Nothing will EVER restore my trust in any governmental or medical institution. The curtain has been pulled back in this era, and the psychological operations wizard has been exposed. And remember, this started in the previous White House and went on steroids during the current White House.

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Let’s be done now! I was done two years ago!

Money is a cruel task master!

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You might be right @parawarrior6 - I for one am so tired of the signs, the answering machines, outgoing messages, endless questions at the Dr office (sometimes you have to go) - all over this horrible COVID 19 FAKE SCARE!!

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Excellent, excellent piece by Dr. Kory- I would give it a 1000 likes if I could. I am so thrilled that it directly focuses on the two real CRIMINAL mistakes, which were a) the promotion and COERCION of the mRNA vaccines which were proven to kill more than they save in the clinical trials, and b) the denial of treatments like ivermectin and certain supplements that were proven to be lifesaving in numerous clinical trials.

I am so glad that this piece doesn't waste precious time on the crowd-pleasing anti-mask nonsense, or on whining about lockdowns which really didn't exist in the US. Mask wearing was almost always UNNECESSARY but that is the LEAST of our problems, the vaccine DEATHS are the real problem, and sadly don't seem to be slowing down. I personally know THREE people who died unexpectedly, decades before their time, a few months after the vaccines/boosters (exactly as the clinical trials forewarned), and the Rasmussen poll indicates that I am far from alone- 26% of Americans said (and even 33% of Democrats admitted!) that they think someone they know was killed by the vaccines.

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It's Time for the "Scientific" Community to Admit "We" Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives.


The dam is already broken!

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The state of emergency from 9/11 has been continuously renewed since 2001.

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If the Republican controlled House of Representatives fails to properly investigate and HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE then I’m almost certain that history will repeat itself sooner than we think. Unfortunately, we are moving closer to a “uniparty” system of government that is so CORRUPT that they are not even hiding it anymore. Follow the money trail, extortion, blackmail, etc…

“WE THE PEOPLE” must use our sheer numbers and just say NO! Never again!

“Evil succeeds when good men do nothing” God help us all… 🙏

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Here is what I want to know. There are parents everywhere who chose to homeschool their kids rather than to send them to public school. I have asked several moms on FB and most of them said tthey'd thought about before, but COVID made up their minds when they realized it basically was going to come down to the government (who locked everyone down and shuttered schools because the disease was SO dangerous) SAYING, " Eh, no big deal. We didn't really do anything to fix this or to do away with this virus that we have scared everyone half to death over, but HEY! School is the place to be (even though the reading scores and math scores are ABYSMAL!!!) so, just go ahead and throw your kid back out there and hope they aren't one of the few that this virus kills."

That was my summary of several answers all pretty much the same. SO, if there are moms who feel this way and were able to stay at home with their kids even if they sacrifice in some area or every area, what about the parents who can't do that? If we knowingly walked our children into a situation that could get them killed, we'd lose our parental and possibly do jail time for it, but it's okay to chance it with their health? I mean remember how URGENT it was to get them jabbed when it was approved? Funny up to that point they'd been talking about how children were unaffected by it... then they kept on story after story, blowing the number of children's deaths to stupidly astronomical numbers and then, just like that, Back to school you go? Now there are scared parents worrying on a daily about their kid being one of the very few who die from a particularly bad case or maybe just bad luck and incompetent money grubbing administrators in hospitals. What are they supposed to do? Can they just follow the protocol on your site to prevent/treat for it. I actually had one mom tell me that she told her daughter's doctor they weren't doing the jab and she now feels like he would refuse to help if her daughter got sick. THAT is not the only parent to have that feeling, I'm sure.

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No, the "White House“ was put in place to help the process along.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

The Reason it's May is because the WHO and all the rest are meeting again ( In May) to put the final touches on nailing our coffins shut for good!

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Not this WH. Whoever is the Democrat nominee (imagine Michelle Obama) will not only distance herself from all Biden administration mistakes but will decry as moot any attacks by association to all things medical. There’s not one politician save maybe Rand Paul who forcefully denounced all lockdowns, masksetc from the very beginning so it may be an ignored episode during the campaign.

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I am in shock that you still believe people will do the right thing voluntarily after all you have endured and learned in the past three years. I am willing to bet that there will be no admission to any mistakes never mind five mistakes. If there is any admission of mistakes it will be shrouded in excuses, and redirected responsibility. I hope I lose this bet, but I won't.

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Thank you for your post. I would agree in general but make the following points:

Re ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fluvoxamine. The first has some use and is not neuro-toxic like the other two. But in reality one should not need any big pharma drugs if one hadn't been poisoned by big pharma in the first place.

'AI flux venom' is an anagram of fluvoxamine which is hardly surprising given its side effects.

Virology is fundamentally flawed, any the claim of Pfizer mutating strains of Covid 19 stains credulity. The various variants were just a psy-op to deceive the gullible.


They can create different toxins of various chemical strengths and that is very bad in itself but they cannot create strains of the 'flu which is what Covid 19 is but merely re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc.


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I am skeptical the EUA will end. Does the end mean the EUA products can no longer be mandated? Or will another loophole be found by our leaders or another contrived emergency be revealed?

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Trust in DeMockery totally destroyed now. GOOD!

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Biden is just as likely to admit to the vaxx deaths as Trump is.

They love us too much.

Love is never having to say you're sorry.

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