Keep in mind that Gavin Newsom, in 2005, in Davos, was anointed the title "Young Global Leader" by Dr. Klaus Schwab of the WEF/Great Reset. So Newsom's allegiance is to the Billionaire Globalists bringing the New World Order. There are two attack vectors for the WEF - Climate Change and Viruses. This explains Newsom's Fascist tendencies, supporting the change to Neo-Feudalism. His Butt-Buddy Justin Trudeau is ahead of him. Trudeau is not limited by the 1st and 2nd Amendments which slow Newsom down. Already, those with a vision of the future are leaving Canada, just like smart soon to be ex-Californians. Trudeau is also a "Young Global Leader". See www.maloneinstitute. org for all the politicians that have signed on to rule you. And read Glenn Beck's book "The Great Reset". It's the book with Biden, George Soros and Klaus Schwab on the cover.
Very well written. You know, those men you've named, Biden, Trudeau, Newsom and Schwab, working together to destroy our great Republic, makes me sick. I often think and wonder about when this collaboration started. We could very well lose it all here. On the other hand, if all of us stand firm in our belief in our country and, should some other activity on our part become absolutely critical, we who truly love America can and, with God in control, certainly prevail. I'm simply a 64 YO retired paralegal who no one would think of as an active participant in any type of saving America campaign, but as for me (I am just personally convinced), this country's seniors would be as active and passionate as the younger American citizen. Anyway, I know I'm going on and on, but I just wanted to acknowledge your well-written and thoughtful post. Oh, and by the way, to anyone who reads this response to your post, I'd surely appreciate your NOT sicing the law on me. I'm not advocating or disadvocating some type of armed conflict. What I am saying is, I will do my part, even as an older woman, to assist in whatever way needed to save our beloved America from the evil who has, it seems, taken control. May God bless America and return her to the position that her founders so ingeniously created.
I'll check out Toby Rogers and I also like A Midwestern Doctor, but I found the cat memes tiring and drifted away from that one. There are so many great substacks now I have to watch how much time I spend with them. I think my second favorite is Igor Chudov.
The WEF was started in the 90's by Schwab and Maurice Strong. Henry Kissinger is also involved. Prince (King) Charles has a a lot to do with drafting the Great Reset. Look up Yuval Noah Harari who is Dr. Evil - Schwab's right hand man -henchman. This is going to be hard to stop. Schwab has convinced the Billionaires that they can rule a Fascist State and imitate the Chinese Model which is very efficient (for the Billionaires). Many call it Techno -Feudalism or Neo-Feudalism. China is not really Communist. This is a lie for the People. The CCP is ruled by China's Billionaires. The Davos Boys are all into CONTROL including Bill Gates and population control. Getting rid of useless eaters. The big step is economic collapse to control people. Make them dependent on Govt. Add a few Crisises like Soro's open border which is called the Cloward-Piven Strategy. There might be an over run Border situation. All this crisis drama to keep your eyes off the moves. If we can catch it fast enough, we can have a Bastille Day. The Elite are really afraid of our guns. Guerilla Warfare by Lone Wolves is unpredictable and the Govt has failed with all Guerilla Warfare. We may have to get larger weapons like RPGs from the Cartels. They can take out our guns one person at a time. But it's easy to take out Billionaires one by one. In the end, everyone is only worth the cost of a .556 round.
"You vill eat bugs and be happy"! The WEF, WHO, FDA, CDC, etc, all conspire to hide safety facts and data found during this Covid & Vax fiasco. They denigrate pre-existing remedies that historically prove effective in dealing with ALL Viral illnesses. It's all about PROFIT. No profit in Ivermectin (and other proven Covid remedies) as Merck found before ditching it for being unprofitably inexpensive. LIABILITY MUST RETURN for all medicines. Immunity from LIABILITY is a 'LICENCE TO KILL' for companies abusing their responsibilities for the public's wellbeing. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
For all of you saying to just leave California, I can’t disagree.
However, this issue is NOT isolated to California. Do not for one nanosecond believe that your doctor in your state - even a red state - is free from coercion or manipulation.
This is not just about California and not just about C O V I D.
Doctors have for years been intimidated into silence for holding unconventional positions. Think about the discrimination against pediatricians who openly accept, even encourage, non-vaccinating families. We experienced a cardiologist who wanted to recommend a low carb high natural fat way of eating (the exact opposite of the American Heart Association’s recommendations), yet he had to speak very circumspectly and with a bit of indirection, lest his colleagues harass him and make his professional life difficult. The Paleo Cardiologist (forget his name) in Arizona had to leave his cardiology group after making these sorts of recommendations to his patients - his patients were getting healthy and no longer needing procedures.
So do not think this is a C O V I D only or California only issue. Be vigilant.
Exactly. Listen to Dr. Marik with Del Bigtree on the crushing of Dr. Marik's sepsis treatment which would save millions of lives globally. One of the reasons this is happening in California, beyond Newsom's WEF allegiances and Big Tech (and its pharma ambitions) being headquartered there, and the Kaiser corporation running the health department (which is a fusion of a corporation and government, the definition of fascism) is that California has functional, integrative, Chinese, orthomolecular etc doctors just about on every street corner. They would be forced to shut up about nutrition, exercise, alternative adjunctive modalities or leave California.
California is lost to central planning & managed decay. Once in a while parents will make enough noise to get a billed pulled if it relates to poisoning their children’s mind but even those are minor setbacks for the Marxists in power here. They pull it, wait for parent fervor to subside, wordsmith the bill & title and pass it a few months later than they planned. As Steve Deace rightly assesses, unless God has called you to be a missionary to CA. or your circumstances truly do not permit you to leave, votes are wasted here and we fund the evilest state in the union via our taxes. There’s no reason able bodied, freedom loving American citizens should remain in CA. Even if you have a small enclave like Huntington Beach for example, it’s only a matter of time before your position is overrun. A tactical retreat isn’t surrender. It’s smart. Perhaps to one day mount a counterattack. “Move where the freedom is!” as Sam Kinison once said about starving Africans (Move where the food is!) God willing, Kari Lake will turn AZ into FL West and we won’t have too far to go!
Remember folks, let California collapse. They asked for it, they earned it.
The ONLY thing you can do is drive them from your lands and run them out. Don’t let them come with crocodile tears to your homes. DRIVE THEM OUT.
They’re rotten to the core. In 10 years your children will be dressing in drag, your daughters will be assaulted, your towns will burn, and the criminals will rule the streets. Mark.My.Words.
Actually, as all honest doctors know, contemporary scientific consensus fluctuates all the time, not merely over the last two years.
In the 1950s-1970s, contemporary scientific consensus said that, for some reason, natural breastfeeding that had nourished generations for millennia was bad and urged mothers to dry up their milk with pharmaceuticals and embrace artificially made milk for their children.
Eventually that folly was recognized, although not before damaging at least an entire generation of humans who now are experiencing extraordinary rates of type two diabetes and heart disease - conditions we now know occur more often in folks who were fed artificial milk in place of breast milk.
Also in the 1940s and onward wives and mothers were urged to swap natural fats like lard, butter, and beef tallow for factory-made fats like corn and soy and cottonseed oils. We now know these man made oils increase risks for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other conditions. Unfortunately, most of our medical scientists and physicians are still unaware of this reality.
And of course, there is Vioxx that was once a golden child of Merck, until it wasn’t. Replacement hormones for menopause until they were found to increase breast cancer. And way back, hand washing was eschewed until years after Semmelweis’ discovery.
So C O V I D is by no means the only issue in which doctors and others need to be able to research and speak freely.
The State is not god. Doctors are not god. Man is not god. Man - all men (and women of course) must be free to seek truth wherever it lies and wherever it may be found.
The original JAMA site cannot be preserved by the Way Back Machine, so we had to archive the archive-today version. Therefore the formatting of the following is a bit weird, but the content is still preserved thankfully.
I encourage the readers who are sharing the JAMA info, include a link to the first archive link I included, in order to preserve the information for your audience.
Look at how the authorities were the real misinformation spreaders previously:
"COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended to breastfeeding women. There is no plausible mechanism by which any vaccine ingredient could pass to your baby through breast milk. You should therefore not stop breastfeeding in order to be vaccinated against COVID-19."
I was delighted to watch a recent interview of Dr. Marik in which he openly admitted that, like nearly all of his M.D. peers, he had totally believed all of the Big Pharma lies that he had been "taught" (brainwashed into believing) in medical school, and that for his entire career had mistakenly trusted the Big Pharma-controlled prestigious medical journals as a source of accurate, up to date, truly scientific information. Unfortunately he didn't come to his senses about how incredibly corrupt the entire medical-industrial establishment has become until after he had already taken one of those gene therapy medication shots that they're fraudulently calling "vaccines." I just hope he hasn't been permanently injured by that with long term side effects (like cancer) that have not yet become evident.
I was, in a sense, fortunate in that I woke up to the facts about a decade ago after the medical-industrial establishment came extremely close to killing me with heart disease. Fortunately, thanks largely to information I found on the internet, I figured out what the hell was going on in time to prevent them from finishing the job. Once I realized what's been going on in the field of medicine for the last century or so, I fired all of my doctors who had the letters M.D. after their name. Today at the age of 72 I am healthier than I was 30 years ago. I eat what my ex-cardiologist fallaciously called a "heart-healthy diet" turned on its head. I take zero Big Pharma poisons (not so much as a baby aspirin). I get an occasional checkup from an N.D. (a graduate of Bastyr University), and I am completely free of any signs of heart disease or of any other chronic disease for that matter. As part of my self-education I've been following the likes of Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Sherry Tenpenny since long before anyone ever heard of COVID-19. As soon as "Operation Warp Speed" was announced I knew we had a true public health emergency ahead of us, and that it wasn't going to be caused by an over-hyped common cold virus. It was going to be, and now has been caused entirely by the medical-industrial establishment itself.
Until recently I expected it to take another 20 years or so for a majority of Americans to finally wake up the way I did a decade ago, thereby gradually sending the medical-industrial establishment as it exist today to its grave. If there is any bright side at all to this deliberately man-made public health catastrophe, it is that that process may now be over and done with in five years or less. The Big Pharma-controlled corporate state has become like an alcoholic who has been given unlimited free access to all the booze he can drink 24/7 and then quickly drinks himself to death.
If a doctor doesn’t have enough conviction in her grasp of medicine, she doesn’t deserve to be saved from this bill. Most have already shown that they are all Leana Wen to some extent — up for sale. If you look at doctors in places like Dallas and Austin vs those in SF/Bay area, you will notice that it is Texas doctors who are hell bent on towing the line and not questioning anything. These bookish people who believe that the textbook is always correct — never mind Gavin and friends are writing the book — deserve to be taught a lesson in economics.
I think Gavin should do this and whatever else his masters tell him and then let the market decide. If the patients are willing to be Guinea pigs and even pay the gutless doctors, who are we stop them?
If a doctor is no more than a bunch of rules, their jobs can be shifted to third world countries and a computer can probably run this. You see, to play this game, Gavin needs the doctors. Until the doctors figure this out, we need to keep doing whatever Gavin wants and flush these doctors out. The survivors can then start afresh and make sure Gavin’s sequels never pull these stunts again.
Gavin Newsom is about as smart as a bag of hammers and he has the impulses of a flipping rattlesnake (an idiot rattlesnake, but still a rattlesnake). He has never made much sense to me or anybody else I've ever had a conversation with about him. I am of the opinion that he has come into contact with some neurologically damaging substance and should be evaluated for dangerous levels of stupidity! I mean he is the one who decided to pass a law that allows private citizens to sue gun manufacturers because he was having a temper tantrum because Texas passed a law allowing people to sue abortion providers. Then dared SCOTUS to strike it down! He said it was "literally the same as the Texas bill they upheld", except that is NOT the same. In Texas, Doctors are not going to put themselves in a position to get their a$$ sued off by some dramatic female, and I'm sorry if this offends, but using abortion like birth control is dangerous and not how it should be used. (but the DOCTOR should not be held accountable for preforming a procedure he or she was trained to perform or for looking after the patient in their care. (Nevermind that abortion is NOT a Constitutional right, no matter what the media say, but the 2nd amendment I think may mention something about fire arms and my right to own them (sarcasm) and in order for me to indulge in that right, SOMEBODY somewhere needs to manufacture them. So one law is about the a medical procedure that should be used in NARROW instances and I am positive that 930,160 plus abortions (2020) were NOT medically necessary. And the other is aimed at a listed and specific Constitutional right .
Doctors should NOT be treated like they have been during this pandemic EVER. You would think that the government officials who are contributing to the ignorance would be a little smarter than to piss off the people they would be begging to keep them alive in a situation that required medical intervention and same goes for the rabid freaks in society that can't seem ro locate where the hell they left their common sense.
I am an old school libertarian-type liberal and I say Hooray for Ron Johnson, bless him! (Dr. Kory is up there with Asclepius for me, though no pressure of course lol)
Truly Horrific New Interview with two attorneys who are suing US hospitals and doctors over #remdesivir deaths, representing 14 Fresno-area families which are "just the tip of the iceberg".
For those of you fleeing California from a situation of your own making, stay instead and fight. Re-take your state. Soon there will be no place to run. Protest, rally, write letters. Figure out how you contributed to the current mess. But if you must run, run because you must, not because everyone else is running. Recognize you are not a lemming or a sheep and leave behind the values that tolerated and contributed to the desperate conditions of your home state.
Keep in mind that Gavin Newsom, in 2005, in Davos, was anointed the title "Young Global Leader" by Dr. Klaus Schwab of the WEF/Great Reset. So Newsom's allegiance is to the Billionaire Globalists bringing the New World Order. There are two attack vectors for the WEF - Climate Change and Viruses. This explains Newsom's Fascist tendencies, supporting the change to Neo-Feudalism. His Butt-Buddy Justin Trudeau is ahead of him. Trudeau is not limited by the 1st and 2nd Amendments which slow Newsom down. Already, those with a vision of the future are leaving Canada, just like smart soon to be ex-Californians. Trudeau is also a "Young Global Leader". See www.maloneinstitute. org for all the politicians that have signed on to rule you. And read Glenn Beck's book "The Great Reset". It's the book with Biden, George Soros and Klaus Schwab on the cover.
Gavin has always been a bought pawn.
Getty money.
He’s dumb as gum, but feckless woman swoon over him 🤬🤮
Gavin cheated on his first wife with his best friends wife. Went to so called rehab.
His second wife, her parents lived in a beautiful mansion in Marin.
Left it for Florida. Voting Republican.
If that doesn’t say it all.
Your In laws leaving and voting for DeSantis….
That doesn’t include all the nannies with whom he philandered.
Very well written. You know, those men you've named, Biden, Trudeau, Newsom and Schwab, working together to destroy our great Republic, makes me sick. I often think and wonder about when this collaboration started. We could very well lose it all here. On the other hand, if all of us stand firm in our belief in our country and, should some other activity on our part become absolutely critical, we who truly love America can and, with God in control, certainly prevail. I'm simply a 64 YO retired paralegal who no one would think of as an active participant in any type of saving America campaign, but as for me (I am just personally convinced), this country's seniors would be as active and passionate as the younger American citizen. Anyway, I know I'm going on and on, but I just wanted to acknowledge your well-written and thoughtful post. Oh, and by the way, to anyone who reads this response to your post, I'd surely appreciate your NOT sicing the law on me. I'm not advocating or disadvocating some type of armed conflict. What I am saying is, I will do my part, even as an older woman, to assist in whatever way needed to save our beloved America from the evil who has, it seems, taken control. May God bless America and return her to the position that her founders so ingeniously created.
Baby Boomers unite and fight! : )
Lynette. I too am an older woman and I stand with you!
If you haven't already, check out Bailiwick News substack. I think it and the author, Katherine Watt, will appeal to you. It's my favorite substack.
Love Katherine's stack. Also recommend Toby Rogers, A Midwestern Doctor and especially el gato malo for incisive and unequivocating insight.
I'll check out Toby Rogers and I also like A Midwestern Doctor, but I found the cat memes tiring and drifted away from that one. There are so many great substacks now I have to watch how much time I spend with them. I think my second favorite is Igor Chudov.
Reintroduce LIABILITY for drug/meds makers and this farce will disappear overnight. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.
The WEF was started in the 90's by Schwab and Maurice Strong. Henry Kissinger is also involved. Prince (King) Charles has a a lot to do with drafting the Great Reset. Look up Yuval Noah Harari who is Dr. Evil - Schwab's right hand man -henchman. This is going to be hard to stop. Schwab has convinced the Billionaires that they can rule a Fascist State and imitate the Chinese Model which is very efficient (for the Billionaires). Many call it Techno -Feudalism or Neo-Feudalism. China is not really Communist. This is a lie for the People. The CCP is ruled by China's Billionaires. The Davos Boys are all into CONTROL including Bill Gates and population control. Getting rid of useless eaters. The big step is economic collapse to control people. Make them dependent on Govt. Add a few Crisises like Soro's open border which is called the Cloward-Piven Strategy. There might be an over run Border situation. All this crisis drama to keep your eyes off the moves. If we can catch it fast enough, we can have a Bastille Day. The Elite are really afraid of our guns. Guerilla Warfare by Lone Wolves is unpredictable and the Govt has failed with all Guerilla Warfare. We may have to get larger weapons like RPGs from the Cartels. They can take out our guns one person at a time. But it's easy to take out Billionaires one by one. In the end, everyone is only worth the cost of a .556 round.
"You vill eat bugs and be happy"! The WEF, WHO, FDA, CDC, etc, all conspire to hide safety facts and data found during this Covid & Vax fiasco. They denigrate pre-existing remedies that historically prove effective in dealing with ALL Viral illnesses. It's all about PROFIT. No profit in Ivermectin (and other proven Covid remedies) as Merck found before ditching it for being unprofitably inexpensive. LIABILITY MUST RETURN for all medicines. Immunity from LIABILITY is a 'LICENCE TO KILL' for companies abusing their responsibilities for the public's wellbeing. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
Great info here Stan! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and looking for those that mean us harm!
For all of you saying to just leave California, I can’t disagree.
However, this issue is NOT isolated to California. Do not for one nanosecond believe that your doctor in your state - even a red state - is free from coercion or manipulation.
This is not just about California and not just about C O V I D.
Doctors have for years been intimidated into silence for holding unconventional positions. Think about the discrimination against pediatricians who openly accept, even encourage, non-vaccinating families. We experienced a cardiologist who wanted to recommend a low carb high natural fat way of eating (the exact opposite of the American Heart Association’s recommendations), yet he had to speak very circumspectly and with a bit of indirection, lest his colleagues harass him and make his professional life difficult. The Paleo Cardiologist (forget his name) in Arizona had to leave his cardiology group after making these sorts of recommendations to his patients - his patients were getting healthy and no longer needing procedures.
So do not think this is a C O V I D only or California only issue. Be vigilant.
Exactly. Listen to Dr. Marik with Del Bigtree on the crushing of Dr. Marik's sepsis treatment which would save millions of lives globally. One of the reasons this is happening in California, beyond Newsom's WEF allegiances and Big Tech (and its pharma ambitions) being headquartered there, and the Kaiser corporation running the health department (which is a fusion of a corporation and government, the definition of fascism) is that California has functional, integrative, Chinese, orthomolecular etc doctors just about on every street corner. They would be forced to shut up about nutrition, exercise, alternative adjunctive modalities or leave California.
California is lost to central planning & managed decay. Once in a while parents will make enough noise to get a billed pulled if it relates to poisoning their children’s mind but even those are minor setbacks for the Marxists in power here. They pull it, wait for parent fervor to subside, wordsmith the bill & title and pass it a few months later than they planned. As Steve Deace rightly assesses, unless God has called you to be a missionary to CA. or your circumstances truly do not permit you to leave, votes are wasted here and we fund the evilest state in the union via our taxes. There’s no reason able bodied, freedom loving American citizens should remain in CA. Even if you have a small enclave like Huntington Beach for example, it’s only a matter of time before your position is overrun. A tactical retreat isn’t surrender. It’s smart. Perhaps to one day mount a counterattack. “Move where the freedom is!” as Sam Kinison once said about starving Africans (Move where the food is!) God willing, Kari Lake will turn AZ into FL West and we won’t have too far to go!
What an excellent post. I hope many will follow your advice.
We left!
Remember folks, let California collapse. They asked for it, they earned it.
The ONLY thing you can do is drive them from your lands and run them out. Don’t let them come with crocodile tears to your homes. DRIVE THEM OUT.
They’re rotten to the core. In 10 years your children will be dressing in drag, your daughters will be assaulted, your towns will burn, and the criminals will rule the streets. Mark.My.Words.
DO NOT let the parasite bed down.
Drive them out.
Save your selves, save your children.
You're right Johnny.
Are you clairvoyant?
No, I’m typing anonymously.
Actually, as all honest doctors know, contemporary scientific consensus fluctuates all the time, not merely over the last two years.
In the 1950s-1970s, contemporary scientific consensus said that, for some reason, natural breastfeeding that had nourished generations for millennia was bad and urged mothers to dry up their milk with pharmaceuticals and embrace artificially made milk for their children.
Eventually that folly was recognized, although not before damaging at least an entire generation of humans who now are experiencing extraordinary rates of type two diabetes and heart disease - conditions we now know occur more often in folks who were fed artificial milk in place of breast milk.
Also in the 1940s and onward wives and mothers were urged to swap natural fats like lard, butter, and beef tallow for factory-made fats like corn and soy and cottonseed oils. We now know these man made oils increase risks for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other conditions. Unfortunately, most of our medical scientists and physicians are still unaware of this reality.
And of course, there is Vioxx that was once a golden child of Merck, until it wasn’t. Replacement hormones for menopause until they were found to increase breast cancer. And way back, hand washing was eschewed until years after Semmelweis’ discovery.
So C O V I D is by no means the only issue in which doctors and others need to be able to research and speak freely.
The State is not god. Doctors are not god. Man is not god. Man - all men (and women of course) must be free to seek truth wherever it lies and wherever it may be found.
Great comment, Copernicus. You have nailed it!
Dear FLCCC Team,
There's another example of the medical authorities being the real misinformation spreaders.
Bad news, it's found in the breast milk now. New article in JAMA.
September 26, 2022
Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk
Nazeeh Hanna, MD1; Ari Heffes-Doon, MD1; Xinhua Lin, PhD
Backup of the article, because it is a guest access key URL:
The original JAMA site cannot be preserved by the Way Back Machine, so we had to archive the archive-today version. Therefore the formatting of the following is a bit weird, but the content is still preserved thankfully.
I encourage the readers who are sharing the JAMA info, include a link to the first archive link I included, in order to preserve the information for your audience.
Look at how the authorities were the real misinformation spreaders previously:
"COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended to breastfeeding women. There is no plausible mechanism by which any vaccine ingredient could pass to your baby through breast milk. You should therefore not stop breastfeeding in order to be vaccinated against COVID-19."
- Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
I was delighted to watch a recent interview of Dr. Marik in which he openly admitted that, like nearly all of his M.D. peers, he had totally believed all of the Big Pharma lies that he had been "taught" (brainwashed into believing) in medical school, and that for his entire career had mistakenly trusted the Big Pharma-controlled prestigious medical journals as a source of accurate, up to date, truly scientific information. Unfortunately he didn't come to his senses about how incredibly corrupt the entire medical-industrial establishment has become until after he had already taken one of those gene therapy medication shots that they're fraudulently calling "vaccines." I just hope he hasn't been permanently injured by that with long term side effects (like cancer) that have not yet become evident.
I was, in a sense, fortunate in that I woke up to the facts about a decade ago after the medical-industrial establishment came extremely close to killing me with heart disease. Fortunately, thanks largely to information I found on the internet, I figured out what the hell was going on in time to prevent them from finishing the job. Once I realized what's been going on in the field of medicine for the last century or so, I fired all of my doctors who had the letters M.D. after their name. Today at the age of 72 I am healthier than I was 30 years ago. I eat what my ex-cardiologist fallaciously called a "heart-healthy diet" turned on its head. I take zero Big Pharma poisons (not so much as a baby aspirin). I get an occasional checkup from an N.D. (a graduate of Bastyr University), and I am completely free of any signs of heart disease or of any other chronic disease for that matter. As part of my self-education I've been following the likes of Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Sherry Tenpenny since long before anyone ever heard of COVID-19. As soon as "Operation Warp Speed" was announced I knew we had a true public health emergency ahead of us, and that it wasn't going to be caused by an over-hyped common cold virus. It was going to be, and now has been caused entirely by the medical-industrial establishment itself.
Until recently I expected it to take another 20 years or so for a majority of Americans to finally wake up the way I did a decade ago, thereby gradually sending the medical-industrial establishment as it exist today to its grave. If there is any bright side at all to this deliberately man-made public health catastrophe, it is that that process may now be over and done with in five years or less. The Big Pharma-controlled corporate state has become like an alcoholic who has been given unlimited free access to all the booze he can drink 24/7 and then quickly drinks himself to death.
Hopefully Newsom will get multiple boosters
I ran for mayor against Gavin 2007
I lost my business and went to jail.
Oh well
Gavin is a bought stooge.
Thank you for your courage.
You are the first one ever to say so after fifteen years
Bless your soul
Why did you go to jail?
Yes, was it for running against Newsom, or for something actually illegal?
LOL. Everything’s illegal. There isn’t a human being in the country that isn’t violating a law, or some regulation, or code.
They did this intentionally, so they can snatch you up in the night if you step out of line.
Recommend “a crime a day” the book, and twitter page for reference.
Read my substack, Grasshopper's Appeal
ScKamala had initially dropped those charges, who gave her the word?
Ok. Thank you!
If a doctor doesn’t have enough conviction in her grasp of medicine, she doesn’t deserve to be saved from this bill. Most have already shown that they are all Leana Wen to some extent — up for sale. If you look at doctors in places like Dallas and Austin vs those in SF/Bay area, you will notice that it is Texas doctors who are hell bent on towing the line and not questioning anything. These bookish people who believe that the textbook is always correct — never mind Gavin and friends are writing the book — deserve to be taught a lesson in economics.
I think Gavin should do this and whatever else his masters tell him and then let the market decide. If the patients are willing to be Guinea pigs and even pay the gutless doctors, who are we stop them?
If a doctor is no more than a bunch of rules, their jobs can be shifted to third world countries and a computer can probably run this. You see, to play this game, Gavin needs the doctors. Until the doctors figure this out, we need to keep doing whatever Gavin wants and flush these doctors out. The survivors can then start afresh and make sure Gavin’s sequels never pull these stunts again.
Gavin Newsom is about as smart as a bag of hammers and he has the impulses of a flipping rattlesnake (an idiot rattlesnake, but still a rattlesnake). He has never made much sense to me or anybody else I've ever had a conversation with about him. I am of the opinion that he has come into contact with some neurologically damaging substance and should be evaluated for dangerous levels of stupidity! I mean he is the one who decided to pass a law that allows private citizens to sue gun manufacturers because he was having a temper tantrum because Texas passed a law allowing people to sue abortion providers. Then dared SCOTUS to strike it down! He said it was "literally the same as the Texas bill they upheld", except that is NOT the same. In Texas, Doctors are not going to put themselves in a position to get their a$$ sued off by some dramatic female, and I'm sorry if this offends, but using abortion like birth control is dangerous and not how it should be used. (but the DOCTOR should not be held accountable for preforming a procedure he or she was trained to perform or for looking after the patient in their care. (Nevermind that abortion is NOT a Constitutional right, no matter what the media say, but the 2nd amendment I think may mention something about fire arms and my right to own them (sarcasm) and in order for me to indulge in that right, SOMEBODY somewhere needs to manufacture them. So one law is about the a medical procedure that should be used in NARROW instances and I am positive that 930,160 plus abortions (2020) were NOT medically necessary. And the other is aimed at a listed and specific Constitutional right .
Doctors should NOT be treated like they have been during this pandemic EVER. You would think that the government officials who are contributing to the ignorance would be a little smarter than to piss off the people they would be begging to keep them alive in a situation that required medical intervention and same goes for the rabid freaks in society that can't seem ro locate where the hell they left their common sense.
I am an old school libertarian-type liberal and I say Hooray for Ron Johnson, bless him! (Dr. Kory is up there with Asclepius for me, though no pressure of course lol)
Hospitals are Executing People
And it's WAY more lucrative than you know.
Truly Horrific New Interview with two attorneys who are suing US hospitals and doctors over #remdesivir deaths, representing 14 Fresno-area families which are "just the tip of the iceberg".
Contact Governor Newsom and tell him NO on 2098! I did.
For those of you fleeing California from a situation of your own making, stay instead and fight. Re-take your state. Soon there will be no place to run. Protest, rally, write letters. Figure out how you contributed to the current mess. But if you must run, run because you must, not because everyone else is running. Recognize you are not a lemming or a sheep and leave behind the values that tolerated and contributed to the desperate conditions of your home state.