Congratulations! Sometimes the squeaky wheel still gets the grease.

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That gives me hope we can win in the end. Congratulations! It’s an important book.

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Congratulations on all the positive news. Keep on slogging, FLCCC. We'll be right here with you.

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Great news!

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This is some of the best news today! Congratulations!

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So glad Dr Marik’s book was reinstated for n Amazon. I have it and it is worth reading. Also, congratulations to Dr Varon.

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This is such good news! Paul Marik is a top scientist. His research h and writing deserve to be read and honored the world over!

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Good news!

Congrats Dr. Varon

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Congratulations Dr. Marik and Dr. Varon … glad to read all the positive news !!!! Warms my heart .🤗

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So glad to hear the good news!

I was looking around when it looked like I could not order Cancer Care anymore from Amazon.

I saw some other self publishing sites. I would love to be able to order the latest version of Cancer Care (the March 2024 version 215 pages I think it is?) in print form ..... with a less scary looking cover :) ?? I like the basic cover on the pdf.

I looked into UPS stores would print for $140 ish in a binder / color ...... Fed Ex similar price ...................

If I printed the reference pages black and white and the other pages in color .... I could get to $100 roughly.

I would love to be able to order $35 for 1 copy ..... or 4 copies for $100 ..... to give as gifts at Christmas.

I came across this website ..... I don't know anything about it .... but it looked like maybe you could order a book ..... send it as a gift to multiple people.... for Christmas even??


I'm thinking of calling them tomorrow. Wondering if FLCCC could set this up with a self publishing place other than Amazon .... for those of us who stay away from Amazon. Willing to pay much more for the option. :)

Thanks so much for all you have done and continue to do! May God richly bless you and yours.

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I am still showing the print version to be "Out of print - limited availability".

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We were just thinking and talking about this during our morning walk, hoping Amazon would regain its senses and humanity! MAGIC! Dr. Paul Marik’s Cancer Care book returns to Amazon and his account is being reinstated.

Fabulous result and kudos to the FLCCC Army -- we know you helped! See one such effort at "An Open Letter from FLCCC to Amazon on Behalf of Cancer Patients Worldwide (09/19/24). Dr. Paul Marik’s book on Cancer Care was banned / made unavailable." https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-69895973

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I still cannot access it in Amazon for purchase, kindle or audible. 😪🙏

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