful doing of a dangerous and reckless act (my note: sabotaging and suppressing REAL COVID TREATMENT and REAL DOCTORS TREATING COVID) with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence... It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence... It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm.[7]


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Absolutely tortured! My good friend died this way in a hospital in northern Florida with the name Saint in it, in 2020. I can’t remember the name. When her husband took her personal belongings from the hospital, the bag included her things as well as all of her soiled items. They gave her NOTHING for her pain or suffering. She knew about and begged for a drug that would have helped her, her husband said. I’m guessing it was ivermectin. He didn’t know. They denied her. After three days, she died. She was completely alone.

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Yes, "Absolutely tortured!" - anxiety and fear becoming the the pain and terror of slow suffocation - "completely alone".

Denial of treatment for covid was preplanned prior to covid. "their" plan to deny treatment for covid was then set in motion at the w.h.o. meeting referenced below.

Please remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.

The beginning of the implementation of "their" plan to KILL HCQ AND STEROIDS etc, to kill all REAL early covid treatment and effective REAL emergency room and REAL hospital covid treatment, to push remdesivir and the vaccine only path is documented here https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/330680/WHO-HEO-RDBlueprint%28nCoV%29-2020.1-eng.pdf?sequence=1

WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020

They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation". They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".

The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.

The document lists a number of "the guilty parties

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Found it.

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Or hydroxychloriquine at that time.

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She needed anti-coagulation drugs and steroids for sure asap. This was known very early on.

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She went to FL from GA FOR MONOCLONALS but did not know there would be a several day wait so ended up in a hospital. That’s when her husband called several of us and we sort of went through the nightmare with him. You sent another comment that I didn’t get a chance to read completely. I cannot find it now. Can you please resend the link? And thank you for whatever work you might be doing. Would help if needed.

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Could the bar chart of outcomes by ethnicity be explained by Vitamin D? Whites>Asians>Hispanics>Blacks for Vit D production for a given level of sunlight exposure.

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That's a very valid point that I'm sure the FLCCC doctors agree with, but not the whole story.

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I am not a fan of this type of study that examines only the race variable without controlling for other factors. What about the patient's BMI? Blood pressure? Lipid panel? Diet? Exercise?

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This was the first thing I thought of. In the Deep South you have much higher rates of obesity in the lower classes. While the reason for it may be driven by many factors, the result is a host of bad health outcomes. I don’t see this as a healthcare disparity but maybe a nutrition and information disparity.

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💥“Financial incentives often overshadow patient care.” – Dr. Paul Marik💥.

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Hospitals were paid a BOUNTY for every COVID DEATH. Gene Bailey on FLASHPOINT discussed the amounts per state. Aprox 80K per individual BOUNTY in OHIO for example. These Hospitals must be investigated, charged, and punished for MURDER along with the doctors who ordered the death penalties for $$$$$$. There is no faith in medicine or its institutions. They are all corrupt and not to be trusted from Pharma to the hospitals and nursing homes. Its a damn corrupt institution and always has been. GREEDY Bastards! Diagnostics are purposefully set for false diagnostics, 50% of Cancer diagnosis is false. BEWARE AMERICA!! Your drugs are from CHINA.

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As we say in the UK - Hospital stays are a 'Nice little earner'. It's all about profits!

It seems the latest mRNA injections, mistakenly called 'VACCINES', actually cause unbelievable numbers of Deaths and health issues. They are totally ineffective against Covid or any other medical condition. Was Covid & the Death Shot a deliberate CULL of humanity?

We must now conclude that these injections are responsible for nearly every ailment known to man. Pharma thrives on the pretence that these poisonous injections are 'Safe & Effective. It's been proven they are the exact opposite of this 'fairy story' claim. Was this CULL deliberate?

This truth exonerates millions who dared to question Covid and the DEADLY mRNA injections!

Maybe this will encourage many other Doctors to come out of the closet to reveal their beliefs.

When questioned - face to face, my Doctor said "Yes, it's a mess isn't it" and "..... but what can we do about it?" Proving he knows the truth but dares not destroy his own livelihood.

And still, Pharma sells their DEADLY injections with total impunity because the ridiculous NO LIABILITY clause still applies. No other product is sold without some form of GUARANTEE!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by avoiding unscrupulous Doctors using poisoned syringes.

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Take a look at vulnerable people and government money. Improper procedures done for government money. Restricted medicine or improper medicines all for a kick back from the pharmaceutical companies. Holistic practices nonexistent ignoring patient requests. Keeping loved ones separated watching their loved ones die becuse of improper care.

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Dec 15Edited

Anyone who still believes viruses exist has a lot of homework to do. Metagenomics is junk science. “Germ theory”.. at best- literally - Virology gave birth to itself before viruses have been proven to exist.

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How about comparing sepsis between prior obummercare vs obummercare? Govt nose in healthcare and the medical field kills ppl.

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