Jul 24Liked by FLCCC Alliance

No mistakes have been made since 2020, a well crafted plan is been executed as we speak.

Let's stop playing ostrich and deal with the global strategy first, instead of fighting tactical battles.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Jul 24·edited Jul 25Liked by FLCCC Alliance

The FLCCC Alliance is one of my Post Covid scam and DEADLY mRNA Vax heroes because of their continued efforts to show the world what is really going on.

Several weeks ago, Both my Wife and I suddenly developed unusual coughs which are nagging but never seem to clear the 'tickle' and can cause us to cough so violently that we find we cannot draw breath. It's quite disconcerting and frightening if you suddenly can't breath. Her's has lasted for two months and mine around 6 weeks, which is very strange. Perhaps there's more 'in the air' than they've started to admit. The UK Meteorological Office has conceded there IS a current program to spread micro particles into the atmosphere to deal with 'Global Warming' and to create rain in times of drought. Perhaps this is impacting our respiratory systems?

Having become a paranoid Conspiracy Theorist since 2020, I've become suspicious about many of life's health issues, such as useless injections that kill instead of cure. Big Pharma investing a fortune persuading the population to take the EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injection, which is proving to kill or make people sick instead of well. That creates vast profit opportunities from useless but dangerous jabs.

Somehow, Big Pharma still avoid LIABILITY for vax-related injuries and deaths. This is illogical if not Premeditated MURDER!

Nobody wants to know and hides from these obvious facts. UK MP Andrew Bridgen is a prime example of how our Government and the Health professionals are turning a blind eye to reality (Death by VAX). When Bridgen was eventually given an opportunity to make a Parliamentary statement by raising the 'Excess Deaths' issue in our corrupt Parliament - nearly all the other politicians left the chamber, leaving a handful of 'disinterested' MPs to ignore his concern.

I feel the UK National Health Service has been corrupted by fear and greed by going along with the Fauci GoF improved bat virus (CoronaVirus) along with opportunistic Big Pharma pretending to have invented an injectable 'CURE' within weeks of the launch of Covid. I feel the medical fraternity is either complicit in the Vax Depopulation Plan or just apathetic and greedy to earn 1.5 times more profit from every mRNA injection than they do for the Flu jab. Gone is the Hippocratic Oath 'Do No Harm' and no attempt is made to obtain 'Informed Consent' from the guinea pigs who accept the depopulating jabs.

I've sent letters to my local GP and to the NHS demanding they 'cease and desist' from inviting me to take part in their DEADLY injection CULL. Surprisingly, both HAVE acknowledged my request and have added my demands to my Health Records.

I'm scheduled a hernia operation in a couple of days and because I've become so paranoid by the desperation of Big Brother (Governments and our NHS) wanting to inject everybody with unproven mRNA 'poisons', in spite of the myriad of Adverse Reactions seemingly going unnoticed by the Establishment. I now suspect there might be a secret list of UNJABBED people (Like Me) who are targets for the Establishment.

When the sedate me, I'm vulnerable so I've recorded my rejection (in writing) of any mRNA shots while I'm in their care. I considered writing "No mRNA" on my arms, lags and buttocks, but will now wear a plastic Membership Card (around my neck) of the Vaccine Control Group, of which I am a Member. The card states "MUST NOT BE VACCINATED". I don't believe the multiple health damages that follow these 'EXPERIMENTS' are irreversible, so I'm trying to protect myself from their hidden agenda!

I've also recorded, in writing, that I will not accept any 'dangerous blood' contaminated by mRNA.

Wish me luck.

Unjabbed Mick (I want to live longer without undesirable medical interference.)

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Below is a poem by Margaret Alice.

I submit the while I have HOPE for the future of healthcare, the current system will actually have to collapse, which I anticipate will happen with the coming economic implosion. Out of those ashes where entitlements and 3rd party payers are gone, we will seek out interventions and therapies that have been shown to be efficacious not those marketed by Big Pharma and pushed by captured 3 letter agencies.

How long will it take for the dust to settle after the economic implosion I can't say.

“The Armenian genocide was not a mistake; Holodomor was not a mistake; the Final Solution was not a mistake; the Killing Fields was not a mistake; the Great Leap Forward was not a mistake. Name your genocide it was not a mistake - that in includes the Great Democide of the 2020’s, to imply otherwise is to give “them” the out they are seeking.

“It was not botched; it was not bungled; it was not a blunder; it was not incompetence; it was not lack of knowledge; it was not spontaneous mass hysteria. The planning occurred in plain sight; the planning is still occurring in plain sight.

“The philanthropaths bought the science; the modelers projected the lies; testers concocted the crisis; the NGOs leased the academics; the scientists fabricated the findings; the mouth-pieces spewed the talking points; the organizations declared the emergency; the governments erected the walls; the departments rewrote the rules; the governors quashed the rights; the politicians passed the laws; the bankers installed the control grid; the stooges ordered the money; the DoD placed the orders; the corporations fulfilled their contracts; the regulators approved the solution; the laws shielded the contractors the agencies ignored the signals; the behemoths consolidated the media; the psychologists crafted the messaging; the propogandists chanted the slogans; the fact-chokers smeared the dissidents; the censors silenced the questioners; jack-boots stomped the dissenters; the tyrants summoned; the puppeteers jerked; the puppets danced; the colluders implemented; the doctors ordered; the hospitals administered; the menticide is scripted; the bamboozled leaded; the totalitarianized bullied; the COVIDians tattled; the parents surrendered; the good citizens believed and forgot.

“This was calculated; this was formulated; this was focused grouped; this was articulated; this was manufactured; this was falsified; this was coerced; this was invective; this was denied.

“We were terrorized; we were isolated; we were gas lite; we were dehumanized; we were wounded; we were killed. Don’t let them get away with it. Don’t let them get away with it. Don’t let them get away with it.”

---- by Margaret Anna Alice.

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Jul 24Liked by FLCCC Alliance

Can't say this enoughtimeds in my life.

Simply LOVE Dr. Paul Marilk and all of the super fine doctors and people at FLCCC.


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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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I tried to follow your Rumble link to "They Lied" but got this error message: 410 - Video is not found.

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When you show genuine concern for the sick people across the world, and less concern for your own level of power, then I might believe you are not part of the monstrosity we are facing. You know full well, or should know full well, that there are few doctors willing to treat the vast proportion of mankind including the poor in western countries, and that by ensuring that all your protocols require doctors and prescription medications, you are ensuring we must save our own lives or die. Many of us are working on staying alive, no thanks to the FLCCC doctors, who are very clearly just trying to gain their own freedom to flout drug laws for their own personal gain, rather than trying to save the lives of those of us who have been felled by the bio-weapon.

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It would be helpful if there were a description of The Hope Accord at their website instead of it being only a contact page.

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