I treat doctors and nurses who are struggling with the decisions they made because they were following orders from hospital administrators. I work with families who’s family members died without proper treatment. It’s not right what was done. There is a lot of collateral damage that includes patients and medical staff. Very sad time we live in.

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If they knew what they were doing was wrong, they are as guilty as were Hitler's henchmen. Job security is not an excuse.

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I’m not excusing their behavior, and they aren’t either. They are human and now knowing what they know they are suffering with what they did. No one should have to choose between your job and your principals. Never. It’s not right what was done to them, and to others.

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Nobody should. . .but they did - STILL ARE!! More jabs in the pipeline...money, money, money...decisions, decisions, decisions.

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It's truly bizarre how many "degreed" people jumped right on the bandwagon. Not sure what to call it other than "degreed bias," meaning that degreed people think themselves and their colleagues so much smarter than others they lose critical thinking ability. I mean no disrespect in saying this as I believe those with FLCCC, for the most part, did not suffer from this derangement (my words, it isn't in the DSM, so far as I'm aware).

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That’s the world I live in and describes most of my social circle - we all purchased degrees that are masters level, JDs, or MDs (in fairness I hang with very few professors - Doctors, lawyers, CPAs, financial advisors, and business owners describes the profession in every single home in my neighborhood - any exceptions are less than 5% that I don’t know). Those of us who are naturally curious, somewhat skeptical, recognize we are not enlightened by the existence of Google, and not very swayed by peer pressure rejected it from the start, including the jabs, because we looked at the actual data ourselves.

Unfortunately we are in the minority in my circle. Most people who buy degrees I know approach life like a decision tree or bubble test and they simply remember the answers that got said the loudest or most frequently regardless of their own personal observations. These tend to be the same half wits who fancy themselves supergenuses, though even long before Covid I’ve never seen any evidence their actual intelligence came close to their egos. They were incurious before Covid and most remain so today. Even though they were wrong they shrug their shoulders convinced it’s not their fault they don’t think for themselves, though I doubt their kids will feel that way in 20 years.

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Honestly, it's deeply saddening. Some of these are the same people that embrace "socialism." I don't see anyone truly intelligent and capable of critical thought embracing anything other than free market...but I digress.

We are in MASSIVE trouble, and our grandchildren will be even worse off if something doesn't change dramatically...and I yet again digress.

One of my friends, who is a prominent astrophysicist, and a genuine great guy, responded - when I asked what he thought of "climate change" hysteria - "oh yeah, we really need to do something very soon." When I asked him some pointed questions that he hadn't considered at all, it lead to a two-hour conversation, at the end of which he said "you know, I guess I just wasn't really thinking about it too deeply. Oh my God." and it went on from there.

Point is that he gave a response affirming "climate change" and the "need to act right away" because he wantonly gave credit to those spouting the propaganda. We've since had many conversations, and he did dig in and study for himself. He is no longer on the "climate change" bandwagon. He is indescribably smarter than I am.

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I’ve found we need to change minds one person at a time - using observed actual data/ outcomes or source documents. I was an outdoor adventure guide in undergrad and the climate stuff seems easier to change minds of someone will care enough to talk as your friend did. There is no Malthusian cliff - not for the climate and not for food supply despite Bill Gates best efforts. I’m hoping he keeps getting real boosters - as many as it takes.

Some people will never wake up - most likely the middlingly intelligent and incurious credentialed class. Sadly their kids are already paying the price and I fear many won’t live a lifestyle even approaching what they grew up with because they are completely detached from material reality and temporarily shielded from outcomes. Sins of the father (and mother)

My kids are now 11 and 8. I showed them models v reality when they were barely 6 and 8 at the start. Even they could grasp a bar chart and line graph. Someone asked my daughter a while back how I and my husband “knew” and were so confident we were right on Covid and she responded “they looked at the actual data from Italy onward. They showed us the dashboard thing every time a friend freaked us out. Even I could see the risk profile. It wasn’t rocket science.”

I got a couple friends not to jab their kids by explaining my husband and I make decisions for our kids on the basis of “can I explain this to them when they are 25 or 35?” I don’t really care if their feelings are temporarily hurt today. After spending their whole childhood hearing “everyone else is doing it is not an excuse” we can’t see using that as parents to justify our choices. We hold them accountable for their choices and they see us hold ourselves accountable. One day they will be adults and on the big things they can, should, and will hold us all accountable. Don’t we hold our own parents accountable?

I still have hope. We aren’t alone. My kids attend a private, conservative, Christian school with rankings and alumni accomplishments to rival any New England boarding school decades ago (when graduates succeeded). 1,250+ kids attend. It’s one of several exemplary accredited that reject woke “theories,” stayed open and normal from August 2020 on, and retains very high expectations. I know tons of homeschool parents doing an excellent job.

This generation of sane kids are going to carry a lot of baggage, but the ones who don’t destroy themselves will be the strong and thoughtful ones. There will be many casualties, as we are already seeing, to the gullible unthinking followers of the self-proclaimed yet moronic “experts,” but I have hope the ones who rise above will lead to brighter days.

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I too have hope, but I live in CA where I watch the kids walking to school still wearing masks. 90% of them anyway. This tells me that both the parents and schools are still indoctrinating them.

Then there's another side effect with masks in particular. Elementary school kids are already in a difficult time of life - figuring out who they are. Many of those kids are shy, timid, and self-critical and the masks are a means of "hiding."

My wife's nephew in-law and his daughter live with us. She will be graduating this year. She's bright, funny, and intelligent, but she's almost addicted to wearing a mask outside the house. Her friends are the same. Not a true cross section, but it concerns me.

Sounds like you and your husband are great parents, so I'd imagine your kids would do well in any school, but I'm sure happy for you that they are in a private school.

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We have to head back to SoCal a while in November for a surgery for my 8yo (on his ear, not anything crazy). We are kinda terrified. It was culture shock in 2019 when we were out there 6 weeks - then mostly a homeless problem in some areas. And a lack of families. And seeing the school groups day after day when we went to aquarium of the pacific I felt transported back to a time of segregation. My kids even noticed and we didn’t point it out - that was super weird for us. It was upsetting then to see all the human suffering on the streets but we stayed in Long Beach which was nice. It’s our understanding that’s changed. We are staying in either Laguna or Huntington Beach this time. I feel for you. You are far more inundated with this stuff than we are in NC. Maybe hold onto hope that the rest of the country will push back until the pushback takes hold in CA.

We are very fortunate to happen to live somewhere still more sane. Efforts are made to go nuts here but it’s more of a live and let live place. Even here that happened with girls especially and masks and continues to at the public schools, with tween/ teen girls. It is not socially acceptable to wear a mask at my kids school. At the public schools there is more indifference. My friends assure me it’s less than 20% of the kids who still wear them, but middle and high school it’s the self conscious ones. I agree it’s terrible for their social development and the important if hard task of learning to be comfortable in your own skin - a huge important part of childhood. Sadly it’s kids at the poorer schools who still face pressure to wear them here. Talk about needlessly stunting their future.

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I joined Twitter in 2019 as I wanted to get all the latest science papers and people’s takes on them for dietary advice regarding keto for brain health and general health and paleo for autoimmunity and low carb etc. I was shocked to see how nasty everyone was on Twitter ( good preparation for what was to come) but I’m sure I remember an obnoxious person with the name Kevin Bass who argued nastily with everyone. I was following Ivor Cummins ( a diet, covid, WEF/WHO good guy!) and Dave Feldman ( cholesterolcode.com) and Dr Paul Mason, Dr Nadir Ali and the low carb conference people. He was like an annoying troll, so if this is him ( seem to remember him having a big brown beard) I’m not surprised he’s at it again. If he’s a medical student then he’s a mature one, he’s no spring chicken.

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too bad you don't have screenshots to post on his op ed. what an asshole. hope he got the jab and all the boosters.

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It's fairly easy to to say: "We were wrong." But I'd like to know "why."

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That's easy...money.

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The first rule of thumb going forward: what was his attitude toward the unvaxxed? No sympathy for the surly no it alls on Twitter, who badgered their patients or kissed the ass of the hospital administrators/medical associations.

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Dear FLCCC team and readers -- there is big news out of Japan. A distinguished professor who is also the director of a major medical research center, has just filed a lawsuit against the Japanese Ministry of Health! https://infogame.substack.com/p/japanese-professor-files-lawsuit Professor Fukushima's lawsuit is demanding all the data Pfizer and Moderna had submitted to Japan's regulatory agency, and he is also demanding FULL DISCLOSURE of all the vaccine contracts, in addition to compensation to the covid vaccine injured.

I would really hope that Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Dr. Urso, and all the other brilliant investigators can get in touch with Professor Fukushima to assist in any information that may help. Unfortunately there is a big language and cultural barrier between Japan and the world, so certain data that has been covered among the English speaking critics may now have been fully disseminated among their Japanese colleagues.

Similar to the Thailand situation with Dr. Bhakdi and the Thai Princess, perhaps this can be another huge domino to fall this year, which is why I hope fruitful international collaboration is possible.

This is the professor's research gate website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Masanori-Fukushima He is a professor at Kyoto University so perhaps you can reach him through that as well.

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If I remember correctly, Big Pharma loses their protective shield if they lied about safety or efficacy. Is that not an established fact now? Where are the lawsuits?

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I posted the following on bass's substack, in his then latest comment section at https://kevinbass.substack.com/p/fda-approve-annual-booster-for-covid after reading the bass/newsweak bit when it came out. I noted he did not reply.

bass missed the elephant in the room



ALL THE PROOF NEEDED for 1) the early outpatient treatment for covid, for 2) the asap covid treatment in the ER (or doctors' office outpatient "ER") which either stabilizes the the covid patient and sends them home with prescriptions or begins proper treatment prior to hospital admission and for 3) the best in hospital covid treatment, - all using combinations of safe and effective, low cost, available drugs etc HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED, from early in the pandemic, noised abroad to "people" in the cdc and niaid and all, and continually improved WITH THE PANDEMIC "GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE" – THE RESULTS FROM REAL DOCTORS WHO TREATED REAL COVID PATIENTS.

Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment, ER level treatment for the outpatient and long covid treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his outpatient "emergency room" 8th day protocol (teaching many Doctors and saving 10,000+ Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital then mis, dis and mal treated to either prolonged injury or death in most all US hospitals). Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Joseph Varon, (who developed the FLCCC protocols, for use for REAL in hospital covid treatments and then added FLCCC protocols for early treatment ) Dr. Syed Haider and other doctors using the FLCCC protocols, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Richard Urso and numbers of other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These Doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and with proper, asap, "ER" type treatment and these doctors demonstrated a great reduction of in hospital death with the best known practices which they had shown.

These DOCTORS TOLD THE TRUTHS, about covid treatments, with actually safe and effective, low cost generic drugs etc, TO THE POWERS THAT CHOOSE TO SUPPRESS AND SABOTAGE REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID. Powers that choose to push big pharma, not safe and not effective as used, high priced remdesivir etc and to push and compel a neither safe nor effective "vaccine" only path as a money maker and opportunity to force regulatory approval of the Mrna technology as a "vaccine" platform, not requiring further human testing, which they accomplished with the Mrna bi-valent covid "vaccine" shots

EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “PANDEMIC”. 100% EASY for fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid and fauci et al, as they were informed about working treatments, TO SEE AND KNOW the way to end the “pandemic”, which they, et al, willfully, with treatment knowledge presented to them, CHOOSE NOT TO HEED while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and doctors using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from wicked-o-pedia below)


From wicked-o-pedia – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”

PLEASE pass this on if you will. James

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Here is the tell of psychopathic thought, “I believed that the authorities responded to the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion”.

Compassionate euthanasia? Compassionate iatrogenicide?

Compassionate lock downs to destroy peoples lives?

Still appealing to authority and still not acknowledging their role in creating the crisis.

Dennis Rancourt’s analysis on the genocide of the vulnerable following vaccine “festivals” in India should be required reading for every “compassionate” public health “expert”.


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I don’t even think “he” wrote it. I think a propaganda expert wrote it. It reeked of manipulation.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Since it made me mad when I read it, I didn’t consider the article an admission of guilt or an apology. You don’t get mad when a sincere apology is offered.

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right you are! thanks for the insight.

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The medical student that wrote this Kevin Bass, is completely clueless.. He praised Monica Ghandi as someone looking out for minorities. SHE WAS WRONG ON EVERY CALL- none of the most prolific stochastic murderers out there, ranked in the top ten of "The Women Responsible for the Most Death and Destruction" ( https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= ). (Dr. Ghandi supported mask use by the general public, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc). Bass also cited Vinay Prasad in a positive way. Dr. Prasad was wrong early on about almost everything. He has since changed his tune on some of them. He even said things like (paraphrasing) "it will take a decade ofr randomized controlled trials to determine if lockdowns were beneficial." What idiocy...

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Great comment doc. Problem is there is no accountability in the e-verse. Monica Ghandi and other like Prasad are bought and paid for Bass probably is too. I have no idea who Bass was apologizing to really. No one of any consequence was listening to medical students on a virus that was freshly minted and sent here. I think Bass needed some more pick up lines and bar talk.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Potential further suggestions for Dr. Kory's list:

#6 Scrap future plans using mRNA + LNP technology for vaccines. Engineered to bypass blood-brain barrier. Dangerous and unnecessary.

#7 Remove future framework that bypasses clinical trials for vaccines.

#8 Restore earlier or better definition of vaccine.

#9 Conduct proper vaccine testing using isotonic saline as control rather than one containing adjuvants with moratorium on all vaccines until tested to be first safe and secondly, effective.

#10 Somehow improve the issue with corruption and restore good reason for trusting medical science. This is probably the most important and most challenging step.

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The covidians, like leopards will never change their spots. The damage is astronomical. I will patronize them when they admit we were right but I don’t trust them enough to invite them to the table. They are just wired different.

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