Thank you FLCCC for this info!

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Does Berberine have the same effect on long covid or covid as Metformin?

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Before Metformin I'd stick to Ivermectin and maybe Doxycycline. I am very interested in the forthcoming studies for a repurposing of Met, though, as it's already used as an anti-cancer therapy too.

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People with MTHFR polymorphisms should avoid metformin... and not everyone with that genetic issue is aware of it.

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IDK what that is, but thanks for replying!

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Yeah, I didn't know either until I was diagnosed with it.

It's a defect in the production of an enzyme which enables the body to utilize folate/folic acid. Folate deficiency results, which can cause birth defects and detoxification issues.

It's the reason I am chemically sensitive and had years of undiagnosed illness related to toxic mold exposure.

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I see. Thanks for that explanation and I'm glad you found out the problem!

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And while we're on the subject what do a tour of the statin and simvastatin possibly due to help people who have cancer? They have said so many times that statins are poison I'm wondering why they are being used given that statins create mitochondrial disease? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated

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The Lancet study spins a positive light on metformin to reduce the incidence of long covid but downplays ivermectin!!! Something feels strange, maybe this is published in mainstream Lancet to dismiss ivermectin and they threw in the metformin benefit to look credible. I know that metformin is beneficial but concerned that ivermectin was not given a positive signal .

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