Please start selling Paul Marik's Cancer Care book in the FLCCC shop! How much to you need $$$ to get another press run if required . I am outraged that Amazon has chosen to sensor yet another genius! , Please help keep the book available. Abe books out od stock, Thrift books same.

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https://covid19criticalcare.com/reviews-and-monographs/cancer-care/ Always available to download for free. A donation would always be most appreciated :)

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But not surprised

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All of allopathic medicine got its start via Old Man Rockefeller. If you dont know the history of his influence, then you need badly educated.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

That piece of (bleep) sure got around. He and some of his pals were mucking around in China for a while now.

From a puff piece about the criminals. Also, it pretty much tells us why we had the war in the Pacific nearly a century ago."

"The life of David Rockefeller also witnessed the Rockefeller Foundation's century-long connection with China that saw investments in China's science, medicine, and higher education.

The Rockefeller family's connection with China date back to 1863, when John D. Rockefeller sold his first kerosene to China and presented his first gift to China missions.

The Rockefeller Foundation entered China in early 20th century when the West was moving toward modern ideals of evidence-based medicine.

The foundation bought the Union Medical School and renamed it the "Peking Union Medical College."

The foundation not just wanted to establish a first-class school of medicine in China. It also introduced the US Johns Hopkins model to the Peking Union Medical College Hospital."

- Rockefeller family's connection with China

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-03-21 16:16

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Yeah, no kidding. I felt it back in the mid 1980s when I was in school and then residency training it was even worse and finally post-graduation education in the early years of working in clinics the detail men (Drug Reps) were awful at trying to indoctrinate young doctors to prescribe heavy for their drugs/products. Much lying about effectiveness of some poor performing antibiotics and how "Ultram" was not habit-forming. Lies and Deceptions that some fell for. Especially those reps in short skirts and high heels that would "impress'' certain impressionable male doctors. This was all part of the Rep's training.

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Sharing. Can hardly wait.

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— D O W E - A L L


?????? —-

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If anyone doubts that we do, just remind them who supported the Bolshevik "revolution" (a coup d'etat, really) and that Uncle Joey was a member of the "Big Three."

Communism was nothing more than another form of fascism. It's a form we now call a "private-public partnership." One simply cannot have large corporations and a government but not fascism. at least in practivce.

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Also the war on repurposed drugs! Pentoxifylline is a very old medicine that works very well for venous ulcers , wound healing , peripheral vascular disease esp those with intermittent clas it improves tissue microcirculation bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas . It also improves heart failure survival. It does not get glamorized since it’s off patent and in fact the Chest and other agency guidelines dismiss its effectiveness . It’s a very sad time in medicine. Most doctors follow the corporate guidelines thinking they are following evidence based medicine and don’t take out the time to read the primary literature . Vascular surgeons used to prescribe it a lot back in the day with great success.

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There are mis-directs implanted into science and medicine as retardants and they have been protected by gatekeepers and peer review.

I’ve logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a FRAUD.

We are not machines using dry gases of combustion and exhaust!

Our physiology is underpinned by HYDRATION not oxygenation.

Every part of our body requires moisture.

Water follows SALT.

Hydration equals SALT plus water.

The salt restriction directives have caused the massive increase in chronic dis-ease.

I have three articles that break paradigms holding back our body’s ability to heal. We are robust creatures.

We simply need to get SALTY!

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

We breathe air not oxygen

How do salt restriction directives lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

And I link to a BRILLIANT demonstration of how oxygen is made into nitrogen using a home oxygen concentrator.

Oxygen and nitrogen are products of air NOT constituents of air.

The elemental table is really a manufacturers table. The alchemists table. Yes even gold is a guarded recipe not a purified element.

The idea of scarcity is ALWAYS engineered.

Yes, I tip over a few sacred cows, so get ready to revisit all you think you know!

Truth loves scrutiny.

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